Prager gets about 2 million daily radio listeners (far fewer than Rush Limbaughs 14 million) and is known for his vast licensing empire. In Arizona, a rocket scientist yes, a physicist and rocket scientist has decided to leave the world of science to run in a 55 percent Hispanic district against a Democratic Hispanic congressman. [39] According to GLAAD, an LGBT media monitoring organization, PragerU also promotes anti-LGBTQ politics. Second, they induced a consequent eruption of conservative activism i.e., activism on behalf of limited government that may be greater than at any time since the founding of the country. This site is a proud member of Salem National, a subsidiary of Salem Media Group. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on the book of Genesis. Generally, PragerUs videos are factually accurate, though often presented without greater context or opposing viewpoints, and with a great deal of right-wing bias. The derivation of the emails (stolen by Russian hackers) and the purpose of their dissemination (to sow dissension among the American body politic) have either been ignored, or, in the case of my conservative interlocutor, ludicrously held up as an example of Russian altruism meant to save American democracy from the perfidious Clinton clan. Dennis Prager, a conservative commentator, said in a Nov. 8 interview with Newsmax that it was "inconceivable" that gay men would have been seen as "pariahs" during the AIDS crisis. I will not discuss any issue that has become public solely on the basis of WikiLeaks, Rubio said at the time. It really started as more of a grassroots movement, that was picked up by the democrats of the time. They do not appreciate a likeable Democrat will do as much harm to our country as any other Democrat. Paul Prager, who is the TeraWulf co-founder, CEO, and chair of the board joining us here this afternoon. PragerU's Educator Program, with 3,000 sign-ups reported as of 2015, supplies teachers with lesson plans and study guides that accompany videos. The KKK It would be as if someone in the mid-1800s had said, "I strongly oppose slavery, but the Democratic candidate is a much finer and more likeable individual than the Republican candidate.". Its hard to say what effect Prager University videos have on college students. If You Are Not a Leftist, Why Are You Voting Democrat? Donate today to PragerU! [49][50][51][52], In 2019, Mike Gravel, a former United States Senator from Alaska, launched The Gravel Institute, a progressive left-leaning think tank, to counteract PragerU. His career as an entrepreneur, executive, developer, and John C. North II, Capt. They try to bring attention to issues others might not think much about. After I became a Republican in the early 1990s in a recent column, I explained how emotionally difficult it is for a Democrat to vote Republican, let alone become one I concluded that I had left the dangerous party and joined the stupid party. WebPaul Prager (age 88) is listed at 7069 Haviland Cir Boynton Beach, Fl 33437 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. That same year, a Kremlin-connected think tank released a report entitled, Putin: World Conservativisms New Leader. In 2015, Russia hosted a delegation from the National Rifle Association, one of Americas most influential conservative lobby groups, which included David Keene, then-president of the NRA and now editor of the Washington Times editorial page, which regularly features voices calling for a friendlier relationship with Moscow. Often its not the right approach to say that videos with the same topic should get the same rating. This is a great time to be a Republican. Paul Prager - $10,800 in Political Contributions for 2016 Overall, Prager University claims to have received 625 million views in 2017, and over a billion in 2018. But is Prager University winning hearts and minds on college campuses? And its not just conservative political operatives and media hacks who have come around on Russia. But is Prager University winning hearts and minds on college campuses? William Prager - Wikipedia His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on [10] In 2020, PragerU reported to have received about $28 million in revenues, most of it from donations, and reported approximately $28 million in expenditures, with 39% going into marketing. Prager is an Orthodox Jewish radio host, writer, speaker, and zealot for traditional Republican values. The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age, think Don Jr. was right to take the meeting, with 32 percent expressing a positive opinion, California's road to recovery runs through D.C. Republicans, Why New Jerseys ventilator guidelines may favor younger, whiter patients, Rhode Island ends specific restrictions on New Yorkers by making them national. When I spoke to Ruth McClung on my radio show, I was struck by her seriousness, her lack of any political guile and her intellectual depth. Well need to take into consideration what the intent of the video is, what the focus of the video is, what the surrounding metadata of the video explains. Secondary school teachers and college professors can register their classes through PragerU's Academic Partnership program, which lets students sign up and allows teachers to monitor their students' progress. PARTY None of this should surprise anyone who paid attention during last years campaign. (It should be noted here that Russia, a country run by its security services where the leader recently created a 400,000-strong praetorian guard, doesnt exactly embrace the individual right to bear arms.) If a political officer at the Russian Embassy in Washington visited the zoo that is the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, theyd see a movement that embraces a ludicrous performance artist like Milo Yiannopoulos as some sort of intellectual heavyweight. According to its YouTube channel, Prager University is an online resource dedicated to promoting knowledge and clarity on lifes biggest and most interesting topics. The vast majority of the channels videos run less than five minutes and promote conservative social and political causes, encompassing politics, religion, science, history, and campus life. To be sure, the Republican Congress, at least on paper, remains hawkish on the Kremlin, as evidenced by the recent 98-2 Senate vote to increase sanctions against Russia for its election meddling and other offenses. [41], By 2015, PragerU developed two partnership programs to promote its views, including religious material, in public and private schools. Contrast Rubios principled stand with that of current CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who, while now appropriately calling WikiLeaks a hostile intelligence service that overwhelmingly focuses on the United States while seeking support from antidemocratic countries, was more than happy to retail its ill-gotten gains during the campaign. Weve gone from the Trump team saying they never even met with Russians to the president himself now essentially saying: So what if we did? Russias intelligence operatives are among the worlds best. [14] PragerU's school-age targeted content was later branded as PragerU Kids. PragerU will tell viewers that the minimum wage shouldnt be increased, racism isnt a problem in America, multiculturalism is destroying Europe, todays Democratic Party is directly linked to the KKK, and men are being oppressed. Second Amendment Win: Federal Judge Blocks Illinois Ban on Some Semi-Automatic Rifles, Mag Kennedy Surges Despite Bias and Censorship. But that, of course, would raise questions implicating Donald Trump and all those who have enabled him, questions that most Republicans prefer to remain unanswered. [43], Vanity Fair said PragerU "packages right-wing social concepts into slick videos" and that PragerU was "one of the most effective conversion tools for young conservatives. Prior to "[40], Reason has criticized PragerU's claims of being censored by big tech companies for being false, as the company's content had not been removed from any social media platforms, and that they indicate a misunderstanding of the First Amendment as protecting a party from any type of censorship, when that law merely protects content from censorship by the government. , and over a billion in 2018. Are you interested in having Dennis speak to your organization or group? His wife Joanne subsequently arrived at Pintail Point with two of their four young children, Gus and Paulena. The Foundation for Government Accountability, a Florida-based think tank and lobbying group, drafted state legislation to strip child workplace protections, emails show. Its Time to Move to a National Popular Vote in Order to Combat Over 90% of Democrats and Republicans Blame the Federal Government for the Border Biden, Obama Official Had Private Meetings With Epstein After Sex Crime Convictions, Report Finds Airlines, Not Weather, to Blame for Cancelled Flights Stranding Thousands, CNN and NYT Call Trumps Possible 2024 Re-Election 'Code Red', Straight White Male Republican Identifies as Lesbian of Color, His Family Receives 'Violent Threats', WATCH: Biden's Latest Alzheimer's Moment Is Actually Very Sad, Anheuser-Busch Is In A Deep Hole In and Out of the Trans Community. They also still extensively fund PragerU, though the channels website makes no mention of them. A PragerU brochure makes bold-yet-believable claims about its viewing demographics and its ability to sway their political leanings, noting that more than 60% of its YouTube viewers are under the age of 35 and 70% of surveyed viewers said a video had changed their minds. Carol Swain on Twitter! Radio host Dennis Prager co-founded Prager University to fight supposed leftist and secular indoctrination on college campuses, which he believes instillun-American values in students. "[34] PragerU videos also promote the Electoral College, arguing that it thwarts voter fraud and that "pure democracies do not work". He is a white, non hispanic male registered to vote in Palm Making up the Trust are members Ned Hennighausen, Allan Noble, Hon. [25] PragerU contended that Facebook had engaged in deliberate censorship. In May, the Wall Street Journal reported that a Florida Republican operative sought and received hacked Democratic Party voter-turnout analyses from Guccifer 2.0, a hacker the U.S. government has said is working for Russias intelligence services. [4] In this way, viewers identifying as mainline conservatives gain "easy access to white supremacist logic. Addendum: I have received 7 comments on this article as of 2/11/19, and not a single one of them showed any evidence at all that the party switch never happened. Could It Happen Here? FDR, who was a Southern Democrat at the time, was influential in changing the political structure during The New Deal, and some years surrounding this change in core beliefs of both parties. The article also noted that it had received comparatively little attention from news and media analysts due to PragerU's lack of coverage of topical issues, such as Donald Trump. Its videos routinely get millions of views; its most popular YouTube video, an animated project called Make Men Masculine Again, currently has over 8.5 million. [9] PragerU encourages students to join "PragerFORCE", an international student organisation to promote PragerU's videos and ideology, about 6,500 college and high school students promoted its videos as of 2020. Its videos routinely get millions of views; its most popular YouTube video, an animated project called Make Men Masculine Again, currently has over 8.5 million. The Democrats and the Republicans changed sides later on. Because they have a history of racism and bigotry that still exists to this very day. It is to vote for the party whose mayors, governors and district attorneys allow violent riots and seek to "defund" police, a policy even most blacks oppose. Kenneth Reightler, Alexa Seip, and Langley Shook. [22] According to the non-profit think tank InfluenceMap, targeted ads posted on Facebook included misleading material that cast doubt on science, framed climatic concerns as ideological and hysteria, and promoted a conspiracy theory that "big government control" is the real motivation behind energy policies to reduce gas emissions. The latter was demonstrated first and foremost in its unanimity in opposing the Obama-led attempts to, in his words, fundamentally transform America. The Democratic Party was once largely liberal. [26] Much of PragerU's early funding came from hydraulic fracturing billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks. Today, these figures are no longer on the fringe of GOP politics. Prager sued Google in 2017 for blocking some of its videos on YouTube, which was dismissed a year later. The Democrats did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.But after Reconstruction ended, when the federal troops went home, Democrats roared back into power in the South. A recent investigation by Politico Magazine, meanwhile, revealed how Russian intelligence services have been using the internet and social networks to target another redoubt of American conservativism: the military community. President Obama and his left-wing party have given his country three enormous gifts: First, they created a level of political/moral clarity that it has not had in this baby boomers lifetime. [15] PragerU claimed that Google's demonetization and flagging violated the First Amendment by arguing that YouTube was a public forum. Liberty3. At this time in American history, to care more about an individual candidate than the party is to support the unraveling of America. [19][20], In 2018, as part of its efforts to counter misinformation, YouTube added fact-checking tags to PragerU's videos about climate change. Pragerthe 62-year-old founder of a multibillion-dollar infrastructure holding company, Beowulf Energywould very much like to change that. Since uploading its first YouTube videos in 2009, conservative channel Prager University (also called PragerU) has become one of the leading forces in introducing right-wing political ideas and history to younger audiences through short videos full of colorful animation and interviews. The content is less inflammatory than far-right sites like Breitbart, and less reliant on conspiracy theories and outrage. Just as real universities have donors, so too does Prager University. This is a historic fact, and if you do not like historical facts, then take your feelings and shove them. Turn on Fox News and you will come across the networks most popular star, Sean Hannity, citing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a reliable source of information or retailing Russian disinformation such as the conspiracy theory that murdered DNC staffer Seth Richwho police say was killed during a robbery attemptwas the source of last summers leaks, not Russian hackers. This effort, however, was dealt a major blow by the Supreme Court. The Democrats in 1866 created and pushed the KKK. Foundation for Government Accountability behind child labor law Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? [8] PragerU is based in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California,[4] and it had around 50 employees as of January 2020. Here, laid bare, are the impulses of a large swathe of todays Republican Party. Prager University is a non-profit, but not an actual accredited college in any way, though Prager does refer to some of the conservative pundits who have made videos for him as faculty. These include both mainstream conservative intellectuals (Charles Krauthammer, Dinesh DSouza) and younger, more influential fire-breathers like Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk. Today, most Republicans evince no shame in the fact that their candidate was the clearly expressed preference of a murderous thug like Vladimir Putin. Sign up for Prager's newsletters to get all of his latest videos, news, and special offers delivered to your inbox. [5], Dave Rubin stated in a video that "racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and Islamophobia" are "meaningless buzzwords". Robinson CEO Sid Verdoorn. It really started as more of a grassroots movement, that was picked up by the democrats of the time. It is so irrational as to be incredible. In this video, Vanderbilt University professor Carol M. Swain argues that the Republican's Southern strategy is a "myth" and is not what caused the South to become Republican. And I will laugh in your face if you think that is because the south was kinder towards civil rights at that time. Meaning that the current Republicans (Previously named Democrats) created and pushed the KKK. She (yes, she) is another candidate from central casting. Jewish Political Conservatism: The Emergence of Republican So long as Prager supports Trump, he is a member of the Immoral Majority, the newly ascendant coalition on the American right. Favorable views of Putin a career KGB officer who hates America have nearly tripled among Republicans in the past two years, with 32 percent expressing a positive opinion. The site clearly gets a great deal of traffic, and boasts that 70% of viewers have changed their mind on an important issue after watching one of our videos. Its viewership far outstrips even the most popular far-left video channels, along with popular conspiracy theory and far-right outlets. [4] Although topical, PragerU videos largely avoided mentioning Donald Trump during his presidency. you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party comes to mind? Tripodi argued that PragerU allows viewers to dabble in content that "makes connections to" the alt-right's talking points. [2], The Society of Engineering Science has awarded the William Prager Medal in Solid Mechanics since 1983 in his honor. Politically, Prager leaned more Democratic early in his career, and in 2011 said that Trumps swearing render[ed] him unfit to be a presidential candidate, let alone president. But like many previously anti-Trump conservatives, Prager now wholeheartedly supports the president,struggling to find even one negative thing to say about Trump, both personally and politically. William Prager, (before 1940) Willy Prager, (May 23, 1903 in Karlsruhe March 17, 1980 in Zurich) was a German-born US applied mathematician. I find nothing admirable in this position -- morally or rationally. My friend, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, is one prominent example. WebPerson Details Paul Prager Co-Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Paul Prager is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. It is to vote for the party that, for the first time in American history, openly identifies with socialism more than with capitalism. Its history. How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine Worst of all, GOP voters never punished him for it. political party, a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power. Voting for any Democrat -- whether for mayor, district attorney, state legislature, state governor, the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate or president -- is to vote for someone who will enable the left to destroy America as we know it. It is to vote for undoing every economic policy that led America to its greatest economic boom in memory. The subject is the moral/political clarity and the desire to fight for it among Republican politicians and Republican voters. Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. The south, which was Democrat at the time, created the KKK. [37][27] "Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?" The Journal has also reported that Republican operative Peter W. Smith, who is now deceased, mounted an independent campaign to obtain emails he believed were stolen from Hillary Clintons private server, likely by Russian hackers., Amid a raft of congressional and law enforcement probes into Russian meddling during the 2016 presidential election, its still unclear whether members of Trumps campaign actively colluded with Moscow. [31] Some prominent video presenters have included Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Bret Stephens and George Will.
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