I know! . Alexis and the whole of the Obelisk Blue, expect for a few students, are under his mind-control., Blair asks, curiously, So, Sartorius did this to me, Jaden?, Syrus tells Blair, Yeah, Blair. This is great. Serena gives her usual wide smile and nods her head in agreement with her friends. First and foremost, it is a rare Divine Attribute monster!, Everyone gasps in shock and Bastion exclaims, A Divine Attribute monster?! God cards, and replies, Yes, I did. I draw three cards from my deck and discard two from my hand! Serena draws three cards, looks to see that they are Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000), Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800), and Card of Sanctity spell card. In the late afternoon hours, we find Sartorius inside of his room in the `White Dorm' shuffling his cards on the table that he uses and looking on them intently. , Princess Serenity asks, Why did you wish to meet with me?, Ishtar replies, in a plain tone, We are here to give you the power of Neo-Spacian along with the Chosen Duelist, Jaden Yuki. Serenity tells Judai, Maybe we should go see. Judai nods his head in agreement and follows Serenity back towards the Moon Kingdom Palace where Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars, in their Silver Millennium `forms', were coming out to greet and escort them back. Today, inside Duel Academy, we find ourselves within Obelisk Arena where Mina and another Ra Yellow student, a pretty dashing young 18 year old third year student with black hair and light blue eyes, were dueling during their `free period', which is usually used for studying and `free dueling'. "Well Tuxedo Mask ..er.. Darien doesn't have enough energy." Yugi and his friends give a friendly greeting to the whole school and Yugi moves his eyes to look at Jaden Yuki and thinks. A beam of silvery pink light encased Jedite in a powerful energy bubble that resembled the moon. It was similar to the silver crystal except it was gold and had the symbol of Earth on it. The Sailor Senshi and Yugi Moto and his friends need to be there for this `Pharaoh' to be revived with Jaden's Shadow Charm and Serena's Imperium Silver Crystal. Yugi says to himself, sounding exactly like Atem, After all of these years, I thought that I was done with saving the world, but it looks like that my destiny might be far from finished. The cards predicted defeat for her against Blair, but instead . What will Usagi do when Mi nombre es Serena Tsukino aunque para la sociedad soy Usagi de Chiba, sufri muchsimo mi vida paso por un terremoto llamado Diamante y la calma la encontre en el amor Serena es una chica que esconde un gran secreto que para muchos puede resultar imposible creer y es que aparentemente es inmortal. Just don't go back to the Blue barracks! While I am gone it is your duty as Prince Endymion to guard these crystals with your life as well as become the leader of my court.] When they ask you, probably a bit defensively about it, tell them that `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' They either have to have a powerful spiritual awareness or connection to the world of the spirits in the universe or they have deep connection to the ancient Shadow Games or the modern-day incarnation of them: Duel Monsters. Master Sartorius will be pleased to bring you into the light along with Jaden Yuki.. RINI: WELL I HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT. Blair exclaims, shocked, No way! Just then the images of the destroyed monsters turn into light and head right into Celestial Neos causing him to gain a rainbow-like aura and his stats quickly rise up to 14,875/13,700! Then a series of groans started as the mass sat up against the wall. A Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, Neo-Spacian Glow Moss, and a new Spacian that hasn't been seen before. If you have a good Serena and Darien fanfic send me a PM. Mr. Moto . Or at least a way in?, Sailor Uranus shakes her head and says, in her usual plain and serious tone, Neither. Prince Judai states, surprised, Whoa! When the flaming bird version of Celestial Phoenix `collides' with Elemental Hero Neos, they are bathed in a rainbow light. He threw down the locket and tended to his badly burned arm. Serena, Mina, Mindy, and Jasmine jump back in fear and Serena asks, a bit fearfully, Who or what is that?, Trista gives a wide grin and tells Atem, You must forgive our princess' actions, Atem. We can't afford to lose you or the Silver Crystal!, Serena tells Rei, in a confident tone not seen in her before, Don't worry, I don't intend to lose today. Everyone else, expect for Trista and Blair, is surprised by Serena's confident tone as she steps up to face Blair. And this power is even greater and more powerful than the dark powers of the Orichalcos itself and has been around a lot longer., Yugi and Tea gasp in shock and Tea asks, perplexed, How are we supposed to fight against that?, Atem tells Tea in reply, There are already people on Duel Academy fighting against this evil and this evil has the same ability as Millennium Necklace, which is the power to see into the future. Sartorius says, with a smile, I see that she is indeed have a `crush' on the Chosen Duelist. This brand new monster, Elemental Hero Celestial Neos, is a ten star monster with 2500/2000 stats. [Don't give the crystal to Jedite.] And as such, members of the royal family are expected to lead and fight with their soldiers in the front lines of battle, which is the practical reason for this training. he's coming to Duel Academy!, Everyone gasps in shock and Jaden says, surprised, Yugi is coming here? she asked. Rei and Mina are going to have fits about the awesome new cards that mom and the Neo-Spacians gave me. Serena quickly opens her door, closes it, locks it, and runs towards the main building of Duel Academy on Academy Island. The last thing that I remember is some kind named Sartorius coming up to me when I was visiting Domino City. !, Serena tells Blair, This is my Celestial Neos' special ability! It took Serena's eyes a little while to adjust to the light. I'm going to be late! Quickly, she bounds off to get in her Duel Academy Ra Yellow uniform along with her bra and panties, gets her duel disk, and is about to bound out the door, when she goes over to her new cards, puts them in a special pouch in her backpack, saying, Man. . Serena gets onto her feet, gives a big `yawn', and stretches her arms out. ., Queen Serenity tells her daughter, Welcome home, Serenity., Princess Serenity asks Queen Serenity, Did you bring me here mother?, Queen Serenity replies, nodding her head, Yes, I did, my darling daughter. I know that there is a deeper reason for your arrival here. But Zoycite's plan results in Serena being seriously injured.. Lita goes over to the bushes and exclaims, in a serious tone, All right, come out of there or we'll coming in!, Jasmine and Mindy stand straight up in perfect view of everyone, hold up their hands, and exclaim in unison, panic in their voice, We surrender!, Jaden asks, quite surprised, Mindy? "This vortex is about to collapse. The legendary King of Games is coming here! That overgrown bug is still no match for my dino!, Missy puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, Not when I play my Mystical Space Typhoon! Blair draws one card from her deck, gives an evil sly smile, and says, You have played well, Serena, but destiny is on my side. PLEASE BE GENTLE. Sartorius will save the world by destroying all darkness in the universe. Plus, remember, my dino DNA inside protects me from Sartorius' brainwashing powers. Queen Serenity notices this and says, with a smile, I see that your daughter has met my son. Tyranno puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, Next, I play my Mystic Wok spell! Finally a powerful light beam shot out of the crystal. This allows me to destroy the weakest face-up attack monster on your side of the field and since you've only got one kind, I'm taking out one of your Valkyria! Just a large fissure opens up and swallows one of Mina's two Valkyria, destroying it! Meet my Cosmic Heroes and let's just say that they are more than pretty faces., Blair puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, This will end my turn!, Serena draws one card from her deck, smiles, displays it to be a spell card with a picture of the Golden Crystal, and exclaims, Now, I play this! Serena puts the card that she retrieved from the graveyard into the spell/trap card slots and shouts out, Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! Just another day in our lives.. . This mission is the bomb!, Serena states, also in an excited tone, No joke, Mina! Bastion looks intensely at Yugi and his friends and thinks. They alone have the power to revive me into this world., Jasmine then states, in a perplexed tone, Excuse me, can anyone tell me what's going on here?, Rei says, Yeah, I would like to know that myself., Atem says, in a plain tone, I believe it for the best to explain our stories and get to know each other better.. Sartorius says, with a greatly interested tone, The cards tell me something or someone that I would not usually expect is coming to Duel Academy. Sartorius says, with a slight evil smirk, This shall prove an interesting day indeed.. He gains half of the attack and defense points of every single monster in our graveyard! . Then as if by magic the crystal was restored. We have, what you would call, zero population growth, but we reproduce enough to ensure the continued survival of our species. Jaden exclaims, excited, Sweet move, Serena!, Blair roars out, angrily, How dare you destroy my Sacred White Veil?! !, Joey tells Yugi, Ready as we will ever be pal!. And now, you use weld that power as well., Princess Serenity asks, perplexed, What do you mean mother?. Then it dawned on him. The reason for this decree is twofold. We've got trouble soldiers. When everyone looks to where Tyranno is looking at to see none other than Missy, the female duelist from Obelisk Blue that Syrus dueled in his `promotion duel', blocking their path. She had. These people are among the world's best in the `functions' of the world, if not the world of Duel Monsters.. Then I would like to thank and give credit to Fanfiction author, Riana Kaiba, and this author's story, The Rise of White, for the idea of turning Blair into a teenager through Sartorius' power and the idea of Sartorius' power to `increase' a person's age or `maturing' people more quickly all together. With more students being `converted', Jasmine and Mindy are worried about what's going to happen to the school and to their best friend. After the usual introductions were done by Crowler, the current chancellor of Duel Academy, she was given her seat. Two of them are very interesting in this matter since there is one wearing a fiery red uniform similar to Sailor Mars' uniform that looks a lot like Jasmine and the other with a dark yellow uniform similar to Sailor Venus' uniform that looks very similar to Mindy. All alone Serena, a 14. year old high school girl, slowly walked home. he bellowed. I'm a new student here and I've been assigned your locker. Four gasps was heard as Tuxedo Mask de transformed into Darien Shields. In order to bring Atem back into this world, we need to use the powers of Serena's Silver Crystal, which is filled with the powers of light, and the power of Jaden's Shadow Charm, which contain the powers of darkness. Serena tells Blair, Well, this might come to you as a shock, but have you heard of the Sailor Senshi? When Blair nods her head, Serena and the others start to explain about themselves, but what everyone didn't know or see is Chazz and Alexis walking away from all of them while they head back to the `White Dorm'. And busting in is out of the question because we don't want to make a commotion or for any innocent people to get hurt. "Yes but who are you?" Ami went to the library to do the same thing., Mina then says, with a sly grin on his lips, Maybe Bastion and Ami have developed a thing for each other, however., Serena tells Mina, No way, Mina! Her opponent drops to his knees and says, Man. And why I wearing this weird outfit?, Jaden asks Blair, You don't remember anything that happened to you?, Blair shakes her head and replies, No. I would also like to inquire about an item within Ms. Tsukino possession. Yugi says, So, that's Sartorius, huh? Hero Signal! Serena's other face-down is revealed to be Hero Signal. He had to get back to that torture chamber and rescue Serena but how would he get past Jedite. The other girls and I are going to get `acquainted' with where they are all staying and figure where to go from there.. I saw Jaden play you. Queen Serenity tells her, This is the last of the power from the Silver Alliance. . My mother was Queen Serenity. However, he hasn't found anyone that could succeed him until the day that he met a teenage duelist who was late for Seto Kaiba's Duel Academy exams, who that had similar to the same beliefs as him with the `heart of the cards'. via: Tumblr.com (anime-girl-ash) On more than one occasion, we witness Sailor Moon throwing herself in the midst of danger to save the Sailor Scouts. Princess Serenity says, amazed, I've returned home.. Mina asks, worriedly, Is she all right? To answer Mina's question, Blair gives a loud groan as she slowly opens her eyes to look at the group looking straight at her. She was weary and tired. Anyway, I've started on this chapter before I've posted the first chapter of my new story. I knew that the world and even more could be in grave danger from Sartorius and this `Society of Light'. . Her male opponent says, with a wide, As long as I give up 1000 life-points, my trap will negate your trap's effect! I will help you. The Sailor Senshi decided to reveal themselves to Blair, only because they needed to figure if Sartorius' power over her is gone and his `aging effect' is only temporary. Sartorius says to himself, What the cards told me was true. "Ok then I hope you feel better Serena." She then walked over to the girls and quietly told them what had happened and that she thought it would be best to leave Serena to her thoughts. Your jobs might seem unimportant, but they are vital to our mission and I thank you for your aid. Yes it is true that without my original body I can not be reincarnated as Serena. I'm glad to do it. What I do know is stopping that pale faced freak is our mission and this `Pharaoh' guy is our vital reinforcements. asked Sailor Mars. {Should I wait for the other scouts or should I follow them?} We have some brand new teachers coming in to aid our current facility and this is a real treat!, Syrus says, not impressed, What so impressive about new teachers?, Chancellor Crowler calls out, in his excited tone, As you well know, Yugi Moto is the legendary King of Games, the best duelist in the world. Now, we are outdoors area near the woods within Duel Academy Island and we focus on two female figures wearing female Obelisk Blue uniforms, which is quite rare since the majority of the Obelisk Blue are wearing white since their `whitening' by Sartorius and his brainwashed `servant' and first `convert', Chazz Princeton. With her mind, preoccupied on getting home to bed she did not notice the two figures lingering in, the shadows up ahead. "Is something wrong?" Yugi looks at Serena and her friends and asks, I see that you have made a lot of friends, here, in Duel Academy. Jaden then introduces all of his friends to Yugi and his friends. Mercury was typing furiously on her computer. Serena glanced at Jedite who had almost completely healed his arm. Her male opponent puts one card into the spell/trap slots and exclaims, Okay, I don't want to hit girls, especially one such as yourself, but you asked for this! But the only way out is by sailor teleport." Serena then calls out, My Venus doesn't go the graveyard without leaving something behind! As he two spirits faded out of existence they whispered in unison I love you. The budding duelist that you gave Winged Kuriboh, too., Yugi asks, pretty shocked, You mean Jaden Yuki?, Tea tells Yugi, You told me about him, Yugi. Jaden Yuki, your next battle is to come . AMANTES 2 by Moonie1284. She turned back to Tuxedo Mask. Tea asks Yugi, Is anything wrong, Yugi? Where am I? Blair then looks down at herself and she asks, pretty surprised, Ack! Just then Atem's voice rings out, It is because that the Princess of Pluto and I are `old' friends, years ago, Joey. Everyone looks to the source to see the spirit of the Pharaoh walking towards them and stopping in front of them. This card allows me to sacrifice my Maiden in Love to summon this! Just then Maiden in Love in bathed in white light as she is sent to the graveyard while Blair puts another card on her duel disk and calls out, My White Love Maiden in attack mode! To replace Maiden in Love, a beautiful young adult woman version of her appears with deep blue eyes, beautiful red lipstick, and her dress in purely white. Want to guess how much stronger he is going to get?. Anyway, the girls were enjoying the hot springs that Chazz installed in the Slifer Red dorms and Mina says, relaxed, Hey! And you, soldiers, need to be there for him to come here and give us a hand. Then it moved. Another beam golden red this time shot out and "eclipsed" the moon. Serena shouts out, And now, I dedicate this attack to my best friend who really knows what love is all about! The new teachers, Amara Ten'ou, Michelle Kaiou, and Trista Meiou are Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. If that knowledge gets out to the enemy, that knowledge could lead to your brother's destruction., Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, I understand, mother. well, you saw the result., Sartorius tells Alexis and Chazz, Thank you for reporting this to me. But when Mamoru realizes he likes Usagi, she comes What if Usagi found out she was Sailor Moon after she and Mamoru already started dating? . Barely conscious Tuxedo Mask said "Serena I don't think I can do this." "After him. in a flash of light they were back in the ally where Serena was kidnapped. And soon enough, they will see the light.. The smaller of the two men, who was apparently the leader, laughed. Just a book about what the Chiba family would be in modern times. I just hoped that you didn't need to use. Queen Sol tells Queen Serenity, Next, I would like to introduce my beautiful and strong-willed daughter, Princess Arinna of the Sun Kingdom., Princess Arinna opens her eyes, revealing her beautiful brown eyes, does a curtsy in front of Queen Serenity, and says, in a similar voice to Alexis Rhodes' voice, through a bit more mature and woman-like, It is an honor to meet you, Queen Serenity. It was a torture chamber. Tyranno says, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, He might be too weak, but now, I play my new Ultra Evolution Pill spell! He might be the key to saving Alexis., Syrus tells Mina, Atticus Rhodes, Alexis' older brother. And if used in a certain way, they make excellent fortresses., Sailor Mercury says, nodding her head in agreement, Bastion's right. The two hands pulled Serena unwillingly into the dark alley. That Equip Spell will destroy Serena's spell and trap as soon as her monster attacks! Blair's White Light Phoenix gives a bright white glow as it is equipped with White Veil. We find that Jaden has his `old' Shadow Charm hanging around his neck. Can I have your autograph with Mr. Moto and all of his friends? They then got up and left and told her they hoped she felt better soon. If we get brainwashed, then there is nothing left of our dorm., Mindy says, a bit fearful, Don't even say that. I play my Diffusion Wave Motion! However, I knew that you need protection. It is time to get a dinosaur back in my platoon! Archaeopteryx glows in a bright light as it sent into the graveyard, Tyranno puts a card on his duel disk, and exclaims, Black Tyranno, attention! To replace Archaeopteryx, Black Tyranno (2600/1800) is summoned to the field in attack mode. Make it out to Jasmine!, Jaden, Tyranno, Bastion, Blair, Syrus, and Bastion sweatdrop at this and Syrus says, embarrassed, Oh brother., Tyranno tells Syrus, You said it solider., Just then they see Mina go over with her autograph book and says, Hey, don't forget about me! Her small body was bloodied and mangled. However, it doesn't mean that Yugi is jealous of Atem. The setting sun cast an eerie redness in the sky. Like Celestial Phoenix, he is a Divine Attribute monster who's special ability allows him to be counts as all of the other attributes. And today . He reached in his pocket and took out Serena's locket.