Continue in the assurance that our King and Lord Jesus Christ loves and protects you. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARA Brothers and Sisters: Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel nourishes us in spirituality, recalling the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they would be asked for and so that we might strive for conversion. DO NOT BE DISTRACTED! I call you to pray and make reparation for young people. Vandalism and persecution grow against that which represents Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, against that which represents our Queen and Mother of all Creation and against Gods faithful. Tell this to My children to be a blessing for them in moments of food shortage., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara The goal is to save our souls and attain eternal life: for this we have Christ, the Supreme and Eternal Priest who instituted the priesthood for us and who has remained with us in the Holy Eucharist. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Perhaps the Blessed Grapes are one of many miracles of the end times which the saints of older times referred to in their visions., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Premieres in 20 hours April 15 at 10:59 PM Luz De Maria - Prepare for the Great Warning Of 20th April with the Holy Medal or The Blessed Mother Lord's Refuge 14.1K subscribers Subscribe 0 1. Prepare yourselves for the Warning. The Lord is calling us with that intelligence that He has provided us, to have sacramentals, to have holy water. Beloved of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: THE BLESSINGS OF THE DIVINE HAND ARE POURED OUT UPON EACH PERSON. October 29 2013, In this instant man is fed to degenerate his body, unknown diseases surging and cancer proliferating at the same time. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA Brothers and Sisters: A CHILD IS BORN, THE CHILD OF HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE TO THE FATHER! Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Luz de Maria - The Warning My children, why do you feed and continue to feed on the garbage with which the great transnationals want to eliminate most of the world population? He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. Oct. 10, 2018. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN This blood attracts to Earth the purification, thus the diseases that they will suffer have not been previously experienced and only with medications that I have given them and that I will give to them in My Calls will they be able to be healthy.. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN! Thank You and GOD BLESS for all You do for us sinners ME March 12 2017. Luz de Mara, 28 de Julio del 2019 | Manuel Silveira We will say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father and for absent members, living and dead. YOU NEED TO ENTRUST YOURSELVES TO DIVINE LOVE WITHOUT DELAY, AT THIS GREAT STAGE THROUGH WHICH HUMANITY IS PASSING: THE ERA OF THE THIRD FIAT, THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT(Jn 16,13). THE GREAT FOOD INDUSTRIES POISON THE BODYS SYSTEM OF MY CHILDREN, WITHOUT THEM BEING AWARE OF IT. , 90 , XLI , , : , . May 17 2015, Remain attentive, My beloved; the schism in My Sons Church is near. Keep in mind that the Mercy of My Son is Infinite and that you are the apple of His Eye (cf. January 31 2015, Another disease spreads affecting the airways; it is extremely contagious. Las vacunas para introducir sustancias letales en el cuerpo llegaron para quedarse.. Oxido de grafeno tambien encontrado en Francia vacuna Janssen , El ministro de Justicia alemn acelera la censura: avanza que quiere cerrar Telegram. IS THIS NOT A PRODUCT OF EVIL? If any member of our family should have the misfortune to offend You seriously, please remind him, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Your infinite love and mercy for the penitent sinner. El valor del Don de la Vida es odiado por el Demonio, por ello les pido que se mantengan en alerta. Wake up, My children! I have given you intelligence and the power to reason so that you may take some personal decisions under the light of My Holy Spirit., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara COMPARTIR. Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, a celestial body is approaching from space that will alarm humanity. Messages from heaven given to Luz de Mara de Bonilla It has come to light certain prophecies in which they say that soldiers that will fight under the banner of Jesus and Mary against the forces of the antichrist will be guided by St. Michael the Archangel. Artculos de Fe y Religin Revelaciones Apariciones. The love of our Blessed Mother Mary is beyond human comprehension. Messages to Luz de Maria - England | World Messages - Little Pebble 29 DE ABRIL DEL 2023. Thursday, April 4, 2019 Message from St. Michael the Archangel To Luz De Maria. I have called everyone to prepare because the instant is no longer instant. If in some country you cannot find grapes, you can use other fruit that you have in abundance and is small as a grape. Non tutto il contenuto del nostro sito tradotto, gli articoli editoriali, ad esempio, sono disponibili solo in spagnolo e inglese. I think it is a meteorite of great size; it is intercepted, but the biggest part goes towards the sea, towards the United State. January 29 2017, In this moment, more than in any another, Freemasonry is at its apex, no longer infiltrating but dominating what is Mine, deciding over how to govern My People at this instant and preparing the great shaking of My People in order to bring them like sheep to the slaughter. It is necessary that you, People of My Son, be the lights that attract the gaze of the Father to the Earth, so that He sees His faithful in a time of Adoration. A LUZ DE MARA 28 DE JULIO DEL 2019 Amados de Dios: COMO HIJOS DE DIOS QUE DESEAN SALVARSE Y CONSTRUIR LA ESPIRITUALIDAD PERSONAL SOBRE LA BASE FIRME DEL EVANGELIO PARA DARSE A SUS HERMANOS, SIENDO CUMPLIDORES DEL PRIMER MANDAMIENTO (Mt 22,37), ES QUE LES LLAMO A PERMANECER ATENTOS. Cover the newly blessed grapes with a wine brandy. 2,6). See how the magnetic pole of the Earth is deviating; this causes serious complications for humanity and for science. You must be prepared; there is a disease that will advance and affect directly My childrens skin. If oil of oregano is not available, oregano can be boiled to make an infusion; however, the oil of oregano is a better antibiotic. I AM KING AND RULER OF ALL CREATION. MY MYSTICAL BODY, GAGGED IN IGNORANCE BEFORE THE DESIGNS OF THE HIGH LEADERS OF MY CHURCH, WILL NOT REVERT SO MUCH EVIL IF IT DOES NOT CONVERT COMPLETELY TO MY WILL. BELOVED, PAY ATTENTION! . Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. DO NOT KEEP THIS WAITING TO GET TO USE THEM, SEARCH WHERE THEY ARE, SEARCH WHERE YOU CAN LOCATE THEM NEAR YOU, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST INSTANT. Tuesday, October 30, 2018, message to Fr. About the CHRISTS REQUEST REGARDING THE BLESSED GRAPES, Luz de Mara commented: You possess a weapon which the devil fears with horror and fright: it is the weapon of the Holy Rosary, not recited but consciously meditated, Say often this short prayer: Mother of God, Coredemptrix of the world, pray for us, Act of Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Luz de Mara de Bonilla is a Catholic mystic, stigmatist, wife, mother, Third Order Augustinian, and prophet from Costa Rica, currently residing in Argentina. My People must be courageous and remain in My Will, feeling offended when everyone else is transgressing My Will. The past blood moons and the one that you will see again foreshadow the terrible suffering, The earth is shaking strongly leading to volcanoes becoming active and My children suffering, Pray for Central America is shaking. Amados hijos Mos, les mantengo en Mi Corazn. October 14 2015, I love you, My children, I love you so much that I will continue to alert you. Mt 16:18-19) of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Aug 3 2017. Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara AVE MARA PURSIMA, SIN PECADO CONCEBIDA, (2) Sobre las trampas del Demonio, leer, (3) Libro sobre el Santo Rosario, descargar, (6) Sobre plantas medicinales dadas por el Cielo, leer. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose thee this day for my Mother and Mistress. january 28 2016, Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, the plague advances and man suffers. My Maternal Love helps you, and every cry of yours means that I immediately go looking to assist you. You know that evil delights in human weakness and shudders at strength in man, strength that does not allow him to depart from the right path in Our and Your King and Lord Jesus Christ. Receive Me in My Body and My Blood, properly prepared, with full awareness of the need for a real amendment. Jan. 22, 2019 (Added Apr. Jan. 03, 2019, Stay alert, serious epidemics loom before humanity and attack the respiratory system, for which I call on you to use PINUS leaves*, with extreme caution, in doses not greater than twice a day, as an infusion., St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria El Demonio arremete con fuerza contra la criatura humana, presentando una escena llamativa, aunque detrs del teln la verdadera escena es otra totalmente diferente: DETRS DEL ESCENARIO QUE LES PRESENTA SE ENCUENTRA EL CAUTIVERIO, EL DOLOR, LA MATANZA, EL CONTROL TOTAL, LA RENUNCIA A MI DIVINO HIJO, LA PERSECUCIN Y CUANTO PUEDAN IMAGINAR DE MALDAD. November 05 2014, You shouldnt be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. (*). Incredible! Prophecy given to Luz De Maria concerning the - YouTube Bless all you have and all you see, bless it with your heart. This will have astonished other people who will join these soldiers, increasing the small Marians forces until they become a gigantic army. No teman, en su lugar, fortalezcan la Fe, convnzanse de que Dios es el Todopoderoso, el Omnipotente. The next pope will serve the antichrist. We'll assume you're ok with this. The Earth is completely sick and you feed yourselves with sick fruits, serious consequence of the abuse of man towards Creation that the Father bequeathed to you, you ingest adulterated foods and do not worry about it., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Jesus Christ to Catherine Rivas on Communion in the mouth: Maria Simma freed 40 or 50 priests and bishops from Purgatory, most for promoting Communion in hand or other types of irreverence. I BLESS YOU, MY BELOVEDS. He hates those who love Me, are obedient to Me and who fulfill the Divine Will. Mara Gainza, Premio de Literatura Sor Juana 2019 Luz de Maria, le 18 Aot 2019 | Manuel Silveira Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and therefore survive without food, if you have Faith and the creature is properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. Heb. In this instant mans organism is saturated by bad eating habits, making it a weakening organism and the new diseases causes man a lot of harm. You will see natural phenomena that you have not experienced before; in the midst of great suffering, nature itself tries to make the human race convert and renounce the Devil. Use the sacramentals and do not cease to pray the Holy Rosary through which you receive infinite blessings., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Michel Rodrigue, Do not Put Tattoo Marks on Yourselves (Leviticus 19,28), NO game where one requests information from the afterlife is good, Parents, pay much attention to the video games your children play, Pay attention to the cartoons that your children watch, Pray My Holy Rosary with your children, as the family that prays together stays together. CREAN EN EL PODER DE MI DIVINO HIJO (Cf. Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. The Blessed Virgin has communicated to many saints and seers that these troops will be fed from Heaven. THE HUMAN RACE POSSESSES AN ABUNDANCE OF GOOD THINGS COMING FROM THE FATHERS HOUSE - all of it so that the journey through life would be more bearable when the way is heavy. Humanity refuses to recognize what is happening in one place or another, mocking Divine Mercy towards Its children. Plantes mdicinales indiques par le Ciel Luz de Maria Some of My children have not had strong moments, they do not know the face of hunger, they do not know the face of repression, they do not know the face of despair when they do not have what it takes to control a pain. Do not forget to keep in your homes the blessed grape in My Name for the instants of shortage. Se desideri collaborare e aiutarci a tradurli, inviaci une-mail nel nostro modulo di contatto. Man has become materialistic, idealizing a sure tomorrow of comfort and abundance, forgetting that working and acting contrary to the Divine Will draws calamities to humanity, causing the elements to reject man, not acknowledging him.People of God, war is still before you; it depends on a thought of a leader or some leaders of a power to act in anticipation out of fear of being defeated in order for this step to be executed, which will lead humanity to faceTHE THIRD WORLD WAR.The turmoil in the spiritual, in the political, the material and the moral realms is highly destabilizing for humanity. Amen. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Our Mother warns us and we are witnesses that Heaven tells us in advance of what will happen, in order that we would remain prepared in the spirit. Children, you are deceived, seriously deceived by large global organizations that were created to assist you. I come to ask you to pay attention to My Word, as it is the Divine Will that you remain attentive. I bless you, My children, I love you. This is the result of improper manipulation in the laboratories where great experiments are carried out., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara In this Age, the Devil is roving from one end to the other in search of the slightest opportunity to rule through division, that which is the cause of the downfall of every good purpose of man.People of God, you need to understand that as humans, you are all walking a steep path, you are swimming against the current of the world, you are being formed to live within theTRUE WAY, before which you need to kneel and pray, to fast and offer up in order to find wisdom to work and act. Brothers and sisters, let us thank God for sending us Our Mother, in order not only to alert us but also to encourage us and shelter us in Her Immaculate Heart where the enemy of the soul does not come near. I GAVE YOU THE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT INGREDIENTS. Close up the jar and there they will be preserved the time necessary, until it is time to consume them. Trying to translate/ open Italian versions of the pages not matter how many times or how many days I try it will not open show in Italian How much evil man commits when he lives his free will and allows to be controlled by it! , . LUZ DE MARA - Revelaciones Marianas PROTECT YOUR FAMILIES: The pharmaceutical industry in turn, has taken part in this desorder of the human organism; chemistry has not been used correctly. This first happened, she shared, on Good Friday: "Our Lord asked me if I wanted to participate in His sufferings. 27 Abr. I am not speaking to you of the end of the world - that is not here yet (1). 19 DE MARZO DEL 202332 AOS DE CAMINO ESPIRITUAL. Beloved children, do not base life in the economy, this false god will fall from one moment to another, and you will realize that you wasted your life in what is superfluous, while the truth is only in My Hands. YOU POSSESS THE PLEDGE AND MORE TO COMBAT IT. MY LOVE FOR MINE IS SUCH, THAT I DO NOT WISH THAT YOU LOSE YOUR SOUL DUE TO THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS TO COME TO YOU as a result of the foolishness of man, that chooses evil and practice teachings of evilness with vile and bloody ways. AND AMONG ITS SNARES, ARE THE SECTS, NEW AGE, FREEMASONRY, THE ILLUMINATI, WITCHCRAFT AND EVERYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL., The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the NETTLE and GINKGO plants., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara I SHED MY TEARS THROUGHOUT THE EARTH IN VARIOUS PLACES, CALLING YOU TO CONVERSION SO THAT YOU DO NOT SUFFER WHAT IS NOT THE DIVINE WILL. Every act of Love performed by you is not kept within you, nor is it solely for your benefit, but for that of all humanity.Divine Love is not static but rather shared, and in that sharing it spreads to where it is necessary when you pray, act, fast and wholeheartedly offer your powers and senses, since it is the Holy Spirit who acts when you work and act as Our King and Lord Jesus Christ acts. June 03 2016, Pray, My children; the sin of this generation is the scourge of the brothers, it bleeds Humankind with so much blasphemy, lust, impiety, and other sins; this generation is stained with human blood. DOUBLE YOUR PRAYERS, FAITHFUL CHILDREN TO ME AND TO MY MOTHER. May 24 2017, Serious illnesses that attack the digestive system are approaching; use the plant known as ANGELICA and use the whole plant properly, pregnant women being cautious. puntualiz el jurado en el acta resolutiva del Premio Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz 2019. October 13 2014, My beloved: UNKNOWN DISEASES WILL CONTINUE TO ATTACK HUMANITY, ONE AFTER ANOTHER; BUT AS THEY APPEAR, I WILL PROVIDE YOU THE NATURAL RESOURCES TO COMBAT THEM. Hermanos, oremos, doblemos rodillas, postrmonos, adoremos a Dios y seamos fuertes. Amen. YOU MUST NOT FORGET THAT: MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, WHICH MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH (Ps. There are many servants of evil who are leading people into confusion, to the extent that they give free rein to their tongue, and humanity, without discernment, is turning away from the Divine Will. Just as lamentation is spreading across the earth, so pain progresses throughout the earth. Semana Santa del ao 1991, primera vez que se manifest con sangre la imagen de la Reina de la Paz en el hogar de Luz de Mara, las mismas continan hasta el presente. Una denuncia contra la gestin de la exalcaldesa Mara Luz Lastras (PSOE) entre los aos 2015 y 2019 por prevaricacin y malversacin. Come to My Mercy. Gen. 1, 26-28), odia a la inocencia y odia a la criatura humana. I am wounded by those who continue saying that I am not a God of catastrophes, and that therefore My children should not know of all of what I am warning them about. Divine Love calls every human being to take up its calls with faith and love, thereby preventing evil from entering you and taking you for its service. Many are for, due to lack of obedience to the Holy Father, lack of love for the Holy Mass, lack of love for prayer and fasting, not having read the breviary, and I repeat, for the Communion in the hand Pay attention to the words of the Consecration, during Mass. Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Each grape must be blessed that way. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. That is why I want you to share with your brothers from other countries this desire of mine: That you learn how to till the ground to plant what each one will need for sustenance in order to cater to your own needs little by little. Put the newly blessed grapes in a glass bottle. Hijos, no teman: Thus, the mind of man, limited deliberately by the earthly power. See the man of science who dismisses the Words that are Divine Will; science has not seen in advance that about which My Son has warned you, so take seriously the Word that I bring to you. El astro sol (5) ha variado su temperatura, as la Tierra recibir mayor calor y mayores tormentas que llegarn a la Tierra y afectarn a la vez a Mis hijos. In this instant, man is invaded by technology, leading him to dissociate and to totally separate the relationship with his brothers and sisters. March 16 2016, Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, before food becomes scarce all over Earth, the foodstuffs will be contaminated so that those who consume them will get sick, this way destabilizing great many of My children. This must not continue; mens interaction has been cut, diminishing fraternity and the lack of communication being the cause of fatal and unexpected reactions on mans part. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Our Mother told me that true plagues will come and that we should ingest a raw clove of garlic every morning, or oil of oregano; these two are excellent antibiotics. Let us fulfill Gods Law as He commands us and let us fulfill it as true Catholics, testifying to the work and action of Christ. I see them advance and the United States, in pain and suffering, appears immediately. AVE MARA PURSIMA, SIN PECADO CONCEBIDA EL DEMONIO CON TODO CUANTO LES DESEE HACER TEMER, NO TIENE MS PODER QUE EL QUE DIOS LE PERMITE y la libertad que cada uno le permita para que les tome y los lleve a obrar y actuar contra Mi Divino Hijo. They will fight to defeat the forces of the antichrist. You will rule over our minds through our deep and living faith. February 12, 2012, Plague advances causing havoc, seal yourselves in the Name of My Blood. Children of My Immaculate Heart, science, with its advances, has as its aim, for every human being to be independent without needing his or her brothers and sisters. Humanity has entered the moments of greater pain, which will progress with the passing of the years, until, after the Purification, Peace will come to all and be in all. FASTING IS AN IMPEDIMENT FOR THE DEVIL. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows.
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