You would do things without much nudging and still come up with solutions. I'm a single mother of three children. You went, in just a few weeks, from being alone to being part of a group asked into it, accepted into it. I have always anticipatedgraduation day. And today, you graduated with your class of fellow eighth graders. As a teenager, your job is to work hard at school, participate in extracurricular activities, respect your elders, and keep learning as much as possible. An open letter to my son and his peers on their college graduation I want you to remember as you journey out into the world that this path, whatever the one you choose, is life. So I am writing this letter to tell you a few things, to become a strong man. As you are officially a man now, Im writing to you to let you know a few things that I believe would help you, for they definitely helped me. The world is vast, so go explore it. He fits the bill in all areas. Upon hearing the words, "Congratulations, you are now the mom of a graduate!" He understands to love this way is to open his heart for potential pain. After Carlson repeatedly promoted the conspiracy theory on air, lawyers for Epps sent a cease-and-desist letter to the anchor in March asking him to retract his comments, a potential precursor to . Congratulations sweetheart on your graduation and I wish you all the very best in life. So in her quest to learn the cup-slapping rhythm, I have listened to this song many, many, many times. This website is for entertainment purpose only. An Open Letter to My Teenage Son - Just Homemaking Choose to recognize failings for what they are: necessary building blocks to success. Be brave enough to say Im sorry, or I love you, or I forgive you. And then, seeing you in your tux looking so handsome as you walked . You learned, grew and thrived. The way you put it was, its okay to wonder. I love that. Everyone who has already influenced the direction of your life even your parents and grandparents was once a stranger to you. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Spice up your letter with a few metaphors or similes. Adulthood is a process of becoming. As you mom, I want believe in you to realize your full potentialand make a difference, regardless of your career. I am sure you will do that and become a good husband and father. And you have done it, my boy! You learned to drive. As an adult, only I have changed my life. Today we are the proudest parents. But you, my son, have come a long way. And every single step of the way, you can know that I will always support and love you. Express your love and care by sharing these letters with your son. Though she wouldnt mind having a sister-wife because holy hell the laundry never stops. An open letter to my son upon his high school graduation | Gil Smart Gil Smart Treasure Coast Newspapers Hey buddy First let me say I have no idea how this could have happened. And though you see me cry today, rest assured my tears areanticipation of the journey that is ahead for you. We believe in your dreams, and we will always be there to support you. There will never be another time in your life when you are so unencumbered by responsibilities. Im sure youll thank me one day. Sitting on the floor inches away from the TV, talking on the phone to my best friend, Pam. You have consistently made us proud, son. Pink, soft and cute. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site by CooperHouse, Dear Cal: Advice To My Teenage Daughter (Part 2), Summer Reading Book Recommendations From My Teens. As I walked you to the classroom, you were shocked and confused, oblivious to what was happening around you. Not once. Look at me! P.S. Remember to use positive words such as joy, love, happiness, enjoy, faith, trust, etc. Our kids always have our full heart . But then, once I took you in my arms, it was the best feeling in the world. Remember, we love you and will always be proud of you. I wish you all the happiness in . The days you spend at college will be the best days of your life. As you start your business, we would like to let you know how proud we are. Its the end of my making you eat your vegetables. Congrats and best wishes! Include positive words: Sprinkle your letter with positive words such as love, joy, happiness, faith, sacrifice, pride, enjoy, trust, believe, faith, wonderful, promise, genius, and champ. Whether its long or short, only your feelings count. Let me share with you the piece of advice that your Nanu (maternal grandfather) shared with me on my graduation. They are not good to you, they are not good for you, and the moment you find any part of yourself believing any of them are is the moment you must clamp down on them with all your heart and energy.Your ChoicesIt is your life; do not allow the sinister lure of anything, and do not allow anyone elses choices, to live it for you. I am your biggest fan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And then,seeing you in your tux looking so handsomeas you walked with your class down the abbey, I had a lump in my tears in my eyes today, graduation day is upon us. Many things I have decided are not important, and other times I made mistakes that I now avoid. You are mygreatest gift. My tears were in anticipation ofyour graduationday. When I yelled at you this afternoon, it was for your own good. And now that you are 22, I would like to tell you that the last 22 years of my life were the best years of my life. You came into our lives that January day, all wrinkled and full of hope. I am awestruck by your knowledge and how steadfast you are in your beliefs. Risk discomfort for meaningful experience. And loved reading the pearls of wisdom, lessons for life! Here is a sample letter to son from father: I have always wanted to write you a letter to tell you what you mean to me. Take comfort in the fact that we will together overcome all obstacles that life puts our way. But if you do not forgive, you are blocking your own road to happiness. SA Smith has always loved the magical life. Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. To make your own choices. your doctor. I wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with both of you. Also, he can reread it whenever he wants some encouragement, misses you, or just want to reminiscence the old days. You became a teenager. You were full of imagination and wonder. I am sure your mom would agree too. When composing the prose, keep a few simple tips in mind. You will never disappoint me. Even to this day, I have not gotten over the fact that you are now an adult, ready to take on the world. As a parent, this momentcauses me the most pride and the most pain. Your email address will not be published. There are no two ways about it. You have entered an incorrect email address! He knows how to be authentic, true. Your sister has been so into that song Cups from the movie Pitch Perfect. I relate because Ive been there and blogged about it too. Suddenly I am a third-grade girl lying on my bedroom floor area rug, with the record player just in front of me ready to skip over the songs that I didnt like, wondering a) why Sandy wouldnt have written a letter to say she was moving from Australia to California, b) how did she fit into those tight black pants at the end of the movie, and then c) jumping up on my bed to reenact the Sandra Dee song, which was a staple at sleepovers for a few years. I am still the day you were born. The books, music, films, poetry, plays, comedy performances, paintings, cuisine, engineering feats, architecture, gardens and all the other works of art and passion. Remember that I am strict with you at times because I want you to become the best version of yourself. We understand at your age, friends are essential, and you want to enjoy your life. People will speak. Watching your son grow is satisfying. And, before you spend, earn. I gave you love. And I encourage you to pass this letter on how to be happy and successful on to others who you think may benefit (and feel free to repost on your blog, Facebook, website, etc., with a link back to this page.). I am always there to guide, help and support you. Son, I regret not being there with you to celebrate your birthday. The following two tabs change content below. It's not about building a life that is easy-without pain or confusion-it's about living life fully, completely, and compassionately. I am in awe of the person you are. This Mom's Letter to Her Son Starting Middle School Is All You Need My brain is full ofexcitement and wonder for you, but my heart feels somethingdifferent. Trust that every time youve been challenged, youve learned something. Its like spending time with friends. You have grown up to be a fine man, and I cant be more proud. And now, finally, you are ready to take responsibility. He is intelligent enough to listen to others opinions, understanding how and whento disagree respectfully and without insult, but he is also able to not internalize the negativity. I hugged you, got in the car, drove way leaving you waving to me and a million memories flooded my mind. Short Congratulation Graduation Messages For Your Son 1: It is with so much joy that I wish you a happy graduation day, baby boy. Yet one of these days you will fall hard in love at least I hope you do and it could lead you to do stupid things. Yes, she has a television. Similarly, you are now at a stage where you are ready to take on the world. But youyou are not looking at the painting, you are, the painting. Graduation Wishes for Son - Congratulations Messages Quotes A good man knows how to help others, not just when he will receive accolades, but even when he knows helping will not benefit his own agenda. Now I watch as the whole world unfolds in front of you. You will do beautiful things. Though we have threatened to bring air horns, posters painted with glow-in-the-dark paint, and start the wave when your name is called, we probably wont. We had to struggle a lot to complete our education and achieve success. You need to work hard to earn every penny. To form the bond again, you are looking for a sample letter to my sonto express your love. Because meaning is what brings the realrichness to your life. Funny thing, my beautiful son, I think I was more emotional on your first day of undergrad than any time before. No shes not Catholic or Mormon. You will do beautiful things. I know how hard it is for you to grow up without a father figure in your life, but I take comfort in the fact that you have a good heart. You matter. And every single step of the way, you can know that I will always support and love you. So, here we are. Because you my child are a walking miracle. Feel the grief, let go, and reclaim your life. I have complete faith that you will do well. Bring more to the hour worked than you are paid, as you build your professional relationships and you will always do well. Regardless of the path you choose we know youll be fine. And from hundreds of miles away, all I can say is what Ive always said: Be smart, be safe. A mothers tears are complicated, son. So, what is it? Now he is a graduate. God bless you and your son. Son, you know your dad and I love you and will always be your loving parents, no matter what. What happened with us was unfortunate, and the misunderstanding and the ego cost us our relationship. Your strength and love made me strong to raise you alone. At first, your dad and I would support you, and then, after a few falling-and-getting-up-again episodes, you were able to ride it on your own. Also, be honest and conversational to express all your love, appreciation, and feelings for him. This milestone isnt about justgrowing up, its about being a grown-up. okay to wonder. You are well on your way to becoming a wonderful man. Trust me, you are in for something very special. There will be wonderful views and a fantastic sense of accomplishment. An Open Letter to My Son on Graduation Day SA Smith To My Son, You came into our lives that January day, all wrinkled and full of hope. Floss Choose positive intense experiences that nurture you. I hope this heartfelt letter to my son can inspire you to write one to your own firstborn. We are particularly impressed with the way both of you treat each other with respect. We used to take the bottom of our t-shirts and tuck them into the neckline and out the bottom, turning our shirts into makeshift halter tops. All you can do is keep moving forward and learn from your mistakes and heartbreak. I have loosened my hold, and will continue to as you become a man, but I will never let you go.The Potential PeopleIn addition to nature, in addition to the people who already love me, it is also the strangers who have provided me the most intense experiences. Your first tantrum. A wise father will now limit the use of his pen to preserve the ink he has left for more critical places in the book. Happy birthday to the best son in the world. So write as long or short you want. Most children hardly hear what their parents are telling them. He is a good listener, even when the topic is not personally interesting. A Letter to My Son on His Graduation Day: On Being a Good Man April 23, 2017 / Tina Bausinger Tim McGraw's "Humble and Kind" Dear Son, Didn't we both think this day was never going to come? Besides doing very well in college, you have also set a great example for your brother and sister. written letter Although my son is Open Letter to my Son advice for your success Published on June 12 2014 Fred Baumhardt My father would have been proud of you son and he. You have so beautifully expressed the "mantras" of life :), Experienced finance professional | global operations l consulting | strategy & leadership | transformation | services marketing | solution design, Singer-Songwriter | Founder & frontman at Eka (band), LM Live & LM Studio | Live & Virtual Concerts Performer | Bassist | Composer | Former Corporate Exec | Entrepreneur. Your first day of preschool, I took a photo. To love deeply. I hope he knows what a great mom he has! This will be a memory he will cherish for the rest of his life, and it will make you both smile from ear to ear for years to come. You just have to talk to your courage, ask it for a clue as to what the next best step might be. Dear Cole, I'm writing you from our front porch, on the eve of your high school graduation. You set your sights on a goal and you worked to achieve it. Your achieving the scholarship of such a prestigious university is not a small feat. Thank you for making it a reality. My oldest is but 12, so I have some time, but I may have to cut and paste this to send to her when shes flying off on her own. But here it is, and I am entirely unprepared for all the feelings. Stay open to meeting them.The WorksAnd finally, it is also the great works of strangers that have provided me these intense experiences. I dont need to tell you which group I will be in. #MomPower. A good life isnt always easy. Im gonna miss you when youre gone. You may think you will give it all up and travel at a later time in your life, and maybe you will, but it will be infinitely more complicated. It is how we overcome those that define us as a family and as individuals. Remember when you were learning to ride a bicycle? But we know you will do well. To love deeply. Only time can tell the whole story. Yes, children. Hes not too proud to admit hes failed, and hes not afraid to dust himself off after falling. You have lived that. "Becoming A Man" - an open letter to my son upon graduation - LinkedIn My tears were in anticipation of your graduation day. 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Now, nearly 18 years later, I finally have the answer: It will be a better world, for your efforts. Go into the world knowing that, and watch the way the world responds with love. We were dumping you in a new school where you knew no one. Congratulations, my son. A group of friends used to play the greatest hits album ad nauseam at parties. Congratulations on turning 18. Allow us to tell you that you need professional help and sustained abstinence. Or not. Try to write it like you usually talk or converse with your son. I always knew my son would make me extremely proud one day! I know its been a long since we last talked or met, but there has not been a day when I didnt miss you or remember you. alone. A good man knows when to apologize. You will encounter great joy and indescribable pain. I think you are a pretty awesome person and sometimes I am on the verge of bursting with pride. You went from crawling one week to walking the next. Cherish every moment leading up to the wedding day as this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Most of all, my tears areanticipation of the journey that is ahead for you. But here it is, and I am entirely unprepared for all the feelings. 1. As you leave high school behind and move to greater things, dont for a second underestimate your power in this world. This is a letter to my teenage son on his birthday, but it is also meant for me and you as we process through the years we've had as moms with our firstborns. What you want is money and meaning. And whether it lasts for decades or moments, I call the interaction with these catalysts and guides "intense experiences". Here is a sample letter to son from his mother: Dear Son/name/nickname, I got the best gift of my life on that rainy day in June. But here we are today, celebrating your graduation from kindergarten. An open letter to my graduating son: Whatever you do, don't set the she assumed the role of seasoned mom while experiencing shock, awe, happiness, and sadness in one swoop. Or do you remember the story about the time I was learning to surf and was embarrassed by how terrible I was? When you spoke your first word, when you walked your first steps, I was your biggest supporter and fan. He loves when she is unlovable. Son, its not your fault. What are college-bound seniors, parents thinking in 'final' days together | Larry Reisman, The cancer's gone but the journey continues | Gil Smart, the debauchery planned at that Palm City post-prom bash that got busted, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. You do have a way with words. You fell in love, one or two times. To make your own choices. I wiped away your tears. I am sure every parent waits eagerly for this special day in the life of their children. You said that you feel more comfortable in uncertainty now. Choose a format that suits your preference or take inspiration from the ones you come across. I have fond memories of the first day I drove you to kindergarten. Over the past couple of years you have slowly pulled away. You will lose: sometimes big and sometimes small. Youve always taken that advice. When the final chapter of your story is written, I will see you walk across that grand stage and shall borrow these words and proudly say . Before I begin, I would like to tell you that you are the strongest person Ive ever known. Dr. Laura is a registered trademark of Take On The Day, LLC, Dr. Laura's Marriage 101 Course | The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands, Email of the Day: A Letter to Our Son as He Graduated College, Call of the Day Podcast: My Daughter Isn't a Regular Teen, Deep Dive: How To Deal With Defiant Children, Email of the Day: I Dont Need New Dresses, Call of the Day Podcast: My Kids Aren't Following in My Footsteps, Call of the Day Podcast: My Husband's Fed Up. This goes for money, time, or love. Today, son,in honour ofyour graduation,I want to share some advice from my life experiences andgive you somegifts. We have full faith that you will come back home, and when you do, we will welcome you with open arms. All rights reserved. Reading this post gave me a tear in my eye thinking about my boy and he is only 20 months old! A Letter to My Son on Your Graduation - For years we both have been the support system of each other. Life is not easy. But when I left you that day, I cried. What happened between us is unfortunate. I cried when you were hurting. Speaking of love: a good man doesnt force his intentions, agenda, or affections on anyone else. Words beaded in music to express your love and longing for him. It was one of the proudest days of my life. Writing a letter for son can be one way to show how important he is to you. And thats why Im confident youll surf this wave just fine. Words fall short of expressing our pride and love for you. Remember that nothing in life comes for free. Make good decisions and we know too thatyou will fail sometimes but that you will learn from your mistakes. As football fans ourselves, we cant be prouder. You dont need to know everything, or to be right all the time, to earn love. But on your first day of senior year, you were no longer the child I use to snuggle tight with promises that everything will alright. Letter to Son From Mom: 15 Examples To Inspire the Right Words One of the few pieces of music that is tied specifically to an event, like the Wedding March. But it doesnt mean that the conflict cannot be resolved. Ipromise tocheer for you as you learn andgrow, always. Looking for a letter of encouragement to my son? My son is graduating High School in 5 days, and I have been searching for what to say to him, words of wisdom and suchand then I found thisso I am tweaking it a bit, and going to give it to him, as a letter from me. 01 A letter to my son on his wedding day Photo by Joe Tobiason on reshot Dear Bobby, Congratulations on finding the woman of your dreams. Here are some sample letters you can take inspiration from to write your letter. Remember, in life; you always have to work hard to achieve success. I look at you with wonder as these years pass quickly by. Be on time We know youll continue to make us proud as always. He helps others who dont know how to ask. Your friends have a larger share of your life than your family and that is how it should be, not that it makes it any easier. Its the end of school dances and football games. Whenever you hear that music you will think back to your own graduation day, high school or college. 16th April 2023 Evening Service - Facebook You know that. I know Ive told you the story before, but you were born just two weeks before 9/11. "I just follow my characters along on their adventures, like a fly on the wall, and see where they take me." In a blink they will be gone. How to Be Happy and Successful - A Letter to My Son on His Graduation OK, sniff. No matter what your age, these are experiences that will help you grow constantly and become who you are.The Deadly ImpostersMeanwhile, beware of the deadly imposters: alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, materialism and excessive shopping, brainless TV, heartless sex, fast and processed food, and other reckless behavior like dangerous driving. Be prepared for highs and lows. Explore, make new friends, read as many books as you could, participate in different activities, party responsibly, be open to different perspectives, and welcome people of all cultures into your life. Always. With feeling proud of who you are and your heritage. Whenever I hear the opening of the song Jungle Love, I immediately think of tequila and regret. Your mere presence in my life makes it beautiful. Remember, dont take yourself, or the world, too seriously. Write your child a letter if you are unable to talk. The world has been changed by many men, both good and evil. And I remember thinking: What kind of world have I brought this child into? Keep soaring. Be a great human and continue to be a great son. Do your best to fall into that last category. We pray your mistakes are small ones, but if not, we hope that youwill possess the courage and integrity to do the right thing in the faceof adversity, peer pressure and the inevitable.