The "idiot trend" of looking like slobs is, sadly, not likely to turn back the other way any time soon. They have already been forgotten and more mass shootings will inevitably follow. What kind of a standard is that? Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? On a recent visit to LA calling into a Walmart was depressing. I get turned off by the ugliness of tattoos and poorly and slovenly dressed people every time I go out. Clothes way to tight or to small. The "trend" of people wearing pajamas (usually bottoms) in public is not new. If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. Another point of contention is how everyone gets away with using profanity, whether they are politicians making a speech, or even Ken Jennings on Jeopardy, who was "bleeped out" on a recent episode. I think it ridiculous when I see a woman who has an oversized derrier that she feels she can stuff into a pair of tight jeans. These teachers dress like slobs. The Bump I don't think so!" Plus,laziness&lack of class,does indeed play a role in it. Consider a recent story in the news about Mitchell Casado--a. working for uFly--who was fired for not dressing professionally enough. Not many people mentioned women's hair yet, besides their greasiness. Frayed denim hems swept the filthy floor. All I know is, I make twice the money I did in 1995 but feel about half as professional. One goes to the grocery store and can use the self-checkout lane, yet human labor is still needed to oversee that we can, ironically, do it ourselves and not cheat or steal while doing so. We must be the worst dressed country in the world. My theory about the dress culture getting out of hand is due to the influence of music culture. Womena lot of womendress sloppily, too--but as a woman, I've noticed a few things about guys that have turned me off. The store thanked me for reporting this and said they would take care of the problem. Maybe today's generation feels it has to buy garments that can be washed without being dry cleaned. Leave your hair looking like a bird's nest and conveniently forget you own an iron, and an ironing board. People were dressed far better even in the Great Depression, which is telling, because style in the 30s didn't stop evolving due to hard times. Technology and addiction to devices, maybe. Are these so-called famous people for real, or are they competing for the outlandish awards? As for ankle pants--what happens when winter hits? However, I continually wonder what the hell has happened to our country, with its sham "values" and its embrace of the ugly and hideous, whether it be in fashion, bodies, attitude, politics (don't get me started about Trump!) Basically, we don't have an audience. SupaSaucy. (Polo ralph Lauren being one of them). After all, if you dress better, youll feel better. I've copped a few comments about trying too hard and things like that which i just let wash over my head. How about the trashy women who wear bra tops with ugly tattoos showing? I work in a hospital and every morning, the filth that comes in is strangely the same; middle aged or older couples deessed in old nasty t-shirts with some ugly meaningless logo, sweatpants for the gals, dirty jeans and tennis shoes for both and nearly all smell like ash trays. I think people need to realize that looking nice and decent does wonders for their self-esteem and their own civility. What's behind shortages of Adderall, Ozempic and other meds? You are exactly right. Blah! Feeling good about. I was feeling special. You know, older people here are mature and appropriate, while younger. And we're smart enough to know that clothes aren't that important and we can weed out women from our lives who judge us on our clothes. Is this what America has given as an example to the rest of the world? I was out shopping this past week and I was horrified to see so many women look like they just got out of bed. I won't change but i definitely don't fit in appearance wise. I have been noticing this problem for years. I wear mens jeans and button up shirts. Smoking: Three homeless people from South Ferry doss houses are in Battery Park on June 6, 1941. Casino clientele today is definitely not the way they look in the movies!redc1c4 - I suppose you've never heard of the saying "dress the part"? You can blame the bloated, greedy corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon for contributing to a culture of mass exploitation, and mass production all for the obese masses to consume without thought. s-a-h-d. Another excellent post! This is the reason why sites like People of Walmart get the attention they do--many of the images on there are so unbelievably grotesque and repulsive (breasts, bellies, and butts spilling out of too tight fabric; underwear missing altogether; bodily fluids leaking onto the aisle floor) they make me throw up in my mouth. Yes, we're inundated with those "below the knee shorts and untucked T-shirts." People seem to enjoy looking like bums. Lose weight and you too can fit into nice suits. You can see what this means by tuning into Judge Judy and looking at how far down the tubes America has really gone in the last 20-30 years! To me it's no different then saying you don't like a certain artist and their artwork. I was reminded of a David Sedaris essay where he suggested to North Americans visiting Paris that one shouldn't visit another person's country dressed like they have come over to fix the plumbing. 2 Feedbacks on "Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs" Surellin. Sad isn't it? The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". I LIKE wearing a suit when I go out, though I may appear overdressed in even "fine dining" establishments. Take a look sometime at how male movie stars are dressed for a magazine shoot, and especially European celebs. However, the sad part is that we are now supposed to believe that such public obscenities are to be humored, or accept them for what they choose to be. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs. Yet, there's a librarian still waiting at the checkout counter to assist you to "do it yourself" and unlock dvd cases. No, not really. I'm not trying to say the 50s and 60s were perfect but at least they had interesting subcultures. They have ruined their otherwise good looks. You're only displaying that you're a dumb ass who thinks he is invulnerable to getting pneumonia. Showing up on time, looking nice, and sitting in the front attentive and off your phone ought to go a long way!Lastly, let's talk about body shapes. The guys who showed up--many of whom were single--looked like they were about to go hiking or to the beach. The human body looks better, in my opinion, when unadorned. But I can't understand why, given that modern technology has provided new fabrics, better environmental controls (A/C . I believe such personal values start at home but the catch-22 is if they weren't there or inculcated to begin with. People looking like potato sacks. Anyways, thanks for stopping by! This has zero to do with being poor. Using profanity on live tv or radio in the "old days" was once unthinkable, but now there are those who think that free speech enables them to be a foul mouthed pig - or look like one. Canadian here and I can tell you the majority of people dress terribly. Each person is in essence lonely. One would think this common sense, but evidently it's a mystery to those at the management level. Sure, everybody thinks that because they live in the United States of Moronica, have tattoos, piercings or want to look as though they have been living in a homeless encampment (even if they really don't) that this is freedom of expression. Apparel is being displaced by travel, eating out and activitieswhat's routinely lumped together as "experiences"which have grown to 18 percent of purchases. He must know where he's going. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8, Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a subscriber? First, it was clothing, then came the no shave look. Not so Caroline Wozniacki and some others I'll go on to mention. Giorgio Armani designer fitted jeans, a fitted Stone Island, Dolce & Gabbana or other designer Italian t shirt, smart trainers such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana or even Adidas Gazelles. Even then there were much better choices and styles in menswear and home furnishings, etc. People should pay attention to keeping up appearances instead of rotting their minds with the unsrestricted use of technology. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I worked at a nationally known clothing and home goods retailer. The fashion industry doesn't help by encouraging with the "rags" it comes out with. I thought I was the only who even noticed and am very glad for your article. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? It's no different than plastic surgery -- getting a bump smoothed out on your nose is one thing, but transforming yourself with multiple surgeries into a human Barbie (or Ken) doll is quite another. All the blouses are super long that I can't find a decent blouse to go with skirts. adiClub Members: Extra 33% Off + Free Shipping, Last-Minute Hotel Deals for April 2023 - Up to 60% off, Get an Extra 5% off - exclusive Priceline promo code 2023, 10% off In-App bookings - Hotwire Coupon Code. I'm an American professor in Kurdistan and even here, people when they dress casually look put-together and not unclean. Americans dress like slobs because their phones are more - Wired Most blokes manage to scrub up well, but, man, do some women take liberties. Now that I'm more mature, I want to completely revamp who I am and have a classic wardrobe with mostly dresses and skirts. Being cool and counterculture meant dressing like a local thug. What you say is true, and as a New Zealander living in the UK, my impression is that the British are more careful about what they wear and many of my compatriots have slid down the same mucky hole as some Americans. Thoroughly enjoyed reading the article and all the comments! I told my Kurdish husband how I once knew a French professor in her late 60s in DC who always dressed very neatly - casual chic. Different strokes and all that. ), I have seen too many men dressed inappropriately in fine restaurants and other venues that call for some professionalism: baseball caps (a huge no-no when worn indoors, guys--remember that scene from. As Grant Williamson, 25, a Knoxville, Tenn. law student and admirer of these stars style admitted, Its kind of sloppy., Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Wal-Mart slob ethic is pervasive everywhere (people of wal-Mart!) I mentioned that "in order to be respected, one must first be respectable", and the younger person disagreed and eventually said that she thinks people should wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Talk about a decline in class,decency&valuesugh. But yet people get offended if you voice your opinion about this. Kylie Jenner may have been wearing a classy Eat Me Out T-shirt, but at least she wasnt at the theater. His jacket length was too short in the body, his sleeves also too short. I love to dress casually myself and it would be pretty ridiculous to don a dress and gloves to pick up milk and bread, like they did in the 1950s. Dress well: get crap from people Dress like a slob: no one cares This loss of basic common sense of what looks good has been indicated into the people for generations. Hey Pam, I'm not American, i'm a young male living in Brisbane Australia but we've picked up the super casual slobby dress here too especially in my generation. Great article, Pam! Part of looking like you care about yourself,is taking care of both how you dress AND how you take care of the only body you have. Ray Bradbury had it right sixty years ago with his book Farenheit 451. I'm optimistic for the 2020s to see if we will see a fashion renaissance. I went to a department store and wandered around browsing in the clothing section. My grandfather used to say that the "pendulum swings." Not only are people suffering now post-pandemic due to inflation, they are also not likely to put much emphasis on keeping up appearances, although most looked dreadful even before the pandemic began over two years ago. The only people that I know who dress acceptable are the elderly. I usually put on a day dress and heels to go to school and get looks from people in their pajamas, it's very strange. It's really gotten ugly out there, I am sorry to say, when I feel compelled to report these public obscenities now. Never Yet Melted Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs People were fiddling with phones, and are mostly unable to even put the damn things away for a half hour meal. Not to mention the hoards of young males with scruffy beards and un-groomed facial hair.I get the feeling many have never heard of such a thing as a belt as well. Unless they are a Doctor, all are dressed like trash. As far as tattoos, I did write a post several years ago here about my distaste for them. I also own a lot of dressier clothing, which I wear when I can. I refuse to look like a slob. Just who is the "boss"?You can say the same about "Reality" shows, while a few decent ones, most are junk. The USA is being taken down on really don't want to know what happens next..David. I think it can be said that never before was a population of citizens in supposedly the world's most prosperous country so hideously attired. Another depicts him clutching a Juul, the millennial e-cig of choice. It's one thing if you have ONE tattoo that is well done and has personal meaning to you; it's another when someone has an entire body part or their body inked over, often with various random designs that don't relate to one another. Most people took pride in looking their best and dressing for success.
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