[He raises his paws and shrugs his shoulders] Basically nobody. The Spy steps from the front of the table and walks from right to left, lit cigarette in his right hand, and the left firmly clasped behind his back.]. Miss Pauling: [Her expression darkens] Scout, I'm here right now. ], Spy: See you all in hell. For example, on November 13th, 2020, iFunny[5] user Ashrom made a Now Draw Her Giving Birth meme that referenced both "Expiration Date" and Murrlogic1's Wonder Bread Commissions (shown below, left). On July 1st, 2021, artist TheF1amethr0wer tweeted[6] a This Is Where I Watched My Parents Die, Raphael meme that received over 3,700 retweets and 23,600 likes in three weeks (shown below, right). Spy: Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then. I'd like to go on a datewith Miss Pauling. Miss Pauling: Actually this is my only day off this year. A Payload Pinball machine can be seen in the background. Later, the Scout can be seen sitting at the head of a long banquet table. [He looks down at the cart. Look. Scout: Seven. He looks down, then chuckles sadly to himself. The RED Demoman takes a quick spin on the Teleporter and disappears. Died. Tell me you got the briefcase. What have you two eggy-heads been workin' on? The line gained popularity as a catchphrase, phrasal template and a subject of references in Team Fortress community, gaining wider recognition online in the late 2010s. The severed hand of what is presumably the BLU Heavy falls out of one of the bags. It recoils in pain, letting out a loud roar. Scout: I'm wedging my head through a door here to tell you I'm sorry. Cut to a close-up of Scout and Miss Pauling. Ominous sounding strings start up. Fine. Y'all ought to take a look at this. Scout: Yeah. ], Soldier: [his hand still covering the Scout's face] Goodbye, Miss Pauling! Another jolt knocks them off their feet. The monster throws Scout at the Demoman, and they both collapse onto the ground. They stop as he holds her up and looks at her. TF2's Expiration Date is a beloved animated short about Scout, Spy, Miss Pauline, Bread, and the rest of the team. Engineer and Medic are seen at the bottom of the shot discussing something. [He makes a gun formation with his right hand. It is now night and a lone Level 1 Sentry guards the entrance. During the fight, Miss Pauling attempts to blow up the Bread Monster by using a Payload cart, strapping the Scout's death watch to it to serve as a timer. Updated TF2 announcer- Victory! The bread monster turns his attention towards the Pyro, and immediately has its mouth filled with fire. [The strings rise to a crescendo while the camera dramatically zooms to the Medic's face. Ow. Miss Pauling: That was so much FUN! He stammers and scratches his muzzle.]. [The Heavy and Sniper are slightly amused. Nathan Vetterlein said he worked very closely with Ashly Burch during the short's creation. 'i' Cut back to the Medic]. The Soldier stops and examines his new bucket next to a sign pointing to the "LAB". The head of the dummy falls off as the music reaches a crescendo, and Spy eyes it with a bemused expression on his face. Suddenly, a Red Bread truck screeches into view from the right, knocking away the can and . She places her back up against the wall to the left of the door and glances upwards briefly. As the Heavy, Scout, and Soldier return from a mission to capture a briefcase, Miss Pauling video calls them to ask how the mission went. At 11:31, Scout's right arm clips through Soldier's torso. medic! The Engineer smacks his Sentry Gun with his wrench, upgrading it to Level 2, and he motions for Demoman to move up. ], Scout: Lot of people busy with busyness. He slowly pulled it out filling the room with a long loud moan. [A security camera tracks their movements as Miss Pauling adjusts her glasses.]. ], [Cut to a shot of Miss Pauling watching the battle. Spy: [chucking softly] No. Scout: Miss Pauling. [The Heavy lifts up the side of the monster's body, allowing light to flood over Scout and Miss Pauling.]. The fork flies out of his hand and lands on the Demoman's eyepatch, whose other eye immediately widens. The camera pans from the rear towards the front while a heavy drum beat plays. [The Heavy lifts up the side of the monster's body, allowing light to flood over Scout and Miss Pauling.]. [sigh] Okay. Scout: Ehhh. He places down a glass. [Cut to the Heavy. [Copypasta] Meet the Engineer TF2 | TwitchQuotes Heavy, Medic, and Pyro rush to the aid of Scout and Miss Pauling. Engineer provides each team member with a wristwatch that will count down to the time of the mercenaries' demises. [An ominous rumble shakes the entire base as the group look up at the ceiling. In this first Episode the Medic and Engineer did Experiment's on the teleporter and discovered Russian Bread that they call "E girl" Bread. [The bread creature attempts to bite the Medic again as the Soldier leans in for a closer look. For more information, please see our The Pyro can also be seen engulfing the monster in flames. MeeM - TF2. Scout: Oh [He stands up, bringing the desk with him. The Scout is wearing his backpack during this scene, but it's absent in all other scenes. Earn it! Everyone is wearing an odd watch with a large digital display. At 12:41, the Heavy can be seen falling back from the monster, right next to Ms. Pauling. Spy flicks open his disguise kit, plucks a cigarette out of it, then snaps it closed again. The interior of the loaf contains pulsating green lumps and teeth. He leans on it trying to force Scout out.]. [The Spy pushes a button on the console and a microphone pops up. twitchquotes: "H-h-ey Rania, could we go on a date when I visit Europe for ESGN?" Kripp blushes as he asks him timidly over skype. 1. Scout: so that brings me to the point of this story, which is I like you, and you should probably be sitting for this [In the background, the Medic hurriedly rushed forward to heal the Pyro, who has been lifted by another tentacle], Miss Pauling: GUYS! The monster throws Scout at the Demoman, and they both collapse onto the ground. Heavy, Medic, and Pyro rush to the aid of Scout and Miss Pauling. The Scout and Heavy look worried while the Engineer looks down at the floor. Ah [Scout walks towards a door labeled Dining Area.] [Medic looks at the Heavy, then flips the handle of his Medi Gun. Scout: Yeah, those are stink lines. Miss Pauling: Oh, but you can ride along with me on some jobs. The two run for the exit as the bread monster lunges after them, crashing through a wall. [Cut to a shot of the room behind them, which is decorated with ribbons, balloons, streamers, and various themed decorations while rocking jazz music plays. An example being. It hates me so much! The healing beam latches onto the Heavy, and the Medi Gun crackles with energy as the berCharge is deployed. The two run for the exit as the bread monster lunges after them, crashing through a wall. [She holds her hand out expectantly]. This painting is a parody of, At 6:04, a painting can be seen behind the Spy of him riding a horse. Okay. We cannot teleport bread anymore! He is wearing a wolf fursuit, but only the boots. [he looks around at their faces] What? Miss Pauling tumbles unceremoniously to the ground, helmet falling off of her head. [Soldier is grabbed by a tentacle, dragged over towards the monster, and then thrown into a pile of broken lumber. Miss Pauling: TomorrowI'm belt sanding the fingerprints off a pile of corpses. He eyes it worriedly.]. A BLU Demoman's boot can be seen sticking out from underneath of the hood which has a hood ornament reading "SWORD". The camera continues panning and steadies at the van's open air cab, revealing a sleeping Scout, who is a furry, and the Heavy hunched over at the wheel. Scout: [Struggling] Aaahhhh Ah UwU, Miss Pauling, you all right? Now weakened, the wooden platform collapses, sending the trio plummeting to the dirt below. Upset at Scout for wasting her one day off a year, Miss Pauling begins to leave. The Medic runs in front of the camera as it focuses back on Scout and Miss Pauling.]. It also holds a bucket of drumsticks, red roses, a vase, and a box of RED chocolates. The RED Bread van's hood ornament reads 'Sword'. Spy: [he peers closer] I have something radiating off of me. Engineer: [Threateningly] How much? He sniffs it briefly, then recoils backwards, making a noise of disgust. [Engineer looks at her, then abandons his Sentry, which is now Level 3, to rush into the hangar. This means none of the mercenaries have tumors, and thus are not going to die. He lowers the dummy down, holding onto its back with one hand as he looks up to Spy, who nods his head in approval. He points both his fingers at Spy, who merely shakes his head with disgust. You can teleport bread. ], [Cut back to Spy and Scout in the classroom, only this time DANCING is written on the chalkboard. The will. Come on, Spy. Sowe're both busy. About. The screen cuts to black. Say something. Spy: [another sigh] Does it say you want the bucket? The Spy is startled] Medic: Three days. Earn it! Spy is surprised that Scout is doing surprisingly well. [he places his hand on the Soldier's back and smiles] You teleport as much bread as you like. It's just bread that gets tumors! At 6:23, a lighter is floating under the comic the Pyro is holding, presumably originally intended to be in his hand, to try and light the comic on fire with. Spy agrees to coach Scout in how to behave around a lady. [The screen fades in to a shot of desert road, similar to Meet the Sniper. You fuckin furry, you did collect everyone's dying wish? [The Soldier suddenly grabs the Scout by the neck and slams him onto the table.]. [The Soldier suddenly grabs the Scout by the neck and slams him onto the table, because he is a furry.]. The Engineer winces while the Scout yelps and throws his paws in the air. [ All the mercenaries are expressionless except for the Heavy who is on the verge of falling asleep with his arms folded. Spy: Excellent. You too. Wait! ], Engineer: That goes for all of ya. You're terrible with girls. The Scout scrambles to his feet and rushes forward, but is stopped by an uncloaking Spy. The Heavy momentarily looks guilty. Cut back to the team. ", The location of the RED Base is in an edited version of the map. Spy: We have seventy hours to live. How could this happen tf2heavy. The Spy walks slowly, passing front of the camera left to right, cigarette in hand.]. TF2 - Heavy Laughlong. ], [Interior shot of the cab. As his wobbles precariously on the Teleporter as it slows down, we can see that he is also festively clad in a sombrero and novelty Margarita shaped sunglasses while also carrying another beer]. Jun 18, 2014 at 06:07PM EDT The Heavy looks at his Sandvich, sniffs it, shrugs, and continues eating. Miss Pauling climbs to her feet and darts away, pressing herself up against the RED payload bomb. The Scout tosses the keys. You too. Hey that's, that's funny. [he gestures emphatically with his lit cigarette while the trumpets and drum beats swell]. Scout then admits Spy is better than him, and Spy demands that broadcast around the base as payment for his services. At 11:59, the Sniper Rifle uses the same firing sound as the, At 12:03-12:37, the Heavy's default Minigun firing sound changes to the. ], Spy: I'll do it. ], [They back up towards the blast doors as the bread monster lumbers towards them slowly. Miss Pauling: Scout, it's Pauling. I have done nothing but teleport bread for the past three days. Miss Pauling: Well, on Friday I got to kill someone who pressed a briefcase alarm button andoh. Sniper: "Boom.Headshot." [Meet the Sniper text appears.Cuts to the Sniper driving his RV as Valve's edited version of Magnum Force plays in the background.. Sniper: "Snipin's a good job, mate! Wait! The two notice that the dove that the Bread Monster ate is flying harmlessly out of the mouth of the monster. Scout grabs a hold of her and, making use of the dance moves he learned from Spy, keeps her safe from harm. He sits back down and slides out of his chair. Demoman: Woo. [He smiles, then it quickly turns into a frown] Wait, nah. The logo is pock-marked with bullet holes and the white paint has been scraped off the sides. I'll put this date on myself! Miss Pauling: [Opening her eyes] I can't feel anything below my neck Miss Pauling: Oh. He leans on it trying to force the furry out.]. Cut to a shot of Miss Pauling on a scooter, speeding towards RED Base. Deep chimes accent the moment], [The strings slow then stop. . (TF2.15.AI) Date Expiration (Episode 1) - YouTube Pressing the one button you're never supposed to press? The dead BLU soldier slides off the roof. A medium tempo jazz instrumental starts with flute, piano, and drums. The Soldier greedily grabs the pail with both hands. A look of determination can be seen on her face. This never leaves this room [sigh]. Scout: What? I'm going to be dead. Miss Pauling is shown using the Revolver in the comics, and later in the video she wields a derringer with an identical firing sound. Shaken, the Scout jerks awake. We'll get it back, and the Administrator never has to know. [He removes the watch from his arm and gives it to Miss Pauling] See, that is where this all starts! [The strings hold, then fade as the scene cuts to black. Congratulations. The Spy calmly places a wine bottle on a cart and inspects two wine glasses. CLOSE THE BLAST DOORS! Scout: Miss Pauling. ], Soldier: [his hand still covering the Scout's snout] Goodbye, Miss Pauling! A.M. Case the restaurant, run background checks on the staff. We are going to live forever! tf2 copypasta - Copypasta Fast zoom to the inside of its mouth, and the dove it vored earlier is seen sitting inside it. TF2 Critical hit. Spy: Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then. What? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Miss Pauling turns and shoots him with a silenced pistol. Right. to view the video gallery, or Scout: [nervously] Yeah. No, actually, wait [The Scout is interrupted by a scream, and the Soldier flies into the hangar and lands on the ground. During this scene, the Heavy appears to wearing his watch, but with no strap. The room is dimly lit with moonlight and the warm glow of the fireplace. Right. [The screen then cuts to a text with the Team Fortress 2: Free to Play logo with the sharp tolling of a bell. [The bread monster crashes through the door as Scout pulls Miss Pauling out of harm's way. [The Spy's mouth twitches as he stops himself from laughing] So why don't you take your little failure, roll it up sideways, and- [The Spy taps his watch, voicelessly reminding Scout of the death watch] -Okay, crap, I gotta go [He quickly downs the rest of his drink and begins to walk off-screen, but leans back towards the Spy.] [RED BASE: 70 HOURS TIL DEATH Cut to the RED BREAD building. More cans of BONK! ], [The Medic leans forward with interest. [The Heavy and Sniper are slightly amused. [He raises his hands and shrugs his shoulders] Basically nobody. Scout: so that brings me to the point of this story, which is I like you, and you should probably be sitting for this Miss Pauling: GUYS! Blonde fox: [shrugs] Eh, okay. When the Soldier slams Scout on the table and strangles him, Scout chokes out "Not my fault." Engineer: [adjusting his helmet] Y'all know what this means right? [She disappears off-camera. Spy, look at all of this. Soldier: Arrghh! ], [Cut to the Scout back at the banquet table, and he extends his pinkie out as he holds the chicken. And that always have their glasses on just kind of crooked. While the entire film was planned a year in advance, actual production of the short took about six months. Miss Pauling: Not everybody, Soldier. Soldier: [pulling out a card] You did not read mine! Can the cook be trusted? Miss Pauling: [she continues talking as the camera pans] Look, just keep the briefcase safe okay? No. In face of this news, Spy decides to collect a bucket list in a literal bucket. They take shelter behind it. The Scout is near breathless with laughter.]. Soldier: [Leaning backwards] I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days. 1!" Scout: Let's go, let's go- [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier] Heavy: "INCOMING!" [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. [The two rush towards the hangar, but they get cut off by the payload bomb being thrown at the blast doors, bending them and denying them access. He selects a rocks glass to pour a hard liquor.]. Meanwhile, through experimentation, Medic and Engineer have come to the conclusion that the growths in the bread are, in fact, not tumors at all, but a self-aware birthmark that can only thrive in pure wheat. But then there was this monster and we shot it and we built a bomb and I think my leg's broken. He suddenly looks concerned and stops eating his Sandvich. This was a huge waste of my time. Give me your watch! Here's the update video https://youtu.be/bIsP-LB2fr8Recommended resolution to watch: 720. Miss Pauling climbs to her feet and darts away, pressing herself up against the RED payload bomb. Tell me you got the briefcase. [Cut to a shot of Miss Pauling watching the battle. Expiration Date (Short 2014) - IMDb Miss Pauling: Actually this is my only day off this year. Go [bleep] yourself. At 3:02, the animation when Scout smiles and looks at Soldier is recycled seconds later at 3:05. Engineer and Medic make an unsettling new discovery while experimenting with the teleporter.Visit all of our channels:Features & Reviews - http://www.youtube. Soldier: [brightly] Hello, Miss Pauling! The Heavy is mildly amused.]. [The strings slow then stop. Then they realize. [He turns abruptly. Fine. His brow wrinkles], Spy: drawn a picture of me getting vored by a Sergal. --this! Totally not the expiration date script. Heavy and Medic pause and look at the bread monster with fear in their eyes.]. ], [The background music stops and the van grows quiet. During the dancing scene, a recorder is visible that looks like the Red-Tape Recorder. The dashboard beeps again and the Heavy hits the Scout without taking his glance off of the road. [He salutes. [She pushes past the Scout, who follows her.] Tf2 Soundboard; TF2 Demoman - Kaboom. Engineer: Yeah. The entire Expiration Date script in one discussion page. A literal bucket list. Mid-tempo mysterious music plays with rhythmic drums, piano, and plucked strings. The Spy swirls his cut crystal glass and takes a drink whilst reading "Dapper Cadavar Monthly" magazine, as the track of the same name plays in the background. Suddenly, another loaf of bread appears, silently hovering. The camera goes from the poker table with the Demoman drinking, the Heavy and Sniper dozing, and the Pyro reading a magazine; to the Medic and Engineer in a lab, with the tumorized bread; and to Soldier carrying away a giant pile of bread loaves in his arms. Ow. Suddenly a siren can be heard in the background with guards shouting. Spy: [he peers closer] I have something radiating off of me.
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