Abolition - National Geographic Society Now, I would like to introduce to you a graduate from the "peculiar institution." Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):You know! Michael Bolt By the time Angelina and Theodore attended an anti-slavery convention two days after the wedding, Philadelphia was seething with racial tension. Henceforth, it becomes the date of a new and glorious era in the history of American liberty. This episode is approximately 53 minutes long. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I know. Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):Yes, Angelina, I have Christian feelings, and you are putting them to the test right now. Narrator:Griffiths would eventually bow to the pressure, and move back to England. Hoping to pacify the South, Congress hurriedly passed a Constitutional amendment protecting the status of slavery forever. And if the slave should put every one of them to the sword tomorrow, who would say that they deserve anything less than death? He was the real thing, and to a Frederick Douglass, he was also the real thing in terms of actually believing, about as deeply as anybody Douglass had ever met, in racial equality. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I had hoped for more men, of course. Paul Stober Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):May the sun continue to shine as it now does, and may our Father guide us in love through the rest of our pilgrimage. Cara White, Post Production There was nothing that you had to do that there wasn't a slave who took care of it for you. What will you do? And he's suddenly become famously depicted in art, wearing these sort of evening slippers with this long, peaceful old patriarch beard, and he's the abolitionist grandfather you wish you had. Narrator:On the evening of July 4th, 1854, an immense crowd gathered on the Boston Common to celebrate the 78th anniversary of American independence. But he's made this decision that it matters not. Kevin Mulligan American Experience The Abolitionists Teaching Resources | TPT In the mid-19th century, the abolitionist movement in the United States sought the immediate emancipation of all enslaved people. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Thank you, no, Mrs. Brown. James Fox In Cleveland, he spoke to three large rallies in a single day, standing for hours in a cold rain. Garrison was too wary of politics to get involved, but he did meet quietly with one of Lincoln's emissaries. Gramercy Post. Danielle Sload, Supporting Cast Narrator:By the fall of 1830, William Lloyd Garrison was back in Boston, doggedly pursuing his dream of an abolitionist newspaper. You're beautiful. Narrator:Over the course of a few months, Douglass traveled three and a half thousand miles. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):Every once in a while, I could hear my master speaking angrily about "abolitionists." Called by many names, the abolitionists tore the nation apart in order to create a more perfect union. News of the guerilla war flaring in Kansas became the talk of the nation. Shelby Crouch Derrick Brown . Dylan Frayser Jeff Clanet Manisha Sinha, Historian:The Civil War moved Garrison farther and farther away from that abstract devotion to peace principles and pacifism that he had held through the years. On the night of May 24th, 1856, Brown and four of his sons dragged five pro-slavery men from their cabins, and hacked them to pieces with broadswords. Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College / Allen & Rowell The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Manisha Sinha, Historian:Garrison has hit Douglass below the belt. West Virginia State Archives, Boyd B. Stutler Collection She sees these people, I mean they are human beings. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):Mother? They then proceeded a few blocks to Zion's Church, where a mass of humanity pressed into every available spot. Julia Saunders Franky Garrison (Jacob Washburn):Father! Susan Antonelli David Kruta, Production Sound Mixers Paris Jones For three days, he was lost in a terrifying haze of fever and delirium. Narrator:For years, John Brown had been trying to divine God's purpose, to make sense of his afflictions. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):Let Southern oppressors tremble, let their Northern apologists tremble -- let all the enemies of the persecuted blacks tremble. Adrienne Weiss Yet, for Douglass, Garrison, and Stowe, for millions of slaves and millions of their white brethren, all of the suffering finally had a new meaning. members of the growing band of reformers who worked to abolish, or end, slavery. Malika Jamison State officials could never again take part in the recapture of a fugitive slave. In a sweeping decision, Taney ruled that Congress had no authority to prevent the spread of slavery to the territories. Narrator:Edward Covey was a farmer back on Maryland's eastern shore who traded on his reputation as a slave breaker. Tony Horwitz, Author:Brown is almost a battering ram of a human being. Carol Berkin, Historian:Of course, since they're women, to speak in front of a mixed -- or as they called it, promiscuous -- audience of men and women was absolutely forbidden. Boston Mob Leaders Lance Lemon National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution / Art Resource, NY There is a kind of work that Garrison can do, precisely because he is a white man in America in the 1830s. Kareem Washington Narrator:Douglass had fled the United States alone, a fugitive running for his life. But Angelina found it almost unbearable -- an empire of sin. "SUASION" COMES FROM SAME WORD AS IN "PERSUASION"; MEANS TO CONVINCE OR TO COUNSEL. Henceforth, this day shall take rank with the Fourth of July. There could be little doubt that Brown would follow them. He moved not with the tide, but against it. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, SC By the end of the week, Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel about the evils of slavery had sold 10,000 copies; within two months, 50,000. It was one of the contentious differences between the North and South that led to the Civil War. New Castle Courthouse Museum, New Castle, DE ", Narrator:After the massacre, Brown and his followers hid out in the wilderness, resurfacing occasionally to battle pro-slavery forces. Kevin Inouye Garrison, like everybody, like Douglass, like all the people that have been in tremendous conflict with each other before the war, are in a sense reunited in the war for the Union. I'm not afraid of you We're not fighting each other, we're fighting the God-damned abolitionists Just relax You back off of me Don't you mess with me, boy. Narrator:American Slavery As It Isbecame the best-selling book in the country. New Castle Presbyterian Church, New Castle, DE Virginia FieldsMary Dutton William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):I am willing to be persecuted, imprisoned, and bound for advocating African rights, and I should deserve to be a slave myself, if I shrunk from that duty or danger. (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). Michael Rizzo But for Garrison, the real triumph came the next morning, at a mass meeting of freed slaves. They're bullying and intimidating and sometimes killing Northern settlers. But with its publication, Angelina Grimk's public career was over. Slavery marches right up into Massachusetts and now Northerners get to see the face of evil. Daniel Sheets Tony Horwitz, Author:Brown is not simply evening the score in Kansas. Firemen stood aside and watched it burn. Gordon Whiteway, Casting Associates David W. Blight, Historian:You've just had a huge blow to your belief that somehow you're going to end slavery in this country by appealing to the Christian soul of the country. And it will serve no purpose. For her, its cruelty was all too real -- every account of flight, of capture, tore at the agonizing memory of Charley's death. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Mr. Douglass! Joseph Allen But she's not the same know-it-all obnoxious girl she was when she was younger. The Abolitionists - Episode 1 - Worksheet and Key PDF & Digital But he was out of their reach. 2b. Tom Dinardo But in the fall of 1850, the country stepped back from the brink, when Congress adopted what became known as "The Great Compromise." Abolitionist Strategies Worksheet SHEC: Resources for Teachers Tony Horwitz, Author:In the summer of 1855, Kansas has really become the front line in the conflict over slavery. As he dressed for a prayer meeting a few days after the killing, John Brown knew what God meant for him. For almost four decades, Garrison had dedicated his life to this moment. John Brown had never put much stock in Garrison's talk of peace and persuasion -- "milk and water" abolitionism, he called it. Almost 50 abolitionist groups formed in 10 states. First Assailant (Actor):All right. The case had seemed inconsequential: a Missouri slave named Dred Scott wanted the court to set him free, because his master had taken him to live in Illinois and then Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was illegal. Soon,Uncle Tom's Cabinbegan reaching vast new audiences, including many who had never read a novel, when it was adapted as a wildly popular play. Shortly after landing in Boston, Douglass joined Garrison for a speaking tour of Ohio. United American Costume Company Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):I stand before you as a Southerner, exiled from the land of my birth by the sound of the lash, and the piteous cry of the slave. They're going to be murdered. In 1835 an angry mob destroyed abolitionist . Harriet Beecher Stowe (Kate Lyn Sheil, audio):Yesterday, I went downtown and found all gloomy and discouraged. There are 13 LESSONS and a total of 29 FILES in, Immigrants & Reformers Unit: Lessons, Readings, Breakouts & Tests /Middle School, History is a complete social studies curriculum designed for middle school students of Early, History & Social Studies. Amistad Research Center at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA As she was recovering, Angelina wrote to Theodore, saying she hadn't realized how much he disliked her. The Abolitionists: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS LearningMedia Manisha Sinha, Historian:This is when the South sort of closes itself completely on the issue of slavery. Can you not see that women could do, and would do, a hundred times more for the slave if she were not shackled? Tony Horwitz, Author:What Brown has done, ultimately, is just to expose the depth of the divide between North and South. Narrator:Uncle Tom's Cabintriggered a wave of defiance to the Fugitive Slave Law. Most important of all, for the first time in his life, Douglass was free. You said yourself, you became a man when you fought Mr. He was a fugitive. Why were you raised by your grandmother -- what about your mother? Catering by Jill William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):I have labored unremittingly to effect the peaceful abolition of slavery by an appeal to the reason and conscience of the slaveholder. I have sought in my humble way to see in the distance the white flags of freedom, the time at which the cruel bondage of my people should end. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Your speeches have been an inspiration to us. David W. Blight, Historian:Slaves were the single largest financial asset in the entire American economy, worth more than all manufacturing, all railroad, steamship lines, and other transportation systems, put together. New Standards: Lessons, Readings, DBQs NEW Inquiry-Based STANDARDS is a complete social studies curriculum designed for middle school students of EARLY, HISTORY & SOCIAL STUDIES. James Brewer Stewart, Historian:Once the firing happens on Fort Sumter, Garrison wraps himself in the flag. We'll give you $800. Lincoln thought Garrison should have the honor of helping raise the flag over the re-conquered fortress. Chuck Rayner Nina Kuhn John Brown (T. Ryder Smith, audio):Had I interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great, every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:It was a terrible disease. Most of them had come to hear William Lloyd Garrison. In Charleston, copies were publicly burned, and the mayor warned her mother that if Angelina ever dared visit Charleston again she would be thrown in jail. But by that time in the South, if you did you were taking a serious risk. Joseph Debona, Jr. John Stauffer, Historian:For Douglass, what better symbol of democracy and of racial equality is there in the United States is if the federal government arms and gives uniforms to black soldiers and tells them to kill white men. Though Garrison gave a rousing speech, Angelina's head was turned by a striking young theologian who ran most of the sessions. Narrator:George Latimer had arrived in Boston in the fall of 1842, only to be thrown in jail at the request of a Virginia planter. Many abolitionists agreed. Diana Mankowski, Set Coordinators He ignored the warnings. In return for allowing California to join the Union as a free state, Southerners were granted the prospect of someday forming slave states in Utah and New Mexico. Scott Kardel, Marketing & Publicity Narrator:In the spring of 1850, the question of the territories seized in the Mexican War finally exploded in the gravest crisis in the nation's history. Henry! Have you no Christian feelings? A collection of American Experience's most literary content. But Frederick Douglass, the man everyone had come to hear, didn't say much of anything at all. Many abolitionists lost hope in the president when they read reports of a meeting at the White House later that summer. But in their time together, she managed to drum a fierce Christian conscience into her son. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):But if we stoop to bloodshed, we are no better than they are. Lois Brown, Historian:You see the South rising to say, "This is yet another assault on our way of life. Fifty! Instead, it triggered a wave of repression throughout the slave states. Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, I submit. Matt Snedecor, Assistant Sound Editor Stowe had hoped to become a writer, but now she was too busy raising six young children on very little money. I am tormented by the thought of the slave mothers whose babes are torn from them. Lena Drobot, Craft Services Assistants Africans in America | Teacher's Guide - Part 4 | Questions and Josh Allen Garrison, Douglass, and their kindred spirits protested in vain as Northern and Southern whites conspired to keep the emancipated slaves in a condition almost indistinguishable from slavery. Chief Justice Roger Taney saw the case as an opportunity to settle the question of slavery once and for all. Kwame Washington Karla Brown Cheryl Stark Rob Vaughan, Grips Narrator:Frederick Douglass's faith in America had endured through 20 years of slavery, and 20 years of fruitless struggle. In the face of personal risks beatings, imprisonment, even death abolitionists held fast to their cause, laying the civil rights groundwork for the future and raising weighty constitutional and moral questions that are with us still. He scrounged around for printing supplies and convinced a colleague to loan him a few reams of paper. James Traynor In 1828 he was 22 years old, newly arrived in the city from his hometown of Newburyport. Narrator:By the fall of 1835, anti-abolitionist violence was closing in on Boston. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles, audio):I know you do not make the laws but I also know that you are the wives and mothers, sisters and daughters of those who do. I only saw her a few times, at night. Newspapers across the South celebrated the assault, but when news of the incident reached John Brown's encampment in Kansas, he and his followers were enraged. Get the rope. Agitators. Edward Kelahan Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):If we fail, we shall go down as we deserve to go down, as a warning to all other nations, which shall come after us. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):When we first unfurled the banner ofThe Liberator, we did not anticipate that to protect Southern slavery the free states would voluntarily trample underfoot all law, order, and government. The Compromise of 1850 had strengthened the grip of slaveholders over the federal government, and introduced the notorious Fugitive Slave Law. Narrator:The Grimks quickly found themselves at the center of a storm. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Well, sir: In one stroke we shall rouse this nation. Each Google Slide/PowerPoint is a stand-alone lesson, now embedded with primary source documents that frame each lesson. But John Brown's long and bloody struggle was just beginning. Garrison was horrified by descriptions of the slave pens where men, women, and children were held, awaiting shipment further South, and he began to think that ending slavery was the cause that could give meaning to his life. "As it was, all hands in the house united in making him up a bed." This entire document, or any parts within, may not be reproduced or displayed for public viewing. Robert Spencer, Key Grips Seth Wood Lois Brown, Historian:There's a kind of fearlessness about Angelina Grimk. The pacifist printer chastised Brown for his role in the Pottawatomie killings, and insisted that nonviolence was still the only path to victory. It contains 16 questions from a great history website and includes questions that cover, resource includes a detailed teacher key for ease of assessment.This resource will help your students unde, stories of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, Angelina Grimke and Harriet Beecher Stowe. New Hampshire Historical Society Here we have proof positive that there is an utter disregard for the compromises that have been made to found this American republic, to try to keep this thing running. The campaign was bearing fruit. My soul will be judged by the Lord, and not by you or anyone else. Lincoln also vows to add even more teeth to the Fugitive Slave Law. Garrison and New York businessman Lewis Tappan hoped to build on this momentum with a bold plan to directly confront Southern slaveholders and their supporters. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. Trina ComissiongSlave Auction Child Brown spends the same amount of time trying to convince Douglass to go to Harpers Ferry with him to be his right-hand man. William Lloyd Garrison came, as did Angelina and Sarah Grimk. "Here you see your handiwork. Jeremy Flora Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts So to have a person like Douglass gave the anti-slavery cause teeth; it gave it authenticity; it gave it a new voice. Julie Roy Jeffrey For example, on May 17, 1838, an abolitionist convention was held in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Hall. Victory meant abolition. On the night of October 16th, 1859, John Brown and his men seized the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, taking several hostages. You must cleave slavery to the ground! He tries to recruit these black men to lead efforts to colonize black folk out of the United States. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:She was really fueled by the grief for her baby, but I suspect, too, perhaps, anger at a Calvinist God. Three paper mills feeding three printing presses running 24 hours a day, and still the publisher couldn't keep up. James Armistead Lafayette - Revolutionary Spy (1760 - August 9, 18, Help your students connect with history when studying, songs to help shape classroom conversations regarding America's road to revolution!This worksheet facilitates students' analysis of, Marquis de Lafayette, John Laurens, & Hercules MulliganEarly abolitioni, songs to help shape classroom conversations regarding America's road to revolution!Analysis facilitates students' analysis of how, following historical topics:Hamilton's childhoodHamilton's role in, Caribbean sugar & slave tradeAn introduction to America's Founding FathersPolitics in, Historical Figure Study (Frederick Douglass), United States. Catherine Middleton, Hair/Makeup Assistants That could be accomplished only by amending the Constitution. But the Union had to win, or the Proclamation would mean nothing. When he left London to return home in the spring of 1847, 1,400 people came to see him off. For Garrison, it was yet more proof that the Republic itself had been corrupted at birth, its original sin implanted in a founding document written largely by slaveholders. He had once been a successful merchant and tanner, a good provider to his family. Donna Jerome Viola Thomas Coleman John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):The colored people must fight back. Charles Harris Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:In the Calvinist scheme of things, if God sent you suffering it was because he loved you and he wanted to teach you something. Meanwhile, a few miles outside the city, anti-slavery activists marked the occasion in a very different spirit. On the morning of April 12th, 1861, Frederick Douglass was preparing to leave the United States. Chris Paz Lois Brown, Historian:On the one level, you hate to reduce it to race. He can bear witness to the true nature of that institution. Garrison insisted that abolitionists renounce their government, that they withdraw from citizenship and refuse to vote. The war! They are also designed so that a review of the completed worksheet gives students a basic overall summary of the video.