tomatoman-"Tomato Growers Supply Company is a family-owned small specialty seed company founded in 1984 by Vince and Linda Sapp. We later expanded the catalog to include peppers and eggplant since they are in the same plant family as tomatoes. I don't like giving them my money either and I don't. It is available, however the poorest starving workers currently earn more using the GM cotton, which to them means more money for nutrition, health and the other necessities their earnings buy. And here is where I corrected what you said the first time. Territorial is owned by Tom and Julie Johns, who have owned the company since they . Not all "progress" is a good thing and we often dive headfirst into it without truly knowing the full ramifications. Once of the great things about capitalism is that we can vote with our buying patterns. Youve said twice you consider yourself an independent thinker. In the 1950s a resourceful gardener from Norway invented the Jiffypot, a biodegradable planting pot made from compressed peat that can be transplanted with the plant. If you want to avoid using GMO seeds, here is a list of seed companies owned by Monsanto. But it would seem to me that, while the conclusions about what happened in India may have been controversial, something definitely negative happened in India as a result of Monsanto introducing GMO seed. Our History. Now look how long the post got, but no matter, you have honest reply to at least everything here. The only reason I did in this instance was because so much was said about the original link being suspect. We just have different ways of looking at this and won't change each other. If they include links to the proof, then I'll believe it. Sunflower Fun Sunny Hybrid Mix Seed. 0000518883 00000 n Charlevoix operations continued until 1927. Articles like that are written for people who think that every nonsense thing they read on the internet is true. Everyone on the thread was made aware that it was inaccurate, everyone agreed that it was and that we are on our own as far as learning which seed companies are owned by Monsanto and which are not. Founded in 1856, Ferry-Morse seeds have been sold continuously since before Abe Lincoln was President. By 1930, Ferry was producing the majority of its seed in California. 0000519175 00000 n Since I just listed the reasons why I wanted to end the conversation, the question does not need to be answered by you. Jiffy Seed Starting. Yes, I understand that people exaggerate, often because they've had an emotional reaction to something that really disturbs them. In fact, I was agreeing with you, after you had already said that. FWIW, and a big LOL to that, in the spirit of completeness, Monsanto is one of them. Really, a good rule of thumb is that if an article criticizing GMOs doesn't mention DuPont or Syngenta, they really don't know what they are talking about. I will try to get back here and finish reading everyones later. The facts that it benefits them do not prove a point and are not intended to prove anything about Monsanto's commercial practices or the safety of GMOs. Read this National Geographic Article on GMOs and Florida Orange Juice if you have a moment and you can see some of the difficult issues that consumers may vote soon on with their dollars. If you cant have Better Boy and Early Girl, without Monsanto and their biotech efforts, Ill willingly give up their varieties. You detail your beliefs, and I respect everyone's beliefs , especially yours, whether your beliefs are religiously-based, socially-based, or logically-based. - Do you realize that the dictionary definition to call someone out is to challenge someone to a fight? (And FYI has been working on GMOs) Worse then Urban Outfitters, which has modeled clothing after Nazi Death Camp uniforms and been cited for use of (possibly involuntary) child labor? So, because of all these conversational choices youve made, from my end, it feels more like a monologue instead of a conversation. Ferry seed catalogs,, Companies based in Santa Clara, California, Agriculture companies of the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 March 2023, at 12:52. We are proud to carry Organic and Heirloom Vegetable seeds as well. You seem to be trying to straddle both sides and see yourself above everyone else. 2. rareseeds Also known as Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, rareseeds is a company offering some of the more rare heirloom varieties out there. All Seeds of Change seeds are 100% Organic and 100% Non-GMO. and adding if I must only bow to your statement, you have increased the negativity of what you said. That's fine, but that does confirm my conclusion that we are not a good fit for a conversation and it has not been constructive, for me. As of 2005 Ferry Morse is owned by Jiffy, makers of the Jiffy starter kits and based in Norway. Ive asked you a few questions which you have ignored. They also sell organic supplies that are not always easy to find. The movie "Bitter Seed" is simply a movie. [4] Ferry changed the company name to Ferry, Church & Co, and two years later, when Church retired,[5] Ferry changed the name again, this time to D.M. Looks like poor research, poor presentation. You call this a debate and I object to the use of that term. Founded in 1856, Ferry-Morse has earned the trust of home gardeners across the country. We are off-topic of avoiding GMO seeds (since all home garden seeds are GMO-free, even those from big bad Monsanto). I would like to see the world get away from this kind of development. Trouncing the entire field because we don't like some parts of it is effectively throwing the baby out with the bath water. 0000001396 00000 n The plant is often grown in flooded paddies, but it can only survive for about 3 days under water. It is like watching supermarkets (Big Ag) swallow up the local produce markets (Kramer's Corner Peach Shop), and then either take control over and frequently discontinue products I like. Audubon Workshop Breck's Bulbs Cook's Garden Dege Garden Center Earl May Seed E & R Seed Co Ferry Morse Flower of the Month Club Gardens Alive Germania Seed Co Garden Trends HPS Jung Seed Genetics Lindenberg Seeds If either of us does not grasp it, I think the person who is willing for GMO technology to tamper with our food supply is the more likely person to not grasp the gravity of the situation. Compare Monsanto and the other companies you mention, are basically in the biotech field. As for the GMO involved, yes, it is the leading potential solution and everyone will probably have equal and free access to it, including every other country around the world growing Citrus., You are splitting hairs. If you feel I have offended you in some way and you want to respond, then I will continue until you feel satisfied. You said it is an emotional issue and I respect that, but it doesn't give anyone the right to say hurtful things like not thinking what you say is important after coming this far. But please own your words, since those original words I found objectional, and I respect you for what you say, and would feel foolish to participate in a conversation where at the end I am told I misquoted someone when I did not and would not, and if it happened by accident I would instantly correct and apologize, because I will own my mistake. Our favorite bit of history is that SUPERthrive was used in Disneyland Parks opening in 1955 to keep the new landscaping alive in the 100 degree summer weather. If you wanted to discuss this topic, based on debate rules and theories, you should have mentioned that in the beginning and sought my agreement to discuss accordingly. Model # 629382.1220.199.9086. What does my belief have to do with it? Hopefully if it is explained well enough others might get a better understanding of the issue.". Ferry-Morse invented the practice of selling seeds to home gardeners in individual illustrated packets, available to home gardeners by way of racks he created to showcase the seed varieties. 'Any talk of avoiding the seeds for purchase is circular logic - intended to manipulate people by bullying the and using fear as a weapon'. I still do not know what the truth is about what happened in India so it is not possible to discuss it at all, but obviously something very negative happened in India and I would have preferred if you gave a balanced explanation of why you felt that link was incorrect, instead of stating that it was completely debunked, as if that completely clears GMOs and Monsanto from any wrong doing in India. Is there any way to stop getting notifications of this topic? It goes against my core beliefs. Native Seeds/S.E.A.R.C.H. Ferry-Morse. A Brief History of Monsanto and Seed Houses Who Got Screwed Nature has a non-aligned editorial board and attempts to be on the cutting edge of gold-standard research in the public's interest. Consumers have a lot of power that they are not using to support good companies and stop supporting bad companies. I can avoid their products, which I do. 0000002729 00000 n I guess, the long past resolved discussion of the inaccuracy of the original link was relevant. And this is just one example of you analyzing my contributions to the discussion. They are trying to sensationalize things through scare tactics, in my opinion. Model# 0020. Live the Garden Life with garden to table recipes and home decor! There has been more proven environmental damage caused by planting invasives, over-use of fertilizers, and habitat destruction then GMOs. This is all I need to know.>>> OWNED BY MONSANTO OR SEMINIS OR SELL SMALL PERCENTAGES OF SEEDS FROM THEM. [7], Meanwhile, in 1874, R. W. Wilson began a seed-producing company based in Santa Clara, California. Ed, thanks for posting. I buy seeds from organizations I have some reason to trust and who are functioning in a way I appreciate. Disclaimer: I worked for a seed company that was being purchased by Monsanto, in a GMO-free operation. As should every living person on the earth. Multiple smaller, non high tech companies that are manageable by individuals and an asset to their communities. Gunna go GMO & Chemical ( & other non-goodie stuff ) free! Repeat the same flaws?' Thanks for the reply and summarizing your GMO fears and beliefs, and how that contributes to your actions. Are Ferry Morse seeds any good? - McKenzie is Canada's #1 seed packet company. Disneyland Park is a registered trademark of The Walt Disney Company. How did you come to this conclusion? 0000492936 00000 n I wasn't so much saying you were scare mongering as the article. Where you don't trust Monsanto Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer, BASF and Dow, etc. If anything the larger companies have less questionable variety development. Now I doubt their whole list. I did a bit of research, I don't believe that Ferry Morse/ Jiffy/ American Seed is owned by Monsanto. Is that right? Is Garden of Life owned by Monsanto? When the purchase was finalized, I was out on my rear without a job, so if anyone has reason to be unhappy with them for political reasons, that's me! I take umbrage to that comment. What a person intends and what they end up doing are not always the same. If you object to my desire to boycott, then you require me to explain my reasons and in doing so, a GMO discussion ensues. 0000033228 00000 n BTW, you only see it when you are signed in. Plenty of organic seed and NO GMO seed. One is a technology and one is a company and equating them continuiously stymies critical thinking by fusing them together. Which seed companies are owned by Monsanto? Thanks for the rest of the links. We are both very detail minded, wanting precise meaning of words used, not enjoying being misunderstood triggering lengthy explanations. The Ferry-Morse Seed Company is a supplier of seeds, and was at one time the largest such company in the world. I Like The Natural Species given by Mother Nature Much Better! The 1906 earthquake demolished the firm's facilities, but they quickly moved to temporary space in San Francisco, and the company bought out Cox Seed and Plant. Rodney - PC misquoted me, I said people becoming aware of the issue of GMOs was a good thing. They only bother to genetically modify major commercial crops. There are so many, many tomato seeds in the world there has to be enough for everyone, that we can do without a couple, if it means gaining something more valuable. With one fell swoop in 2005, Monsanto grabbed approximately 40% of the US vegetable seed market with its acquisition of Seminis. It's important to realize that, while there are definitely aspects of the issue that are, at best, unsavory, and at worst downright deplorable, there are also those beneficial and worthy parts of the whole as well. Many of our brands were founded in the mid-1800's and have been trusted by generations. We have them. You only have to look around at many examples of when we have done that. I try to learn how to make a habitat for pollinators. I've shared my views on the subject and what I have done as a result of that and the names of seed companies that I use that make me feel I am living up to my own convictions. Really good article, I learned a few things. [6], In 1905, Ferry sold one of their large corn fields to the Burroughs Adding Machine Company. They seem to have the best germination rate of any seeds I've tried and they have a lot of unusual or less modern plants (like varieties and even species used by Native Americans that you can't find easily elsewhere). Are Ferry Morse seeds good quality? - Daily Justnow I dont find this constructive at all, so Im sorry but Im going to end here. Please see, where I have added the question, is that right? and Is that your point of view? in an attempt to give you the opportunity to confirm or deny my interpretation of what youve said. Please explain, what it is about a desire not to see genetically modified seeds and plants that you object to? You have peppered your comments with plenty of complaints and labels of what I have had to say. There is nothing wrong with my logic. It is hard to avoid them though when they are buying up companies left and right. Since their main activity and goals are to create GMO seed and not to produce conventionally hybridized seed, then it is not unreasonable to consider that they have plans to use the seeds of those companies to genetically modify them. No. I remember in a Facebook gardening group about a year, maybe a year and a half ago, a conversation came up about GMO's, Monsanto, and Scotts/Miracle-Gro. That is the best way to find out who owns a company. And I find it hard to believe that you are not fully aware that you are doing that. I purchase more seed from FEDCO, than Monsanto (Better Boy, Early Girl). You're right there are plenty of companies competing for worst company status. And I'm transferring the burden of 'fact checking' to others? McKenzie Seeds is a seed packaging company founded in Brandon, Manitoba in 1896. I will not boycott good seed companies because Monsanto owns them. [3] At the same time, the Detroit Seed Company was absorbed into the new corporation. Seed Companies Owned by Monsanto or Sells Monsanto's Seeds Seed Companies who are either owned by Monsanto or sell Monsanto products. Thank you prarie. You call me out? Over the years, dozens upon dozens of seed companies have come and gone. Yours is a textbook statement of the fallacious logical argument of appeal to fear / argument from adverse consequences. We take pride in helping families across the country enjoy gardening and the fresh foods and flowers the garden produces. Add to Cart. Youll have to show me where I have labeled you. The big picture, this is just more of the False Dichotomy fallacy I discuss in my post which activists on both extremes seek to bully anyone chosing not to align themselves with the extremes. If you call and ask, I can imagine you could get the run around. I recently purchased a pack of Ferry Morse Sow Easy Strawberry Alpine seeds (125 seeds) from Lowes for $2.49 and planted them, using a heated mat for faster germination. Do you think the "Natural" or "Original" Species of plants ( and maybe other organisms too ) will go extinct because of the GMOs overpopulating the Whole World? When I entered this thread, it was a year ago, when I had the time to participate fully in a discussion. I don't think that that is a very reliable list. Nobody has the right to force anyone to eat anything. In 2005 . GMOs dont seem to concern you. You can't believe anything from infowars - their site has been taken down because of all of the conspiracy theories and fake news. Organic 1-Gram Parsley Flat Italian Herb (Seed Packet) Model # 464433.249.908043. Do you realize how confusing that is? It is one thing to be mad when a large company deprives me of seeds and has other businesses that are very profitable which can seem not to benefit consumers. I'd really like to know. Sorry. If you repeat the same flaws, I will respond by repeating myself, too. I will not throw my favorite large red hybrid tomato, developed before 1970, under the bus just because Monsanto bought it. Nobody of the big guys is going to tell you which seeds they buy from their competitors, and by definition if you buy a variety you can research it's entire pedigree. You give me alternative suggestions, but Im afraid you have not solved the GMO issue with your alternative suggestions at all. [1] Jiffy has moved production outside of Canada with over 70 people working at their location in Brandon. Ferry-Morse Seed Company - Wikipedia Check. Unfortunately the home garden market is only a drop in the bucket and if a big-ag company decided to discontinue it there would be varieties that could be lost forever. No company sells GMO seeds to home gardeners. I looked and this is the one Mother Earth News article that I was thinking of in particular. Territorial is also good, just to throw another vote on them too. hb`````pd&03EY8zT'00a@,d/Dy ) d|HXDh+3&0%18?`aeT,&1gh)smi`8pIni`!ah k\w'@w06` Y0:tcr4#0 3: endstream endobj 575 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[28 494]/Length 39/Size 522/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream I think you should support seed companies that you can trust, that are working hard to keep seeds GMO free in the future and who work with people they can trust. I have no complaint about you personally, only with the incompatibility of our conversational style and how that interferes with us gaining any ground in either of our positions on this issue. I don't want to win, I want to learn from you. 5.0 out of 5 stars . What, remove names once someone finds an inaccuracy? Im actually against biotech entirely. "Monoculture" is a problem that has far reaching implications outside the farm itself.In fact, the whole concept of modern agriculture, from animal raising to crop growing, is plagued with many serious issues. D.M. It would be nice to have first-hand experience, accuracy, truthfulness and completeness in anything we read and I am quick to react when something doesn't smell right. First, you have fused two subjects together based on the fact that one uses the technology. 0000011681 00000 n prarie, I'll summarize what I found disagreeable (it was your post, quoted below) and hopefully the recap will serve as the explanation you ask for: 1. I cannot support misleading people for political ends. Ferry-Morse. It is a disease where I will be forced to make a decision if the GM technology is the solution that will save the $10 billion Florida Citrus industry. Zach - you are right, there is always two sides to an issue, but consider the fact that Monsanto has a fortune to spend on convincing the public to see things from their point of view. I think that is the best way to influence others to try organic growing and get to the point where a company like Syngenta has no market. 1% retail connection and then made to look as "owned by"? As for the subject of this thread - it was originally about seed companies that Monsanto has bought and people who want to avoid seed companies that Monsanto has bought - if you do not understand the reasons that people are avoiding Monsanto seed companies, than you dont. It also gives a list of seed companies that are not. You repeat your reasons for participating in the conversation like a campaign slogan but in the face of the way you participate, it rings a little hollow to me. Green Garden Products does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement from The Walt Disney Company. Continually defending and explaining myself. ***If any company you like is on the list, research their ownership yourself.***. There are also plenty of graphs showing the overlap of government officials that make policy and Monsanto employees which is more worrying to me actually. ~ Are you not against any of the things that Monsanto has done or is doing? There was no need to be offended, my addition of those key phrases might have indicated to you my intention to not offend you and that my mind was still open to further explanation. This discussion proves that Houzz is no longer truncating long posts! Thank you for the link to Seed Alliance, that was encouraging. My original question Are you against any of the things Monsanto has done or is doing? you dont want to answer. In hindsight, I should not have taken the time to do so, I was rushing. I disagree, that only when you are trying to convince someone of something, do you need to win their favor. I do not consider it more honorable or more negative to be either. As it is, many people are already avoiding corn and soy products in the supermarket because it is difficult to find any that are not genetically modified. I found out that Plantation Products (such a lovely company, NOT) owns American Seed, Ferry Morse, Jiffy, NK and McKenzie. Very early in this thread, that problem was addressed and resolved. And please note, I have used the words you seem to have, and please note how many times I use that phrase when responding to someone whose words on a page I am trying to understand. Perhaps even more impressive is the companys history of innovation. That property is bordered by Second and Third Avenues on the east and west and by Burroughs and Amsterdam Avenues on the north and south, the city's northern limit at that time. [3] Ferry built a new warehouse, and by 1890 was doing over a million and a half dollars in business annually. I simply replied that I do not, would not and have not called attention to your intentions because they were never part of this discussion. I do not conform to a world of "believers" and "infidels" used by both sides which are quick to exclude any middle ground. Hi Molanic - Yes, I'm glad they are not truncating long posts any more. The 'foodandwaterwatch' link doesn't work, but it is two years old. I had already said the same thing in an earlier post, but did not use the word, misquoted and you had no problem with that. And even though we have different viewpoints, I've never used MG, nor do I plan to! It is currently part of Green Garden Products, a privately owned gardening company based in Massachusetts. 0000535878 00000 n I dont even have the time to read the above entire article on Monsanto, but a quick scan of the section on Controversies, shows that all over the world, people are fighting against Monsanto because of the ill effect that their association with the company has had. It also gives a list of seed companies that are not.(link)". for pricing and availability. Ferry-Morse is one of the oldest operating seed companies in the United States, having been in continuous operation since 1856! Boycotting Better Boy by others, as an example, hurts me, not Monsanto. I've already made my decision and I did enough research before I did to feel very comfortable with my choice. And why would someone who likes gardening and natural living work for a company whose stated goals are completely against your values? It is not a solution to me. They read any random thing, take it as gospel, and think they're informed without considering the source of the information, the bias of the author, or the fact that data can be manipulated to make any theory true. Why buy from a company that you can't trust? I have Better Boy and Early Girl tomatoes in my garden, Monsanto varieties, and others in tomatoes really like Big Beef, another one of theirs all for the home garden market. I will address your issue about the reputed 250,000 suicides per year in India which you have taken on faith to be true, and not critically taken the time to fact-check. If you have done any research at all, you have to be aware of things that Monsanto has done and is doing, that you dont agree with. And you are right, we're probably not putting a dent in their bottom line. And more detailed explanations about what you meant and what you think. And this is actually your version of limiting the scope of your discussion to only what was relative? Would never use a lawn service and have explained the problems of them to my neighbor who did and doesn't any more. [10], In 1981, Ferry-Morse became part of France's Groupe Limagrain, the largest seed producer in the world. I share my experiences about organic growing. I dont see why gardeners cant support small companies who are not trying to compete with high tech seed companies. I have not responded to each point you've made because my posts would become much too long. Any seed you buy will not be GMO, unless you are a commercial farmer and then you will must sign a GMO agreement before they will sell you seeds. As a matter of fact, I don't even find it clear and understandable. You will find it is considered baloney by reliable fact-checkers that published a peer reviewed study which concluded the the rate of suicide has no correlation with the cited GMOs in India. McKenzie continues to set industry standards while being conscious and responsive to the growing concerns involved with food: cost, quality and safety.
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