This means that the same learner at different time points might go through different emotions Also, learners emotional states as a result of their engagement in social media cannot be necessarily generalized to all learners in a class. Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Acceptance of Social Media for Study The main survey tool, a social media questionnaire on awareness, use, and satisfaction with a selection of social media, shows how students assess the suitability of these platforms for learning. We are eager to get our business to the top and make it known all over the United States and more. Social media activity showed to be positively and moderately associated with depression and anxiety. Then, this good or bad mood is easily shared with others in a flash through the social media. Ann. At the same time, social media platforms allow students to connect, network, and communicate. These results validate the moderating role of Cyberbullying on the association between usage of social media usage by students and students intrinsic motivation. 58, 285295. challenges in the use of some social media platforms. These researchers also showed that social media sources can exert negative affective impacts on teenagers, as they can induce more envy and social comparison. Teachers may not be in full control of their students use of social media, but they have always played an active role in motivating or demotivating students to take particular measures in their academic lives. Social networking site use: Linked to adolescents social self-concept, self-esteem, and depressed mood. (2018). The emotional impact of social media in higher education. As many conditions of the educational settings do not allow for having control groups or randomization, probably, experimental studies do not help with this. Potentials, Pitfalls, and Future Directions in Creativity Research, Sources of Method Bias in Social Science Research and Recommendations on how to Control it, I Hate Everything About you: A Qualitative Examination of Cyberbullying and on-Line Aggression in a College Sample, Technology use, Self-Directed Learning, Student Engagement and Academic Performance: Examining the Interrelations, Involvement in Traditional and Electronic Bullying among Adolescents, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Social Media Usage: an Empirical Study on Facebook, A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Student Engagement, Learning Environments That Support Student Creativity: Developing the SCALE, Social Media at the University: a Demographic Comparison, Using Online Social Media to Support Preservice Student Engagement, How Motivation Influences Student Engagement: a Qualitative Case Study, Computer-based Technology and Student Engagement: a Critical Review of the Literature, Cyberbullying, School Bullying, and Psychological Distress: A Regional Census of High School Students, Knowledge Management, Social Media and Employee Creativity, Intrinsic Motivation and Engagement as Active Ingredients in Garden-Based Education: Examining Models and Measures Derived from Self-Determination Theory, Fostering Student Creativity Through Teacher Behaviors, Staying Back and Dropping out: The Relationship Between Grade Retention and School Dropout, Scholarly use of Social Media and Altmetrics: A Review of the Literature, Social Media as an Open-Learning Resource in Medical Education: Current Perspectives, Openness to Experience Enhances Creativity: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation and the Creative Process Engagement, Effects of Student Engagement with Social Media on Student Learning: A Review of Literature, Understanding the Role of Social Influence in Piquing Curiosity and Influencing Attitudes and Behaviors in a Social Network Environment, A Dynamic Longitudinal Examination of Social Media use, Needs, and Gratifications among College Students, Cyberbullying in Higher Education: A Literature Review, Unfolding Deconstructive Effects of Negative Shocks on Psychological Contract Violation, Organizational Cynicism, and Turnover Intention, Evaluating Student Motivation and Engagement in the Chinese EFL Writing Context, Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Influence of Psychological Empowerment, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Process Engagement. PDF A Study on the Impact of Social Media Usage on Student Academic - CORE Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). For example, their employment-seeking spirits might lead them to create accounts in many social networks, hoping for a better future. facebook snapchat instagram twitter pinterest tumblr Other (please specify) 2. In our model, we take student use of social media as a factor that boosts student intrinsic motivation to learn, therefore, facilitating his/her engagement and creativity. Table 1. It's also a platform where you can share your thoughts, feelings, or opinions as well as read others' stories. The psychological effects of social media on student life need to be studied in more depth to see whether social media really acts as a social support for students and whether students can use social media to cope with negative emotions and develop positive feelings or not. A depressed or stressed-out mood can follow. Social Media as Educational Tool - Students Questionnaire 1. J. Pers. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.11.013, Barry, C. T., Sidoti, C. L., Briggs, S. M., Reiter, S. R., and Lindsey, R. A. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Media and Meaning Rachel Wagner This course will invite students to think deliberately about the media we consume, create, and encounter. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.12.002, Sampasa-Kanyinga, H., and Lewis, R. F. (2015). Research reveals that cyberbullying resulted in social media targeting the students using social media for academic purposes may decrease their intrinsic motivation (Goodboy, Martin, and Goldman Citation2016). In their research, the social media resources were found to be stress-inducing for half of the participants, all university students. In the mind of the beholder: The interpretation comparison model of accessibility effects, in Assimilation and Contrast in Social Psychology, eds D. A. Stapel and J. Suls (London: Psychology Press), 143164. A total 50 students from each of the selected schools will be issued a questionnaire to fill for the study. The impact of social media usage on students mental health. (PDF) Questionnaire On "The impact of social media-used on the WASHINGTON A bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday introduced legislation that aims to protect children from any harmful effects . J. Commun. Int. This finding ratifies the relevance of the Interpretation Comparison Model (Stapel and Koomen, 2000; Stapel, 2007) and Festingers (1954) Social Comparison Theory. Though technology has resulted in uncountable benefits in our lives, the adverse impact of technology on human life in the form of cyberbullying is a harsh reality. In todays world driven by global communications in the cyberspace, teachers like everyone else are affecting and being affected by social networking. Our findings further highlight that though the social media usage by the students is connected positively to student creativity, and the engagement but these relationships are weak when students face cyberbullying. In a cross-sectional study, ODea and Campbell (2011) explored the impact of online interactions of social networks on the psychological distress of adolescent students. Yet, probably students need to be instructed on how to take advantage of the media and to be the least affected negatively by its occasional superficial and unrepresentative content. Citation2014; Goldman Citation2010; Schneider et al. These researchers found that increased investment in social media predicted higher depression in adolescent students, which was a function of the effect of higher levels of disrupted sleep. For another, Tang et al. ICSM Courses - World of Systems | Ithaca College (2011). In the case of the latter, learners might develop unrealistic expectations of themselves by comparing themselves to others. Citation2014). doi: 10.1037/xge0000528, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Abbott, J. Psihol. Inform. Children under 13 would be banned from social media under bipartisan Selected schools . Several other studies have already advocated for the positive impact of technology and social media on the student engagement (Cakir Citation2013; Chen, Lambert, and Guidry Citation2010; Schindler et al. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Learners understanding of this environment can be mediated by the image shaped via social media. Teachers, education policymakers, curriculum developers, and all those in charge of the student affairs at schools and universities should be made aware of the psychological effects of the pervasive use of social media on students, and the potential threats. 3099067 Yet, the instances of the latter were more salient and the negative psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and stress have been far from negligible. Yes No 4. Facebook addiction and its relationship with mental health among Thai high school students. Introduction: Assessing the social and political impact of the internet and new social media in Asia. In the recent era, the utilisation of social media platforms in human life has increased rapidly (Anser et al. on the utilization of social media in relation to academic performance. Probably, in future, further studies of the psychological complexities of students at higher education and a better knowledge of their needs can pave the way for making more insightful conclusions about the effects of social media on their affective states. 55, 515. Results indicate that CR and CA of all the constructs were higher than the threshold value of 0.70, and AVE values were higher than the threshold value of 0.50 as recommended by past studies (Fornell and Larcker Citation1981; Hair et al. These findings were discussed in relation to some more relevant theories such as the social comparison theory, which predicted that most of the potential issues with the young generations excessive use of social media were induced by the unfair comparisons they made between their own lives and the unrealistic portrayal of others on social media. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). The data were collected with the help of a questionnaire designed for gathering the students' opinions about the digital technologies and social media. J. Therefore, positive and negative moods can easily be transferred among the population using social media networks (Chukwuere and Chukwuere, 2017). Researchers believe that with the rapid growth of social media usage, cyberbullying has been increased, which results in severe psychological problems among the victims (Donoghue and Meltzer 2018; Olenik-Shemesh and Heiman 2017 ). J. Med. The stress-buffering effect of self-disclosure on Facebook: An examination of stressful life events, social support, and mental health among college students. There is a significant dearth of longitudinal investigation on the effect of social media on developing positive or negative emotions in students. 75, 527537. Communicating information from the school to parents. It should be mentioned that the susceptibility of affective variables to social media should be interpreted from a dynamic lens. Copyright 2022 Chen and Xiao. The study is conducted using self designed interview schedule on 100 students of class IX and X from annually flood affected regions of Baksa district. 28, 225262. They may tend to encourage the use of social media hoping to benefit students social and interpersonal skills, self-confidence, stress-managing and the like. There are severe consequences of cyberbullying, which vary from psychological disorders to suicides (Cnat et al. Citation2019). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Mathewson, M. (2020). In 2019, the number of social media users was 3.84 billion people, and every year this number is increasing at the rate of 9% (Global Digital Report Citation2019-We Are Social, Citation2019). Tracking effects of problematic social networking on adolescent psychopathology: The mediating role of sleep disruptions. We believe that the utilisation of social media may increase the individuals intrinsic motivation as social media by students may enhance their interest in academia (W. Al-Rahmi and Othman Citation2013; Wang, Tchernev, and Solloway Citation2012). The current research was intended to answer the questions, whether, how, and when the student's social media utilisation is related to their creativity and engagement in academia. As a result, their cognitive repertoire and mental capacity might become limited and they might lose their concentration during their learning process. Data collected from . Compu. In the same year, Yan et al. Questionnaire On "The impact of social media-used on the education of university student" Salman Islam Introduction to Business Statistics. Students utilise social media for various purposes, such as communication, sharing of ideas, and collaboration (Mntymki and Riemer Citation2016). This course fulfills the ICC Academic Writing competency requirement. Psychol. Creativity refers to the interaction among aptitude, process, and the environment by which an individual or group produces a perceptible product that is both novel and useful as defined within a social context (Plucker, Beghetto, and Dow Citation2004, 90). Therefore, strategic use of social media or its addictive use by students can direct them toward either positive experiences like enjoyment or negative ones such as anxiety and depression. Our research has some practical contributions for academicians, students, and the general public. Probably a new line of research can be initiated to explore the co-development of teacher and learner psychological traits under the influence of social media use in longitudinal studies. The number of studies on the potential psychological effects of social media on people in general is higher than those selectively addressed here. doi: 10.1353/jip.2015.0013, Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). For example, our study used the cross-sectional research design, which has a threat of common method variance (CMV). Thus, teachers can try to make students aware of the potential hazards of investing too much of their time on following pages or people that publish false and misleading information about their personal or social identities. Environmental factors can hinder or facilitate students creativity. No significant correlation was found between these two variables. ODea, B., and Campbell, A. The utilisation of social media can increase intrinsic motivation of students, which is subsequently associated with students engagement and creativity. (Getty Images) Social media connects people and amplifies different aspects of humanity in good and bad ways. See Full PDF Download PDF FINAL MMII Report Alireza Abedi Download Free PDF View PDF International Business ReviewJournal 2020 Stephen Harrison According to Fleck and Johnson-Migalski (2015), though social media, at first, plays the role of a stress-coping strategy, when individuals continue to see stressful conditions (probably experienced and shared by others in media), they begin to develop stress through the passage of time. This study suggests that educational institutions, teachers, students, and parents should realise the positive application of social media in academia and should encourage the students to utilise the platforms of social media, say Researchgate, Scribd, Linkedin,, etc. Psychol. Exploring the relationships between different types of Facebook use, perceived online social support, and adolescents depressed mood. PLoS One 10:e0118410. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. University students psychological needs might be different from other academic grades and, thus, the patterns of changes that the overall use of social networking can create in their emotions can be also different. As already raised in some works of research reviewed, the different patterns of impacts of social media on student life depend largely on the educational context. They spend more time on social media for communicating with friends or strangers or possibly they just passively receive the content produced out of any educational scope just for entertainment. This growing population of social media users is spending more and more time on social network groupings, as facts and figures show that individuals spend 2 h a day, on average, on a variety of social media applications, exchanging pictures and messages, updating status, tweeting, favoring, and commenting on many updated socially shared information (Abbott, 2017). The goal of social media is to create an online community that shares . J. Clin. Hum. J. Note: Loadings:= Factor Loading, CA=Cronbachs alpha; CR=composite reliability; AVE=average variance extracted. Citation2017). . In recent years, several studies have been conducted to explore the potential effects of social media on students affective traits, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and so on. The majority of studies on the potential effects of social media usage on students psychological well-being are either quantitative or qualitative in type, each with many limitations. An increasing number of educational institutions are using social media for promotional reasons. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Results indicate that the first factor has a value of 32.8%, therefore there is no such issue of CMV. (2018) showed that though social media is expected to act as a form of social support for the majority of university students, it can adversely affect students mental well-being, especially for those who already have high levels of anxiety and depression. We believe that student's intrinsic motivation is positively associated with social media utilisation by students, which, as a result, leads to student engagement & creativity. Telemed. (Citation2007). Asia 43, 579590. The job is pretty simple and straightforward. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Students Experiences of Bullying in High School and Their Adjustment and Motivation During the First Semester of College, Social Media and Education: Reconceptualizing the Boundaries of Formal and Informal Learning, Perceived Autonomy Support, Intrinsic Motivation, and Student Ratings of Instruction, Supervisory Styles and Graduate Student Creativity: the Mediating Roles of Creative Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation, An Updated and Expanded Assessment of PLS-SEM in Information Systems Research, Examining Factors Associated with Intrinsic Motivation in Physical Education: a Qualitative Approach, Intrinsic Motivation, External Reward, and Their Effect on Overall Motivation and Performance, If I Were Secretary of Education: A Focus on Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom, Cultivating Youth Resilience to Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization, Between Control and Creativity: Challenging co-Creation and Social Media use in a Museum Context, The Moderating Role of Social Media Usage in the Relationship among Multicultural Experiences, Cultural Intelligence, and Individual Creativity, Teachers Conceptions of Student Creativity in Higher Education, When is Creativity? Technol. Students will question the effects of emerging technology on medicine, ethics, space exploration, communication and communities. questions on the impact of social media on students behavior. Figure 1 explains our model; The tradition of social media in all walks of life has been increased rapidly in the recent years (Anser et al. J. Behav. Therefore, we developed a hypothesis that is; H1b: The usage of social media by students is associated positively with students creativity. But the effects of social media appear neither . doi: 10.1556/2006.6.2017.085. In addition, we investigate cyberbullying as phenomena which play the boundary condition role on the association between student use of social media and its positive outcomes. Of the total 267 participants, 56.92% were female students, 57.30% were in the age group of 2125 years, and 52.44% were graduate students Table 1. News. Investigating cyberbullying as a boundary condition in our model adds value to our research as this helps us to understand the condition in which student utilisation of social media is linked with affirmative outcomes. For establishing the convergent validity of our model, we examined composite reliability (CR), average variance extracted (AVE), and Cronbach alpha (CA), of all the constructs. All these questions were designed on a five-point Likert scale where 1= Strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree. Citation2017). Students intrinsic motivation in academia is an important factor which helps them to be academically engaged and creative.
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