So we need to add another Assign Variableaction after all the others and outsideof the "if" checks: Note that we have checked the "relative" checkbox. We'll leave the shooting for the next tutorial in the series and simply add the rotation for now. Now that we have our idea, its time to move on to the actual GameMaker Studio 2 Tutorial. section What does this mean? Well start with an If you set this in the room editor you won't see anything happen, but in your game it will scroll. We want the bullet to shoot off in the direction of the mouse, so we need to add the following actions: Adding these into the Create Eventof the bullet object should give you this: Go ahead and hit Run now to see what happens: That's starting to resemble something that could be called a game, but there is an issue because we are creating the bullets on the same layer as the player, they are being drawn on top of the player which doesn't look right. So with that in mind, call this sprite "spr_player". You can actually delete this and type in any text to get a preview of how it will look in the game. Login to SAP GUI application. Before we begin with the GameMaker Studio tutorial, what exactlyisa GameMaker Studio? Essentially, the higher the depth, the "nearer" the camera it is and the lower the depth the further away, so a layer at depth -200 will draw under a layer with depth 300, for example. This will open up the options to edit the collision mask, permitting you to change the mask shape and set the values required for the area it covers. As mentioned briefly in a previous tutorial, all games run at a speed which is defined by the number of times the game loop runs in a second. Your full action list should now look like this: If you test the game again now, you can see that the bullets fire a bit slower, but for our purposes it still seems too fast. So, add a Create Eventnow, and in the action editor window that pops up drag the Assign Variableaction and set it to the following: This gives us an instance variable with the name "thescore" and sets its value to 0. Events Right now, unfortunately, our player object looks like nothing. I know thats a very small number, but remember that this will happen 60 times a second. Layer order is actually defined by a value, called the "depth" value. Now we have to make the time variable do something. Objects The "type" should be set as the direction, as we want to use that rather than the horizontal or vertical component. The first step is to download Game Maker Studio 2 if you dont already have it. To add a background to our game we want to use a Tile Setresource. to zoom it in and out. section A temporary or local variable is simply defined as one that is "local" to the script or event that is using it. Just in case, in the In case youre stuck you can get a zip of the entire completed project from our GameMaker Studio 2 tutorial here: : Hopefully when you look at that list you can feel proud of yourself. Note that if we hadn't flagged the "relative" check-box, then we would be settingx to 4 rather than adding to it, and if we'd used -4 instead of 4, then we would have been subtracting4 from x. Tile Sets are all based on sprites, and although so far we have only used sprites for game entities like the player or the bullets, we can also use sprites for backgrounds and tile sets, which can also be animated and do other interesting things. . In the above image you can see we have marked the first two sections of the tile set properties. While Android Studio is a powerful IDE and comes with many additional tools for development, it is primarily suited to productivity apps and tools and has a steep learning curve. spr_damage Make sure that the original sprite is 3232 pixels, or change the dimensions by clicking edit sprite. The collision box should generally be the same size and shape as the sprite. Create Object. , youll see we have a default starting room for our game. Before you try it out, dont forget to drag your world object into the room with your box and player. Next we need another variable for the speed we want the enemy to move at: This variable will be used to define the movement speed of the instance. You can then go ahead and select a font from your machine to use as the game font and then in the editor set the styleto boldto make it stand out that much more (if the font you select permits it), and set the sizeto 24 to make it bigger. If both of those are true, then we increase time by 0.05. How to use GameMaker Studio 2. The Change Object Instanceaction. obj_somthing We currently have two instance layers (one for the player and the enemies, one for the bullets) and a background layer. Terms of Service Here, you are multiplying the boxs speed by the time variable. To get started with GameMaker Studio 2, first create a new project. So I WOULD have a problem with graphics, right? But what are we going to set the rotation too? section In this way we can ensure that the image alpha will increment until it reaches 1 and go no higher (this is important, as while you can set the image alpha value to more than 1 - or even negative numbers - this will have different effects on different platforms and the recommended value for this variable is always between 0 and 1). section Read tutorials from experienced game developers and GameMaker experts. Open the action editor in the Step Event(double click the event if it's not open already). Normally you'd have a mix of both things, with some rooms fulfilling multiple purposes (like one room for all your different menus) and other rooms for a single purpose, like an overworld room, or a level room. It's worth noting that the resource tree is considered to be dockedto the side of the window, and it can be opened or closed using the dock buttons: and it can also be moved to a different screen position and docked there (for example on the left): GameMaker Studio 2 is fully customisable, so you can change the colours and fonts, or even set window layouts and save them. The actions will be like this: Let's just go through the actions here one at a time so you can see what is happening: So, if there is an instance of the player, we then tell the enemy to move at the speed of the "spd" variable towards it. We are going to edit this now to dynamically create instances of the bullet object as the game is being played. To navigate the workspace, use the scroll wheel to scroll or the middle mouse button to move around. The second part of the code checks to see if the Y position of the object is at the bottom of the screen. This will compile and run your game. You can start your free trial and we are going to look at an important aspect of any game keeping score. And if you rotate your player, they will rotate around this point. That way, the user can move with the keyboard and aim and shoot with the mouse. GMS 2 uses A Going back to our game, if you press Run now then you can test our bullet creation actions: Hmmm That's not really what we want is it? Each In this tutorial we will simply be adding a single sound effect when you destroy the enemy instances, so you can use any sound effect that you have on your hard-drive or you can use the one that we have supplied along with the tutorial, which will be found when you open the file explorer in the TutorialResourcesfolder, in the "Sound" sub-folder (if you have any issues, you can also find the sound here). , and make sure the Game frames per second is set to 60. Its a flat purchase price, meaning that GMS 2 doesnt try to take your games profits or make you pay monthly. Playing a sound is really simple and requires a single action, the Play Audioaction from the "Audio" library. Note that if you have several instances on the samelayer, then these will be drawn in the manner that is most efficient, normally from the first created on that layer to the last but this is not guaranteed. So, here we are setting the scaling factor to be 0.1 (10%) and then we are going to scale the image up to 1 (100%) before spawning the enemy. It moves 50 pixels every frame, compared to your character that moves 5 pixels every frame. . You will then be presented with two options: New Drag and Drop Project; New GameMaker Language Project; Drag and Drop is the powerful visual scripting language that permits you to code a project using chained action blocks, while the GameMaker Language (GML) is the propriety . An instance refers to an instance of an object that can interact with other objects in the Room. Jump is slightly different. Next choose the "Drag and Drop" option, which we will be using for this GameMaker Studio . Basically, you can set a view camera to be any size, and then set the view port to be a different size and the camera view will be scaled to fit in that space. You can close this sprite now and we'll move on to creating the title screen room. You will get a warning saying that this action cannot be undone, which is fine since this is a new sprite and we aren't going to over-write anything, so click "Yes" to continue. These built in variables are changed using the different transform actions from the Instanceslibrary: You can change things like the scale, the rotation, the colour and the alpha, all through using these actions to change the built in variables. But what arealarms? The first thing to do is to add a background. . Lets make sure it all worked and press This post will serve as a GameMaker Studio tutorial to get you started, and an overview of the tool. We want to now make the player instance move when the user presses the Arrow Keyson the keyboard. You will learn a bit of code and a bit of game design as we go. However, it is most commonly known as GameMaker Studio 2.. By default this is set to 30, meaning that our game will perform a game frame (loop through all the game code) 30 times every second and in each single frame of the game code you have Events. . The main points you should have picked up while working through this Youll now be greeted with a Workspace on the left and an asset browser on the right. If the game detects that youre pressing left on the keyboard, it will run the code in the curly braces. F5 We need to let the player control time, so lets have them slow it down or speed it up, but only if its below or above a certain amount. We now need to add the action Set Instance Scale(from the Instanceslibrary) into the Create Eventof the object. Name your project as you please and save it somewhere safe. This area is the actual room, which is currently a blank canvas on which you can place resources to create your game level. So double click on the object "obj_player" from the resource tree to open it in the current workspace if it's not open already. Right now everything is looking very empty, so lets get started making our game. Yes you can. These events fall into two broad categories: You can see all the event categories by clicking These control the tile set cell width and height and setting these will dictate how the tile set image will be split up and how it will be displayed when painting it into a room tilemap layer. If you right click on the Fontresource and select Createit will create a new font resource and open the Font Editor: Following the naming convention _name we'll call this new font fnt_score. section We will do this a little later on in the tutorial, so don't worry about it just now and we'll just use the "Instances" layer to start with. Before continuing, we should give the room a name, as the default name isn't very descriptive so give a slow double click Privacy Policy are what they sound like: places for you to put your sprites and game objects. If you want to develop games for Android, Android Studio is not the best choice of tool. are as follows: It's not much for such an important aspect of any game, but surprisingly those two actions are about all you'll need for adding sound effects into your project. Using obj_scorein this case is fine because we are only going to have one of them in the room, but you can use this method to target a single instance if you target an instance ID (which you can get from the Room Editor or by certain functions), by placing it in the text field at the top which says Expression: Our action will now add 5 onto the thescore variable every time an enemy instance is destroyed, and we can now add the score object into our game room. . If you have any issues, you can also find the sound here. We are going to make a new object and call it If they are, the player moves one step in that direction: Do the same thing for the other direction. We could use the movementactions for this, but to give you a better idea of how GameMaker Studio 2does things we are going to set the built in variable "x" to move and use the action Assign Variable: We want to set the value of "x" to 4 relativeto its previous value, so we set the action to look like this: Note that now in the list view on the left of the editor, we have the action written as plain text: So what does this do then? In this case, the code between the two braces is Scale Image Youll now be able to drag and resize the box as needed. Run your game again (press ) and this time the player instance should do nothing unless you press the right arrow key. This is because all games require at least one room to run, and so GameMaker Studio 2makes this room for you. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. These include the linkes of Minit, Blazing Chrome, Hyper Light Drifter, and my personal favorite: Katana Zero. If you want to, you can experiment some more now and add some extra sounds into the game for when the player shoots and moves or when he dies. This name will be the uniqueidentifier for the sprite throughout your game and can be anything you wish, although we recommend that you use some kind of identifier prefix like "spr" or simply "s", as, when you get multiple resource types in your game code, it makes everything far easier to read. On the left is the space where we can assign the object a name and a sprite, along with some other options. as general containers for anything that has code attached to it. Now your player object is in your room, and therefore part of the game. Even though we cant see it, we still need it in the room to perform its magic. Bounding Box Objects We've seen built-in variables already, but this is one you are creating and it's called an instance variable. After a few moments, a window will pop up. Essentially, the general Draw Event defaults to using the Draw Selfaction . Each loop is called a game frameand so we call the speed at which a game runs the game Frames Per Second (FPS). So, still in the obj_enemyStep Event, and before the action for playing the sound, we need to add the action Set Audio Pitch: When you use a sound effect or music in GameMaker Studio 2it is played with a pitch value of 1. So, the next It can be a bit tricky to reorganise your actions so the following animation shows you how to add these actions correctly: There is a problem with this however We don't count down the variable cooldown anywhere, which means we will fire one bullet and no more since it will be set to 3 and the subsequent "if" check will fail. While you've been testing your game, you may have noticed that the bullets don't often actually appear to hit the enemies when they disappear yet the hit is being registered, and the bullet is disappearing and the enemy "hp" is being affected. . Step We now get to see an obj_world We want to be able to walk left and right and jump up in the air. In this event, we will add the following Assign Variableaction : "hp" is an instance variablethat we want all instances of this object to have, and it will store the "health points" for the enemy object. Unlike the Step Eventthat we used in the player object, the Create Event will be called only oncewhen an instance of the object is first created in a room. If you want to know more about the different events in the Draw Event category, you can press to open the manual and read up on them in the section on the Object Editor. However, it's not very pretty, since everything happens on a plain black background. Now set the action as follows: Note that when using an object index like this, if there are more than one instance of the object in the room when the code is run it will run for all instances of the object. Now that we can move, lets make something that can hurt us, to provide a bit of a challenge for our players. Options > Main in this series will see us creating a new object for the enemy and having it react to the player and the player bullets You've made it to the Enemies Section of our "My First Game" series of tutorials, and you're doing well! After youve downloaded the game development program, you should be ready to make a game. Thats because we havent given them anything to do, so they just stand where weve placed them. In this GameMaker Studio 2 tutorial, . obj_damage Im using sprites from an old greenscreen style game I made. You can also set the Horizontal Speedand Vertical Speedfor the background layer. / variable It has everything you need to take your i. This means that we can't use an absolute room position since as the camera moves about, the text will be lost off of one side or the other of the camera view. Often, the best first step after coming up with an idea for a game is to put the most base or core mechanic into code. Clicking this will animate the whole room such that any backgrounds that are set to move, or tile sets that are set to animate, or any sprite assets that have sub-images will be shown as they would appear in the game: With the horizontal background speed now set to -2, this will add interest to our title screen, we can continue on to make our title object. Resource Panel Well, so far we haven't added anyDraw Event to anyof our instances, and yet they all draw their sprites to the screen when we run the project. Currently we are adding 4 to the "x" value every game frame, so what we want to do is only add 4 if the keyboard right arrow is being pressed. This In this case we are going to use a function to get the direction from the player instance to the mouse pointer and set the image_angle to that. section GameMaker Studio 2still has the "score" variable for backwards compatibility, but it has been deprecated and should not ever be used. obj_player However, Ive found that visual coding languages like Drag and Drop tend to hold back developers that would be better off just buckling down and learning code. Now we need to add an instance variable to the object in the Create Eventwhich will be used to hold our score value. This means that the action is going to work on a different object (in this case we have selected obj_scoreas the object to target). We need an idea before we start prototyping, so lets come up with one now: Id like to make a top-down adventure game where you can slow down time to solve puzzles. So, in our actions we are setting the alarm[0] to 60, meaning that it will subtract 1 from 60 every game frame until it reaches 0 at which point any code in the alarm[0] event will run. Select the RFC_READ_TABLE module as the Function Module. Our workspace now has two boxes. This needs to come from your Sprites folder, so make sure to drop the image in there first. section Step 1. Note that the assign variable action is placed to the right to indicate that it is only being run if the conditional check is true, and that this is also reflected in the action list on the left, where the assign variable entry has been tabbed too. if This should be dragged and added to the right of the "if" action to show that it should only be run if the condition returns true: To keep things simple for now, the arguments we are going to use in this argument are as follows: The last argument can be kept blank for now as it's not required, but for future reference, the Target argument permits you to assign a variable to hold the unique instance ID of the instance being created, which permits you to change things on that instance later as well as many other things. A sprite is an image that is combined with certain properties which is then used in the game to represent something. . The bullet instance we are creating is created using the Instance Createaction , which creates the instance and assigns it to the layer ID that you give, - in this case the default Room Editor layer for instances. To make this easier we are going to use a couple of local (temporary) variables. is what lets the game engine know what your sprite is touching, known as Lets make a new We have our enemy spawn object now, but we don't have anything to re-spawn the enemies when there are none left, so for that we are going to create a controller object called obj_spawner. If you make your own sound effect, you should export it as a *.wav, an *.ogg or as an *mp3 format sound. Well, most games have some form of goal to achieve and more often than not this involves shooting something, so in this tutorial our goal is to add in some enemies for the player to shoot. So if you have grass on top of your platforms and dirt on the sides, youre covered! and set the width and height to 6464 pixels under Before going any further though, let's just go over a few of the core concepts that you should take away with you from this This is done by going to the Layer Propertieswindow - which is opened by default on the left of the room editor when you select any layer - and then clicking the button that says "No Tile Set" which will open a window to let you select the tile set to use: The tile set selected will now open on the right of the room editor workspace and you can click on any of the tiles to select it for "painting" into the room: We now need to paint the tiles in a way that makes sense for the room and the tile set chosen, so select the appropriate tiles to make the final tilemap layer look like this: You can test the game now and it should play exactly the same as it did before, only now we have a nicer background for the action to happen on. We have no need to change any of the properties for this sprite so you can close it now and then create another one and call it "spr_titlescreen". To move from one room - the title room - to the next one - the game room - we will need a new object, so go ahead and make one now (Right click on the object resource folder and select Create). New GameMaker Manual We use this event just to give the user a moment to get ready to play, as the other two key events would change the room instantly. You should now have a Osomething So, open up the bullet sprite now and click the section labelled Collision Mask: This section of the sprite editor permits you to define the area of the sprite that will be used to detect collisions, where a collision is defined as when two collision masks overlap at any point. starting with an idea However for our game we are keeping things simple and all those values can be left at their default settings. When you build a game for real, youll probably want to use multiple sprites to create animations. Finally we set the sprite rotation (image_angle) to face the same way as the direction variable. Many careers in tech pay over $100,000 per year. In this GameMaker Studio 2 tutorial, we will learn how to make a game by Its easy to read and type in, and it functions very similar to other languages. Game maker 2 tutorial drag and drop object. - YouTube Now set the tile width and height to 32.. As with almost everything in GameMaker Studio 2, you can give this new layer a name like "TilesLayer" or something, and then you can go ahead and assign the tile set that we made previously to it. Once youve finished, return to the main workspace. Review the Import options for this module. However before we get to that, you should fix the tilemap layer so that it covers the whole room: To prevent the issue with the huge window we need to tell GameMaker Studio 2to only show a portion of the game room using a camera view. Above your sprites preview, click Now for the action that will create our bullet if the mouse button is held down, which is the action Instance Create(from the Instancesaction library). By default GameMaker Studio 2will use a draw colour of white for everything, but at various points in your game you may wish to change this, and it's good practice to explicitly set the draw colour before drawing anything, so that is what we are going to do now as well as draw the text itself. So, double click on the Player in the Asset Browser and then choose Events > Add Event. We actually need to use a functionto get the angle that we want to set the sprite to, and then we'll store the value it returns in a variable ready to set the rotation of the instance. When you start a game, you aren't normally just dropped straight into the action, but instead you are usually presented with some kind of title screen. If the object is in the room when the game starts, this code will run once when the game starts. Adding the spawner objects has made the gameplay more dynamic and enables the user to play again and again and try to beat their own highscores. F5 In this - July 16, 2020. As usual, name your sprite something appropriate like "spr_darktile" and then close the sprite editor. We'll use this to change the calling instance (the spawner) into an enemy instance, so drag that into the action list now and set it to change into the object obj_enemy, like this: So, first we check to see if the scale is 1 (100%) and if it is we change the instance into a version of the instance obj_enemyusing the action Change Object Instance.
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