EPU may also be referred to as Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) or Estimated Position Error (EPE), If unable to comply with the requirements of an RNAV or RNP procedure, pilots must advise air traffic control as soon as possible. Emergency Operations: Task A. allow for you to preview checkpoints, Can be positively identified and plotted as a point on a chart (i.e., mountains, large bodies of water, etc. Multiply 0.1 by 60 (minutes in an hour) and you'll get 6, for 6 minutes to travel that distance at that ground speed. Although the appropriate response will vary with the situation, in general pilots should: Use the last reliable navigation information as the basis for initial headings, and climb above terrain, Change to another source of navigation, if available (i.e., VOR, DME radar vectors), Pilots should promptly notify ATC if they experience GPS anomalies. The two terms, often used interchangeably, in fact mean different things: Courses are the direction which the aircraft is actually traveling (impacted by winds), Headings are the directions which the aircraft faces (where it is pointed). Diversions - CFI Notebook Flight Planning | Flight Planning - lavisencouleur.com A-RNP allows for scalable RNP lateral navigation values (either 1.0 or 0.3) in the terminal environment. Other methods providing an equivalent level of performance may also be acceptable, For procedures or routes requiring the use of GPS, if the navigation system does not automatically alert the flight crew of a loss of GPS, the operator must develop procedures to verify correct GPS operation, RNAV terminal procedures (DP and STAR) may be amended by ATC issuing radar vectors and/or clearances direct to a waypoint. RNP AR DP has lateral accuracy values that can scale to no lower than RNP 0.3 in the initial departure flight path. Each procedure is designated for use with a specific electronic navigational aid, such as ILS, VOR, NDB, RNAV, etc. Usually, the first indication of flying into restricted visibility conditions is the gradual disappearance of lights on the ground If the lights begin to take on an appearance of being surrounded by a halo or glow, the pilot should use caution in attempting further flight in that same direction In such airspace, the RNAV 10 NavSpec will be applied, so any aircraft eligible for RNP 10 will be deemed eligible for RNAV 10 operations. If an alternate is required, the alternate airport must have an instrument approach while meeting certain criteria: 800' ceiling, 2 miles visibility, if non-precision approach, 600' ceiling, 2 miles visibility, if precision approach, If no approach exists for the alternate runway, descent from cruising altitude must be possible under Visual Flight Rules, Note that minimums published for approaches may differ, Navigation can be accomplished in several ways, Two examples include pilotage and dead reckoning which, although different, are not mutually exclusive, Dead recokoning is navigation by planning, When track = course you are flying exactly where you intend, Various tools are necessary to complete a flight plan, Generally the most direct route is preferred but several considerations may require some deviation, Checkpoints allow you to follow the progress of your flight against your planning calculations, Landmarks can be checkpoints but may also inform a pilot where they are in relation to checkpoints. A Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) associated with a NAVAID is designated by a thin-lined box with the controlling AFSS frequency above the box and the name under the box, Without an associated facility, the thin-lined RCO box contains the AFSS name and remote frequency, Automated Surface Observing Station (ASOS) and Automated Weather Observing Station (AWOS) are continuously transmitted over selected NAVAIDs and depicted in the NAVAID box, ASOS/AWOS are depicted by a white "A" in a solid black circle in the upper right or left corner. and the termination point (e.g., the path terminates at an altitude, distance, fix, etc. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Flight Plans: FAA Form 7233-1, Flight Plan Flight plans are a result of the deliberate planning process which results in a tool for both the pilot and Air Traffic Control Completed and filed on the FAA Form 7233-1, flight plans provide basic times and locations to track flights and manage traffic (See paragraph 5-4-18. Initial data elements included are: Airport and Helicopter Records, VHF and NDB Navigation aids, en route waypoints and airways. Still looking for something? LNAV/VNAV incorporates LNAV lateral with vertical path guidance for systems and operators capable of either barometric or SBAS vertical. Loss of Communications. For example, RNP 1 is different from RNAV 1, and an RNP 1 eligibility does NOT mean automatic RNP 2 or RNAV 1 eligibility. That required capability will be listed in the PBN box. Navigation and Flight Planning - CFI Notebook PDF Erau Flight Plan - CFI Notebook: "Higher" Education RF turn capability is optional in RNP 1 eligibility. Is time lost fighting a headwind gained back when riding a tailwind? Copyright 2023 CFI Notebook, All rights reserved. Other methods providing an equivalent level of performance may also be acceptable, For RNAV 1 DPs and STARs, pilots of aircraft without GPS, using DME/DME/IRU, must ensure the aircraft navigation system position is confirmed, within 1,000 feet, at the start point of take-off roll. Cockpit Management - CFI Notebook [Figure 1-4], Very high frequency omni-directional ranges (VORs) are the principal NAVAIDs that support the Victor and Jet airways, Many other navigation tools are also available to the pilot, For example, non-directional beacons (NDBs) can broadcast signals accurate enough to provide stand-alone approaches, and DME allows the pilot to pinpoint a reporting point on the airway, Though primarily navigation tools, these NAVAIDs can also transmit voice broadcasts, Tactical air navigation (TACAN) channels are represented as the two- or three-digit numbers following the three-letter identifier in the NAVAID boxes, The AeroNav Products terminal procedures provide a frequency-pairing table for the TACAN-only sites. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) - CFI Notebook Considerations for selection of either are: Are they small enough to be considered a "point? ), Similar to RNP AR approaches, RNP AR departure procedures have stringent equipage and pilot training standards and require special FAA authorization to fly. Scalability and RF turn capabilities is mandatory in RNP AR DP eligibility. Pilots transitioning to VOR navigation in response to GPS anomalies should refer to the Chart Supplement U.S. to identify airports with available conventional approaches associated with the VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) program. See the latest AC 90-105 for more information on A-RNP, including NavSpec bundling options, eligibility determinations, and operations approvals, A-RNP eligible aircraft are NOT automatically eligible for RNP AR APCH or RNP AR DP operations, as RNP AR eligibility requires a separate determination process and special FAA authorization, RNP 1 requires a lateral accuracy value of 1 for arrival and departure in the terminal area, and the initial and intermediate approach phase when used on conventional procedures with PBN segments (for example, an ILS with a PBN feeder, IAF, or missed approach). There are other objects or structures that could adversely affect your flight, such as construction cranes near an airport, newly constructed buildings, new towers, etc. These events are geographically limited, coordinated, scheduled, and advertised via GPS and/or WAAS NOTAMS. Erau Flight Plan - CFI Notebook: "Higher" Education Night Operations - CFI Notebook Airplane Flying Handbook, When an MEA, MOCA, and/or MAA change on a segment other than at a NAVAID, a sideways "T" (, If there is an airway break without the symbol, one can assume the altitudes have not changed (see the upper left area of Figure 1-2), When a change of MEA to a higher MEA is required, the climb may commence at the break, ensuring obstacle clearance. For example, while operating on a Q-Route (RNAV 2), the aircraft is considered to be established on-course when it is within 2 nm of the course centerline, Pilots must be aware of how their navigation system operates, along with any AFM limitations, and confirm that the aircraft's lateral deviation display (or map display if being used as an allowed alternate means) is suitable for the accuracy of the segment being flown. Task II.G: Navigation and Flight Planning | Mark Berry - CFI Notebook In the U.S., these minimum functions include capability to calculate and perform RF turns, scalable RNP, and parallel offset flight path generation. ), You need not pass directly over a positive landmark for it to be useful to you, Be cautious of man-made landmarks as they may have changed, moved, or no longer exist, Water features are depicted using two tones of blue, and are considered either "Open Water" or "Inland Water", "Open Water," a lighter blue tone, shows the shoreline limitations of all coastal water features at the average (mean) high water levels for oceans and seas, Light blue also represents the connecting waters like bays, gulfs, sounds, fjords, and large estuaries, Exceptionally large lakes like the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, and Lake Okeechobee, etc., are considered Open Water features, The Open Water tone extends inland as far as necessary to adjoin the darker blue "Inland Water" tones, All other bodies of water are marked as "Inland Water" in the darker blue tone, Can be positively identified but not specifically plotted because they extend for some distance, Features such as roads, railroads, coastlines, power lines and rivers may make good timing checkpoints if they are perpendicular to the course line and have other specific environmental particulars that identify your position, Rivers and power lines must be easy to find, either isolated or large so they are unmistakable with confirming landmarks so they can be confirmed, Railroads and major highways are almost always depicted on aeronautical charts, Features that a pilot suspects he can correlate with the chart, but they may not be fully reliable, Landmarks such as oil wells, and windmills may be repetitious. Weather products like windy.com offer additional insight into aviation weather forecasts and observations, Review your flight planning safety knowledge by taking the. U.S. standard lateral accuracy values typically used for various routes and procedures supporting RNAV operations may be based on use of a specific navigational system or sensor such as GPS, or on multi-sensor RNAV systems having suitable performance Depiction of PBN Requirements: CFI Lesson Plans are guides for use by flight instructors and applicants alike to achieve a desired certification or rating Pilot ratings are separated by the type of license, and the type of aircraft operation Certificates can be separated into: Private Pilot Recreational Pilot Sport Pilot Operations can be divided into either: Land Sea Typically, an aircraft eligible for A-RNP will also be eligible for operations comprising: RNP APCH, RNP/RNAV 1, RNP/RNAV 2, RNP 4, and RNP/RNAV 10. Supporting structures such as guy wires exist here as well, Some locations identify these obstructions with unique sequencing flashing white strobe light systems, However, many power lines do not require notice to the FAA and, therefore, are not marked and/or lighted, Many of those that do require notice do not exceed 200 feet AGL or meet the Obstruction Standard of 14 CFR Part 77 and, therefore, are not marked and/or lighted, Pilots are cautioned to remain extremely vigilant, especially in the case of seaplane and/or float-equipped aircraft, The majority of unmanned free balloons currently being operated have, extending below them, either a suspension device to which the payload or instrument package is attached or a trailing wire antenna, or both, Good judgment on the part of the pilot dictates that aircraft should remain well clear of all unmanned free balloons and flight below them should be avoided at all times, Pilots are urged to report any unmanned free balloons sighted to the nearest FAA ground facility with which communication is established to assist FAA ATC facilities in identifying and flight following unmanned free balloons operating in the airspace. (See 1-1-13). This includes terrain, navaid coverage, emergency options, etc. Motivator: Cockpit management are the actions and procedures, starting with preflight, in which all necessary equipment, documents, checklists, and navigation charts appropriate for the flight are on board and easily accessible. Those subject areas are all listed below: Fundamentals of Instruction The Learning Process Human Behavior and Effective Communication The Teaching Process Teaching Methods Critique and Evaluation Print outs of the local airport information from the Chart Supplement U.S. To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with pilotage and dead reckoning, References: 14 CFR part 61; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; Navigation Charts, To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with cross-country flights and VFR flight planning, References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; Navigation Charts; Chart Supplements; AIM; NOTAMs, Planning is based on what we believe will occur, It may be incorrect and calculations/adjustments may need to be made in flight, but having a point from which to depart leads to educated decisions, The military calls this mission cross-check, When dead reckoning, you've done the math to determine timing, and so if you arrive at a checkpoint according to timing and direction but you don't see it, turn to your next heading and orient yourself, Information to aircraft performance at various altitudes can be found in Chapter 5 of the Pilot Information Manual, Navigation should always be done from the chart to the landmarks, This means look at your chart first and then at the ground for your landmark, If done the other way around you could find yourself staring at your map looking for a landmark that may not be charted, There is no correct cruise altitude, its a balance of terrain and obstacles, glide distances, winds, required VFR cruising altitudes and flight levels, and smoothness of air, Remember that documents may not reflect reality and when it comes to services available at an airport, they may not be available due to supplies or even destructive weather, It is advised that you call FBOs ahead of departures to ensure required services are available, Don't forget about what you want to do after you reach your destination, Chose an Fixed-Based Operator (FBO) ahead of landing and give them a call before you depart to ensure the desired services will be available, where you must go to receive them (i.e., fuel farms may not be at the FBO ramp), and any special parking instructions, When traveling cross-country, it is recommended to carry extra closes/toiletries (bingo bag) to mitigate comfort-based delays when making, Pilots should consider the implications of planning or filing/requesting direct legs.