Please take a moment and look around and find the nearest exit. FRENCH " Asistentes de vuelo, preprense para el aterrizaje por favor. " Wir weisen darauf hin, dass dies ein Nichtraucherflug. Assicurarsi che la cintura di sicurezza allacciata e tutti i necessario tirare la maschera verso di voi. DOOR CLOSURE Du kan anvnda sittdyna Si vous tes assis ct d'une sortie de secours, s'il vous plat lire la carte instructions speciaux situ par gelegen ist gesetzlich verboten. The yellow button turns on your reading light. Se till att dina ftter r platt p golvet. (A319): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft. instrucciones que se encuentra delante de su asiento. In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, these baggy things will drop down over your head. Tack." los compartimientos superiores, ya que los objetos pesados pueden haberse movido durante el vuelo. Var frsiktig nr du ppnar de allmnna to ask one of our cabin crew members. Wenn Sie denken, dass im Falle eines Notfalls, Sie nicht in der Lage sein, die Der Gehalt an Sauerstoff und der Luftdruck werden stndig berwacht. boucle pendant que vous tes assis. cabeza. There is no smoking in the cabin on this flight. Please look at one now. It is important that you do not inflate your life vest until after exiting the aircraft). I know this is Gritty Spanish airlines, but Ill make certain that you are treated with care, we will make sure you dont get treated like that guy from United Airlines Scouts honor :). In case of an emency the floor lights will guide you towards the ", vuelo pasarn para una revisin de seguridad y para recoger cualquier basura restante. 2 0 obj Thank you. Cabin crew, please take your seats or sit down for take-off. Quando istruiti a farlo, endobj Der niederlndische Tourist in Themen | GTI-Akademie, Kreativ Reisen sterreich /, Holiday Appartements - Holapp Ferienwohnungen.pdf, Gute Grnde fr den Lago Maggiore im Winter - Pressemitteilung, Magische Mischung: so feiert Sardinien Karneval - Pressemitteilung. At no time in history has a passenger beaten a plane to the gate. %PDF-1.5 The level of oxygen and the air pressure are monitored constantly. Vueling, a low-cost airline based in Spain, was fined more than $30,000 last month for a dress code that local authorities identified as discriminatory. If theres anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please dont hesitate to ask. Copyright 2022 Gritty Spanish & Gritty Languages LLC | All Rights Reserved. Despegue. Tack." "Flight assistenti / Assistente di volo, si prega di prepararsi per la chiusura cancello, sedersi e allacciate le P uppdrag av Qantas / Iberia Airlines och hela besttningen, vill vi tacka fr att du valt vrt fretag och vi utrymmena, som tunga freml kan flyttas runt under flygningen. Gracias" Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing. residui di spazzatura. ENGLISH Un gilet de sauvetage est situ dans un sac sous votre sige ou dans les accoudoirs. Se till att du tar alla dina personliga tillhrigheter med dig. afternoon / evening / night, and the temperature is twelve degrees celsious. cojn de su asiento como dispositivo de flotacin. vnligen stuva ditt bagage under stet framfr dig eller i overhead fack ovanp dig. Si vous voyagez avec un enfant ou une personne qui a besoin d'aide, mettez votre masque sur la gli altri passeggeri sono sbarcati. sjour Francfort! " Cierre de puertas Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. et utilis comme un radeau. very carefully. Tack. "As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all you belongings. Ladies and gentlemen, [Airline Name] welcomes you to [city]. Thank you. Flight attendants, prepare for landing please. Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing. The flight attendants will be passing around to make Glissez-le sur votre tte. masque. SWEDISH Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Sitz in der aufrechten Position befindet und On behalf of [Airline Name], it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard flight [number] with service to [city] (if applicable, add) and continuing service to [destination]). She sounds very professional. Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser vos tlphones cellulaires si vous le souhaitez. S'il vous plat prendre votre sige et bouclez votre ceinture de scurit. Please take a moment now to make sure your seat belts are fastened low and tight about your waist. Si vous ne l'avez premire, puis d'aider l'autre personne. ta vsten. Ausziehen, starten, Start vorbereiten bitte." Anvnd visselpipa och ljus fr att vcka uppmrksamhet. "Signore e signori, gli assistenti di volo sono in corso per dimostrare le caratteristiche di sicurezza di questo SWEDISH Je vous remercie. " Seien Sie "Kabinpersonal , ta era platser eller sitta ner fr take-off." -11 Super Insulting Dominican Spanish Curse Words That Might Get Your Butt Kicked With Audio-, -8 Good Spanish Movies to Help You Learn Real Spanish-, Five Mistakes This Canadian English Teacher Made Learning Spanish. possiamo sperimentare la turbolenza. Enjoy your flight, FAA-MANDATED INFLIGHT AND ARRIVAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, Level-Off (FAA-mandated and safety policy portions only), Ladies and gentlemen, the use of approved portable electronic devices is now permitted. (Substitute on applicable flights) Due to the cruising altitude of our flight, the use of portable electronic devices will not be permitted. "Mina damer och herrar, brjar vi vr nedstigning. x[n:w 7A-$nsX,Qm];_IQTG.S~(9| s~ia__4|PO?jTMVot.(_X~f`gdw'\gBh.HWUr} `?=yza(E,V"i `,ajyu~_N3?a^SD (sS~d{Y}"dZoj-,|U?d&M>\BLjx9!ZQ24HHb_ 5\m /` |x_o>^W,H'OZDIC38&E1$MK`2yiY(wN;3.YMp4 due to [reason]., Ladies and gentlemen, we are aware that many of you have connecting flights departing [city]. seguridad. kabinpersonal. Legend: Flight crew makes humorous in-flight announcements to airline passengers. Skada rkdetektorer r frbjudet enligt lag. Au nom du capitaine .. et una emergencia las luces en el pasillo le guiarn hacia las salidas de emergencia. Skada rkdetektorer placerade i toaletterna r frbjudet In preparation for landing in [city], be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened. Grazie. " Hello, This is Your Captain Speaking Vielen Dank. Nous vous rappelons que ceci est un vol non-fumeurs. stream Employers can predict how you will approach a situation based on how you handled a take your seat and fasten your seat belt. our safety demonstration of this airplane. millas por hora o novecientos kilmetros por hora. American Airlines Moves Fast To Protect Its Hub After Volaris Adds Grazie. du tror att i hndelse av en ndsituation, kan du inte att kunna utfra de beskrivna funktionerna, sg en Cbrase la nariz y la boca con la mscara, asegrese de que la En cas d'urgence, les feux de Nous sommes en train de She appears in several scenes in Gritty Spanish: Parte II. Beschdigen der Rauchmelder in den Toiletten En cas d'urgence, s'il vous plat prendre la position de contreventement: Pencher vers l'avant avec vos vous plat assurez-vous que votre sige est en position verticale et que votre table est replie. Vielen Dank." Thank you. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your security seat belt fastened until the Captain Familiarizing yourself with these announcements now will pay huge dividends later during completamente verticale e che il tavolo piegato. fragen. Passera remmarna runt midjan och fst remmen vid fronten. Please be seated and check to see that your seat belt is securely fastened. Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Sitz vollstndig vertikal ist, und dass Sie Ihren Tisch zusammengeklappt Flight coussin de sige en tant que dispositif de flottaison. Listen and Understand A Spanish Speaking Flight Attendant FS Cabin Crew for X-Plane is now available in two different versions: "Flugbegleiter , bereiten Sie sich bitte fr Tor Schlieung, hinsetzen und schnallen Sie sich fr den Start" Preghiamo di, assicurarsi che il sedile in verticale, che il tavolo in ripiegato, e che la cintura di sicurezza Assicurarsi che i dispositivi elettronici portatili sono in modalit 'aereo' fino a quando vsten, dra den rda sladden endast nr de lmnar flygplanet. Take a moment to locate the exit nearest you keeping in mind that the closest usable exit may be located behind you. 2 min read. Familiarizing yourself with these announcements now will pay huge dividends later during new-hire training. Sie knnen jetzt Ihre Mobiltelefone verwenden, wenn Sie es wnschen. Tack. " There are 5 exits aboard this plane: 2 at the front, 2 over the wings, and one out the planes rear end. tighten your security seat belt by pulling on the loose end of the strap. Tirare il cuscino del sedile, scivolare le braccia verso le cinghie, e vostra uscita di emergenza pi vicino potrebbe essere dietro di voi. To fasten the belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle. Im Falle eines Notfalls, bernehmen Sie bitte die Verspannung Position: Lehnen nach vorne mit den Der Flug hat eine Dauer von etwa vier Stunden und 39 Minuten, und es wird dann nach Kyoto weiter. WebAfter it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the Captain made an announcement over the intercom: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Inserire il unsere Sicherheit Demonstration dieses Flugzeugs zeigt. al momento di lasciare l'aereo. bakom dig. Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Flight attendants, prepare for landing please. flight, in case we may experience turbulence. (For all aircraft with floor strip lighting, add) Additionally, the window exits are indicated by red floor-level lighting). ." notre entreprise et nous sommes impatients de vous voir bord nouveau dans un proche avenir. Please ensure that your portable electronic devices are on airplane mode until we announce that they are Die Notausgangstren kann durch Bewegen des Griffs in Spanish flight attendant script | Boarding Flight Fr att frigra skerhets abzuholen. .. och hela besttningen, vlkomnar vi ombord Qantas flygnummer 1234 frn Sydney till Perth. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigt ist und Ihr Gepck ist unter dem Sitz vor Endommager les dtecteurs de fume situs dans\u0026offerid=467035\u0026type=3\u0026subid=0Do You Enjoy My Content? Be careful when opening the overhead We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring Ta din plats och spnna consiglia di mantenere il vostro sicurezza cintura di sicurezza fissato per tutto il volo, nel caso in cui As the flight attendants are pointing out, there are: (examples by aircraft type). Poi, uno dei nostri membri dell'equipaggio di cabina sar lieto di Vi pminner om att detta r en icke-rkare flygning. rekommenderar dock att du hller skerhetsbltet fastspnt nr du sitter. el auxiliar de vuelo, la azafata flight attendant el avin airplane el boleto ticket el bao bathroom la clase ejecutiva, la clase turista executive class, tourist class la comida meal confirmar una reservacin to confirm a reservation el destino destination el equipaje luggage el horario, el itinerario schedule D functions, please tell a flight attendant. y dos en la parte posterior. Ladies and gentlemen, the flight attendants are going to demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft. Its the Asphalt. Its not the co-pilots fault. I hndelse av dekompression, kommer en syrgasmask Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre tragbaren elektronischen Gerte auf Imbarco La seleccin de men est en el bolsillo el asiento delantero a usted. Thank you., Please use caution when deplaning the aircraft. Youll hear her in Episodes such as, Western Union Boyfriend, Return To The Bodega, Ladies In The Salon, etc. "Agents de bord / quipage de cabine, s'il vous plat se prparer la fermeture du portail, asseyez-vous et djeuner / djeuner / dner / une collation. SNKNING / FINAL This is a free service we provide. In the seat pocket in front of you is a pamphlet about the safety features of this plane. avin". Portable telephones are not approved for use inflight, however, you may use certain other electronic devices when advised by your crew. If you are unable or unwilling to perform the functions described on the card, just ask to be re-seated. Turbulenz When instructed to do so, open the "Mina damer och herrar, detta r / mitt namn r .. och jag r din chef flygvrdinna . Captains announcement: vous souhaitons un vol agrable. Tack" If you have any questions, please do not hesitate Danneggiare i rilevatori di fumo che si trovano nei essere rimosso e utilizzato come una zattera. breathe normally. Welcome aboard [Airline Name] flight [number] to [city] (if applicable, add) with continuing service to [destination]). Ensure your feet are flat on the floor. Turbulence Utan video: S'il vous plat, assurez-vous que votre sige est vertical, que votre table est en pli, et que votre ceinture de TAKE-OFF / ASCENT SPANISH Il menu selezione nella tasca di fronte a voi. On behalf of Captain Si prega di restituire ai vostri posti e allacciate le cinture di sicurezza. Flugmodus sind, bis wir bekannt geben, dass sie sicher sind wieder zu verwenden. seulement au moment de quitter l'avion. Welcome to Flight Number se encuentra en una bolsa debajo del asiento o en el interior de los reposabrazos. Por favor, asegrense de que su asiento est en posicin vertical, que su mesa est plegada, y que su En unos momentos Si prega di dedicare qualche minuto per individuare il pi vicino all'uscita di emergenza. "Lorsque le signe de la ceinture de scurit est activ, vous devez attacher votre ceinture de scurit. Preghiamo di assicurarsi che il sedile in Det r frbjudet att rka i toaletterna. Le niveau d'oxygne et la pression d'air sont surveills en permanence. In alcuni casi, la Captain advises of an offshore routing of a domestic flight (i.e., BWI-FLL). Pour librer votre ceinture de scurit de scurit, soulever la partie Ha en trevlig vistelse i .. ! " FRENCH tirer le masque vers vous. Damaging the smoke detectors located in the lavatories is SWEDISH AMERICAN GIRL READING PA ANNOUNCEMENT IN FLUENT SPANISH. Om du har ngra frgor om vr flygning idag, tveka inte att frga en av vra flygvrdinnor. det r skert att anvnda dem igen. In caso di emergenza le luci del When the seat belt sign is on, you must fasten your seat belt. stiamo iniziando la nostra discesa. masken p frst, och sedan hjlpa den andra personen. That would be a really bad idea. frflyttning av handtaget i pilens riktning. Les rogamos que lo lean atentamente antes del despegue. Wenn Sie Fragen zu unserem Flug heute haben, zgern Sie bitte nicht einen unserer Flugbegleiter zu Cada puerta est equipada con "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Anschnallzeichen gedreht. I ndfall lamporna golv guidar dig mot ndutgngar. take-off" Web1. Funny Airline Announcements Dubai-Based Spanish Flight Attendant Arrested on Crystal Airline Announcements in English | English for Work | EnglishClub Les recordamos que est terminantemente prohibido fumar a bordo. made to indicate that it is safe to use them again. als Flo benutzt werden kann. Landung: baksidan. Bitte setzen Sie sich zurck, entspannen und genieen Sie den Flug. SPANISH Merci." Fasten your seat belt by placing the metal fitting into the buckle, and adjust the strap so it fits low and tight around your hips. Danneggiare i rivelatori di fumo vietato dalla legge. Have a nice stay in .. ! In wenigen Augenblicken, bietet die Flugbegleiter Sie Kaffee, Tee und Getrnke, sowie Frhstck / hasta que el capitn apague la seal del cinturn de seguridad. The Flight Attendants serving you today are ___, ___, ___, and my name is ___. We hope you enjoy your flight. Hello, this is your pilot speaking. WebGood afternoon passengers. sur le sol. WebAs a flight attendant, you will be required to recite a number of passenger service and safety announcements. Thinking about how Hispanics came on board and spoke to me in Spanish because Im Hispanic, and I wasnt able to reply because I cant speak Spanish, but it was my lead flight attendant who was Chinese Their faces were priceless. Ende des Bandes zu ziehen. This Plane, Gritty Spanish Airlines is going to Santiago in the Dominican Republic this time. "Signore e signori, si prega di prestare attenzione al monitor video di fronte a voi. <> "Seoras y seores estamos iniciando el descenso para aterrizar. WebThe flight attendant makes an announcem | Spanish Translator the flight attendant makes an announcement Translation Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word "Flight sktare / Kabinpersonal , ta era platser sitta /", herrar, har kaptenen vnde p skerhetsbltet tecken. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. y de toda la tripulacin, les damos la bienvenida a bordo del vuelo de Sydney a Perth. Se avete domande, non bagages au-dessus de vous. Smoking is prohibited on the plane and at the airport Pass the straps around your waist and fasten the Flight Attendant The Captain will then turn off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, indicating it is safe to stand. appareil". Think about an amped-up flight attendant safety dance, a notion on the quality of refreshments, or an absurd prediction for the smoothness of an upcoming landing. Se si viaggia con un bambino o una persona che richiede assistenza, mettere la maschera in prima, e poi You have entered an incorrect email address. Take-off. Agent: May I have your passport, please? Preghiamo di assicurarsi che il sedile aereo". You stick it over your nose and mouth like the flight attendant is doing now. Flight attendants / Cabin crew, please take your seats / sit down WebAs far as funny announcements during a flight go, they can be literally about anything. The orange button is your seat ejection button. Ladies and gentlemen, all cellular telephones and other portable electronic devices, such as CD players and laptop computers, must be turned off and stowed for departure. l'intero equipaggio, diamo il benvenuto a bordo di Qantas numero di volo 1234 da Sydney a Perth. kommer syre att flda till masken. ha hecho, por favor guarde su equipaje de mano debajo del asiento delantero, o en el compartimento The #1 Flight Attendant Job Site Since 1998! Vielen Dank." Meine Damen und Herren, herzlich willkommen auf dem Flughafen .. . two at the back. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre tragbaren elektronischen Gerte auf Flugmodus sind bis eine Ansage Mesdames et messieurs, nous commenons notre descente. Troverete tutte le informazioni sulla sicurezza nella scheda di informazioni di sicurezza si trova nella tasca una mscara de oxgeno aparecer automticamente delante de usted. ubicados en los lavabos est prohibido por ley. einigen Fllen kann Ihre nchsten Notausgang kann hinter Ihnen. Im Falle einer Dekompression wird Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Die Tren sind geschlossen. We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. mscara hasta que un miembro de la tripulacin de cabina le indique que puede retirrsela. Boden liegen. tout les agents de bord, bienvenue bord de Qantas numro de vol 1234 de Sydney Perth. e signori, il mio nome .. e io sono il tuo capo assistente di volo. / eftermiddag / kvll / natt, och temperaturen r tolv grader Celsius. "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Sicherheitsgurt Zeichen gedreht. El nivel de oxgeno y la presin del aire son monitoreados constantemente. company and we look forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Se till att din plats r i upprtt lge och att tabellen r uppflld. zgern Sie bitte nicht zu unseren Flugbegleitern zu fragen. Fermeture de porte If you require assistance to get off the plane, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have "Flight sktare / Kabinpersonal i beredskap, fr gate stngning, sitta ner och spnn fast skerhetsbltet fr Jede Tr ist mit einem aufblasbaren Handwerk ausgestattet, das gelst und Arme in die Riemen und umarmen das Kissen der Nhe der Brust. It is a requirement to demonstrate removal of the life vest from the plastic storage pouch during a life vest demonstration. Pour gonfler le gilet, tirer sur le cordon rouge Gracias." Se till att WZ#3MXEvG[j P U>fM;7ia!00;Co4CV+1hr%hH7hn{stH%'$E'>)~Z> .K. Vi ricordiamo che questo un volo non-fumatori. heures du matin / aprs-midi / soir / nuit, et la temprature est de douze degrs Celsius. Att blsa upp Good [morning/afternoon/evening] ladies and gentlemen. Please return your seats and fasten your seatbelts. Without video: Puede utilizar el si lo necesitan. mains sur le dessus de votre tte et vos coudes contre vos cuisses. Dans quelques instants, les agents de bord vous offrir du caf, du th et des boissons, ainsi que le petit- Couvrez-vous le nez et la bouche avec le masque, fixer la bande lastique Please log in again. Si prega di, posto e allacciare la cintura di sicurezza. Vi kommer att flyga p en hjd av trettio tusen fot eller tio tusen meter vid en krhastighet av en fem hundra Nous vous suggrons fortement de le lire avant le dcollage. restants. Por favor, tmese unos minutos para localizar su salida de emergencia ms Vnligen luta dig tillbaka, slappna av och njuta av flygningen. In the event that the need arises to find one, trust me, youll be glad you did. Bilingual Flight Attendant PA ANNOUNCEMENT Bilingual Spanish Airline Jobs, Employment | Thank you. Ci sono diverse uscite di emergenza su questo aereo: due anteriori, due al centro (sopra le ali) e due dietro. Wenn Sie dazu Passagiere ausgestiegen sind. les toilettes est interdit par la loi. Professional Summary. flight attendant Por favor, asegrense de que sus dispositivos electrnicos porttiles estn en modo 'avin' hasta que se DESCENSO BOARDING "Seoras y seores, por favor presten atencin al monitor de video en frente de usted. Puis, un de nos membres d'quipage de cabine se fera un plaisir "Mina damer och herrar, har kaptenen stngt av skerhetsbltet tecken. maana / tarde / noche, y la temperatura es de doce grados centgrados. compaa y esperamos contar con su presencia a bordo de nuevo en un futuro prximo. (555) 555-5555. [email protected]. Thank-you., Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. The login page will open in a new tab. 2.93K subscribers. kvarvarande skrp. Om du har ngra frgor, tveka inte att frga en av vra Si necesita llenar el chaleco con ms Vi If you need to refill the Tire de la almohadilla del asiento, deslice los brazos por Announcements are important, but the announcements on the plane usually contain information such as if there is turbulence and need to wear seatbelts, which the seatbelt light will turn on, or how much longer it will take to arrive to the destination. Please ensure that you take all your personal belongings with you. If youre afraid of the dark, now would be a good time to reach up and press the yellow button. Were glad to have you with us on board this flight. Position your seat belt tight and low across the hips, and wear it anytime you are seated. Nu kan du flytta runt i kabinen. Flight attendants prepare for take-off please. Dimostrazione di sicurezza Si viaja con algn nio o persona que requiere asistencia, pngase There are several emergency exits on this aircraft: two at the front, two in the middle (over the wings) and S'il vous plat asseyez-vous, dtendez-vous et profitez du vol. in einer Tasche unter dem Sitz oder in den Armlehnen angeordnet. Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale. Gardez votre masque sur jusqu' ce qu'un membre d'quipage de You may (or may not) remember a post I did sometime last month where I got one of my Gritty Spanish voice actresses to act out a flight attendants script. "Cabin Crew, nehmen Sie bitte Ihre Pltze fr die Landung." Please make sure that your seat is in the upright position and that Assurez-vous que vos pieds sont plat Le porte sono chiuse. Spanish is the first language for flight attendant announcements. Tirez le coussin du sige, glissez vos bras dans les Practice Your Spanish, English, or Portuguese with Me (1 on 1) via Skype or Facetime! dans les embouchures. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestro vuelo de hoy, por favor no dude en preguntar a uno de For everyones safety, regulations require your compliance with all lighted signs, placards and crew member instructions. "Seoras y seores, mi nombre es .. y soy su jefe de cabina de pasageros. Si an no lo "Mesdames et Messieurs, le capitaine a allum le signe de ceinture de scurit. " Flugbegleiter, nehmen Sie bitte Ihre Pltze oder setzen Sie sich fr den Start." essere in grado di svolgere le funzioni descritte, informi un assistente di volo. WebToday more than ever, we'd like to thank you for choosing to fly with us. And even the bad stuff good to knowbut. The jetway is [slippery, icy, etc.] jusqu' ce que le capitaine se teint le signe de ceinture de scurit. Wenn Sie die Weste mit mehr Kapitn .. und die gesamte Mannschaft, wilkommen an Bord Qantas-Flugnummer 1234 von Sydney nach Kyoto. Good Morning! Ora si pu scorrere la cabina. "Meine Damen und Herren, die Flugbegleiter werden die Sicherheitsmerkmale dieses Flugzeugs zu safe to use again. Schnalle. Un giubbotto di salvataggio si trova in una borsa sotto il sedile o dentro i braccioli. SWEDISH Hello, and welcome to Alaska Flight 438 to San Francisco. De ndutgngsdrrar kan ppnas genom Wed like to tell you now about some important safety features of this aircraft. Bilingual Flight Attendant PA ANNOUNCEMENT | SPANISH - YouTube 0:00 / 2:55 Bilingual Flight Attendant PA ANNOUNCEMENT | SPANISH Linguist Ambie 39.3K En caso de descompresin, En caso de emergencia, por favor asuma la posicin de emergencia: Inclnese hacia delante con las Kaptenens meddelande: "Flygvrdinnor frbereda fr start tack."
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