Power BI is not a mature product and it will take time for it to be fully featured. Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted. If the user selects a list of value from Segment slicer then bar graph should display Segment Target column, if the user selects combination of segment and team then bar graph should display Team Target column. I want users to be forced to use the correct slicer depending on their Year Type selection. My understanding from your description is that you want your selection on graph A to be applied at the same time as your selection on chart B. I have multiples maps and when i select the bottoms of my slicer a i need the maps show and hide. I came across your question last week and thought about it a bit back then but couldn't think of an approriate answer for you. by changing the type of the measurement it totally helped! In the Action settings, I chose Type = Page Navigation, and then selected the fx next to the Destination bucket. sorry I meant to write covering options with bookmark _buttons_. IF( Basically Im doing similar things as you : when I select a country the message disappears and graphs are visible. The or effect implies you need to append the filter conditions as a virtual filter, possibly with a UNION it really depends on the data. can we give condition on power bi visual. I am having the same problem as Sergei. Hi Jason, thanks for this tutorial really helpful. i.e. Im unable to apply filter on Measure applied on visual. To achieve this, we need a measure that will return nothing if the selection condition has been met, and display the message when it hasnt. if you have got the results. Hi Aleksa and Jason, For both Power BI Desktop and Power BI service, certain Power BI visualizations can be drilled. Any idea on how to implement this to hide a single-select slicer? Its not quite as good as a true Show Hide setup, but it has almost the same effect. From the Fields pane, select the field you want to add as a new report-level filter, and drag it into the Report level filters area. First youll need to detect which calendar you want: Like, we dont want to visualize the Month slicer once Monthly value is selected in Interval slicer. This seems to be catching a few people off guard at the moment. I have followed the process but not getting the end result what is expected. Do you have the same column of data being used on the Bar chart? Current User = USERPRINCIPALNAME() Qlikview is a mature product, Power BI is not. This is achieved simply by holding CTRL down when you click between the charts. Ive been trying to use a second slicer to show the table visual when clicked but have failed to make it work. Thanks for the workaround. Page filter applies to all the visuals on the report page. Nice workaround. You need to have at least two values in the visual you are trying to hide (filter) with the Check Filtered. Do you think the same would be possible if one bar in a bar chart is selected. The issue you are facing has to do with the fact your card is covering the entire visual, which you need to do if youre working with a Map or Waterfall, etc. This may be what you are after. 1. how can I achieve this ? Thank you! Well, conceptually I see no reason why it wouldnt work for any number of visuals. Underneath this slicer, there are two other slicers: Financial Year and Planning Year. Either follow a similar approach as that suggested with the Map, or it will be necessary to turn off the title from the X axis and turn off the Y axis entirely in order to have the visual appear blank when empty. nvm i found out. In this situation, youll need a slightly different approach, see my response Pam (04 Feb 2022) below. All I get in the dropdown is Is less than, and I cant even select that or put a value in the box. This interactivity can be controlled easily. Has anyone had a similar issue or a way to work around this problem? @marlonip, the funniest thing happened. Thanks for sharing your solution. I adapted this to work with Cross Filtering (using a scatter plot as the source), so the user can click a data point and the underlying data is displayed in a matrix below. The table does, but it still works. Im using this on a stacked bar to unhide another visual but am coming up with a problem whereby some of the elements of the stacked bar (3 x time status e.g. My only question is: can the solution for Jemma be used to switch between 2 matrix visuals based on the slicer selection? If so how ? The problem is that transparent visual is over matrix table, and thats why user cant click on matrix table. In the Matrix used above, the card is just sitting over the Matrix Header Row, therefore you can select the values of the matrix. Table A consists of a list i created and has 3 columns Unique Code, Product Name and Count, Table B returns Brand, Unique Code and Number. The principle of a measure that formats a data point is the same, I think. With Bookmarks you can control the visibility of individual visuals based on the click of a button. i.e This show visual option does not work for card and donut chart. Then I duplicated the table by creating a calculated table like this: It is a one on one copy of the original table. Is your Table slicing the data by the same column as your [Check Filtered] measure? Can you please share a video of this steps ? Again, we follow the [Message] measures logic, but this time the measure will return integers (whole number format) rather than text. Maybe even an option saying do X before selecting from this slicer. Jason, Excellent post. It appears that placing the invisible card in front of my visuals prevents me from being able to hover over charts and view the tooltips for each visual. Wonderful idea and smooth execution, thank you for sharing. I have a quick question, though. Dynamic Filter based on another Filter - Power BI I wanted to control both items. Hi Rashmi, It has the same effect. The hidden table will be fine, because cross filtering vs highlight filtering makes no difference to a table, but it does impact how columns are displayed, and thus we need the selection visuals to act as slicers and apply a filter across the page. CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Products[Category]),Products[Category], ) = Clothing Bikes, The hidden visual now only appears when both Bikes and Clothing are selected in the slicer. Sometimes however, it will be necessary to reveal the visual only if a specific selection has been made. I am using May 2019 release of PowerBI. Can you please how did you use this technique on donut charts or bar chart? The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the syntax required when you use a numeric column of an entity as a parameter in a calculation. So I adapted your approach: I made the background of the grid 100% transparent and then put the treemap background behind it that responded to the filters via DAX formula. If you build a matrix with fields from different tables, then try to cross-highlight by selecting multiple items at different levels of the hierarchy, you get errors on the other visuals. Why not just write the DAX so they either show a value, or not. Note, MS made changes in April 2020. I cant figure out why. I believe that is working. https://ideas.powerbi.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=b05ea746-910f-ec11-b76a-281878e6855d, response to Pam regarding the Gauge visual below, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/plotting-2-fields-on-the-legend-of-a-chart/, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/items-not-selected-slicer/, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/expression-based-formatting-in-dax/, https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzg2YWJlNTAtMDI0MC00OTVlLWE5YmEtMmJjMTY5YjIxNTU3IiwidCI6ImZmMTA1ZDRmLTAzOWYtNDQ0Zi1iZDZmLTBlZDFlMzVkYWVmNCIsImMiOjh9, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y3kDvtsWiI9uDiBOUbutEEdXkBi9PUsX, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/conditional-formatting-with-a-text-field-in-power-bi/. Table_Copy = Table_Orig. It would be good if there were a way to make the cards disappear, but cards just dont seem to work like other visualizations. Im glad there is some conditional formatting available. Team. I am sure my solution has other applications too. Check out this how-to video if youre still having trouble. Is this possible to hide/show Map visual. Hi Yogesh, Ug. Hi Veronica, Hi John, Any ideas why would this be? Alternately, given that the visual you wish to hide is a Matrix, you could set up the matrix something like this: Awesome! I used this solution to hide the navigation buttons on the home page of my report. When trying to select the measure as field value > The problem with your working is that your chart axis is using the same column of data as your CheckFiltered measure. Dynamic Title to show Prior Month from Selected Value. Power BI wants you to use a Column (Field) to drive the color code. Filter all items based on a selection on a visual, Nothing selected, the Table shows everything, Germany selected, table only shows RequestID=1, https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ancq8HFZYL_aiIgd8_NWbpeOz2QvWw?e=SdfUgB, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f-nUq5Sj-Xh9l32TThmL0Pf4cVEehmMG, How to Get Your Question Answered Quickly. ISFILTERED(Products[Category]) && ISFILTERED(Products[SubCategory]) && ISFILTERED(Products[Color]), really great approach and demo video! Read the section Filter the Matrix to Render Blank. button3chart button4table In my example, the card is just covering the top two rows of the visual, so that the matrix is still able to be interacted with once the visual is rendered. Hi Shannon, Same issue for me. To get this to work youll need two measures: I am trying to implement as you per your artice but here issue is getting error cannot convert value Monthly of type of text to type True/False, Check your measures. Apply formatting to Message Blank card: Thanks for getting back in touch that didnt work however I have worked out the solution. Write a new measure# Tried to paste the image here, but not able to do that. Maybe you dont even need to hide the visual if ALL is a valid outcome?! It is a one on one copy of the original table. A great tip, thanks for it!! The ISFILTERED function only allows you to have one column. ). Meanwhile, thanks for sharing a great, practical woraround. Here I have an example where [Check Filtered] is leveraging SELECTEDVALUE. What visual are you revealing? In this case, user experience will be changed as they will be required now to clear selection each time before another search. Hi Mabel, 2nd challenge: sales history having the data until may 2019 remaining facts have data from June 2019. IF( Hi Raj, Thanks so much! My best guess is that the measure is not correct. Anything I can do as a workaround? With the Matrix row selection, I am not able to achieve the same thing. Now when you drill down (and up) in a visualization, the other visualizations on the report page change to reflect your current drilling selection. My approach would be to use the [Hide] measure to ensure the slicer renders blank, and then use Expression Based Formatting to control the Slicer Header. In my example you cant select the visual hidden then shown for the same reason. The terms cross-filter and cross-highlight distinguish the behavior described here from what happens when you use the Filters pane to filter visualizations. Sorry, I should add that they are available for selection if I choose Format style Gradient or Rules, but not Field Value. If the Card is covering the entire table, you wont be able to interact with the contents of the table, including the scroll bar. It first needs to test whether or not a selection has been made in the Product[Category] slicer, and alter the result based on this test. 1) Message = IF( The measure again follows the same pattern as the previous measures. I have included an example solution in this workbook. Lets say we have Visual B that would show more information (and other facts) on the 10 . The filter on the slicer must be different to the filter on the visual for this technique to work. In Power BI Desktop, select Format > Edit interactions. I can confirm that this still works in December 2020 release. You need to make sure it is something that can be sliced by a column of data. Then when the slicer is active and the card becomes transparent, it is possible to interact with the rest of the matrix and further cross-filter the report. This works in a table for me but not a matrix. For customer presentations? The challenge of selectively showing report elements has plagued Power BI report developers for many years now, but there is no out of the box solution for this problem at this point in time. Step-2: Now add one slicer visual into report page and . I am sure Power BI will have a native hide function in the future as Microsoft continues to develop the product over the years ahead. Basically, the result of a visual was used as a filter for another visual. I also found just now the solution in the comments below. Not just a column? Youll need to define the an appropriate role in Manage Roles Can you help me here what possibly I have done wrong? I think the cleanest way of achieving your goal would be using Bookmarks. This still works in the April 2021 version. Can you please suggest? See the last paragraph in the post: A few final thoughts. would have been helpful if it did. After this when I select button4table , the chart visual should change to table (the first visual table should remain table) This will make the entire table appear to be hidden until you select an apropriate visual elsewhere on the report. conditionally format background colour with Make Transparent measure, as you did with your original Message card. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. @Matt Allington, can you please guide me on how to use this technique on donut charts and bar chart? This post might have what you are after: The solution to solve this problem (when trying to Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection) involves: Create a card to work as a mask for the visual. I am using Bar chart, for that I covered all the visual but left some from the bottom so I can drill through easily. [Selected Calendar] = Financial Year, 1, There's a column chart with a drill-down feature on the New hires tab. It sounds like everything is working as expected. 04-18-2023 02:09 PM. ,BLANK() Next we will create a measure that will display or hide a message to the user on the card. Rows = Parts[Part Name] This article shows how to use visual interactions in Power BI Desktop. Great tutorial. Unsure if this impacts things. @JarroVGIT, you're a life saver! and done in 10 minutes thanks to you.
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