Your custom expression must evaluate to true to include the users or false to exclude them from the campaign. So to test your regex strings, use the Regex101 regex tester. Canada/East-Saskatchewan, Canada/Saskatchewan, America/Fort_Wayne, America/Indianapolis US/East-Indiana, America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia, America/Catamarca, Etc/GMT+0, Etc/GMT-0, Etc/GMT0, Etc/Greenwich, GMT, GMT+0, GMT-0, GMT0, Greenwich, Europe/Belfast, Europe/Guernsey, Europe/Isle_of_Man, Europe/Jersey, GB, GB-Eire, Europe/Ljubljana, Europe/Podgorica, Europe/Sarajevo, Europe/Skopje, Europe/Zagreb, Australia/ACT, Australia/Canberra, Australia/NSW, Be sure to pass the correct App name for the. Okta provides a few expressions that you can only use with OAuth 2.0/OIDC custom claims. Expression Language. You can add any number of custom attributes. While creating or modifying an access certification campaign, you can use Okta Expression Language expressions to take the following actions: Use Okta Expression Language to limit the scope of a campaign to certain users based on their profile attributes and group membership. Learn how to use the Okta Expression Language to remove spaces or special characters from a mapped attribute in Okta.For more information, visit this page . Obtain the Firstname value. The following table lists commonly used operators: See Okta Expression Language for a complete list of Okta Expression Language functions. : (String.substring(middleInitial, 0, 1) + ". ")) Okta tips and tricks with the groups | by George Kozlov - Medium Set Up Single Sign-on with SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Note: When EL group functions (such as isMemberOfGroup or isMemberOfGroupName) are used for app assignments, app user profile attributes arent updated or reapplied when the users group membership changes. (Android), ALL_INTERNAL_VOLUMES All internal disks are encrypted. For example, the code below will reject any user input that contains non-alphanumeric characters and is longer than 50 characters. From the result, parse everything before the "." From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 6, including position 6. While creating or modifying an access certification campaign, you can use Okta Expression Language expressions to take the following actions: Restrict your campaign to a subset of users When we use the user.department syntax, the output displayed is Null. Thanks for the info on default values for Okta Expression Language! For the example below, well assume that we have a user called Ryan Howard ([email protected]). The following functions are supported in conditions. From the More button dropdown menu, click Refresh Application Data. user.employeeNumber : user.nonEmployeeNumber, If a Profile attribute has never been populated, catch it with the following expression: user.employeeNumber == null, If a Profile attribute was populated in the past but the content is removed, it's no longer null but an empty string. Restrict a campaign based on the user's profile attributes, such as department, state, or cost center. Check if the user has a Workday assignment, and if so, return their Workday employee ID. If it is sunny outside wear sunglasses, else don't wear sunglasses. Different software and regex engines will often have their own specificities, and it's best to check the official documentation pages for a full reference of the regex version that you are using. New replies are no longer allowed. Example: getFilteredGroups({"00gml2xHE3RYRx7cM0g3"}, "", 40) ). In general, device attributes can only be used if Okta FastPass is enabled. Gets the assistant's app user attribute values for the app user of any appinstance. For example: I want to add an attribute to IDPs called idp_type, so that I can add types to different IDPs that I can use in my business logic. Okta 's Expression Language is based off SpEL (Spring Expression Language), which is a powerful expression language. Check if the user has an Active Directory assignment, and if so, return their Active Directory manager UPN. Okta supports the use of the time zone IDs and aliases listed in the Time zone codes table. Dynamic application attributes are attributes which are based on an expression rather then a specific field or value. As the below code then chances are high you will have a far easier time understanding complex Okta Expressions and using their full power inside your Okta tenant. If we find it the condition is true, else it is false. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. This is only available with certain managed scenarios. VMware-56 5d e2 35 bd d8 66 75-5a bc 10 06 4c 6a fb 85. If that employee was not in Workday, or did not have a domain in their email then find that user's manager's email and set it to have a domain. forum. in our monster Okta Expression we see: The secret to solving nested ternary operators is starting from the inside of the expression and working your way out, We grab the condition and find out if it is true or false, In the parent ternary operator we gained access to a specific user and this is the user we are checking if they exist in this instance of Workday. Don't use them to retrieve an app user's group memberships. This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. You can find the name of any specific app instance in the Profile Editor, where it appears in lighter text beneath the label of the app. Mapping: Appears if you choose Expression. [Value if TRUE] : [Value if FALSE], user.isMemberOf({'': 'West Coast Users'}), user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}), !user.isMemberOf({'': 'West Coast Users'}), !user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'})), user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}) && user.isMemberOf({'': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}), user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}) || user.isMemberOf({'': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}), user.isMemberOf({'': 'West Coast Users'}) && !user.isMemberOf({'': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}), user.profile.department == "Finance Department", user.profile.department.contains(Finance), (user.profile.department.contains(Communications) || user.profile.department == "Human Resources") && The strings are compared literally, resulting in 2.0.0 > '14.2.1. We declare an age variable and set it to 19. Obtain the value of the users' Firstname attribute. Okta Identity Engine is currently available to a selected audience. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Using the Okta Expression Language to search for contains in the (macOS, Windows). Is there a more elegant way to do this in Okta without having to build my own service/datastore? You can use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to add a custom expression to an authentication policy. Gets the assistant's Okta user attribute values. Obtain the Lastname value. In addition to referencing user, app, and organization properties, you can also reference user session properties. Group rule conditions only allow String, Arrays, and user expressions. From here, youll be able to see each attributes Display Name along with the Variable Name. Okta sees Workday as an application, so in the above code, Else make the user's manager's name join with, If the original condition, the user's email had a string. Enter the expression which represents the value of the dynamic attribute value. Assign a reviewer for users who are a member of one group, but not a member of another group. For example, if the users are synchronised in from AD or an LDAP, you can specify custom expressions to set default values. Achieve Enhanced Secure Authentication with Okta FastPass and CrowdStrike Choose Add Claim and provide the requested information. To reference an Okta User Profile attribute, specify user. The binding for an Application is its name with _app appended. For example, let's say you were trying to map a user's AD title attribute or department attribute to Office 365. String.replace (, "example1", "example2") character. Indicates whether the device runs as an emulator. + user.profile.lastName, If the user is a contractor and is a member of the "West Coast Users" user group, output "West coast contractors", else output "Others". Probably we will rely on JIT user creation in Okta when a user logs in for the first time. Oktas Expression Language is based off SpEL (Spring Expression Language), which is a powerful expression language. In addition to referencing user attributes, you can also reference application properties and the properties of your organization. An incognito browser window it used to avoid page caching which can in some instances cause unexpected or stale results. S-1-5-21-1016203815-1917570059-4244971090-500. I've reached out to Okta support about this . When you use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to create a custom expression for devices, you reference attributes that exist in the Okta Device Profile. These values are converted into arrays. Obtains the value of the device profile's display name attribute. Indicates if the mobile device app was repackaged by an unknown third party. I need to figure out the above problem first: how do I create some internal-only field for the IDP that I can define with some static value. You can use this data in an EL expression to transform an external user's username into the equivalent Okta username. In the Profile Editor pane, select the Users tab and then Identity Providers. Note: The Convert.toInt(double) function rounds the passed numeric value either up or down to the nearest integer. For this company they had an all government portion of the site and a non-government portion. Obtain the value of the device profile's security identifier (SID) attribute. See Include app-specific information in a custom claim. These IdP User Profiles are used to store IdP-specific information about a user. You can reach us directly at [email protected] or ask us on the Well reference variable names listed in Okta, to get an output. Okta Expression Language for net new employees : r/okta - Reddit To include an app Profile label, use the following expression: app.profile.label. Convert to uppercase. In the example given, Add a example header application by following the instructions for, Modify the application as described in the section, In an incognito or equivalent window connect to.,,, String.toUpperCase(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName), String.toUpperCase(user.firstName+"_"+user.lastName). Note: In the substring function, startIndex is inclusive and endIndex is exclusive. *] wildcard to match starts with). Okta Expression language gives us access to some powerful and useful methods StingContains () let's us search for a string inside an email to find a match Okta sees Workday as an application, so in the above code, workday_aaaaaaa is just the name Okta associates with that instance of Workday. Using Okta Expression Language to Remove Spaces or Special - YouTube Some attributes; such as, device.profile.imei, device.profile.meid, device.profile.serialNumber, device.profile.udid, are not available for all devices. The format for a ternary conditional expression is: [Condition] ? Okta therefore provides you with an expression language You can see the official documentation about it here: . Constants are sets of strings, while operators are symbols that denote operations over these strings. Indicates whether internal functions or runtime hooks have been detected. Make sure to consider integer type range limitations when you convert to an integer with these functions. How To Update Application Username Using an Expression Language Start with simple expressions and gradually add in conditions to make sure that your expression works as expected. Include in: Specify whether the claim is valid for any scope, or select the scopes for which its valid. It uses regex patterns to detect specific text or binary patterns in files that might indicate that the file is malicious. How to define a default value for a Custom Attribute? Then, you can use the expression access.scope to return an array of granted scope strings. Select the value in the Field field, and using the delete key, delete its contents. If both are absent, don't use any title. If you are a developer, you will also often need regex to deal with input validation in your programs. For example, using effective regex to filter traffic on debugging proxies can make your work a lot more efficient. If a user's email was [email protected], and he was found in Workday and his manager was [email protected], Jane's email would be updated to [email protected]. The Okta User Profile is the central source of truth for the core attributes of a User. Referencing User Attributes When you create an Okta expression, you can reference any attribute that lives on an Okta user profile or App user profile. Use operators in your custom expression to handle decisions. Examples include user followed by any of the fields listed. Note: The application reference is usually the name of the application, as distinct from the label (display name). You can think of regex as consisting of two different parts: constants and operators. Convert the result to lowercase. user.profile.department == "Finance Department", For partial matches, use: The Expression Language allows you to get, transform, and combine attributes before they are stored within a user Okta profile or before they are passed to an application. IOS, ANDROID, WINDOWS, MACOS, MOBILE_OTHER, DESKTOP_OTHER, or CHROMEOS. Working in security often means that you have to sift through large amounts of information in the form of log files or Internet packets. Using the Okta Expression Language to search for contains in the profile editor I am looking to search the DN of an incoming user for a value, and populate an Okta attribute based on finding. Assign a reviewer for users who are members of two groups. Include in token type: Select Access Token (OAuth 2.0) or ID Token (OpenID Connect). Sign in to your Okta org as an admin. Note: All these functions take ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), and numeric country codes as input. Obtain the Firstname and Lastname values and append each together. Workday was their HRaaM in Okta. Obtain and append the Lastname value. Its helpful to think of reviewer logic into IF/THEN terms for each user when building your expressions. Okta provides a default subject claim. In addition, to assign the Fallback Reviewer for users who arent in the group, use: user.isMemberOf({'': 'West Coast Users'}) ? Filter: Appears if you choose Groups. If the attributes are filled out within AD and are being synced to Okta, we should be able to use the examples listed above to push data to other applications such as Office 365, this can be checked using the Profile Editor under Mapping from Okta to Office 365. Otherwise, assign the Fallback reviewer. Value: Specifies a list of matching values that can be exact values or a regex pattern (only supporting the [. To reference a particular attribute, specify the appropriate binding and the attribute variable name. You can edit the mapping, or create your own claims. For example, let us assume that we have a user named Ryan Howard, whose application data existed within Active Directory (AD). Add a custom expression to an authentication policy. If the expression doesnt return a user or is invalid, then the system assigns the Fallback reviewer you defined while creating the campaign to review all items for that user. Static Domain + Email Prefix with Separator. Each search criteria is a key-value pair: Key: Specifies the matching property. You can use the ternary operator for performing IF, THEN, ELSE conditional logic inside the expression. Use it to add a group filter. Some popular expression examples below: For FirstName.LastName, use the following expression: user.firstName . We are trying to tie some custom metadata to IDPs in Okta. Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the current date and time is 2015-07-31T17:18:37.979Z. When you create an Okta expression, you can reference EDR attributes and any property that exists in an Okta Device Profile. To catch user attributes that are null or blank, use the following valid conditional expression: user.employeeNumber != "" AND user.employeeNumber != null ? Enter the General settings for your application, such application name, application logo, and application visibility. This document details the features and syntax of Okta Expression Language used for the Global session policy and authentication policies of the Identity Engine. The expression isnt validated here. Name Include in token type: Select Access Token (OAuth 2.0) or ID Token (OpenID Connect). Obtains the value of the device profile's operating system version attribute. Every user created or imported to Okta, has a Okta User Profile. We were told that every user in Workday had a manager assigned to them in Workday. The format for conditional expressions is: [Condition] ? One of the ways you can use regex is to perform complex text searches. Group rules don't usually specify an ELSE component. User properties referenced in an expression must exist. Expression Language for other templates -