They lived close to their land with their families. These stories are passed down through the generations like a gift and keep the land and culture alive. The Shire of Upper Gascoyne provide support to this community. Aboriginal people have a long and continuing relationship with this dramatic landscape. Carnarvon Gorge is located in the Southern Brigalow Belt bioregion in Central Queensland ( Australia ), 593 km northwest of Brisbane. Native title claims and determination areas map, Gnulli native title determination extent map, Copyright 2023 Gascoyne Development Commission. t in place prior to colonisation. In 1932, a pastoral lease over Carnarvon Gorge was allowed to lapse by its owners, Tableland Holdings. Carnarvon town Aboriginal ancestors lived in the area known as Carnarvon long before it became a town. Along the coast between 17 Mile Well and Red Bluff, 310 Germans managed to make it ashore. Hidden Histories of the Pilbara | School of History Steadily flowing water has carved this gorge out of ancient sandstone. Looking like ill-tended orchards, these are leucaena plantations. Aboriginal people first inhabited Shark Bay some 30,000 years ago and moved to and from the area in response to changing sea levels and availability of fresh water and food. "Among the Angaardies, circumcision is performed by of a sharp flint, and after the consummation of the rite, the youth is forbidden to look on a woman for the space of two years, consequently he cannot associate with the rest of the tribe, except with the men when hunting, the women then being about their own business. Current visitors to the National Park owe a debt of gratitude not only to the Europeans that recognised the area's potential and pushed for the establishment of the National Park, but also to the Traditional Owners and the system of land management in place prior to colonisation. Photo credit: Tourism and Events Queensland, The department is seeking volunteers to act as campground hosts at Carnarvon Gorge section, Carnarvon National Park over the Queensland school holidays. Carnarvon Gorge National Park in Central Queensland is an area known for its natural beauty and also as a significant sacred site for the Aboriginal people from the region. ENTRY FEES General Entry to Gwoonwardu Mia is free. Warlu lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, Baba rain, water The dominant language of the region is English and although some knowledge of traditional languages remains, these are rarely used with fluency in any particular situation. Sea level rises during interglacial periods would have flooded previously occupied sites, making them unsuitable for living and possibly removing evidence of their occupation. 2. Learn some of the local Malgana language. Carnarvon, like many coastal towns at the turn of the 20th century, began commercial whale hunting. Cathedral Cave, Carnarvon Gorge. Stone for spears and tools was quarried on the western coast of Shark Bay at Crayfish Bay, and on the eastern coast at Yaringa near Gladstone. Lieutenant Grey, aboard the whaling vessel, the "Russell", landed on the mainland (present day Carnarvon) to explore the area. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. Photo credit: Robert Ashdown Queensland Government. There are currently no park alerts for this park. The word comes from the Wajarri language where it has the meaning 'man' or 'human being'. Nature, culture and history | Mount Moffatt, Carnarvon National Park About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. Well, evidently the saturated brine in the lake is approximately 10 times saltier than seawater. As both artistic pieces and places of rest, they will allow for contemplation and sharing of history. Medicine of the Australian Aboriginal People | SpringerLink in zigzag lines towards pools and camping places. There are numerous native title claims and determinations within the Gascoyne region. ABORIGINAL CULTURE Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Yinggarda people, who named this area long ago, Gwoonwardu, meaning 'neck of water'. Fortunately by the 1960's whaling ceased and the station was sold to the Nor-West Whaling Company (later to be renamed the Nor-West Seafoods). The camels were used to transport wool from the stations to the port ( One Mile Jetty ), ready for export. Over the last fifty years, a large community of Wajarri people has grown in Carnarvon and to some extent retains a separate identity within the wider community. The cattle industry has thrived in the country adjacent to Carnarvon Gorge, aided by the local artesian water systems, by the fertility provided by the basalt country and by orographic rainfall generated by local ranges. Nature, culture and history | Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon National Park Evidence of thousands of years of Aboriginal life remains at sites associated with ceremonies and the stories of ancestral spirits. This station became one of the most modern whaling shore stations in the world. The arrival of Native Police in Central Queensland saw the balance of power gradually tip the way of the newcomers and by the late 1870's there was no longer any significant resistance to colonial presence. While the community currently faces significant social challenges, there are important social and community initiatives being driven by members of this community in partnership with local non-government organisations and the Shire of Carnarvon. ThePath of Pain project centres on an installation piece utilising a series of chain link bench seats that together symbolise the pilgrimage roadway that Aboriginal People were forced to traverse as they were transferred to the islands. Warda pearl Many family members who were separated during the lock hospital scheme never saw each other again. Together with Parks and Wildlife Services, they have collaborated on several conservation management projects with numerous benefits including dugong and turtle research, a major Dirk Hartog Island clean-up funded by Coastwest, and interpretive projects. Mulgarda mullet On his return, after a near fatal journey, Grey noted that the area around the mouth of the Gascoyne River was good for agricultural development. The springs and creeks of the gorge support a mosaic of habitats, home to an enormous diversity of life. The Lock Hospital Tragedy Memorial 'Don't look at the Islands' wasofficially unveiledat theCarnarvon Heritage Precincton 17 April 2019 by the Hon. In R. M. Berndt & C. H. Berndt (Eds. Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre The extent of the west coast trade routes is hinted at by Daisy Bates (circa 1904, ms:32:II): The tribes inhabiting the headwaters of the Fortescue, Ashburton, Gascoyne and Murchison districts and the Upper Murchison and Goldfields areas appear to have extensive highways running East and West or N.E. 645 palm trees were planted and 645 plaques were placed at the base of each tree. Fax: +61 (08) 9964 4690, Parks and Wildlife Service Carnarvon Gorge lies within the spectacular and rugged ranges of Queensland's central highlands. The Wajarri brought with them their law and thus the circumcision boundary effectively moved to the coast, with little successful opposition from the original residents (see Gray 1978 for discussion). Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Inggarda, Baiyunga, Thalanji, Malgana and Thudgarri people. Some amazing growth rates are claimed by touters of leucaena - as much as one kilo of weight per beast per day. Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 3:30pm | CLOSED on public holidays including: Australia Day, Good Friday, ANZAC Day, Christmas Eve & Day, Boxing Day, GWOONWARDU MIA ABORIGINAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL CENTRE CELEBRATES THE REGION'S ABORIGINAL HERITAGE. Received knowledge of the relationship between the Maya and Mandhi and neighbouring Bayungu and Yinggarda is vague. Large quantities of Macrozamia seed husks were retrieved from the floor sediments of Cathedral Cave, giving rise to the hypothesis that they formed the resource base supporting Carnarvon Gorge's large ceremonial gatherings. Adapted from: Malgana Wangganyina (Talking Malgana): an Illustrated Wordlist of the Malgana Language of Western Australia. Wanamalu cormorant Wiyabandi young man Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region. If these details are different, please consider separate bookings. Aboriginal languages of the Gascoyne-Ashburton region - The Lock Hospitals off the coast of Carnarvon on Bernier and Dorre Islands were the site of brutal colonial trauma inflicted on the Aboriginal population from across the state where they were forcibly placed on remote islands. Fred Conway walks and talks the Gorge - ABC (none) - Australian They named this area long ago, Kuwinywardu (Kow-win-wordo), meaning 'neck of water'. Gwoonwardu Mia Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the region's Aboriginal heritage. 'Yamaji" comes from the Wadjarri (or Wajarri) language and means 'man' or 'human being', so it is often used throughout this region to refer to 'Aboriginal person'. The Carnarvon Library and Art Gallery has a Local History Collection which includes books and oral history interviews, local newspapers, genealogical references and microfilm. Their inland extension, from the northern area of Shark Bay,[6] ran as far east as the vicinity of Red Hill and Gascoyne Junction. Ludwig Leichhardt led the first European group into the region in 1844, passing to the east of the gorge. Nyarlu woman The types of food available would also have been affected by the lower sea levels. Languages of the Gascoyne Region, Western Australia, Reclaiming the languages of the Gascoyne Region. Small-pox (moonnangno)was common among them.[8]. Carnarvon is located 904 km north of Perth on the west coast of the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia. Tel: +61 (08) 9964 3550 European setters followed soon after, with grazing runs established in the area in the 1860s. Arago wrote: they watched us as dangerous enemies, and were continually pointing to the ship, exclaiming, ayerkade, ayerkade (go away, go away). Yawarda larger kangaroo species A glance at property prices in Emerald and Springsure will let you know how the mining industry is going and the health of the cattle on the drive into the Gorge will tell you how the farmers are doing. Caring for country is about protecting important sites and the connections between sites, people and environment. Yamaji has come to be used . Carnarvon Visitor Centre - History of Carnarvon Yamaji (or Yamatji) is the name used to identify Aboriginal people in the Murchison and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia. Wabagu sea eagle Today you can still see the reminder of this unique past in the 40m wide main street, which was built for the camels to safely manoeuvre around. The area was settled in 1876 by the Browns and theBrockmans, who travelled from York to Carnarvon with 4,000 sheep. Yingkarta - Wikipedia The western heritage centred around Carnarvon Gorge is quite rich and, like the indigenous heritage, is a major theme during Australian Nature Guides' Day Tours. Along with his friend, Keith Anderson, the Gascoyne Transport Company was born. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. This is the place where the Rainbow Serpent, Mundagudda, began its movement through the landscape and formed the waterways including the sandstone gorge itself. Book your experience with a trusted local today, 2023 Shire of Carnarvon Powered by Bookeasy, Developed by Impart Media. The region has a moderate arid tropical climate and is quite warm all year round, with winter temperaturesonly in the low 20s and summer temps hitting exceeding 40 degrees celsius. We collect this information to contact you with any follow-up questions. Please share your experience with this websites content and functionality. Mission lives, mission stories The exhibition tells the story of how Aboriginal people were moved from the stations and their lives changed. Gwoonwardu MiaAboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the culture and country of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region and provides the community with valuable source of information regarding Aboriginal cultural history. Aboriginal Economic development is aStrategic Priority of the Commission and the the Commission have established aTargeted Aboriginal Business Support program to progress Aboriginal economic development in the region. Aboriginal Heritage - Shark Bay Most recently, theWajarri Yamatji Part D and Wajarri Yamatji Part E claims were determined in July 2021. [3][4] Down to the end of the 20th century, it was reported that the Carnavon community had a wide knowledge of Yingkarta words, but that their use was somewhat restricted. You come this way. Baudins expedition naturalist, Franois Pron, made the first written descriptions of Aboriginal people ever presented to the rest of the world. This project was funded by Royalties for Regions - A Western Australian Government Program and Lotterywest. Buyungurra turtle The Shire of Carnarvon as we know it now is situated on the Indian Ocean coast approximately 900kilometres north of Perth in Western Australia. The high natural values resident in Carnarvon Gorge and the surrounding area, i.e. The Skydome Made up of a series of time lapse night footage taken from different areas of the Gascoyne region showing how Aboriginal people were our first astronomers. Edel Land is typified by rocky limestone and long, white sand dunes. Aboriginal names given to buildings and institutions in the town are usually recognisable as Yinggarda words (for example the Cultural Centre is called Gwoonwardu Mia which is made up ofguwinywardu, the name of the Gascoyne River at Carnarvon andmaya meaning house). Irrabuga bottlenose dolphin in zigzag lines towards pools and camping places. For all other enquiries, comments and complaints, please contact us. Wurrinyu girl, young woman Jabi small dragon lizard Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). The success of the banana industry in Carnarvon can be directly attributed to Mr Jack Buzolic, who in the 1920's, wrote an article about the potential for banana growing in the area. Wulyibidi Peron Peninsula Mungallah Village is located in East Carnarvon. Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre The groups to the north of the Gascoyne River were characterised by a four section system and a variation on the Aranda marriage pattern (called the Mardudhunera (Martuthunira) type by Radcliffe-Brown). Non-Indigenous people with venereal diseases were not subject to such measures. In the Mt Moffatt section of the Park, excavations of Kenniff's Cave revealed occupational evidence dating back 19,500 years, indicating a long period of human habitation for the Central Queensland Highlands. Key initiatives under this initial RAP will focus on communicating our commitment to reconciliation within our organisation and the community, increasing understanding of the reconciliation journey, and identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations within our local area for collaborative opportunities. Jalyanu grass Since the early 1980s there have been attempts to offer instruction in local languages in primary schools in Carnarvon with varied success. Carnarvon Gorge | Queensland, Australia | Britannica Gardu man Send an enquiry. It is thought that the Bidjara and the Karingbal had strong social and spiritual ties during the period prior to colonisation and that both groups were using the Gorge, although not necessarily on a permanent basis. Aboriginal Languages - Shark Bay About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. (, "The fact that they did not circumcise also suggests that they would have interacted more closely with their northern and southern neighbours in ritual practice than they did with the Wajarri to the east, despite the indications that their relations with the Wajarri were better than for most coastal groups." Carnarvon town - Aboriginal ancestors lived in the area known as Carnarvon long before it became a town. Entry Prices to Permanent Exhibition, includes touring exhibition: Adults: $10.00 Wuthuga dugong This multi-award winning permanent interactive exhibition unites and reflects the culture and stories of the five Aboriginal language groups of the region; Yinggarda, Bayungu, Malgana, Thadgari and Thalanyji. Following the outbreak of World War II, Carnarvon was to become involved in the worst maritime disaster in Australia's history. Carnarvon Gorge, gorge in southeastern Queensland, Australia, on the eastern slopes of Carnarvon Range of the Great Dividing Range. After introduction of the Pearling Act of 1870 a government official sent to Shark Bay in 1873 reported: I am satisfied that the Aboriginal natives are as a rule well-treated by their employers However, living conditions in the pearlers camps were poor and many workers died of dysentery and other diseases. We can assume then that the Yinggarda had some (at least indirect) contact with people far to the east of their boundaries and perhaps well into the Western Desert areas. Gurda brother TheLock Hospital Working Group was established to bring recognition to the tragic history and trauma inflicted on the Aboriginal population from across the state, when Aboriginal people were forcibly incarcerated on the remote Bernier and Dorre islands off the coast of Carnarvon. As with many conflicts, the undeclared war between Aboriginals and settlers in Central Queensland can be viewed from afar as a battle for resources. Kangaroos and wallabies can be found around the picnic area and at night echidnas can be seen strolling about. Gunggari Country is centred on the Maranoa River which flows through the township of Mitchell in South West Queensland, Australia. The encroachment by Europeans into Shark Bay from this time would have seen the beginning of changes to traditional Aboriginal life. The prisoner patients were said to have the non-specific diagnosis of venereal disease, although there are many questions about the reliability of this diagnosis. Essentially it is a large water storage system under the desert. Yalgari tree In 1858, twenty years after Lieutenant Grey's first exploration, the area was explored once more by FrancisGregory, who was looking for suitable grazing land for the West Australian government. They knew the names of the sections of the Maia and Warienga [Warriyangka] tribes and every man claimed membership of a particular section. Thus, Radcliffe-Brown groups the Yinggarda with tribes to the south, classed as being of the Nanda (Nhanda) type. Local material culture was quite sophisticated, and much knowledge of it can be gleaned simply by observing what has been stencilled at the art sites. Aboriginal Culture Shire of Carnarvon Gardu man Recently, this idea has been strongly challenged by archaeologists reexamining the findings of those early excavations using modern techniques and technology. Wiyabandi young man By the 1930's the Gascoyne area had over 1.4 million head of sheep, with the town serving as a port and supply depot, for the surrounding pastoral industry. Yiba sister Bangga, barnka goanna . Thaamarli Tamala Station Aboriginal people associating with the Carnarvon area typically associate as being Yamatji. The light table An interactive experience presenting animation, information, images and sound. Geraldton: Yamaji Language Centre 2003. The mine would become one of the world's highest bulk solar salt producers. Radcliffe-Brown (1930) describes a number of different cultural groups defined by marriage patterns and the section and totemic systems. [9] When the data was collected in 1911, little was remembered of their marriage systems and Alan Dench thinks it probable, unlike many neighbouring tribes to their north, they did not have a moieties. Some early European researchers believed the Gorge was not permanently occupied due to defensive concerns and a lack of resources, however there are other hypotheses that also fit the facts given the Gorge's enormous spiritual significance. Nanga mother Traditional knowledge of the landscape and the uses of its resources have evoked curiosity from many interested non-Indigenous people. Please ensure you have booked an appointment with staff ahead of your visit. While this mainly occurred in the far north, some Aboriginal people may have been held on Faur Island. Unfortunately European settlement resulted in many Aboriginal languages not being used regularly. A site near Eagle Bluff shows two periods of occupation, the first during the late Pleistocene between 30,000 and 18,000 years ago, and then during the Holocene about 7,000 to 6,000 years ago. About Yamaji Aboriginal - Telethon Kids Institute Camp sites, water wells, fish traps and grinding grooves are also scattered across the peninsula. In April 2019, the Thiin-Mah Warriyangka Tharrkari Jiwarli People were formally recognised by as native title holders of an approximately 6,804 square kilometres land area within theShires of Ashburton, Carnarvon, and Upper Gascoyne. There are several Aboriginal organisations in the town which represent the interests of Yinggarda people. We will only use your information for this purpose. It was believed that over 600 whales were killed per season. Thalganjangu lagoon The Shark Bay area is significant to Aboriginal people because of their long history of use and occupation, and because of their cultural obligations to understand and care for the area. The Shire has an area of approximately 46,500 square kilometres and an estimated resident population ofaround 6,150 in 2014, however accurate data is not available due to difficulties associated with the 2016Census. Several hundred Aboriginal people from across Western Australia were forcibly removed from their family and country to the lock hospitals. Yet without specific knowledge of Bidjara and Karingbal culture, knowledge and technology, the rock art galleries can remain enigmatic and are sometimes seen as simplistic, which is far from the truth. Most were not paid wages, just given basic foodstuffs, tobacco and a set of clothes. Through the actions and deliverables of this Reconciliation Action Plan, Council, through its people, will endeavour to create positive and meaningful advancements in our reconciliation journey towards an even more prosperous community. Mulgarda mullet The Shire of Carnarvon has also acknowledged the history, and is working with members of the local Aboriginal community on plans for a ceremony in Carnarvon on January 9, 2019. Mardirra pink snapper Shark Bay District Office The national award-winning Gwoonwardu Mia, Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, capture the region's Aboriginal history. The dreaming says that the rainbow serpent Mundagurra created Carnarvon Gorge as he travelled through the creek system, coming in and out of the water, and carving the sandstone as he travelled. Aboriginal Mortuary Practices in Carnarvon - JSTOR By the 1900s these groups had become integrated with the Aboriginal inhabitants, creating an interesting ethnic mix still evident today. There are three Aboriginal communities in the Gascoyne Region, two remote communities located within the Shire of Upper Gascoyne and one town-based community in East Carnarvon. Ochre stencils of tools, weapons, ornaments and ceremonial objects provide an insight into the lives of the gorge's first people. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia . The reports of both explorers made the public aware of the area's permanent water, leading settlers to take up blocks in Central Queensland and sparking off two decades of open aggression between local indigenous groups and the newcomers. Following the pursuing battle the Kormoran also sank.
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