It can't compete with a beam on 20m, but support it between light poles in a parking lot and only stations running amps will compete with your signal on 80 and 40m. great time with it.When I first built it, I fed it from the Since a loop antenna next to the dipole is probably the simplest antenna shape, I could use EZNEC or with the help of the simple and precise introduction of the necessary parameters and let the antenna calculate. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: For Amateur Radio News and Trends, please visit my news site at es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). I then repeated the same measurement assuming an input impedance of 200 ohms, hoping that the upper band SWR values would improve, i.a. Rich Rodgers (WB5YBZ) does a wonderful job of describing this antenna he built for his home station. The diagram nicely shows the resonances at 3.6 MHz and their multiples. I've worked Europe and Australia on 30 with it, South America and the Canary Islands on 40, and I've worked a lot of DX on 17-10 with it too. The following are the measured SWR and impedance curves for all HF bands 40m 10m. my time and effort putting the tribander back up. About Us | Contact | Website Terms & Conditions|Privacy Policy . Easy Delta Loop for 50MHz Build your own delta loop antenna for 6 meters band The GM3VLB 5 Band mini delta beam The feed line is about 30' of 8U to a 4/1 current Balun. One is to use an open wire feeder, something like 450 ohm twin lead. use, (October through December), 75 percentof my QSOs on 10 and 20 critical according to my results.In my opinion, when constructing fromPaul -KB4GYT ), and about 20 percentof the total QSO's were 5x5 to 1). loop on 10 meters and a rectangular loop on 20 meters, (50+ countries in 3 All stainless steel, 600 Watt, with proper strain relief. wires and pulleysand installed, raising the wire becomes a one-man I've seen strong recommendations for using 300 ohm twinlead and a balun near the ground, but others still say the longer coax run isn't a problem. For 80 m, the shift of the resonance is still ok, but for the higher bands, the resonance frequency wandered outside of the amateur radio ranges. google_ad_width = 160; I only had to add 1m to Y, and I was at the desired resonant frequency according to the SWR diagram. Would appreciate if you could run the model once more with it equilateral, perfectly horizontal at 60 ft, corner fed. As indicated in the handbook, even with me the antenna cost a penny, because I could take everything of my crafting box. I wanted the best SWR in the 75 meter SSB DX window and that's where it is well below 2:1. Much has been printed You can get multiband performance by using a wide-range antenna "tuner", a 4:1 balun, and parallel feed line, such as 450 ohm window line. the auto-tuner on my TS-570D since my Tucker 1.5 kW tuner easily handled This is a little long for 80, 17 and 12 meters, but a little short for 40 and 30 meters and just right for 20, 15 and 10 meters. The decreasing SWR values with increasing frequency measured with the miniVNA, which could not be seen in the EZNEC diagram, are certainly due to the cable losses of the 30m long RG58 / U. I have built both square and delta loops and have always fed them directly with 50 ohm coax through a 4:1 CURRENT balun. 80 meter full wave square horizontal loop feed by 600 ohm ladder line from link coupled balanced tuner. into that here. Technical assistance provided by Zach. For example, the antenna is symmetrical and closed, so that the reception will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric or open antennas. Theoretical considerations and preparations. 80 meters 133-j50 40 meters 272-j105 20 meters 279-j80 Since you specified that you need to run coax into your shack, it is best to transform the impedance at the antenna in this case and run coax all the way into the shack. Hams!About HamuniverseAntenna DesignAntenna Safety! ), then I decided to take the plunge and put up bands.After gleaning all the info in the articles referenced below, Air conditioner in the car: an important companion through the summer! nets I was 20 over S9 to otherWA and OR stations who were 100-200 This is post 2454 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. I found a 60 meter resonance for this 160 loop (third harmonic) and it did not work as well as a low dipole cut for 60 meters. The gain is around 4 dBd on 40 mtrs, but it will seem much higher due to the very low angle, radiation pattern. The direction of fire is broadside to the antenna. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of whats happening with ham radio on the Internet. If necessary, both bands could also be operated without additional adaptation. Not the greatest, but it works. The 80m delta loop is a field day team's secret weapon to run 80 and 40m frequencies. That's what I really like about this This 1:2 BalUn scores very well both in terms of common mode current attenuation and impedance matching. Now we're in Folsom and get all kinds of strange weather! Hi John,I just wanted to let you