Summary - Favelas - urban planning - favela - bairro project geography gcse. London is the first city to host the Games three times. When Stratford was still a rural area, it was the centre for livestock that came from the surrounding areas for slaughter. This is down to a few factors: With more and more people moving to rural areas, some regeneration may be needed. For construction, much of the wildlife already there had to be relocated. Believed to be the biggest collection of discarded white goods in Europe, the pile. Why was Stratford chosen for the Olympics? So what are some of the key characteristics of sustainable urban regeneration case studies? The Salford Quays Development Plan was proposed. Also, the re-opening of the Royal Docks is causing economic growth. There are also now academic options for pupils between 3 and 18. With the purchase of a ticket, each person is entitled to free transportation on London's public transport system for that day. The Work to underground the power lines and remove the pylons which run through the Olympic Park began and transport improvements: Greater capacity on Jubilee Line, extension of DLR to London City Airport, Stratford International Station opened, first 'Javelin' trains unveiled . in North Devon, South West England. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Explain what the legacy for the sports venues was? The area was then underdeveloped, and thus a well-suited place to construct the village. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. At the time of the bid, 60% of the venues and facilities were in place. I applied for Early Decision, which most shou. For the first time in any Games, live Olympic backdrop presentation facilities would be available to broadcast rights holders via rooftop studios on the main press centre with a direct view of the, The torch relay would highlight the "Olympic Truce" by passing through the countries of, The first chairman of the London Olympic Bid was airline executive, This page was last edited on 4 April 2023, at 01:53. After the games, they either got broken down or relocated to be used elsewhere. Environmental - Some of the ways the park is sustainable are walking routes, water-efficient design of homes, and protecting natural habitats. However, both projects resulted in successful regeneration. Now, both areas have significantly improved infrastructure, environmental quality, housing provisions, services and economic opportunities. Everything you need for your studies in one place. These projects took different forms, had different stakeholders and operated over different durations. 1952: London's trams trundle into history. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. . Some urban areas are targeted for regeneration because of challenges, such as deindustrialisation, dereliction, economic decline and mass deprivation. The celebrations of the bid's success were partly silenced the day after the announcement when the 7 July 2005 London bombings killed 52 people and injured hundreds more. from June to October. This meant that about 560 acres of land had been cleaned in order to build it. Some of the new facilities would be reused in their Olympic form, while others would be reduced in size and several would be relocated elsewhere in the UK. Improving transport links while maintaining the natural beauty of places will be important. At time of the bid the following were the tentative completion dates for some of the remaining venues: Channel Tunnel/Stratford rail link (2007); Aquatics Centre and London Velopark (2008); East London line extension (2010); Olympic Stadium and Heathrow Terminal 5 final completion (2011). The Olympic Village was converted into more than 2,800 flats in 11 residential plots, with spacious courtyards, gardens and balconies. At the time of the bid, those involved in British sport were hopeful that there would also be a 2012 legacy of increased commitment to sport in the UK, with the social and health benefits they believe that could bring, but it will be difficult to assess whether or not this really happens. Many jobs were lost, the economy was shattered, the area became derelict and the land was heavily contaminated. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. 7km from the city of London Underdeveloped area (see Table 1, Photos 5 and 6). For example, London will have paid for an 80,000-seat athletics stadium, but will only possess a 25,000-seat stadium. And many people don't know this but specifically Leamington Spa, just north of Stratford, attracted a lot of Confederates.". This means people can find work elsewhere. Economic - due to improved infrastructure, it has better connections to the rest of London. An important aspect of the legacy was what to do with the buildings and venues after the games. the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, although it is not an official Royal Park. Stratford was at Middlesex from 1877 to 1880, during which time he also played first-class cricket with the Marylebone Cricket Club. Impacts of changing trends in resource consumption, Multidimensional development and the SDGs, Patterns and trends in leisure and tourism, Leisure hierarchy and sphere of influence, 3. Nearby Saunton Sands, Braunton Burrows and Baggy Point were used by American soldiers to practise for the D-day landings. This success created many (new) jobs. It is around 120 miles (192km) from central London. Across the whole of London, overall unemployment fell during the Olympic period. [24], The Olympic Village's accommodations are the most spacious in Olympic history. 1: Regeneration in the UK ( by Roger Kidd ( licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0 (, Supporting tourism growth and development in northern Devon. In order to win the bid for the Olympic Games, a lot of attention was paid to the aftermath of the games. This led to the multiplier effect. Is Stratford London a good place to live? Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. [3]. She added, "It was in every speech and every word."[42]. When all the criteria are met for cleanliness, water quality, and facilities. This leads to a loss of jobs which in turn often causes poverty. The atmospheric system and the greenhouse effect, Environmental impacts of climate change: Water, Environmental impacts of climate change: Carbon, Environmental impacts of climate change: Weather, Environmental impacts of climate change: Wildlife, Environmental impacts of climate change: Agriculture, Societal impacts of climate change: Sea level rise, Societal impacts of climate change: Health hazards, Societal impacts of climate change: Migration, Societal impacts of climate change: Ocean transport routes, Disparities in exposure to climate change, Case study: Climate vulnerability in Kenya, Case study: Climate vulnerability in the USA, Government-led responses to global climate change, Case study of government response to climate change: USA, Case study of government response to climate change: Kenya, Corporate strategies to address global climate change, Civil society strategies to address global climate change, Case study: Kenyas non-governmental response to climate change, 2. When the Olympics were hosted here, it caused Regeneration of the area. Look at these sites for more in-depth information. [32] Olympic tickets go on sale on 15 March 2011[33] and should remain on sale until the start of the event, depending on availability. The most prominent of these are arguably the processes of suburbanisation and counter-urbanisation. The Lower Lea Valley had poor soil conditions, but the soil was cleaned up on site. I was pretty sure I wanted to go to the latter, but I needed Stanford as a backup. The Westfield Stratford shopping centre created 10,000 permanent new jobs from day one, including 2,000 for local people who were previously unemployed. What happened when the Manchester Docks closed? These docks proved to be a commercial success, and they became the principal docks in London in the first half of the 20th century. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. In East London, about 7 miles from Central London. The organisers claimed that 3,000 new permanent jobs would be created, but opponents of the games were concerned that some of the 11,000 existing jobs in the Olympic Zone may be lost. Answer (1 of 11): It's been a couple of yearslast I checkedsince I graduated, but here is my experience. The majority of venues were divided into three zones within Greater London: the Olympic Zone, the River Zone and the Central Zone. Lots of great places to eat, drink, relax, and shop, Stratford is one of the best-connected areas of London. Buildings and venues were built sustainably. The London Olympic Athletes Village is the largest sustainable homes project in the UK. For the place chosen to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The city's regeneration helped to rebuild the area, but its impact adversely affected some of its population. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Ensure an acceptance of all people, regardless of background. Have enough resources or basic services to provide for the entire population. A fleet of 200 electric vehicles transported Olympians, supported by 120 charging stations that created the UKs largest network of recharging points. Its 100% free. [21] Because the Olympic Village is located within the Olympic Park, about 75 percent of athletes would be within 15minutes of their venues; this compact design, according to double Olympic decathlon gold medallist Daley Thompson, would "make [the experience] so much more inspirating [sic] and real". Some venues were built as permanent venues and got new use after the games. This land would be cleaned up and improved before construction. Many Londoners challenged the high cost of the Olympics and the 20 per year council tax rise to fund it as well as the possibility of white elephant sites like the Millennium Dome being left. The UK won the bid over Paris, New York City, Moscow and Madrid. For example, there is no use building lots of nice new houses if most people can't afford to buy them! This is partly due to Gentrification of the East Village as city workers move in. [30] Paralympic tickets go on sale on 9 September 2011. There are many areas that have been regenerated, the Tower Hamlets have had the most projects, whilst other areas such as Islington, Lambeth, Hackney and Southwark have also had many regeneration projects. Closest train station is Barnstaple, 10mi/16km away. "The most important thing is to show people that the Government is absolutely behind the bid", said Mr Blair, who travelled to the Far East before returning to chair the 31st G8 summit at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, Scotland. Its 100% free. ALL PAPER 2 CASE STUDIES GEOGRAPHY GCSE AQA - Grade 9 notes. Current regeneration in Stratford is set to cost an extra 1 billion. Will there be another Mario and sonic game? Londoners living in the Stratford area vacated their homes to avoid the crowds .