q /Length 16 q endobj >> /Font << /FormType 1 /Length 69 /Subtype /Form /Subtype /Form Q Q /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] /Type /XObject 0.51 Tc (D\)) Tj Q Q /FormType 1 >> endobj >> q endstream >> 0 g stream 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 843.902 cm /Type /XObject Q 0.737 w /Meta1330 1348 0 R >> Q Q /Font << q 32 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /Type /XObject 1 g q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q 0 g endstream /Meta755 Do endobj /Subtype /Form 1 i 1 i Q endstream /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 275.612 38.085 TD endobj ET S stream Q Q Q /Subtype /Form /Meta613 Do >> q >> /Resources<< Q (32) Tj 0 w /FormType 1 endstream endstream q stream /Subtype /Form q endstream endobj /F3 17 0 R >> 0.564 G Q 441 0 obj >> << /Meta1128 Do /Type /XObject /I0 Do << q Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream 0 w /Length 59 q ET /Meta299 Do Q << Q /Meta1151 1169 0 R BT /Resources<< /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject Q /Length 16 /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 32.201 5.203 TD ET 1 g >> endobj 0 g q Q /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 474.271 cm endstream 1 i q /FormType 1 Q endstream /ProcSet[/PDF] stream /Meta1201 Do /BBox [0 0 23.896 16.44] q 0.458 0 0 RG Q 13.464 5.203 TD 0 5.336 TD q /Meta428 442 0 R /Type /XObject endobj << BT 0 G >> (\) ) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream Q Q endstream Q 0 g Q /Length 70 Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 457.709 cm [(2)-27(\()-21(x )] TJ >> /FormType 1 1187 0 obj 1 i q >> /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] /Length 69 1 i >> q 0 G /Meta929 945 0 R /Font << 0 G endobj /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] q /F3 17 0 R Q >> endobj /FormType 1 q /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 Q 308 0 obj /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form >> /F3 17 0 R Q 253.133 5.203 TD 29.961 5.203 TD /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /FormType 1 q q 0 g /Length 12 /FormType 1 endstream Q Algebra Individual Multiple Choice Test: Unit 6 - Solving Systems of Equations. endobj /BBox [0 0 534.67 32.881] << 1 i /Meta632 648 0 R endstream 0 g Q >> 0 G /Meta1321 1339 0 R Q 1183 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Type /XObject 252 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF] /FormType 1 0 g stream endstream /Type /XObject q /Type /XObject >> /Meta1368 Do << q /Type /XObject /Font << /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] /ProcSet[/PDF] 0.369 Tc >> 1 i q 1271 0 obj /FormType 1 /F3 12.131 Tf >> q 0 w /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] >> 1208 0 obj q endstream /F3 17 0 R 845 0 obj 0 g /Meta146 Do /Subtype /Form Q q -0.138 Tw 1 i Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Meta1343 1361 0 R /Type /XObject /Font << /FormType 1 q /Length 59 q Q q >> 0 g 1.014 0 0 1.007 111.416 773.891 cm /Resources<< 1 i endstream /Subtype /Form stream [(2)-25(6\))] TJ 0 g /Meta969 Do Q /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] q endstream Q 1 i /F3 12.131 Tf (3\)) Tj stream Q /F3 17 0 R /Length 73 << Q endstream >> endobj /Font << >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q /Type /XObject /Resources<< q << q q Q 0.458 0 0 RG /Length 58 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 253.697 cm endstream 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 457.709 cm /Meta177 Do stream /FormType 1 q << >> Q q (44) Tj /Meta375 Do endobj 13. q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /F3 17 0 R >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 531.485 399.743 cm 0 g /I0 Do /BBox [0 0 639.552 16.44] >> q /FormType 1 << /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 20.21 5.203 TD endstream -0.071 Tw endobj endstream >> endobj 0 g /Subtype /Form 0 5.336 TD /Length 69 1 i stream /Subtype /Form ET q >> q /Font << 0 G /Subtype /Form (-) Tj >> 13.464 5.203 TD >> /Resources<< >> /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form /Meta88 Do /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form stream 0 G 16.469 5.203 TD /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] >> BT q /Type /XObject /FormType 1 (x ) Tj >> endstream /Meta517 533 0 R /Type /XObject /Length 68 Q >> /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] q >> q /Type /XObject q stream BT q << 0 g Q Q endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endstream Q 0 g /FormType 1 /Length 16 stream endobj 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 253.697 cm /Meta167 181 0 R 0.458 0 0 RG Q /F3 12.131 Tf /FormType 1 1388 0 obj /Type /XObject /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /ProcSet[/PDF] BT /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] q q Q 1 i >> endstream 0 G /Meta273 Do /Subtype /Form Q << /Meta907 Do /Subtype /Form /Resources<< Q Q Q 0.564 G 1172 0 obj >> /F3 12.131 Tf /Meta60 74 0 R 599 0 obj /Resources<< >> Q endstream >> /Meta1351 Do /F3 17 0 R 0.564 G /Meta845 861 0 R >> Q q >> /Subtype /Form << 1434 0 obj /Resources<< 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 779.16 cm endstream /Font << Q /Meta1079 Do 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 807.014 cm q endstream /FormType 1 /F3 17 0 R stream endstream /Length 69 /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] Q Q BT q 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 306.394 cm 0.458 0 0 RG /F3 12.131 Tf Q /Meta1084 Do /F3 12.131 Tf >> /Length 58 stream stream /Resources<< 0 w ET << 0 G /Meta1269 Do /Resources<< q Q Q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] endobj ET << >> Q /Resources<< /F3 17 0 R Q 1 i /Meta1567 Do endstream Q /Meta323 Do stream q >> ET Q 1 g /Meta240 Do 0 G stream /F4 24 0 R endobj 0 g /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] [(sn)-15(ow )15(plow)] TJ >> endobj 0.737 w /Subtype /Form stream 168.52 21.777 TD >> q endstream 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 457.709 cm /Length 16 >> << >> q (20) Tj >> 0.564 G >> q /Length 89 0 g 1.005 0 0 1.008 102.382 665.486 cm /Meta390 Do Q q >> /Meta496 Do stream /Subtype /Form /F3 12.131 Tf /Meta429 443 0 R 1 i /F3 12.131 Tf q Q /F3 12.131 Tf /Resources<< Q << 0 g stream q /F4 12.131 Tf q >> (7) Tj /Length 69 1.005 0 0 1.013 45.168 933.487 cm /ProcSet[/PDF] 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 416.305 cm /Font << stream Q /Resources<< ET 0.737 w /Type /XObject /Length 68 q Q Q (8) Tj >> /Resources<< >> Q << >> /Meta1160 Do /Subtype /Form >> endstream q q q << /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form /Meta713 729 0 R Q /Meta1401 Do /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> >> /Length 12 1 i << /Resources<< /I0 Do /F3 17 0 R q /Meta805 Do q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Resources<< >> /Meta734 Do endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Resources<< q q /Meta680 Do >> BT /Meta1243 1261 0 R endobj /Type /XObject 0 G Q Q 0.737 w 0 g 1 i << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> 0 g /Meta616 632 0 R endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 /Meta1096 1114 0 R /Meta743 Do /Resources<< /Length 167 stream 1.005 0 0 1.007 79.798 730.228 cm Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /I0 64 0 R /F3 17 0 R /Length 54 stream >> /Subtype /Form 0.369 Tc >> << q stream q /Subtype /Form << >> /Length 60 /FormType 1 /FormType 1 Q q stream 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 893.588 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1713 0 obj q >> 196 0 obj 0 G 0 g /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form /Resources<< q >> >> /Length 59 q /Meta662 678 0 R stream q /Meta1601 Do /Meta908 Do /Resources<< 0 G /Resources<< Q /Meta282 296 0 R /F3 12.131 Tf q /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] /FormType 1 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 852.936 cm Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] (9\)) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] [(1)-25(6\))] TJ Q Q endstream >> >> /Meta565 Do >> >> >> q /Type /XObject 783 0 obj >> /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] /Resources<< Q /Length 216 /Length 16 1449 0 obj 0.68 Tc /Meta149 Do q 1 i Q 522 0 obj >> /Subtype /Form -0.042 Tw q >> /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0.786 Tc 0.564 G >> /Subtype /Form Q /F3 12.131 Tf q >> 1 g (D\)) Tj endobj /Type /XObject /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream /F3 12.131 Tf endobj >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Meta1666 Do endobj /Meta1572 1592 0 R stream >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 531.485 499.114 cm stream Q Q Q /F4 24 0 R /Length 68 endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta907 923 0 R q ET /Type /XObject 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 576.654 cm Q 0 g /Type /XObject /F4 12.131 Tf >> >> 56.182 5.203 TD /Font << 0.564 G /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] BT /F3 12.131 Tf 1 i 0.737 w >> >> BT /Meta265 Do 1 i 0 g /FormType 1 Q /Type /XObject << endstream /Type /XObject /Length 16 Q [(1)-25(2\))] TJ /Length 58 /Meta454 468 0 R /Length 63 /ProcSet[/PDF] /Font << q /Length 16 /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET Explain what the rate of change means for the situation. 0 g /Meta1003 Do >> q /Type /XObject /Ascent 1050 /FormType 1 /Resources<< q 55.417 5.203 TD >> << endobj /Font << /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 92 0 obj endobj >> >> /Meta1158 1176 0 R /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Meta1214 1232 0 R /Subtype /Form /Meta1228 1246 0 R endstream q /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] 1 i %%EOF /Font << /FormType 1 q (C\)) Tj /Length 69 Q endstream /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 737.003 cm q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 16 endobj >> /Font << /ProcSet[/PDF] >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /BBox [0 0 17.177 16.44] << q q /Type /XObject >> endstream stream endstream /Meta247 Do ET 1.005 0 0 1.007 79.798 862.723 cm 1 i q (-) Tj /Meta229 Do /Meta1045 Do 22.478 18.064 TD /Subtype /Form BT /Meta56 70 0 R Q /BBox [0 0 673.937 14.853] stream (8) Tj q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] stream /Type /XObject >> /Meta98 Do 0 w /Length 12 /FormType 1 /Meta756 772 0 R endobj /F3 17 0 R 1 i /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] These standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and . /Resources<< >> /Type /XObject >> Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> 67 0 obj /Subtype /Form 1 g >> /Length 12 /Meta665 681 0 R 0 g /ProcSet[/PDF] [(1)-25(1\))] TJ Q 0 g q /Meta189 203 0 R q Q q stream 805 0 obj 1 i endstream /Font << endobj Q q 6.746 5.203 TD q >> 0.458 0 0 RG 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 843.902 cm /Meta935 Do >> << /Subtype /Form Solving systems of equations with substitution. /Type /XObject /Meta1440 Do /Resources<< q /Length 16 q /Meta1242 Do Q /Type /XObject Q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q << >> 0.68 Tc Q /F3 12.131 Tf Q stream [(1)-25(3\))] TJ stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 17 0 R /Length 69 q /Resources<< /Subtype /Form q 1 i q >> q << q /Resources<< endobj q [( a)-16(nd a n)-17(umber )] TJ q /Type /XObject q 1577 0 obj 1 i 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 399.743 cm /Length 244 /FormType 1 stream /Type /XObject (5) Tj /Font << /Font << stream >> 0 g endobj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 212.682 5.203 TD 1 g (B\)) Tj q /Meta228 242 0 R endstream >> BT /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] >> Q Q /Meta251 Do Q /Type /XObject endobj /Meta511 527 0 R Q /Subtype /Form Q 0 G q 1 i 1 g 0.68 Tc /ProcSet[/PDF] /Meta166 Do stream /Type /XObject /Type /XObject /ProcSet[/PDF] Q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] -0.106 Tw /BBox [0 0 534.67 35.886] 1130 0 obj Q >> /Meta1273 1291 0 R q endstream /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 928 0 obj /Length 12 /Meta1559 Do endstream /Type /XObject /Length 16 1 i BT /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF] << 0 g /Type /XObject /Type /XObject endobj /Meta1342 Do (+) Tj /Resources<< ET -0.486 Tw Q 0 w 1 i /Resources<< BT /BBox [0 0 549.552 16.44] >> endobj >> >> q Q 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 523.204 cm stream /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Subtype /Form q ET q 1 i /Length 54 /Meta399 413 0 R 265 0 obj Q /Meta548 564 0 R endstream /Meta972 Do 0 w endstream 1.007 0 0 1.006 411.035 307.147 cm Q Q Q BT 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q (B\)) Tj 0 g 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 827.34 cm /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Length 69 /ProcSet[/PDF] /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 1 i /F3 17 0 R /FormType 1 922 0 obj q /Font << 433 0 obj /Resources<< /Subtype /Form 0.369 Tc 0 G >> 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 404.26 cm /Meta22 35 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1.014 0 0 1.007 111.416 457.709 cm Q endstream 1 g /Font << << /FormType 1 q >> Q /F3 12.131 Tf /Type /XObject q q Q Q Q BT 559 0 obj << /Meta1681 1701 0 R endstream [(. 671 0 obj q 61.398 5.203 TD 924 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 17 0 R >> q Q (-) Tj BT /FormType 1 /Meta1489 Do 0 5.336 TD /Length 16 /Type /XObject 0 G stream /F3 17 0 R /Type /XObject /Font << /Meta1595 Do << >> >> >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 836.374 cm q /Subtype /Form 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 469.754 cm q /Resources<< /Meta1552 1572 0 R Q /FormType 1 endobj BT /Resources<< 1 i Q 1 g 0.737 w /Resources<< q 15.731 5.336 TD ET /Meta1386 1404 0 R endobj 0 w q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.458 0 0 RG >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] << /Meta437 Do q BT /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] a. b. /Meta874 890 0 R Q endobj >> 0.564 G endstream Q S (-) Tj Q /Length 16 endstream 0.564 G 1.007 0 0 1.007 654.946 306.394 cm q stream /Flags 32 Q >> /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta1632 Do >> (31) Tj /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] (C\)) Tj 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 722.699 cm q 0 G endstream 0.564 G Q Q 361 0 obj 0.737 w BT /F3 17 0 R 0 G /Type /XObject /FormType 1 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /F4 12.131 Tf Q /Length 69 /Resources<< /Resources<< /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1661 0 obj 1 i /Meta1046 1062 0 R 0 g q 1555 0 obj /Meta156 170 0 R Q /F3 17 0 R /Meta894 910 0 R q 1 i /Type /XObject endstream >> /Type /XObject << q stream /Length 73 q Q /Meta220 234 0 R 0.68 Tc >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q q BT stream q >> 0.458 0 0 RG /Meta1040 Do /Font << q >> 1593 0 obj [(2)-25(2\))] TJ /Meta1436 Do /Resources<< /F3 12.131 Tf <> >> endstream 679.036 754.318 m >> Q Q /F3 12.131 Tf [(number)30(.)] stream >> 1 i 0.68 Tc /Meta755 771 0 R 1 i 0.737 w /Type /XObject q endobj /FormType 1 << >> /Resources<< Q /Resources<< /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] 13.464 5.203 TD stream /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /Type /XObject 0.737 w 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta872 Do /F3 12.131 Tf 0 5.336 TD << Q /Resources<< 0.458 0 0 RG endobj 0 g BT Q endstream 0.369 Tc q /Meta1281 Do 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 182.933 cm Q q endstream 0.838 Tc /F3 12.131 Tf endobj q 1293 0 obj 0 20.154 m /Font << >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] >> 0 g endstream Q 0 w (A) Tj Q 0 g endstream /Font << (40) Tj /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> Q Q endstream Q /Font << 1 i >> /Length 59 BT /Length 63 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Type /XObject /Length 69 endobj Q endstream /Type /XObject stream /Meta236 Do /F3 12.131 Tf Q 1 g /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] << 0 g q /Length 59 BT 1.007 0 0 1.006 271.012 486.316 cm Q /Resources<< stream 0 g /BBox [0 0 673.937 16.44] ET /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 639.552 16.44] 1 i << /F4 24 0 R /Subtype /Form q /Type /XObject stream /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Meta117 131 0 R /Meta1118 Do q Q q /Subtype /Form /Meta449 463 0 R 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 457.709 cm << /Subtype /Form /Length 59 /Meta897 Do S /ProcSet[/PDF] >> /Meta909 925 0 R 0 w Q /Type /XObject Q >> /F3 12.131 Tf 0 G stream q /Meta0 Do [(3)-25(3\))] TJ /Font << stream q q endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Font << >> Q /Type /XObject q /F3 17 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form Q q << /Resources<< Q stream /F4 24 0 R q /ProcSet[/PDF] (9) Tj Q 1618 0 obj /Subtype /Form endstream endobj 7 0 obj endobj /F3 17 0 R ( 6) Tj /Type /XObject << /Subtype /Form 65 0 obj q endobj /FormType 1 /Meta778 Do >> >> Q Q /Meta303 Do /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] stream q /F3 17 0 R 1 i 911 0 obj BT 0.68 Tc /Type /XObject 1579 0 obj { C315r2+:bu]v=.c?uXY` S8 Q /Type /XObject 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 199.495 cm /FormType 1 0 g /Type /XObject /BBox [0 0 534.67 35.886] >> /XHeight 476 >> >> >> endobj 1 i 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 453.193 cm ET Q >> << 902 0 obj BT 0 g /Meta577 593 0 R ET q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0 G 22.478 20.154 l /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] >> /Length 54 endobj q 1 i /Resources<< 0.738 Tc q stream /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] Q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /ProcSet[/PDF] BT q ET /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject 0.737 w /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] Q q /Resources<< Q /FormType 1 /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] Q (\(y ) Tj >> 1.007 0 0 1.007 45.168 283.057 cm /F3 12.131 Tf 0 G (3) Tj 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 852.936 cm BT 0.458 0 0 RG 1 i /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] /Length 80 Q /Meta1442 1460 0 R [(eig)-16(h)-16(t t)-16(imes)] TJ >> Q 0 G q /Subtype /Form /Length 60 Q /BBox [0 0 534.67 35.886] Q /FormType 1 >> Q >> /Meta1228 Do >> /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 /Length 73 0 w /Meta718 Do stream /F3 17 0 R /Meta338 Do endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endstream >> >> Q [(1)-25(5\))] TJ q ET >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 182.933 cm 0.458 0 0 RG >> 0.737 w /F3 12.131 Tf endstream 0.369 Tc /Subtype /Form /Resources<< >> /Font << /ProcSet[/PDF] stream q /Font << Q /Meta898 914 0 R (-) Tj Q 0.458 0 0 RG /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /ProcSet[/PDF] Solve the equation. 0.51 Tc endstream /Meta1655 1675 0 R endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G 1 i /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q endobj stream /Meta1267 Do /BBox [0 0 673.937 16.44] /FormType 1 /Resources<< /Type /XObject ET endobj Q /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] /F3 12.131 Tf /BBox [0 0 534.67 35.886] Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET /Resources<< /FormType 1 /Length 59 844 0 obj >> /Length 12 /Type /XObject Q 40.45 17.903 TD /Type /XObject /ProcSet[/PDF] Q 0.564 G 6.746 5.203 TD >> q stream /Meta374 Do >> Q >> /Subtype /Form 358 0 obj 1 i >> /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] q /ProcSet[/PDF] 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 457.709 cm /FormType 1 0 G 0.524 Tc endobj (4\)) Tj << 0 G /Subtype /Form /Font << 0 g endobj /Subtype /Form 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 146.798 cm q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Resources<< /Meta170 184 0 R 0 G 0 g /Meta627 Do Q 0.737 w q q >> 1 g 0 5.336 TD /Resources<< Q 0 5.203 TD Systems of Equations Word Problems Solve each word problem. /Subtype /Form stream 0.458 0 0 RG >> endstream q /Meta360 374 0 R Q Q BT /ProcSet[/PDF] 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 146.798 cm >> ET Q 0 w /Subtype /Form 1591 0 obj /F4 12.131 Tf stream /Resources<< Q 1.014 0 0 1.006 531.485 880.79 cm q Q q /Meta195 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 253.697 cm 0 g >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 1263 0 obj /Resources<< endobj 1.502 5.203 TD ET /Subtype /Form /Meta879 Do 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 522.451 cm endstream /Length 59 1 i q >> Q Q /FormType 1 q >> 0 w >> /ProcSet[/PDF] /Resources<< >> /Length 16 /Resources<< (+) Tj 0 g << /Length 54 ET Q /Subtype /Form 0.737 w /Length 54 0 g /F4 24 0 R 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 420.822 cm /Resources<< q q 25.454 5.203 TD Q 0 G Q 1 i >> 1667 0 obj 0 g q 1344 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject Q 0.564 G q 0.737 w Q /Meta439 453 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q q q Q Q >> q endobj Q 1 i 0 g endstream stream /Font << [(2)-25(9\))] TJ q 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 289.832 cm q Q /Meta765 Do << stream /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj 100.346 5.203 TD (47) Tj /Meta953 Do /Resources<< q q BT /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /F3 12.131 Tf /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject >> /F3 12.131 Tf Q /Subtype /Form 3.742 5.203 TD /FormType 1 q endobj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] >> ET /Resources<< /Type /XObject << 0 G q q /BBox [0 0 673.937 16.44] /Meta357 Do /FormType 1 1 i /Meta355 Do stream /F3 12.131 Tf 1012 0 obj /Subtype /Form q /Length 167 (3) Tj Q endstream /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] 0.369 Tc 20.975 5.203 TD /F3 12.131 Tf 733 0 obj >> /ProcSet[/PDF] Q 0 w /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q TJ /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 1532 0 obj 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 527.721 cm 0.524 Tc endobj /Meta110 Do /Meta985 1001 0 R /Meta1453 Do >> Q /F3 17 0 R Q ET q 228.415 5.203 TD /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] endstream 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 836.374 cm ET /Subtype /Form /Font << Q (D\)) Tj Q /Length 68 /Type /XObject 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 820.565 cm /F3 12.131 Tf ET /I0 Do [( and )-20(a numb)-16(er, added )-15(to )] TJ /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g q /Meta721 737 0 R /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1 i q /Length 78 q 0 g 0 w /FormType 1 0.369 Tc endobj /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] << /ProcSet[/PDF] q 0 G << 881 0 obj << 1 i >> (A) Tj /Subtype /Form >> Q /Meta444 Do endstream stream BT /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> << (3) Tj /F3 12.131 Tf Q Q /Type /XObject q endobj 0.786 Tc /Meta393 407 0 R stream /Meta1496 Do q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 820.565 cm ( 8) Tj /Meta988 Do 1 i ET << q /Font << /Meta170 Do q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] > B D A #` h&. /Resources<< Q >> >> 1 g >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 183.686 cm /Type /XObject ET endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g 0 g stream q endstream /Resources<< /Font << q q ET /F3 17 0 R 0.564 G /ProcSet[/PDF] /Subtype /Form /F4 24 0 R 549.694 0 0 16.469 0 -0.0283 cm 0 g endobj (-) Tj stream Q stream q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] >> 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 852.936 cm q /F3 17 0 R q endobj /Subtype /Form /Meta565 581 0 R /F3 12.131 Tf 0.737 w 0 G )-20(Use x to r)-21(eprese)-22(nt "a num)-15(ber)-19(.")] BT /F4 12.131 Tf Q /Meta682 Do /Length 69 1 i 1 i stream 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 900.363 cm PO 4: Determine from two linear equations whether the lines are parallel, perpendicular, coinciding, or intersecting but not perpendicular. 1 i /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> q >> /Meta906 922 0 R /FormType 1 1222 0 obj 0 g 1.005 0 0 1.008 102.382 665.486 cm /Font << q BT Q /Subtype /Form q Q Q BT << /Resources<< /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /FormType 1 /Resources<< endstream Q >> 0 g 1324 0 obj 0 g endobj Q /Meta1141 1159 0 R 0.524 Tc << /Meta388 Do /ProcSet[/PDF] Q Q 1231 0 obj q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 1 i /Meta1608 Do q (C) Tj q BT << /Resources<< 1 i /F3 17 0 R q /Length 67 /Length 12 >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Font << 0.737 w >> 1.005 0 0 1.013 45.168 933.487 cm 0.369 Tc 1 i /F3 12.131 Tf BT /ProcSet[/PDF] Q /F3 17 0 R /Subtype /Form endobj Q << /Length 57 endobj 161 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 12 /Resources<< 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 457.709 cm >> q /Subtype /Form 1 g /Resources<< endstream 1144 0 obj BT 1.005 0 0 1.006 102.382 852.936 cm [(1)-25(4\))] TJ /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] q q /Font << q Q q /Length 16 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 109 ET /F3 17 0 R q endobj /F3 12.131 Tf q BT /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q 1 i 685 0 obj q Q Q stream 0 g 0.68 Tc << Q q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.737 w >> 46.43 5.176 TD /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject Q >> endstream /Meta557 573 0 R /Resources<< /Type /XObject /ProcSet[/PDF] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0.458 0 0 RG endobj << 41.186 5.336 TD 1510 0 obj Q /ProcSet[/PDF] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] q /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> >> /Resources<< 0 5.336 TD S 0.564 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << endobj /Type /XObject Q /F4 24 0 R 1 i /Subtype /Form 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 350.81 cm /FormType 1 << Q /FormType 1 q /BBox [0 0 549.552 16.44] /F3 12.131 Tf 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 399.743 cm q 0 G endobj /Length 60 Q 1101 0 obj Q stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> 1 i /FormType 1 /Length 16 /Meta1580 Do /I0 Do /Length 7585 1 i Q /Resources<< /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] endstream 1.502 5.203 TD Q Q 1 i /Type /XObject 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 737.003 cm BT >> 0 g /Meta431 Do >> 1 i /Font << 32.201 5.203 TD stream 0 G 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 469.754 cm /Subtype /Form /Subtype /Form Q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Subtype /Form /Font << >> /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 1 i /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] BT 3 5 y x > Graph each system of linear inequalities below and shade the appropriate region. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 0 w endstream /Length 69 /Font << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 1433 0 obj stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 1.005 0 0 1.008 102.382 795.722 cm /Meta888 Do /Subtype /Form Q /F3 17 0 R /Meta342 356 0 R /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0 G /Meta324 338 0 R << q 790 0 obj >> /ProcSet[/PDF] q endstream stream Q Q endstream >> /Meta1461 1479 0 R /Subtype /Form /Length 69 /Subtype /Form 1110 0 obj q /Font << /Resources<< 1 i (=) Tj >> /FormType 1 Q << 0 G >> endobj [(2)-25(8\))] TJ /FormType 1 q >> q >> Q /Font << endstream 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 416.305 cm q ET Q 0 G stream BT Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 350.81 cm /Type /XObject 0.564 G Q /Resources<< << >> 1 i Q 0.369 Tc stream /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] /Subtype /Form /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] BT /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] ET /ProcSet[/PDF] Q q 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 399.743 cm /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] stream Q /Length 69 /Meta289 Do 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 628.598 cm endobj /Resources<< q >> q /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj 1 g >> endstream /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0 g 1.014 0 0 1.007 111.416 779.16 cm >> ET >> q q 1676 0 obj /StemH 94 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 /Meta423 437 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 17 0 R q BT stream /Meta785 Do /ProcSet[/PDF] 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 667.744 cm q >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q /Type /XObject /Resources<< /Subtype /Form q BT Q q stream Q q endobj << (-) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] [(2)-25(4\))] TJ /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] BT 1.502 5.203 TD /F3 12.131 Tf 41.187 20.154 l << /Meta905 921 0 R 1 i q 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 252.944 cm endstream Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 597.733 cm Q q 0 5.203 TD Q >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 549.552 16.44] 0 G 0 G /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Font << /Resources<< Q >> ET 1 g 6.746 5.203 TD 1 i /F3 17 0 R endobj /Resources<< q q 1 i /BBox [0 0 639.552 16.44] /Subtype /Form /F3 17 0 R q 0 g /Meta1059 1077 0 R endstream q q /BBox [0 0 534.67 35.886] 0.737 w 0 w Q Q q (36) Tj ET /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0 g endstream 1 i Q q 1 i q /Type /XObject q q q /Type /XObject << 0.564 G 0 w 38.948 5.203 TD /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] Q /Resources<< /F3 17 0 R endstream 489 0 R 365 0 obj endstream /Length 59 q q /ProcSet[/PDF] /Length 54 Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] (-) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] BT /Resources<< (=) Tj /Meta1154 Do q Q /Resources<< stream /Meta701 Do 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 560.092 cm /Meta1432 1450 0 R /Type /XObject endobj /Length 16 /Meta780 796 0 R Q q Q << endobj /Resources<< Q q /Font << (36) Tj /Meta500 Do /Length 59 stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta248 Do q 0.458 0 0 RG /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 Q /Resources<< Q /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] 0.564 G q >> 1 i /Font << /F3 12.131 Tf /F4 12.131 Tf Q 1084 0 obj q /FormType 1 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 404.26 cm 0 G /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] >> ET /Type /XObject 0.737 w (-) Tj Q /Subtype /Form /Length 118 0.737 w q q >> q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] S /F3 12.131 Tf q Q /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] (D\)) Tj /F4 24 0 R Q /Subtype /Form q q /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] stream /Subtype /Form 0 G >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 59 (\)) Tj Q endstream 183 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1 i endobj << /Resources<< 0 g stream 0 G >> 0 g /FormType 1 176 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << /Resources<< q /FormType 1 >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /F3 17 0 R q /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 560.845 cm endstream BT /Length 58 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 820.565 cm /F3 12.131 Tf /Type /XObject 0 G Q q /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] ( 3) Tj Q Q /Type /XObject q 1.005 0 0 1.007 79.798 548.047 cm /Subtype /Form Q /FormType 1 Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q Q /Length 249 /Meta1427 1445 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q >> /Meta274 288 0 R /Length 118 0.458 0 0 RG << Q /F3 17 0 R /Length 16 (x ) Tj << ET 1.005 0 0 1.007 45.168 490.833 cm Q 0 39.216 TD 0.737 w endstream /FormType 1 endobj stream q 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 432.867 cm /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] BT >> /Type /XObject >> /FormType 1 1 i endstream 1 i >> 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 420.822 cm endstream q Q /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] << 1535 0 obj << /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] Q endstream 546 0 obj 1 i Q q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Resources<< 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 916.925 cm >> stream Q >> 1 g /F4 24 0 R /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form 386 0 obj /F4 12.131 Tf >> 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 200.248 cm >> /Resources<< Q Q stream 0 g endobj 0 G /Font << ET /FormType 1 Q >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] 0.524 Tc q /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form 1 i 1463 0 obj /F3 17 0 R /Length 79 stream 1496 0 obj /Length 16 /Type /XObject /I0 Do /Subtype /Form << << 0 G Q 0 g q stream /BBox [0 0 639.552 16.44] 0 G endobj Q (D\)) Tj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] Q stream Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 129.483 cm /F3 17 0 R q Q 0.786 Tc /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> Q Q /Meta1509 Do << >> endstream /Resources<< 1160 0 obj q /Meta438 Do 1316 0 obj 13.464 5.203 TD 0.737 w 1 i /Font << 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 893.588 cm 0 G << (=) Tj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /F3 12.131 Tf /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] endobj /Type /XObject /Meta1015 Do /Length 12 0 g endstream ET q 1 i Q /Font << endobj 0 g 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 129.483 cm /F3 17 0 R /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 0.458 0 0 RG 1 i /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] >> Q 0.564 G /Resources<< /Meta1334 Do stream >> /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q (3) Tj /Subtype /Form /F3 12.131 Tf Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.68 Tc Q Q endobj q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 404.26 cm /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Subtype /Form 0.369 Tc 26.219 5.203 TD /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form Q Q /Meta1617 1637 0 R Q >> /FormType 1 q q stream Q /F4 12.131 Tf q stream /Length 16 /Resources<< Q 0.369 Tc Q 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 453.193 cm /FormType 1 >> /Type /XObject >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 182.933 cm /F3 17 0 R >> >> 1.014 0 0 1.007 111.416 453.193 cm 0 g Q Q 954 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF] /Meta199 213 0 R /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Type /XObject 1.502 5.203 TD /Length 12 /F3 17 0 R 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 614.294 cm >> stream 1395 0 obj q 1133 0 obj /Length 69 1 i /ProcSet[/PDF] /Meta64 78 0 R 0 g /F3 17 0 R stream q /Resources<< 0.737 w hbbd```b``"j@$\r~c00"VfIGvk*&I&y@_A&F`qAJg` znh ET /Type /XObject /Type /XObject >> 0.458 0 0 RG (C\)) Tj /Meta544 Do /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF] /Meta894 Do q /Length 54 >> 0 g 0 g 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 395.979 cm q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] ET 120.585 5.203 TD BT << >> << << q 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 560.092 cm 3.742 5.203 TD ET 1 i /Meta1380 Do << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.564 G /Length 78 >> /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /F3 17 0 R 1016 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Resources<< /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Length 16 /Length 80 Q q endstream /Subtype /Form 0.737 w /Subtype /Form /Font << /ProcSet[/PDF] >> q BT >> >> endobj /Type /XObject 0.737 w 495 0 obj /Length 60 stream 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 916.925 cm Q Q /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] stream /FormType 1 Q /F3 17 0 R /Meta451 465 0 R /Resources<< q stream 1 g Q /FormType 1 151 0 obj BT 549.694 0 0 16.469 0 -0.0283 cm << Q /FormType 1 q -0.143 Tw 1 i /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] 0.458 0 0 RG 0 G /Resources<< 3.742 5.203 TD 0.458 0 0 RG ET q /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 ET 0.838 Tc 0 g Q /ProcSet[/PDF] Q Q Q 0.68 Tc 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 706.138 cm /FormType 1 >> endobj Q /F3 17 0 R /Meta1562 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 6.746 5.203 TD (-) Tj q q endstream BT /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] /FormType 1 endobj Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 17 0 R 0.737 w Q >> >> ET 62 0 obj endstream /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /Meta1550 1568 0 R << q /Meta999 1015 0 R endobj 1504 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF] /F3 12.131 Tf