Humanizing Bureaucracy: Applying the Human Rights-Based Approach to In this scenario, Katys college sorority is an example of a(n) __________. United Nations Sustainable Development Group, From the right to development to the rights-based approach: How human rights entered development. a. conformity A HRBA approach requires that the individual themselves will be put at the center of attention, and a persons attributes and personal situation be taken into account. Leisha DeHart-Daviss unbureaucratic personality (2007) is the bureaucrat who bends rules. The company is subject to a 40% tax rate and must pay$64,000 in preferred stock dividends before distributing any earnings on Students walking to class, shoppers in a department store, and people lined up to buy tickets are examples of __________. Bureaucrats may also bend rules in organizations that have norms that encourage rule deviation (Borry 2017). PDF Chapter Seven: Bureaucracy and Formal Organizations d. dyad To conclude, we argue that elements of bureaucracy require a rethinking and centering of human rights to be effective and equitable. Training on HRBA and program and meta-evaluations have been shown to increase human rights and equity practices, especially regarding engagement with stakeholders (both internal and external), systematic commitment to equity, and in finding new ways of interconnection (Schmitz 2012). Social Portillo (2012) found that white men rely on their status and power more than they do rules in the course of their jobs, using rules as a last resort. Our analysis shows that even though equity is considered one of the four pillars of public administration, it is severely lacking in public organizations. d. rationality, Sociologists refer to the process of maintaining or changing behavior to comply with the norms established by a society, subculture, or other group as __________. b. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. Expressive 7 A kind word for Theory X: Or why so many newfangled management techniques quickly fail. Rishi is a member of a reading group. a. This movement is viewed as a response to the scientific management movement, in which Frederick Taylor conducted time-and-motion studies to find the one best way of doing work and, thus, one best way to manage (Shafritz and Hyde 2012). I assured him that PhilHealth is better run nowadays and though it might take a while to process the claim, he would eventually get his reimbursement. Please try again. a. Human rights and social work: Towards rights-based practice, Building bridges over troubled waters: Merit as a guide, Training, empowerment, and creating a culture for change, More than pathological formalization: Understanding organizational structure and red tape, Lipstick and logarithms: Gender, institutional context, and representative bureaucracy, Representative bureaucracy: An interpretation of the British civil service. Civil, cultural, economic, political, or social rights all have equal status as rights because they are all inherent to the dignity of every human person. 2020, 1). b. Besides involvement in the comment period, the public interacts with the bureaucracy in a number of different ways. Further, Weber was concerned about bureaucracys ability to be system of domination (Weiss 1983, 243) where power is concentrated to the few at the top. d. Self-fulfilling prophecy, A(n) __________ is a group that strongly influences a person's behavior and social attitudes, regardless of whether that individual is an actual member. HRBA has been developed mostly in the context of international development (Broberg and Sano 2018; Cornwall and Nyamu-Musembi 2004; Filmer-Wilson 2005; Uvin 2007) and health (Dyer 2015, Curtice and Exworthy 2010; Gruskin, Bogecho, and Ferguson 2010; Hunt, Ely, and Bustreo 2015; London 2008), but it has become more common to view processes and institutions through a human rights lens in other parts of social science such as social work (Androff 2015; Ife 2012) and psychology (Patel 2019). Milgram's findings have never been supported by later research b. b. Joe would be considered the __________ leader of the group. Representative bureaucracy argues that bureaucratic power can be made more responsive to the public if the personnel who staff administrative agencies reflect the demographic characteristics of the public they serve (Sowa and Selden 2003, 700). division of labor d. traditional, A(n) __________ is an alliance created in an attempt to reach a shared objective or goal. Ingraham (2006) similarly posits that merit (as a value) must be separated from bureaucratic processes. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]. social group efficiency Therefore, the bureaucratic emphasis on merit and neutrality may not be consistent with HRBA principles of nondiscrimination. Generally, the state as the duty holder has three obligations (OHCHR): Obligation to respect: States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. When there are bureaucracy, organizations can operate more smoothly and productively. C. a greater emphasis on sharing ideas and problem-solving approaches. a. Human rights enter the conversation around bureaucracies and ideals in two ways: (1) employees are human beings with human rights that need to be respected and (2) public bureaucracies represent governments, which means that they are carriers and often implementers of the human rights obligations of the state. 113. A greater emphasis on sharing information. laissez-faire Latisha is a member of a group working on a research project for a class assignment. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Public Management Research Association. Further, we have looked at bureaucracies mostly from a theoretical perspective favoring an American context. (Hint: First determine which are the independent and dependent variables.). In addition, rule bending and breaking can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, especially if rules are bent in a way to exclude employees from full participation in the organization. formal group Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. bureaucracy a. These raise questions about the dehumanizing effects of bureaucracy, something Weber himself cautioned. T/F Wanda is a student who works as a part-time waitress at a local restaurant. But the very same reasons that make it work as a solution to complexity also tend to be the causes behind its classic dysfunctions. a. Which of the following is a purpose of groups according to classical functionalist theorists? The manager tries to fill in but doesn't know how to run the drive-through intercom or broiler. Notably, perceptions of red tape can be impacted by perceptions of organizational structure, including centralization and hierarchy, elements related to Webers bureaucracy. Also, individuals who have an active stake in determining their affairs are more engaged and productive (Kappelman and Richards 1996). Sociology ch. 5 Flashcards | Quizlet Gruskin, S., D. Bogecho, and L. Ferguson. d. oligarchy, Members of a country club, sorority or fraternity, or even a group of friends share values and beliefs and are aware of those whom they believe are like them. Black or blue: Racial profiling and representative bureaucracy, Merit by any other nameRefraining the civil service first principle. A. strengthening existing hierarchical structures. Using the expectations theory, compute the expected inflation rate for next year-that is, in Year 2. c. category a. The one-year bond matures one year from today, the two-year bond matures two years from today, and so forth. d. social group, Almost __________ of Stanley Milgram's research subjects went all the way to what could have been a deadly jolt of electricity if the shock generator had been real. 0, A(n) __________ is a collection of two or more people who interact frequently with one another, share a sense of belonging, and have a feeling of interdependence. a. Two tenets of bureaucracy are related to rules: management by ruleswhich relates to the organization of the officeand the requirement for written rules that can be learned (Weber 1946). The Pendleton Act of 1883, brought about by the assassination of James A. Garfield by someone denied a patronage appointment, mandated that federal positions be filled based on merit and not patronage practices. That is why in societies like ours, it has become customary for people to seek the help of patrons even when they dont really need one. Together, these streams of research show that the bureaucratic principles related to rules are inconsistent with various elements of the HRBA, specifically, and equity broadly. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy . 2021). This law codified merit principles that guide the federal human resources management system. For the issues relating to merit and neutrality, attention to human rights can offer a different way to assess ability to earn and perform in a positionone that pays special attention to the circumstances of a specific employee and considers their status in society and the organization in which they work. American Civil Liberties Union Representative bureaucracy brings to the fore the responsiveness of bureaucrats based on their shared identities and values with their clients. Given discussed critiques by the human relations movement and representative bureaucracy that bring employees back to the fore, we questioned whether these characteristics are compatible with the growing recognition of human rights. d. friends going out to dinner together, b. teachers in a school district who work together to demand better wages, __________ needs are met by opportunities of self-expression and support from family, friends, and peers. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. outgroup b. this research raises some questions concerning research ethics, In Stanley Milgram's experiments, none of the "teachers" challenged the process before they had applied __________ volts. d. one-half, The term for people with whom we have primary relationships and those in our primary groups is __________. Thus, he developed Theory Y management based on Maslows (1943) hierarchy of needs. Similarly, the use of human rights language has shown to contribute to individual empowerment and agency for underrepresented groups and foster more substantive visions of justice, provide a moral framework, and a common language to express core values of the organization with regards to equity (Ignatieff 2001). reference groups For example, Woodard (2005) argues that merit has become more related to compensation than to values driving the public sector workforce. b. the concentration of power in the hands of organizational leaders. __________ leadership is most appropriate when the group is dealing with emotional issues, and when harmony, solidarity, and high morale are needed. c. Obedience The failure to express concerns and confront potential risk is an example of __________. A(n) __________ is an organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personal matters. Indeed, managers who are unwilling to delegate impede employee participation in decision making and goal setting and restrict information flow (Pandey and Rainey 2006) (Kaufmann et al. Elton Mayos Hawthorne studies of the 1920s first set out to understand whether lighting conditions affected worker productivity; what they found was that employees performed better when they felt a part of a team and that their work was important to the organization and its leaders (Roby 2012). Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes a greater emphasis on sharing ideas and problem-solving approaches. b. bilkers, According to many _____ theorists, popular culture serves a significant purpose in society in that it may be the "glue" that holds society together, Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organization do not have. b. archetype The rules do not always provide quick and precise guides for dealing with every actual case. c. formal group This critique is not new. Here is that letters last paragraph: Amazingclaim submitted, processed, and payment received in one morning. She is embarrassed about having to wait tables, so she tries to make it clear to the customers that she is not interested in the job and is working at the restaurant merely to make some money until she graduates. For example, research on red tape (Bozeman 2000), green tape (DeHart-Davis 2009; , 2017), and rule behavior such as rule bending (Borry 2017; DeHart-Davis 2007) all relate to bureaucracys principles of written rules. c. ingroup Oh no, I said to myself, as I prepared to read a rant against the dysfunctional labyrinths of the Philippine bureaucracy. 6 Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organ. Relational According to Samier (2005, 65), Weber also was concerned with the prospects for freedom and the fate of liberalism as a result of increased rationalization and bureaucratization of governance. Psychology - The Biological Perspective, Communication - Writing Negative Messages Quiz level 3, Pre Exam Quiz 5; Human Development and Family Studies, Quiz Preview 10/ Psychology - Principles of Social Psychology, Quiz Facts 7' Psychology - Cognitive Functioning, Quiz Lot 2. Dyad v Triad. Why is bureaucracy a necessary part of management in most formal organizations? 25 UDHR). a. postmodern theorists Knowing how well-oiled the Singaporean public state machine is, I, of course, warn him about expecting to find the same level of public service in a country that is far bigger and less rigidly governed than his own. Bureaucracies, understood as organizations made up by humans, can be evaluated from a human rights perspective and assessed on whether practices and processes are human-rights friendly and represent values such as nondiscrimination, equity, and justice. The group meets every Wednesday to read works of literature and analyze them. Human rights and human rights language can transfer what is seen as a need or charity to a claim or entitlement, which represents an important perceptional shift. b. 108 A homeless man appears at the door of a shelter 10 - Course Hero Campbell (2019) refers to the work on centering the individual in red tape research as the psychological process approach (see Pandey 2021 for an overview). Conflict theorists a. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Expectations for employee performance should shift attention away from the traditional focus on efficiency, outputs, and service delivery to consider the human rights-friendliness of practice. the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure, According to sociologist George Ritzer, __________ refers to a world of no surprises. c. Group conformity ingroups a. The group has experienced __________. We did not focus on how government bureaucracies further (or hinder) human rights implementation as they serve the public or how bureaucracies that are tasked with safeguarding human rights do so. c. putting organizational needs above competing responsibilities. Transitional In addition, there should be compliance with the core conventions of the International Labor Organization and national laws regarding human rights. Ethical climate and rule bending: How organizational norms contribute to unintended rule consequences. Applying the terms for problems that. the iron law of oligarchy Dyads are different from triads because Ch. 5 Flashcards | Quizlet Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. Agency by underrepresented groups: A HRBA allows underserved groups to mobilize and claim their entitlements. d. subjects always chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants, b. For Cody, these two rival gangs would be considered __________. Another stream of literature that focuses on the bureaucrat within organizations is representative bureaucracy. the active participation of both members is crucial to the survival of dyads. Kaufmann et al. Centralization, along with the third element of bureaucracy relevant here, hierarchy, can work together to further the concentration of power. Max Weber In the early 1980s, there was a movement in the u.s. to humanize a. The first part of this definition deals with equity within public organizations, and therefore implicates employees standing within bureaucracies. in Sociology. a greater emphasis on sharing information. c. are less likely to exist in contemporary societies than in traditional ones This echoes Woodard (2005): the rules (or Portillo et al.s institutionalized myths) do not reflect merit (or neutrality), and thus create issues for the achievement of a truly meritorious and neutral government bureaucracy. b. grassroots Which of these sociologists first suggested that small groups have interaction patterns that do not exist in larger groups? Using a human rights-based approach, we seek to understand Webers bureaucracy through the lens of human rights, and offer suggestions for how to structure organizations that are fair, equitable, and oriented around the human condition. d. bureaucratic, A teacher gives students ideas for an assignment, but encourages them to be creative and pick their own subject and format. Search for other works by this author on: PerspectiveThe sociological ambivalence of bureaucracy: From Weber via Gouldner to Marx, Two types of bureaucracy: Enabling and coercive, Human rights: It is your business. a. Notably, it provided a blueprint of characteristics of bureaucratic organizations and how they best function. A homeless man appears at the door of a shelter 10 minutes after the deadline for intake. Public organizations can integrate public commitments to human rights into their policies. For example, bureaucratic tenets include hiring and promotion based on ones qualifications and performance, but Portillo and her coauthors show that the practice of merit-based hiring institutionalizes inequity. What term do sociologist use to refer to an earned social status? c. a couple with a new baby, increasing the size of the family pvuuu5023 pvuuu5023 04/05/2018 History High School answered expert verified I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy. subjects chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants about onethird (33 percent) of the time, __________ suggest that groups involve unequal power relationships so that not all members of a group are not equally likely to have their needs met. In which of these types of groups is the participation of all members crucial to the survival of the group? predictability Empowerment: Human rights are a tool to empower people to claim what they are entitled to. a. serve to prevent classism, racism, sexism, and ageism As part of the effort to humanize bureaucracy, increased importance placed on information sharing. Inconsistent application of rules may also increase rule deviation (Borry et al. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of __________. a. Cornwall, Andrea, and Celestine Nyamu-Musembi. DeHart-Davis (2017) recommends that the development of new rules includes input by stakeholders, including those impacted by the rule (participation). Symbolic response Relative Bureaucracies, understood as organizations made up by humans, can be evaluated from a human rights perspective and assessed on whether practices and processes are human-rights friendly and represent values such as nondiscrimination, equity, and justice. d. efforts to reduce the number of people in dead-end jobs. employees' interaction with each other while at work b. It prioritizes the human over other potential markers (e.g., efficiency) and assesses the impact of any action or intervention on human dignity (London 2008; Schmitz 2012; Uvin 2007). b. a. Sociology - Introductory Sociology Pre Quiz 4 - Quizgoat a. Further, special attention needs to be given to indirect discrimination (e.g., policies and actions that lead to inequality based on gender- or race-based blindness). Without a human-centered approach, scholars and organizations are missing important opportunities to strengthen the fourth pillar of public administration and reaping the benefits of being a human rights-based organization. b. c. anticipatory socialization a. Don't miss out on the latest news and information. What can we do with a rights-based approach to development? Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes a. more rigid hierarchical structures. outgroup Weber on bureaucracy: Management consultant or political theorist? 10.7 What Are the Purpose and Function of Bureaucracies? b. d. National Organization for Women, "Bureaucratic personality" refers to_____________________________. c. conformity I would say that with my experience at PhilHealth, I have not come across a more caring, compassionate, and efficient establishment and staff. The American Review of Public Administration. c. Max Weber value of human rights and equal opportunity? What is a human rights-based approach to health and does it matter? the formal structure of a bureaucracy laissez-faire three-quarters Which of these questions best describes the interests of ethnomethodologists? c. laissez-faire a. cooperative Despite the emphasis of both streams of literature on people and their roles within public organizations, both still focus on enhancing bureaucratic efficiency. normative While they seem to pay tribute to values of equity, nondiscrimination, and participation, our analysis shows that there is need for additional engagement in these areas. I have a friend from Singapore, Peter Chong, a retiree who married a Filipina and has made our country his home. SOCIOLOFY TEST 2 HOLYFIELD Flashcards | Quizlet Quiz Grade 2. A a greater emphasis on sharing information 13 Q A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures. d. the power elite, Which of these is an example of a coalition? symbolic representation Together, these bureaucratic characteristics can limit ones ability to participate in organizational decision making by first, limiting the scope of their organizational knowledge to their specialization, and second, removing (or never providing) decision-making power from them in favor of a small few at the top. formal organization a. the CEO or other person who comes to be associated with a bureaucratic organization, a. Promoting diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce: Executive order 13583 and demographic trends, Formalization and consistency heighten organizational rule following: Experimental and survey evidence, The attitudinal, behavioral, and performance outcomes of work engagement: A comparative meta-analysis across the public, semipublic, and private sector. all secondary groups are approximately the same size The perspective developed by Erving Goffman that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation is called. Which type of theorist is most likely to note the scripted nature of interaction in contemporary society. We first present an overview of Webers bureaucratic theory and introduce relevant critiques. b. instrumental But, as it happens, the social environment in which rules are applied is always more complex. They study together and pool their notes. 24 UDHR), and set general principles for standard of living and overall well-being (Art. The movement to humanize bureaucracy includes making government and administrative processes more user-friendly, accessible, and responsive to the needs of citizens and customers. 3. Next, we apply a human rights framework to bureaucracy in the public sector. c. primary group b. Interpret the meaning of the Y intercept, b0b_0b0, and the slope, b1b_1b1, in this problem. 8. c. is relatively uncommon accommodation b. Human rights are principles or norms that aim to protect human dignity, establish equality, and defend individual freedoms. But rule bending may also be related to power. C. c. aggregate d. category, Women with blue eyes, people who wear contact lenses, people over 7 feet tall, and college men who belong to a fraternity are each an example of a(n) __________.
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