The familiar 14-week training model dates to 1978 and remained relatively unchanged for over four decades. My Soldier will be training in near future, what's his grad date? Thousands of Soldiers receive thousands of letters each day, so anything to ease the process will help. Short answer is "maybe, but probably not." Also, on some of the training, like machine gun week, we would have a host of cadre that would facilitate training instead of the Drills. The West Central Georgia chapter of the Red Cross services Fort Benning, While laying on their backs, they have to engage their core to wiggle across the entire room. Drill sergeant: Pick up your bag and hold it. Black Phase: We started out black phase with a 40 hour Combat Life Saver course where we were CLS certified. That way you have all the information you need for the family day and graduation ceremony. Archived post. Each training location will follow a similar schedule regardless of location. The goals for IET soldiers in Phase II include, but are not limited to: Phase III is designated as the "Warrior" Phase (Blue Flag). Drill sergeant: Everyone look down at their toes. It will generally depend on how early in the course MOS training begins and whether basic skills testing is conducted at mid-cycle or end-of-cycle. The most common reason your Soldier may not be receiving your letters is because he's only been in the system for a couple of weeks. Helicopters crashed in mountains, fair weather, Army says, Army Special Ops Command welcomes first female command sergeant major, Army identifies 3 soldiers killed in Alaska helicopter crash, Army grounds helicopter fleet for force-wide safety stand down. Depending the on the extent of their injuries, Soldiers who get injured during basic training are usually allowed to continue training as part of the rehabilitation battalion until either the injury is healed or they are medically discharged. If a number is wrong it might reach the Soldier, but it might get returned back to you instead. We conducted buddy team and fireteam dry/blank/live fire during the day and during the night. What happens next is known as the shark attack.Drill sergeant: Get your bags up right now! The phones will be locked up with the Soldier's other personal belongings and distributed when phone privileges are earned. Both Marine tankers and tank mechanics have transferred to the Army since the deactivation began. An individual may receive constructive credit for a missed training event due to circumstances beyond his or her control (such as illness, injury, emergency leave, etc.). Most of the stuff online Ive read about OSUT is from like 8 years ago when it was just 14 weeks and the little Ive found about new 22 week OSUT ranges from: It gets better after Week 10, you get weekend passes and lots of time to recover from ruck marches to Weekend passes?! Narrator: The first order of business is establishing the code of conduct. I should've been retired a long time ago, but I wake up in the morning now, be wanting to come out here and go to work. p2t&2dldqC%80-. Yes. This phase culminates with the application of all skills learned in basic training (and basic skills portion of OSUT) during a 72-hour field training exercise. Each platoon had three drills assigned to it. From what I could tell, they stacked our class with above average guys*. Infantry One Station Unit Training Extension Pilot. Grab your bags and go. My Soldier took his cell phone to basic training. The increased training doesn't just build better infantry, but instructors say they get to witness Soldiers "become leaders out the other side," said Staff Sgt. Please remember this is general guidance, YOUR Soldier will have the best information. Narrator: During combatives training, recruits warm up with a particularly painful-looking exercise referred to as the EO. Each comes with an entre, like this vegetarian pasta with taco sauce, along with an assortment of items like mixed fruit, an energy bar, and this instant French vanilla cappuccino. "We've got an evaluation plan to try and look at ourselves and see if the product coming out has an improved proficiency -- like we think it will.". With thousands of letters going to thousands of Soldiers, it takes time to get everything to everyone. Narrator: After being welcomed, recruits begin what's known as processing, which can take one to two weeks before their actual training begins. 2022 EDIT: Its been a couples years since posting this and I'm sure things have changed, but if this post has help you at all or you've been through OSUT since 2018 feel free to PM me with your updates and I'll add them here. Narrator: The mood was much more relaxed. HtT]o6k}&AIEQNadhi[$~AkA^sf%posV,LRE@%Jw/*79%3MXFA+#OO\n&738(|C_ 1, We started at Uniform 35 doing day and night iterations in fire teams, then transitioned to Yankee North, the pre-rasp training course, to conduct day, night, and day-night transition courses with buddy teams and finally individually. If approved, their 22-week programs will become permanent next year, while other combat arms careers look to do the same. The Army believes that education is one of the keys to building a successful future. But Fort Benning is big, and they're not always within range of the dining facility. The first off-post pass will be a day pass only. Most of the stuff online I've read about OSUT is from like 8 years ago when it was just 14 weeks and the little I've found about new 22 week OSUT ranges from: "It gets better after Week 10, you get weekend passes and lots of time to recover from ruck marches" to "Weekend passes?! How do I address envelopes to my Soldier in basic training? The goals for soldiers in Phase I includebut are not limited to: Phase II is designated as the "Gunfighter" Phase (White Flag). Marines formerly trained at the Armys Armor School. Drill sergeant: Hey, sit up straight! It is not recommended that you overnight anything to your Soldier. The concept of phasing and associated goals was established to provide intermediate objectives that give common direction and serve as milestones for IET soldiers during IET. In fiscal 2020, the Army Infantry School either ran or is running a total of 84 classes, producing 7,320 Infantry One Station Unit Training graduates, said Ben Garrett, Maneuver Center of Excellence chief of public affairs. Why do I have to do this? Street address Pensado: They use their momentum, shoulder blades, their core, to help them create space, warm up the body. The last two phases are associated with AIT and the MOS skill portion of OSUT. It may or may not be equal to what they actually paid for their travel. "If we do our jobs appropriately, if we professionally mold these young men and women into infantry Soldiers, they'll be able to out-PT their team leader, and out-shoot their squad leader," Voorhies said. FTX: FTX was nothing new to us because we had already spent so many nights in the field to this point. In response to the increased focus on readiness, specifically within the Infantry force, leadership within the U.S. Army Infantry School approached the 198th Infantry Brigade, which trains all Army Infantry forces, and asked what could be done to make better Infantry Soldiers. You treat everybody with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and all other protected categories. . If of legal age, they may be authorized to consume alcoholic beverages while on pass. The increased training isn't meant to focus on innovations, said Col. Dave Voorhies, 198th Infantry Brigade commander, last year in a news release. However you can get an idea of what your Soldier is experiencing by visiting the Fort Benning photo Website, Those Soldiers can arrange their own travel plans through family or airlines. With the upcoming 22-week course, the Infantry School has already identified what new Soldiers will be part of the improved training, Hedrick said. At the conclusion of the 22-week pilot, the OSUT team will review the results and determine what parts of the program need to be re-sequenced. Sections . First, I'll give some background on our company and our command. Narrator: After 22 weeks of training, these infantrymen are ready to leave Fort Benning. Training during this phase is focused on inculcating Army values, traditions, and ethics, as well as beginning the development of individual basic combat skills and physical fitness training. Narrator: First, they're given one last chance to discreetly dispose of prohibited contraband like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and inappropriate photographs. Theyre leaving with a learners permit, Admiral said. Another possibility could be you addressed it incorrectly. If you are unclear YOUR Soldier is the best source for this information. This is where they learn to treat injuries that are prevalently found during war time and wraps up into an Individual Skills Validation. Not all units have the time and resources to manage independent websites and pages. Sgt. And right now, they are getting their first taste of what that's like in an urban environment. IET soldiers in this phase are prohibited from driving POVs and from wearing civilian clothes. Fort Benning MCOE even us. The U.S. Army is currently testing and considering extending training to a 22-week OSUT course. Video: Since 1775, the Army has been the bearer of our nation's strength in every crisis or conflict. These are privileges, not rights, and as such, can be withheld, modified, or withdrawn by commanders based upon performance, mission, and program requirements. Black Phase: Weeks 10-12. Narrator: Before they go inside, the new recruits learn some basic commands and standing positions. Privacy Policy. Money Minute, What's next for experimental AI projects in the C4ISR sphere. The training cadre evaluates each soldier against the desired standards for each phase before advancing to the next phase. Every effort must be made to reschedule and conduct the missed training before a decision to provide constructive credit is made. Red was 1-3 white was 4-6 blue was 7-9. Also, up until graduation day, a ticket can be returned to the travel section if the Soldier decides to change his travel plans and go with family. He will get your mail. Cell phone use depends on the drill sergeants. The longer training infantry pipeline -- kicked off as a pilot phase last year -- gives "a lot more trigger time" to Soldiers, Davis said, adding that additional weapons training lets privates shoot roughly 1,300 more rounds per Soldier, and hit their 10-level tasks more often. It is at Company Command Team discretion to allow Trainees to use cell phones during matters of extenuation to include: holidays, inclement weather, and Family emergencies. If you look around, they're gonna see you, 'cause you're taller than everyone else! We spent a week on mounted vehicle platforms, spicifically Humvees, Strikers, and Bradleys. Soldiers are instructed to call the person listed as their next of kin within 24 hours of arriving at the 30th AG Reception Battalion. Drill sergeant: Watch the video. I know infantry osut is 22 weeks long now so I would also like to know what the phase system is like what kind of privileges would we get. Narrator: The next morning, the recruits report to the barbershop, where one barber has one worked at Fort Benning for almost 60 years.Jay Shortz: I've been here ever since 1963. The goal of IET is to transform civilians into technically and tactically competent soldiers who live by the Army's values and are prepared to take their place in the ranks of the Army. Some of the motivation to amend the program came from a 2017 study of unit leaders that found soldiers arriving at their first assignments physically unfit for duty and undisciplined. IET soldiers will wear the proper military uniform while on pass (includes off-post passes). Despite COVID-19 challenges, the Army continued to put out extended training for its infantry and armor soldiers this past year. Most soldiers quickly adapt to the new life. It combines basic training and job training into one single course. These repetitions, while monotonous, helped solidify muscle memory down the line. My Soldier told me to put a colored dot, symbol or some other marking on the outside of his mail. It's designed to establish "firmer training fundamentals: marksmanship, physical training, land navigation, the ability to medicate, combat lifesaver skills, combat water survival, Soldier discipline, and more" -- all under the leadership of their initial drill sergeant. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Recruits: I will never leave a fallen comrade. Concentrates on individual and team tactical training. This phase is designed to develop and foster the IET soldier's understanding of the importance of teamwork. This means they will have a different date for family day and graduation. Phases of Infantry OSUT: Red Phase: Weeks 1-3 Consists of an environment of total control, where active, involved, and positive leaders begin transforming volunteers into Soldiers through the Soldierization process. Drill sergeant: Let's go. Hey. Recruit: I always wanted to be a star! Although, the Army considers Field Artillery (13-series MOS) as OSUT, they differ from other OSUT units because there is a graduation ceremony held after the ten-week BCT - some soldiers are authorized leave (totally discretionary) before arriving at . Where will my new Soldier be stationed after training? Titus Kovalik, an infantryman recruit currently in training. Drill sergeant: Over your head! It is essential that the officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and Department of the Army (DA) civilians assigned the crucial responsibility of transforming America's sons and daughters into professional soldiers be motivated, disciplined, and competent professionals. Shut the h--- up! Phase II - Weapons Training. Recruit: Is it a video? The first two days were spent going over battle drills and deliberate Platoon and Squad ambushes. Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) with a minimum of 50 points in each event, 150 points total, Complete all obstacle and confidence courses as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete bayonet and pugil fighting training as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete hand-to-hand combat training as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Throw two live hand grenades and successfully complete the Hand Grenade Qualification Course as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete the Protective Mask Confidence exercise, Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Army Core Values, Complete all tactical field training, to include foot marches and field training exercises (FTXs) required by this regulation and the appropriate POI in Basic Training, OSUT, Pass the End-of-Course Comprehensive Test (EOCCT), Demonstrate performance of MOS-specificcritical skills (skills determined mandatory for the awarding of a MOS) as identified by the proponent school and as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete all tactical field training, to include foot marches and field training exercises (FTXs) required by this regulation and the appropriate POI in AIT, and OSUT. Your Soldier's specific information will be in the commander letter. It requires active involvement by professional leaders and trainers who maintain the highest levels of technical and tactical competence in their profession. Off-post passes may be authorized after graduation from Basic Training. This exercise is designed to stress IET soldiers physically and mentally and requires each soldier to demonstrate their proficiency of basic combat skills in a tactical field environment while operating as part of a team. khL\[`56F D5qjQjVd$_egAcb(T$Q#";aZ;${)KLn The capstone even of UO was fireteam live fire where we strong walled a room and cleared it using live rounds during the day and under NODs. Reimbursement for Soldiers for their travel home or to the next duty station is on the basis of mileage from Atlanta to their next assignment. Phase I (weeks 1 through 3 of basic training). Additionally, the Infantry School has been working with TRADOC to ensure they have enough drill sergeants in place to meet the 2019 launch date for the new 22-week OSUT. If Soldiers are allowed to use them they will not have them at all times. What can I do to assist my Soldier during BCT or OSUT? It does not signify the end or completion of the soldierization process. OSUT is when Soldiers will stay in the same unit for basic training and their advanced training. Infantry and Armor OSUT lasts from 20 to 22 weeks depending on your soldier's MOS. Drill sergeant: Shut up! Discussions about changing OSUT began shortly after Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis identified the need to re-establish readiness and build a more lethal Infantry force, Hedrick said. We spent an entire week in the field qualifying with the M249/M240 during the day and night as opposed to the 1 day familiarization a 14 week cycle would get. IET soldiers are prohibited from driving POVs. It's 22 weeks of no sleep and starvation! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Currently, the U.S. Army Armor School and U.S. Army Engineer School are performing internal analyses of their curricula to determine what resources will be needed to extend their own programs. Now 22 weeks in duration, this new and . Recruits: Movie, yeah! The second method (used mostly for combat jobs) is called One-Station-Unit-Training, or OSUT. Drill sergeant: Why are you still not understanding? You're gonna place your back against the wall. Friends and family gather to watch their soldiers graduate on Inouye Field. Red Cross messages cannot be sent for pay issues. When we got back, the drills started us off from . Some new soldiers, who may get a chance to train on that SEPv3, are the more than three dozen Marine Corps reservists who enlisted in the Idaho Army National Guard in September. Are they experts yet? What is a typical day like in BCT or OSUT? We saw different companies at various stages of training. Is there a limit on the number of people who can attend a family day or graduation ceremony? Zach Brewer, who said he joined the military "much later in life. "So, when [Soldiers] get to their units, they can understand where their piece fits into the pie. This credit should be selectively used and only in those cases where there is a clear demonstration that the soldier meets and exceeds the IET graduation standards. Soldiers are sometimes expected to respond quickly and give 100 percent effort at all times. Archived post. 73 0 obj <>stream As its name implies, this phase is centered on the development of basic combat skills, with special emphasis on weapon proficiency. Can I purchase souvenirs from Fort Benning and specifically from my Soldier's unit? Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War. More often than not Soldiers can receive these items. ", 22-week infantry OSUT set to increase lethality, with more careers to follow, Congress Confirms the Armys first Lead Special Trial Counsel, Army announces upcoming 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 4th Infantry Division unit rotations, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center Media Roundtable, October 27, 2022, Army announces upcoming 2nd SBCT, 2nd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 1st Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army Inspector General visits Alaska for New Soldier Experience, U.S. Army STAND-TO! Blue Phase: We started off blue phase with Combat Water Survival Course where we learned how to swim in kit, waterproof rucks, and dead float. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Ricci: They look like soldiers, they act like soldiers, they're carrying their head high. We did all the team building courses that a regular 14 week cycle would do with the addition of TCCC training and lanes. But theyre more confident in a tank platoon.. Hello r/army, I arrived at Ft. Benning on July 2, and here we are 22ish weeks later after completing the first cycle of the new Infantry OSUT. Phase IV (weeks 1 through 3 of AIT or weeks 10 through 13 of OSUT). "With more time to train on critical infantry tasks, we'll achieve greater lethality. Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. We had about 40 18x-rays, 50ish Opt 40s, 40 Airborne guys, and the rest were line infantry. Narrator: Up to 241 hours of infantry OSUT are devoted to marksmanship, where recruits fire about 2,500 rounds using the M4 carbine as well as the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, or SAW. If your new Soldier is unable to adequately pass a required event, the company commander will talk to the Soldier's Drill Sergeant and with the company First Sergeant and they decide what will be the proper action to take. As a Soldier arrives at his first duty station, while they are in-processing, one of the requirement is to go through the education service. Drill sergeant: Because I promise you, if you don't pay attention to what I'm about to tell you, you're gonna make your Army career very short. Under the current 14-week program, three drill sergeants are responsible for training a platoon of 60 Soldiers. OSUT. Its worth noting that between shooting iterations we were conducting concurrent training with the contractors on skills like assembling and disassembling machine guns, plotting points on a map, programming radios, and deploying claymores. Thoughts and observations after its all said and done. Changes to the program are meant to increase Soldier readiness, making them more lethal and proficient before they depart for their first duty assignment, according to the Infantry School commandant, Col. Townley R. Hedrick. Off-post day passes on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) may be authorized. Three of them had Ranger tabs, 3 were former recon guys, and finally the CO was tabbed as well. I'm sure it's different now, but this is what it was like for me 15 years ago. After graduation, if of legal age, they may be authorized to consume alcoholic beverages while on pass. This transformation from civilian to soldier is accomplished during a five-phased soldierization process which begins with a soldier's arrival at the reception battalion and ends with the awarding of a MOS upon completion of IET. By the end of the cycle shooting iterations were split up by platoon so that half the company wasnt waiting around at the range all day. This constructive credit authority is applicable to all IET graduation requirements. Phase III - Individual Tactical Training Field Training Exercise (FTX) Army Advanced Individual Training: Phase IV - Military Police Law and Order (31B) This phase is focused on the review of what the . Our platoons hit their stride around week 16 where permanent leadership was established and we made squads and fire teams that were familiar with each others style of command. %%EOF Ricci: It's really just a little shock to the system so we can break them down to build them back up.Drill sergeant: Answer me! The Army encourage Soldiers to take classes and provides a lot of benefits to help the Soldier. It is difficult to definitively say when your Soldier will graduate that far in advance. That's a long time. Specific privileges will be associated with each phase as incentives, and soldiers should be eligible for those privileges as they progress in training. IET soldiers are prohibited from using tobacco products. Phase III (weeks 7 through 9 of basic training). Rolled out last year, OSUT's initial 22-week pilot phase was "the first step toward achieving the vision of the Army of 2028," said then-Sgt. IET soldiers in this phase are prohibited from driving POVs and from wearing civilian clothes. Fort Sill, Oklahoma houses the Field Artillery (FA) School as the primary training facility for field artillery soldiers and Marines worldwide. To make up for that time, the platoons that weren't doing ATT worked on moving tactically and conducting battle drills from ORPs and setting into patrol bases at night. Pure hell! "So across all the Infantry weapons, they will get more bullets," Hedrick said. The second phase of schooling is called the "whiskey phase" and is currently eight weeks long. The new 22-week OSUT should begin in 2019, sometime between July and October. May my Soldier attend religious services? ", "The 22-week system is an improved version from the 14-week model," said Pvt. The five phases are Red, White and Blue for basic combat training, and Black and Gold for advanced individual training/military-occupation spe-cialty-specific training. Roster Number They are also prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and using tobacco products. All of the military services restrict privileges and personal freedoms during basic training and job training. Even with the 22-week timeframe locked in, the Army Infantry School, partnered with the Maneuver Center of Excellence, "will continue to evaluate the overhauled OSUT program throughout this year and next, with a goal of pipelining ten 22-week courses this year," Voorhies said. Basic Combat Training for all Military Occupation Specialties (MOS) in the Army lasts 10 weeks. During this phase and Phase V, DS's should evaluate IET soldier's behavior, and their behavior should be consistent with Army core values. Find your bag! Since then, changes from the top-down have occurred from the readiness of the force to modernizing equipment. They expect 18 by January and a total of 10 . Soldiers are treated fairly, firmly, and with dignity. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. For ATT we bounded through the woods shooting live rounds at targets while the TL controlled the element. Drill sergeant: Listen up! The only thing I wanna hear from you at this point is, "Yes, drill sergeant" or, "No, drill sergeant." What happens if my Soldier fails a portion of BCT/OSUT? The Armor School was next to adopt the changes, beginning its own pilot OSUT extension in October 2019. By definition, soldierization is a tough, comprehensive process which totally immerses an IET soldier in a positive environment established by active, involved leadership. FORT BENNING, Ga. The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the IET soldiers are prohibited from using tobacco products. We create expert marksmen at their individual weapons, because as an infantry soldier, that's what we're asking them to do. In OSUT courses, Phases III and IV may be combined. I went through basic training XX years/months ago, can I still order a yearbook? A period of total control (e.g., continuous cadre supervision, soldiers restricted to company area, limited free time) will be enforced during phase I of IET. I got the feeling that other cycles dont spend nearly the same amount of time going through these modules. That's what I thought. The base salary for an entry-level private is about $20,000 a year. Uniform for off-post passes is left to the Commander's discretion. The Army is in contact with the Marine Corps Combat Development Command as how to support Marines, should they need tanks in future combat, according to Admiral. At that point, we are turning into more coaches and mentors. Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for multiple publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-written project on witness intimidation. hbbd``b`Z$CAR $XX Ve"lAD i{bXaL@C&F}@#? J Training is focused on Physical Fitness, the Army's Values and traditions, and Warrior Ethos White Phase: Weeks 4-6 We dial it back a little bit. Here is what we did and some of my thoughts after its all said and done. Phase IV begins on the first day of AIT (job school) or week 10 of OSUT. For the 22-week program, the Infantry School is looking to augment OSUT companies with six additional Infantry instructors. Privileges granted in IET should support the phase training program, which establishes intermediate goals to help recruits in their transformation from civilians to soldiers. You will get kicked out of the military, and then you'll probably have to file as a registered sex offender. How often are basic training Soldiers allowed to call home? This gradual change supports the soldierization process, yet lets the DS gauge how self-disciplined the soldiers are and maintain or relinquish control accordingly. Remain silent. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. Under the 14-week program, Soldiers only received one day of training with their assigned vehicle. When we discuss the training phases below, Phases I through III are for basic training, and the first nine weeks of OSUT, which is the basic training portion of OSUT. The average length of time between home and being assigned to a basic training unit is 7-14 days. It is characterized by reinforcement training of common skills, training, and evaluation of MOS skills, a leadership environment which simulates that in a field unit, and a culminating tactical field training exercise that integrates common skills and MOS tasks. OSUT consists of the following five training phases: Army Basic Training: Phase I - Orientation and Soldierization. Thursday, August 22, 2019. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey said. Scan this QR code to download the app now. It is an environment of total control where an active, involved leadership begins transforming civilians into soldiers.
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