Uncertainty about purity and wet dream. - IslamQA Aisha (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah, sallallahu alihi wasalam, was asked about a man who notices some wetness but does not remember having a wet dream. Having a sexual dream does not mean the person had an orgasm, although it might. Saba has a BA degree in Islamic Studies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Its making life difficult. If I get some discharge from my vagina when I think about sex, do I have to do ghusl after that? I dont even want to tell my own mother about it or ask if its normal. read the updated part in the post above, it should help inshaAllah, Pingback: Should Parents Tell Their Children About Changing Hormones? Some people believe that wet dreams will reduce a man's sperm count. 6. I know this was posted like nearly ten years ago and I most likely wont get a reply but I cant find the answer to my question elsewhere, so.. Qn 1; does rape, sexual abuse, ambiguous consent, just kissing in your dreams count as a wet dream? By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. Now I am not sure what to do due to the Hadith that a Junub person cannot recite the Quran. //]]>, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. And Allah knows best. a mans prayer is cut off when a woman who has gotten her menstruation passes in front of him. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Saheeh Muslim, 469). jazakAllaahu for the reply. He began searching far and wide for answers to the fundamental questions of life and was disappointed at the answers he found. 1. He said: Women are the full sisters of men. [Sunan Ab Dwd and Sunan al-Tirmidh]. I want to mention that I was amazed at the level of shyness sisters feel in asking questions, Pingback: Sexual Activities Beyond The Norm: What Should We Teach Our Teens | MuslimMatters.org. He studied numerous texts in Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith, and other areas with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other teachers, including Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Shaar, Shaykh Ali Hani, and others. Dont you feel ashamed writing something like that when you know men are reading what you write, and possibly curious teenage boys? If you're new to lucid dreaming, start with your hands, Robert Waggoner, president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and author of Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the Inner . Dreams that would render a ritual bath (ghusl) to be obligatory upon waking up while seeing madhi or mani are dreams in which what was seen was mainly intercourse. Im an unmarried female who dont know about wet dream. could it be that the wetness had dried? This question you have already explained but due to continuous small changing in it i am getting more confused If i dont get a wet dream i am sure of it not even a thought of it but still i get a white discharge in washroom.. then it is all okay right? Wassalam It is important to note here though that sometimes a female may wake up in the middle of the dream, before having an orgasm. I am a young teenager and I have recently found out about this. If it is in reference to masturbation, then please be reminded that mastrubation is haramnevertheless a person must make ghusal. So plz tell me it is a wet dream or not reply me today plz as soon as possible Allah knows what is in your heart, so it is enough to have your intention in your heart without pronouncing it with your tongue. I dont want to go to doctors for them to ask me when was the last time i was intimate then when they realise what it is. Now when i sleep in those clothes and wake up i still find them wet although i now deep its wetnes frm sprinkling as i dont recall seeing wet dream. If I read quran and duas they stop but if i dont then i get them again, are these still wet dreams? [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar], Madhi when it comes to women is the wetness found while being aroused before reaching an orgasm. Jazakullahkharian was Salamualaykoom. 5. 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If a person masturbates when they are awake and this causes the ejaculation, then that is different than a wet dream and it also has its different ruling in Islam since it is voluntary ejaculation where as the wet dream is not. 3. How do they look, what is their composition to differ them? Finally, if you measure the percent of topics related to human sexuality to the total sum of topics, it is still a small fraction. I want to understand if doubts lead to different ruling or not) 3.1. if in this situation I see wet spot on my underwear, but cant understand whats that, do I have to bath? May Allah bless you brother Massoud and grant you proper understanding and beneficial knowledge. 6. Still have to take bath? Perform Wuzu the way you would for salah but do not wash your feet (unless you are standing on something elevated, like a stool). Considering the world we live in, it is probably already on their minds and they might have already heard some stuff from their friends or saw something on television (aka the devil in a box). Someone please correct me for anything Ive said wrong. Also because i know it is compulsory to make ghusl for the latter.I hope you can help clarify this problem.Thank u. Jazakillah khair Umm Reem for being gutsy enough to tackle this sensitive subject, mashaAllah. I am confused since being aroused and having an orgasm are 2 different things. Assalam o Alaikum! Im a little worried now because i think ive become paranoid about being aroused, any little feeling i get im always worried whether or not if ive discharged. If someone has a wet dream but does not find any maniy [semen], he does What can i do if i have wet dreams durin fastin.does it in anyway affect my fast.jazak Allahu khairan. Lying on your stomach may make you more prone to have a wet dream. How would a woman or a man know if they had an orgasm during their sleep if they had no discharge? Seeing that dream will make your heart beat go faster and you will feel strong tingly sensation in your vaginal area. Allah knows best, and Zubair Ali Zai classed it as Daif; he did not think its status could be raised, although others did . Avoid Internet like the plague, and unnecessary interaction with the opposite gender. Source: i dont want this to lead me astray. Key Principles Relating to Certainty, Doubt, and Baseless Misgivings (Waswasa), And Allah knows best. Sister umm reem you have said that ghusl becomes obligatory for women if they have an orgasm but according to the hadith of Prophet ghusl becomes obligatory on women if they have discharge during an orgasm and not due to orgasm without discharge.Please reply. Ibn al-Mundhir said: All the scholars from whom I acquired knowledge are unanimously agreed on this If he wakes up and sees maniy, but does not remember having a wet dream, then he must do ghusl. If I try to control it, vaginal discharge starts coming out, and it even happens when I am sleeping, when I wake up every morning, I see discharge. I keep ignoring it all and try to live my life normally. Use pillows or an extra blanket to help you avoid rolling back on your stomach. confusing, i dont think it will cause any confusionsjust because mother didnt have a wet dream doesnt mean that daughter/s may not have it either. It was reported from Abd-Allaah ibn al-Saamit that Abu Dharr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: If any one of you stands up to pray, then he has a sutrah [an item placed in front of a praying person as a screen] if he has something the height of the back of a saddle in front of him. Also, she says she would slip away-how is that not passing? Your comment is lovely and generous. ..its been few days that Ive noticed Im getting wet dreamsIm also a med student but am totally confused bout what shariah have for itshould weve to do ghusl? I am one who suffers from both waswas and wet dreams quite regularly. One clear way of distinguishing between the two is that orgasm is followed by an immediate cease of all sexual sensations and leaves a woman exhausted and drained. It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps want to thrust her pelvis spasmodically. Is giving a discount based on sales target permissible in a business? When I went back to bed I felt discharge do you think this discharge could be a result from the dream?? Could you please advise me too? Is Orgasm different from the initial vaginal throbbing sensation that one feels when one has been aroused? To conclude, since the female wet dream may or may not be accompanied by a discharge, contrary to that of men, I posed a few questions to the shuyukh based on the discussion I had with other women and I received following answers from Sh. Doubting whether morning discharge is wetness or result of wet dream I realized that this issue is not only complicated for sisters but also a much neglected subject. I never ever had a wet dream and I'm curious. some one told me that in regular white discharge wadu can still be done it is not naa paak. Or even more conveniently, there is material available on the internet. Maybe if you have a habit of spending some part of the day with them, then take advantage of that, To be quite honest, what helped me a LOT, walhamdullialh, is that my children used to read Quran with the meanings and a bit of discussion over the meaningsso i took advantage of that time and brought up some of the ayahs that helped me initiate and back up my discussion. The opening dua which you stated is what is said during the prayer, after the first takbeer and once the person has started the prayer, and this dua is part of the prayer and it has nothing to do with the persons intention. Ive been having some issue to the point i feel like i have ocd. Is it allowed to know about sex before marriage ?? I read your description but Im still not convinced. If a woman has never had any sexual expereince..when she expreinces a wet dream how does she know if she has orgasmed or not? when waking up and finding discharge: I know the article says if there isnt certainty, no ghusl is necessary but can the discharge be from sexual excitement even if we cant remember the dream? Perhaps if a person indulges in sexual thoughts, it may/can cause an ejaculation and he/she will have to make ghusal. GET MARRIED. (Anyone reading this comment please dont quote me because I dont know how authentic that hadith was and I cant remember the exact wording) Salam! She wasnt asking whether it is required to wear hijab out of the home. and the other thing is if a girl watching a movie or any romantic video cause her orgasm but she dont feel wet. Does Stimulation and Orgasm Necessitate Ghusl and Break the Fast? If I have shower, will the get rid of the impure state from the wet dream even though I am on my menstraul cycle? First, the Muslim should make their intentions for purification. I didnt do a ghusl after this bacause I was not sure. https://seekersguidance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Sleeping-Dream.jpg, https://seekersguidance.org/svg/Logo/SG_Logo_v23.svg. So when the need rises, one must ask in order to educate themselves regarding these issues which are of utmost importance. If I have some kind of sexy dream and when I awake up I remember the sexy dream and found a little mazi on my penis,will gusl will cumpulsory on me,because I have heard that if u remember the sexy dream and found mazi then u have to take gusl,I am hanfi and plz tell me in "yes or no" do not refer me to another fatwa Answer But I was still thinking its wet dream so I went to the toilet to check. Ustadh Sufyan Qufiis an advanced seeker of knowledge, originally from Algeria, who grew up in France. She studied Arabic Language & Literature at Qatar University and at Cairo Institute in Egypt. I am not sure if the fluid is mainly or math I either as it was a clear type fluid and not exactly thick almost like a normal discharge. He prevented ejaculation; does he have to do ghusl? Asalam o alaikum. May Allah ease your heart and help you get through this. does she need to take ghusl or not.. do rply me on my mail also.. if she had an orgasm, she needs to make a ghusal.and Allah knows best, Sister after I prayer fajr I needed to use the rest room but I ignored it because I wanted to sleep with my wudu. wAllahu taala alam. We discussed a few tips in the comments above how sisters should try to ward off these thoughts. Is it permissible to watch recorded videos of female teachers, as part of an online course, during Islamic fasting? I have a question regarding what a female should do if, while she is awake, she thinks desirous thoughts and thus this leads to discharge from the vaginal area. My previous post did not show up after awaiting its moderation. So how about when Allaah, Who sees everything including whats in our hearts, is Watching. A kind of bitter sweet feeling of knowing how much peace it would bring to those with raging hormones and deep seated guilt about the workings of biology they cant quite control but their beautiful religion could guide them were they to have access to the knowledge. Their words seem to prove the neutrality of performing this act, and thus it is permissable . but confused.. why this happen so intensely . Required fields are marked *. And sister, please dont use sisters need to ask about things affecting their salah and one must ask when in doubt to discuss about perverted things that come under written porn in a mixed forum and under and islamic label. Umm Reem, Im not sure you understood her question. Some Quick tips to reduce frequency of Wet dreams. .. 2. If you have a daughter, educate her about menstruationaround 8ish ESPECIALLY if she is going to a public school or even to an islamic school. How much value and peace of mind such information could add to these young people. 100% with you on talking to your children about puberty. I saw a wet dream. 1. what is the ruling regarding amarried woman having thoughts of another man like what ever she dors the man jst pop in her mind but the thoughts are not sexually related. Please what I want to know is Therefore, if a person has what seems to be a wet dream, but upon waking finds nothing, then he does not have to bathe. They dont even need to speak to them about sex, but just puberty and the changes their child is going through. Will ghusal be obligatory after this type of discharge? Please help! As for khimar being required for going out of home, there is a difference of opinion. There is no shame in matters of religion and we take them all seriously. suffering from such situations. They always ask lots of needless questions. And that I dont think this is the pleasure people who had orgasm talked about so I ignored such feelings. The bottom line is that if one is sure that what one sees is not sperm then one does not have to do anything provided that no wet dream was seen. ['Ala' al-Din Abidin, al-Hadiyya al-'Ala'iyya] do i need to take ghusl before zohar namaz/salat? How Can I Know the Time for Fajr in a Country Where There Is No Real Darkness? But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios? But of course, we know its meaning is authentic, as you have shown other routes which are authentic. It could be that a woman, as we discussed in the article and in QA with sh. Jazakallah, slami have to ask that if a girl sees dream and enjoy and feel vibration like orgasm but doesnt get wet..does she have to take bath? Can you clarify this for me please. Since then, she's been passionately working towards empowering Muslim women through the correct and untainted teachings of Islam. there is a difference between sexual excitement and orgasm. ejaculation while awake by indulging in sexual thoughts is voluntarily and CAN be controlled by seeking Allahs protection, distracting thoughts with something positive, not indulging in actions that might lead to sexual thoughts like movies, magazines, websites etc. This is why, I decided to have a full entry on this topic, for a number of reasons: Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away for I disliked to face him.. So i never physically rubbed my vagina or insert something in, to get an orgasm or feel satisfied but i have cupped my vagina and tightened my legs between my hands and thought of sexual thoughts while awake. On another note, it would be good if one of the sisters at MM write a post about menstruation and the difference between it and the other type of blood (which has different color and smell than the blood of menstruation) that might continue to come out even though the womans period might be over (hayd vs istihaadah), because I think a lot of sisters might not know the difference, and so as long as they see blood they think they are still in their menstrual period and do not pray, where in reality their period might be over and that blood which is still coming out is not due to menstruation and so they are required to pray, but they dont even know that and they think that they are still in their menstrual period and that they are not required to pray. I wish i could help u but Im too embarrassed to ask. Keep in mind that I dont have my own family or kids yet, so what I said is only based on my observations, so I might be completely wrong, and Allah knows best. Qn 2; if in your dream you never reached climax but there had been some amount of discharge when you woke up does this require ghusl? That mutaabaa does have a sound chain of narration. Firstly, I want to thank you for the quality of the thought provoking content. In summary, the parents should educate their children about all things related to Sex. All rights reserved. It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps want to thrust her pelvis spasmodically. I would have appreciate knowing ways to reduce the frequency to avoid having to take 3 showers in one night, if for no other reason This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. still do i have to take a shower? So, this is not obsession, it is giving it its fair due. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What to Do after a Wet Dream? - SeekersGuidance Foremost I wanted to instil in them, empathy and compassion. Anyway, I am finding myself getting aroused by very random things and unintentionally. May Allah reward you, Umm Reem, for clarifying this for the Muslim female population especially the reverts, who have no biological Muslim mothers/sisters to guide them in their immediate family. Therefore, if she does not remember an orgasm, and her private area is not extra wet, she doesnt have to do ghusl (bath). Wet Dreams: What They Are & What They Mean - health.com A brief summary of the requirements for the Ghusl follow. Some savants state that since a woman's ovum fluid flows back into the vulva, it is better, as a precaution, for her to make ghusl. And Allah knows best. Rub water on the whole of your body like oil, especially in winter (this is when you can rub soap over your body). 7. Yes, there is no doubt that the Hadiths meaning is correct, as similarly has been narrated in Muslim (#311 and #314) and others. i dont know how just by thinking about sex a person has orgasmbut if someone does then he/she has to make ghusal. Remembering an orgasm or not is of no consideration when it comes to wet dreams. If one sees a dream in which one has sexual intercourse but does not notice any semen or wetness when one wakes up, ghusl is not necessary. How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). Sleeping position may also affect frequency of these emissions. Then im not sure if ive been aroused or not. When religious laws conflict with reality, which should bend? It is a dream where you might see yourself or some other girl with some guy. Explain the wet dream in exact words as if you were to explain it to your daughter. [Ibn 'Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] I didnt went to the bathroom before sleeping so it could have been there before I went to sleep but it could have occured during sleep also, Im not sure. It does not store any personal data. It seems that she takes issue with being lumped together with dogs and donkeys. Related: i am 19, it happens many times with me that even when i am awake i dream as if a guy is kissing me and hugging me with love. it continued untill 7 am the next day. Also as for my doubt on having wet dream I want to ignore it as I feel if I should perform ghusl, same thing might happen again tommorow. When a person wakes up and has had an erotic dream, but he does not find any wetness on his clothes, then he does not have to do ghusl, according to scholarly consensus, because, When a person wakes up and has had an erotic dream, but he does not find any wetness on his clothes, then he does not have to do ghusl, according to scholarly consensus, because. Alhamdullialh, the fact that you actually brought up this issue with the girls and apologized to them shows courage and bravery on your part and i am sure it must mean A LOT to those girls whether they express it or not.. I would say just start talking about it. Wet dreams do not reduce sperm count. I am very surprised that questions on masturbation have been ignored and not answered. I have a question; I had a (wet)dream where I was sexually aroused. i was dreaming that i was imagining my future hubby and orgasmed in dream. I understand that there is a wet feeling but that isnt easy to make the difference so can you please explain how to know? like she didnt know it was bad to touch self and stuff. In the hadeeth you are talking about, when Umm Sulaym asked about ghusl from a dream, she was told, if she sees water, 3. I have always been smaller and shorter compared to other girls growing up, slower in getting menstrual cycle etc and just generally age and grow slower compared to people my age. Orgasm is not the state of sexual arousal, but that of pleasure. While this post is for females, I will try to answer your question here. Is this normal thing to happen to women when they are use to being intimate and arent for months on end. Intention to Uplift Major Sexual Impurities, Semen Is Impure; Not Obligatory to Wash Beddings that Have Not Been Stained by It, Applied Moisturizing Cream on Her Body: Is Ghusl Valid, His Wife Masturbated Him: Ghusl Is Not Obligatory on Her, Had Intercourse and Took a Shower without Intending Ghusl, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. I googled it and got sooo much useful information but since I am a Muslim I cannot rely on western information. My friend concentrates the shower on her stomach just above her sura she feels gd and has initial vaginal throbbing but stops before any orgasm or ejaculation she stopped masturbating once i explained that its haram and is wondering wether this is too if it is she promised shhe will stop but is reluctant to do so yet coz she heard people could get orgasms through a workout so y cnt she arouse herself through the shower if it feels gd plz reply wether its haram or nt thank u. I had a wet dream and i felt orgasm but when i woke up i did not felt wet. Secondly, there is no haya in issues concerning the deen. It is NOT a "sin" to have wet dreams in the slightest. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Today I woke up in the middle of a short nap after fajr and started thinking what and whom I saw in my dream to understand if I saw a wet dream or not. It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. Allaah knows best why that happened. 3. The way our mind works is that if you tell it not to do something that is the very thing it will do. and can i offer my prayer on the same bedsheet ? Sister Reem, i sometimes have an orgasm during sleep but when i wake up there is no wetness in my undergarments, do i still have to perform ghusl?Since in the Hadith Prophet Mohammad(pbuh)said if you see the discharge then perform ghusl ,if you dont see then there is no ghusl. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. A womans cervix produces mucus, which lines the vagina and is expelled as discharge. then our bedsheet become dirty or not ? . The sooner the betterbut definitely before praying or any other acts of worship, Salam And then I thought about your post. I felt my whole body shudder and tense as I moaned and orgasmed right there, sitting up in my bed. This is what it means to pronounce your intention out loud, and although some people do this, but this is not from the sunnah and it should not be done. 2. Ali bin Zaid bin Jadan is weak (At-Taqrib), Unless a person wakes up in the middle of the orgasm and is able to feel it, they would not know if they had an orgasm during their sleep if they find no wetness when they wake up. Can I sleep in underwear n put blanket on???? It is allowed unconditionally(Imam Ahmads opinion who regarded maturation as cleaning ones nose). Al-Liqa al-Shahri (37/25) . He embarked on his journey of learning through the various teachers at SeekersGuidance, including his mentor Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. It is crucial that every parent have this talk with their kids, both boys and girls, and inform them about these things and the Islamic rulings on them. All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. Or should I wait till my menstraul cycle finishes then have have shower to get rid of the state? The person has the intention in his heart before he starts praying. How does knowing what it feels like to have a orgasm affect your salah? 3. (this scenario is as the one above, only no doubts involved, you just dont remember the intercourse in your dream. What is porn? for real long time. You can take note of how so many Muslim women are interested in this topic. My sister who is only 16 woke up too from my moaning and saw me orgasm; it is very embaressing. What I worry about is, as we lie down during a nap, especially when its short, may be the sexual discharge is gathered inside but didnt flow out yet as it happens in standing position and if we urinate it will flow out with urine and we will never see/feel it and will think we dont need a ghusl while we actually need it. Although both position 2 & 3 makes it very clear that it must be done without involving anything haram, like the usage of porn etc. Wet Dreams 101 Tips To Stop Night Fall | Mr Mind Blowing Also, please note sometimes these desrious thoughts which come in the mind are nothing but whispers from the shaytan, they sometimes even come during Salah or before Salah, and one tries their best to fight it, but yet still ends up having some sort of discharge coming from the vagina. I believe you can still benefit many many other girls in yoru community or your family and many can learn from you.