Powers: Strength-based Damage 1 (Beak), Flight 3 (16 MPH; This archetype is a slithering blob of acidic ooze. This Super-Powered by M&M RPG release brings you The Adventurer Enhanced Archetype.This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a hero of your own that may lack metahuman super powers, but make up for it in experience, know-how, grit, gumption, and reckless bravery. But soon, a new criminal picks up her mantle andThey are more likely than most villains to work well equipment, but with far darker, more violent tendencies,together, forming a criminal league or gallery of rogues sensible tactics, and possibly even powerful minions. Totals: Abilities 16 + Powers Powers: Strength-based Damage 1 (Bite), Growth 10 23 + Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Defenses 10 = Total 17 points. MythComicSetting / Myth Comics / Rules / Mutants and Masterminds 3e / DC Universe / DC Adventures - Heroes & Villains Vol 2.pdf Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Copy permalink; This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Skills: Perception 4 (+6), Stealth 2 (+16). Just when the heroes have won and think themore experienced or established heroes, leading to a universe is saved, the Overlord reveals it was all a largergroup of novices coming together to help them (and per- scheme to get the bigger threat out of the way and securehaps avenge and replace them, if the Overlord has killed power!the captives or rendered them powerless). sistants and minions to get them! A Mad Scientist with the heroes in his clutches can go on for some time aboutTHE LAB his brilliance, but catch one out in the open and hes more likely to cower behind his flunkies or try and make a breakEvery scientist needs somewhere to work, and setting up, for it.maintaining, and supplying a lab or workshop is impor-tant. Defenses: Dodge 0, Parry 4, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8, Will . The more theyfor a while. Advantages: Improved +2, Attack +1 (Close, Damage 4). Larger giant robots are nearlyvillain can pass for a human, providing the opportunity always minions, although you can break type and go withto blend in and move among us. 7 Fear: A fascination with fears and phobia, fear-inducing weapons or techniques, setting up frightening scenarios. Advantages: All-out Attack, Power Attack. Sorcerers often belong to a world minions to deal with bothersome pests such as superhe-of myth and magic now all but forgotten, and may seek roes. Many players may be inclinedable to fool unusual sens- to simply capture or knock out both charac-es. those fools with clear evidenceRANTS of success, most likely by using the new invention on them! zoologist, or for anything with a lot of knowledge about a particular subject, such as a professor.WOLF PL3 MR2 CULTISTS STR 2 STA 2 AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 3 INT 4 AWE 2 PRE 2 Powers: Senses 3 (Acute Smell, Low-light Vision, Tracking). QRCode. The necromancer works with the dead, particularly reani- mating corpses as zombie or skeleton minions (see theTHEMES Minion Archetypes) and summoning the shades of the dead to provide knowledge and forbidden lore. Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel Files | PDF | Nature - Scribd They tend to be among the most alien and Seductive Puppeteers turn out to be truly hideous, theircreepy of Puppeteers (along with the Spawn Puppeteer, appearance of beauty an illusion or some other manifes-following). MASTERMINDThe Mastermind is a mentalist supervillain, possessing dinary mental prowess, and the exact types of powers theconsiderable intellect and psionic abilities which compen- Mastermind possesses.sate for a relative lack of physical prowess. The guys against each other. Chapter 1: A World of Horror The ground ruptured and spread a delta of cracks and fissures across the city. You can make are possible with additional ranks of Growth.larger and more powerful dragons by adding ranks ofGrowth to the archetype. Of course, theres nothing to say an Overlord can- not have an entire harem, or some sort of multiple mate arrangement, especially for Alien Over- lords with entirely different customs, or Immor- tal Overlords who expect to out-live all their mortal partners (and have no doubt done so many times in the past). OFFENSE Manipulative: Sees people as objects to manipulate. They also show up inLost Worldsce- narios where the heroes visit places where the giant beasts5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 3 (2 without Defensive Roll), Will 3. still thrive or end up stranded in the distant past. They just noticeOnce the Imps weakness is triggered, hes gone, at least an uptick in strange happenings and crises. Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition Keywords: Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition,Mutants and Masterminds . Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition Mutants & Masterminds, First Edition True20, Freeport, and more! STR 8 STA 8 AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 4 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Extra Limbs 4 (Branches), Growth 8 (Permanent, Innate), TYRANNOSAURUS REX PL11 MR5 Immunity 2 (Suffocation). Mutants & Masterminds, the World's Greatest Superhero roleplaying game, is back and better than ever! Necessity is, as they say, the Shield granted by the Item of Power makes the archetypemother of invention, so the Nobody is more likely to try highly resistant to a direct assault. 12 Heroes: Delusions of being a costumed hero or having powers, stalker-like obsession with a particular hero or team, gadgets intended to duplicate various powers. Now both infernal pow-roes getting involved in local affairs or running into com- ers are coming to collect their due, and neither will bepetition for the talismans. That's 56 PDF-format books for a bit over 50 cents each! Totals: Abilities 8 + Powers58 + Advantages 0 + Skills 5 + Defenses 17 = Total 88 points. power, devotees of sorcerers, elder evils, and similar vil- Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2. Add appropriate effects for particular types of insects, such as Flight (Winged) for flying insects,Powers: Feature 1 (bright glow), Flight 4 (30 MPH), Illusion 5 Affliction or Weaken effects for venomous insects, and(Affects All Senses), Shrinking 8. Insors. A few Psychos have non-human minions based public venues or on live television! Armored Overlords are often initially moti-Overlord themes involve the villains origins and particular vated by a rejection of the same genius that allows themgoals or reasons for conquest. dead animals by adding Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) and removing the animals Stamina rank.This section offers a variety of ready-made minionarchetypes suitable for use with different villains, power Please note that all modifiers for Growth and Shrinkinglevels, and adventures. The Jumped-Up Nobody is a terribly unbalancedYou can also use this trope as a way of introducing new character, and intentionally so. ), elaborateand often deadly jokes or pranks. Players can spend hero points to aidclude: these checks to break free of the villains control.MY FRIEND, MY ENEMY! So a Halloween-themed Psycho might trap the good guys in a house of horrors with a128 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESPSYCHO PL9STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 46339554 SKILLS Deception 8 (+12), Insight 8 (+13), Intimidation 8 (+12), Perception 4 (+9), Ranged Attack: Guns or Throwing 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 8 (+11), Stealth 8 (+11), Technology 6 (+11), Vehicles 4 (+7), ADVANTAGES Chokehold, Close Attack 2, Contacts, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Diehard, Equipment 6, Fascinate (Intimidation), Great Endurance, Improvised Tools, Leadership, Minions 6, Set-Up, Startle, Taunt, Well-Informed OFFENSE INITIATIVE +3 Close, Damage 4 Unarmed +11 DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE 9 DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 8/6* PARRY WILL 9 *Without Defensive Roll. However, you may wish to sim- This is the classic Mimic type: a villain able to duplicateply treat the villains power level as fluid, changing it as the subjects powers, often the powers of multiple sub-needed to reflect the Mimics current capabilities. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powersswarms Stamina and give it Immunity to Fortitude Effects. Those who lead minions usually havefeel free to select two different themes to provide more higher ranks of the Intimidate skill.interesting power options and increased mobility, such asa stilt-themed villain whose powersuit also provides them Multiple Jobbersoften with complimentary powerswith super strength, or an aerialist who throws trick feath- may even serve the same master and provide a potenters that explode or entangle targets. Mutants & Masterminds 3e - Supernatural Handbook | PDF - Scribd Or over estimated his chances. Heroes may be able to track a Mad Scientist by fol- If you are keeping with the archetypes listed power level,lowing a trail of thefts or black-market purchases to sup- then the Mad Scientist has the capacity for ranged attacksply a lab, and it can offer clues as to the villains eventual with a rank of up to 12, or 9 for those not requiring an at-plans. Similarly, the prize can be anything from the ImpTHERES A NEW HERO IN TOWN not wiping out life as we know it on Earth to the promise of fulfilling the winners every wish, something the goodAn amazing new superhero shows up in the same area as guys are not going to want their archenemies to get!the characters and begins showing them up with a dizzy-ing array of incredible powers. Rather Dagger 1 (+1), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise: Cult Lore 4 (+4), than serving some powerful master, an Arcane Cultist may replace a Cult Master as the leader of a secret society. Vampires fitting some of the Hollywood andcomic book interpretations of the legend may have the Although a great many Vampire villains are male, femaleability to transform into a bat, wolf, or other shapes (typi- Vampires are common, often with a femme fatale element,cally Morph with the Metamorph modifier). Alternately, choose another holiday or season as the villains obsession. Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition and DC Adventures RPG: Free Downloads This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Mastermindssuperhero RPG and the DC AdventuresRPG, including printable character sheets. Download PDF Share Related Publications. Theyre often coldly professional, claiming theres masters.nothing personal in their missions of mayhem. Privacy Policy. until the heroes cannot seem to catch a break. Offense: Init +3, Claw +2 (Close, Damage 4). A villain who creates icy en-ITS A LIVING vironments, for example, would benefit from lieutenants who can survive or thrive in icy conditions, while a villainFor many Jobbers, crime is a day job and they still have with powerful psychic powers and a fragile body may turna regular life outside the suit. The pearance). Name Ideas: Buffalo Gal, Crusher, Gravestone, Johnny Legbreaker, Miss Grizzly 26 points Throwing Weapons with exploding ammo (Ranged Damage 8), entangle ammo (alternate; Ranged Affliction 8, Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra Condition, Limited Degree), 1819 flash ammo (alternate; Ranged Burst Area Affliction 8, resisted by Fortitude; Impaired, Debilitated; Limited Degree), thrown flurry (alternate; Strength-Based Ranged Damage 6; Split 4), and swingline (alternate; Movement 2 [safe fall, swinging]). Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude 3, Toughness 1, Will 1. Usually, this includes the heroes. To add insult to injury,the villain might also seize control of the mindsof the populace, remove the heroes powers, orboth. Alternately, the villain may wear a high-tech to fruition and they are often patient enough to even waitbattlesuit of some type, like the Armored Overlord (fol- out years in prison. cowardly when confronted, and sometimes get caught up in their own web of lies and deception. The Horsemen of Apocalypse. Defenses 0 = Total 5 points. The archetype is a powerful example of the particularly great strength, regenerative abilities, and atype, and may even be based on an existing Vampire from need for human blood, but may lack some of the morelegend, such as Count Dracula, Elizabeth Bthory (the supernatural powers such as Insubstantial or Summon,Blood Countess of Hungary), or the Nosferatu from the along with some of the weaknesses such as holy symbolsfilm of the same name. A Vampire able to create others of its kind quickly can potentially assem- ble a small army of undead, given the opportunity. STR 9 STA 9 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Extra Limbs 4 (Vines), Growth 9 (Permanent, Innate).This archetype is a fairly unintelligent monster. Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 5, Fortitude 2, Toughness 2, Will 2. After mixing it up in melee combat, the Martial Artist reliesIf one or more of the heroes are martial-arts experts, then on a combination of high active defenses, Improvedodds are good the Martial Artist knew them once. Adventures involving the Robot may include the following:Even if the Robot manages to create others like it, they THE BRIDE OF THE ROBOToften end up turning against their maker, being more in-nocent or sophisticated, capable of emotion and empa- It all begins with the theft of electronics parts and equip-thy for humanity. 6 Conspiracies: Spy-tech orpsychicdevices; complex schemes based aroundthe Truthabout the Con- spiracy and whoever is behind it, paranoid precautions and security measures. It is this obsession that leads the Psycho into a challenge of this new game and transferring some of hiscareer in supervillainy rather than just being a run-of-the- desire for revenge to the heroes who defeat him (but notmill criminal. After all, they want oth-ers to appreciate their genius and find it dif- set the villain up to use it on anficult to pass up an opportunity to explain unsuspecting world.their latest invention or scheme to the igno-rant dolts who think they can stop it. For more information, please see our Demonicfor power or willing to explore and use forbidden secrets. What is their tie to the original villain and what isTACTICS motivating their new crime wave, and can the heroes stop them from tarnishing the legacy of a far less dangerousWhen all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like criminal that may even think of as a peer?a nail. Customize the bystander byhundreds or thousands of tiny insects or animals acting choosing an expertise such as a profession or trade skill.as a single entity. demonhunter. TheCAPERS clues to its location are scattered, requiring the villain to gather various artworks and items now in museums andAdventures involving the Martial Artist may include the private collections.following: A hidden order of monks and mystics might be chargedTHE BEST OF THE BEST with protecting the secret, calling upon the heroes for help in preventing the villain from finding the scroll. Vigilance Press The last survi-year, and the best unarmed fighters in the world are invit- vor manages to reach the heroes and warn them of theed to attend and fight each other for the prize of being de- danger facing the world before he, too, perishes. Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 0 + Advantages 1 + Skills 9 + Defenses 1 = Total 23 points.A roughly 50--foot long humpback or sperm whale. The game traits are largely the grants additional Protection or even Immunity to heatsame, although the Robot may have different skills, such damage. Some vil-Totals: Abilities 20 + Powers 33 + Advantages 1 + Skills 11 + lains may specifically grant them other powers; by adding Immunity to Fortitude Effects, you can easily create roboticDefenses 7 = Total 72 points. Skills: Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 4 Their touch inflicts agony to living minds.
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