She stated that Bonnie had crossed the line using dark magic and if she continued on the path, Nature would punish her. She recommends a drink to the man and he thanks her for the insight. Sybil decides she doesn't like the new turn of events, that Bonnie chose wrong and that she'll have Damon kill Bonnie unless Enzo turns his humanity off. She then starts yelling at Bonnie to start packing while she,deep in thoughts figures out a way to save herself as well as Enzo. Taking matters into his own hands, Stefan races into the tomb and tosses Jeremy out. The spell commences and all appears right, Bonnie is going to be healed and have a 'second' chance at life. Grabbing her head he asks if she's alright. She tells Caroline that she knows they have a lot to talks, i.e. Bonnie is seen taking her pills and asking the nurse if she had any messages from her doctor. Bonnie has a very deep, strong, indescribable and undeniable attraction and connection with Damon Salvatore. However to due Matt's actions, The cruiser Bonnie is driving is sent plunging down the embankment; they crash into a tree. Her grief was so bad that Bonnie had even left town for a few weeks in order to escape. Kai tells Bonnie that he has watched her cast the spell to get them out of 1994 twice and has realized that he doesn't need her magic, just her blood. Bonnie asks Shane how he knows all this stuff and he says that he is Bonnie's biggest ally. It appears one of Klaus's hybrids compelled Jamie to kill himself if they don't tell the location of the coffins. Gaining the power of Expression, she was able to take down two Original vampires, as well as the very first immortal, Silas. In compliance, she, Bonnie and Caroline attempt to find Damon again. Bonnie fights back with the only other "weapon" she has; the Cure. As she faints, her shadow suddenly crawls away from her, and it is formed Markos' figure as he rises from her body. She confronts him that if it had came down to it he would have still chosen Damon, even knowing that Enzo fought Sybil at every turn while Damon submitted without hesitation. Klaus releases Jamie and watches over her with Damon as she attempts to do a locator spell to find Elena. #monologues He now has his answer, that when Bonnie screamed during her moment of her deepest pain, an extraordinary psychic blast of energy was released. Originally, Enzo and Bonnie met and became frenemies. At some point, Damon must of told her that Kai was going with them, so Bonnie must have come up with a plan to get rid of him and leave him behind in the prison world. In there, she sees a coffin. Bonnie also sees Alaric and Jeremy there and they all begin to plot out a plan to kill Katherine and rid Mystic Falls of her once and for all. Cause of death Your heart sunk when it became clear that Stefan would have to tell her that Jeremy was dead. Telling him that she has decided not to be sad, hanging on to her good memories and their time together. In early part of the first season, her style was very much "normal", regular denim, blue jeans with colored t-shirts. Knowing that Enzo's words are true in her heart, she teaches Lizzie and Josie the spell needed to save them --Phasmatos motus incendiamos!. Enzo quickly grabs her and returns to the living plane. Bonnie is irritated that in all their time together, this is the first time he's played the "immortal" card on her. Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. Aja's coven joins them and they begin the process of cleansing Bonnie by linking with one another. They remain close until Kai Parker links their lives together in season six and they are forced to live without each other. Through Jeremy's timely intervention, she was able to get back up again and she found the atlas where Damon left notes about Nova Scotia, giving Bonnie the idea of going there to access the power of Qetsiyah's blood in Silas' headstone to bring herself back. He tells her she needs to come with him, and that they are going to "register for classes.". Rudy tried to intervene, but Bonnie created a wall of fire to prevent her father from coming any closer. In Fade Into You, Bonnie is seen when Kai opens the trunk of a car to reveal her inside. 350. Just then, as Bonnie talks to Enzo, Stefan appears and she realizes he died. He touches her and she starts screaming. She tells Elena that Damon called her about it and how he's going to take it with her. He asks her to leave or that he'll make her. Upon her realization, Elena is not, she claims that it's not her time to die, that she was supposed to grow old and have children and grandchildren. Elena tells them that Bonnie can reverse the spell on the device and then they can hand over the device to Isobel. At the same time, Sloan and the Travelers are performing a spell to bring Markos back from the Other Side-through Bonnie. She asks what's next, eager to keep the journey going. He also tells her that she needs to let Damon try to bring her back. However, after Bonnie brought him back to life he started seeing and talking to the ghost of his ex-girlfriend, much to Bonnie's displeasure. Virginia told her that if she was a Bennett then the Armory would've found her a long time ago, making Bonnie tell her how she was taking pills to hide her magic so that the Armory couldn't find her. On December 22, 2007, Bonnie is fifteen years old and a freshman at Mystic Falls High School and is also helping her town prepare for the Mystic Falls Tree Lighting Ceremony. I can beat you. She senses Damon and tells him not to take another step, but he does. However, Enzo is saved by Bonnie, after his first death as a vampire after he was almost sucked into Oblivion from the Other Side collapsing. Bonnie tells them that she misses too much. However, in exchange, they want Bonnie to unseal the Armory's vault that was magically sealed by Lucy. However, during their time in the Prison World, both Bonnie and Damon ate pancakes everyday. Damon tells her that he wants them all to be alive and asks if she will help take down the devil. Bonnie is concerned and says they're not letting them out, but he says he might've reinforced that possibility as he already gave Lily the Ascendant for safe keeping. Bonnie insisted that she didn't need help, but Rudy said that the fact that she thinks she didn't need help only meant that she needed help even more. She tells her not to open it until Stefan is back as it's wedding themed. Bonnie is annoyed by the growing list too but is interrupted when Tyler, who was killed moments ago by Markos passes through her, though she promises him they found a way to bring them all back. Later she hears a gunshot, following in her mom making Bonnie unconscious and giving her herbs that take away her magic temporarily. She says there will be consequences, and Alaric tells her to get them to shut up as Jeremy is just a kid. Moment later, Bonnie takes Josie and Lizzie to the bathroom in the Founder's hall, unaware of Kelly Donovan's plan to blow the place up. ENZO: I think they're siphoning directly from you. Matt then explains that he drives up and down the streets of Mystic Falls where there used to be kids playing, people in the street, etc. Bonnie and Jeremy are enjoying a game of pool when Luka once again joins them. He understand that she can't turn (because of Elena), but he expresses that he's the luckiest man on the planet. Jeremy and Caroline are soon there to help him up and back to Caroline's house. Bonnie and Jeremy arrive at the Lockwood mansion and find an empty room to set up for the trap. She indicate that they, the sirens and Cade, are connected. She walks into her room and lights all the candles. You may kiss the bride, little brother. After seeing JO's lifeless body, she tells him that she will try to bring her back. I miss you. After a brief few words of encouragement from Elena Bonnie decides to go back out there to Ben and give him a big kiss. They embrace and share a passionate kiss. Silas awaits.". Eventually, though she agrees to let him help them and in turn, she needs to bring him back too. Later, the two find Silas, frozen in a vampire state. He tells her that he will help her access Expression once she needs it and that he needs her to stay in control. ", And for Caroline: "I watched you decorate that dorm room like your life depends on it. Bonnie tries to convince Lucy to break the spell but Lucy tells her she can't unless they hand over the moonstone. She returns his necklace by telling him if it means something more than her love. As she is walking though the house, she spots a catatonic Damon and tells her that she needed to get out of bed, now. Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna, she then informed Caroline who in turn relayed this information to Bonnie. Enzo knocks out Damon with a tranquilizer and then Bonnie before she can perform any magic. It has been mentioned in the novels that Bonnie might possibly have another sister other than Mary, although this is not certain and has not been confirmed so it is assumed that Bonnie only has one sibling. Bonnie is relieved though saddened that he is still suffering from Sybil's control after everything she did to get him back. She has had numerous boyfriends, crushes and infatuations who she doesn't seem to take seriously at all due to her fickleness, flightiness and her inability to commit to a stable, long-term romantic relationship. She doesn't know but, fed up with the conversation and with a new idea, she tells she'll go directly to the source: she'll ask Arcadius himself. She tells her what she did and says she did not have a choice and hangs up, obviously upset. Damon tries to be reasonable; even if someone is there, that doesn't guarantee a way out. Later, Bonnie went to tell Jeremy that Shane wanted to try again, but Damon said that he needed to find someone he can attach his warm and fuzzy feelings on, and Jeremy chose Bonnie. This is likely what kept Bonnie sane, as Amara was alone and petrified which greatly aided her offset and crazy personality. Bonnie tells him that he should come home as she wants him with her, not separated by miles during her last moments. She tells him that she hopes he's not talking about Kai and, even though Damon continues to refuse this, she tells him that she has an incredibly strong feeling that she can't explain and suggests that she may be exhibiting some psychic phenomena because of what her Grams told her before taping into her magic. Bonnie pleads with Virginia but she turns away, causing Bonnie to reveal that she is a Bennett Witch, which makes Virginia face her again. After Silas teaches her the spell, she teaches it to Liv and as she walks out to let Enzo in on everything, Silas comes quickly from behind. Still furious at Damon, she reluctantly accepts his help. Jeremy tries to convince Bonnie that she is not strong enough to carry out this spell. She instructs Tammy to extend the invitation to their other guest, Enzo. She appeared in Masquerade. In Coming Home Was a Mistake, Bonnie is still tirelessly working to regain Enzo's humanity. Bonnie and her grandmother soon begin the ritual of chanting the spell. Bonnie tries but discovers that her powers are blocked. Bonnie was about to crush her skull but stopped when other students walked in the hallway and Katherine bolted. Silas explains that if witches are channeling one another, the death of one will result in the death of the rest. He wants her to remember the moment of Enzo's death and the moment of how it felt, the lost of her love and her happiness. By Andy Swift / May 15 2014, 6:26 PM PDT. Bonnie and Damon then proceed to set everything up,and just when Bonnie performs the spell, the two get separated when she gets shot by an arrow. After Markos violently tore his way out of the Other Side with the help of the Travelers, it began falling apart. However long it takes. She looks into his eyes and brings him into a moving kiss and he embraces her into a hug. Bonnie looks in the cell and doesn't see Lily and when she turns around, Lily grabs her and she breaks out of her hold. Bonnie, angered with Tiki's attitude, makes the hose run with her powers, and Tiki gets wet in the process. Herself (Twice)John Gilbert (Indirectly/3rd time/With Klaus Mikaelson)Jeremy Gilbert (3rd time)Malachai Parker (Twice/Temporarily in the Prison World)Matt Donovan (5th time)Some Phoenix Stone VampiresKatherine Pierce (indirectly)Stefan Salvatore (indirectly) Bonnie confirms Damon's worse fear: Katherine is back and running hell. Elena jumps over the fire and shakes Bonnie out of her trance. But that didn't seem to do much to her determined nature as she wakes up and attacks Matt, rendering him unconscious, and totally driven by her hatred towards Damon. Enzo, at peace, continues to watch over her. Bonnie begins a spell which "vacuums" up Jeremy's Hunter's Mark (meanwhile, another hunter of the Five, Galen Vaughn, has his tattoo disappear as well). Later, Bonnie is at her house and Jeremy enters, telling her that Kol is in their house and they need her help. What if it could be ours?" He's determined that they will still have their future and that he doesn't need the cure to be happy, just her. Although Bonnie puts on a facade of strength and courage, she has proven that deep down, she is very emotionally vulnerable and she is in need of love, comfort and support. He wants to know he she's made any effort towards freeing Enzo from hell. He follows up with another question: "why not forgive Stefan?" Alive (Resurrected/Granted Rayna's Remaining Lifespan) At prom, Elena is mean to Bonnie telling her that she was a walking reminder of all the tragedy in her life. Bonnie reluctantly unlinks The Originals. She expresses that before him, she never knew what it was like to want to be with someone for forever. Later, Stefan and Damon bring Bonnie off to the side to try and get her to help them with Mason. Katherine slits Jeremy's wrist open and feeds him to Silas, who grabs Jeremy, giving Katherine an opening to grab the cure, and with that, she takes off. She wants to know why he's following her and he explains that he's not done with her. Later, Bonnie and Shane are shown together in Shane's office. Back at the Armory Bonnie and Stefan talk about how with Sybil back in captivity they might get some answers. Jeremy thanks him for everything he has done. In Rose, Stefan approaches Bonnie about trying to remove the curse on the tomb so that they can get Katherine's help. He's preparing her breakfast in the kitchen as she prepares the table. The doors they are at are unlocked, Enzo giving her the honors and she enters. Bonnie frequently talks about, fantasizes about and romanticizes death, especially her own; constantly talking about her Scottish grandmother's prophecy that she would be young and beautiful in her grave, and she is going to die romantically. She tells him that she's been a bit psychic later and that she knows his worse fear is being trapped back in a prison world. Stefan goes ahead and Bonnie remains back at the crime scene getting more information from the investigator. In Welcome to Paradise, Bonnie is first seen with Damon in-store in the Other Dimension. Bonnie is having a difficult time letting Caroline back into her since she is now a Vampire. Just as Bonnie is about to reveal to Damon there is no spell to save her or The Other Side,Jeremy arrives before she can say anything. Blaming Damon for what has happened to Caroline, using her powers, Bonnie soon has Damon on the ground clutching his painful head. She is sitting with her mother while she goes through the transformation. She opens up and explains to Luka that lately, the spells have been too hard on her. I-- [She falls to her knees, immeasurable pain and grief distorting her face. Seeing that Bonnie is fine, Elena tries to once again convince Stefan that she cares for him and that she wants to be with him. The episode ends with Bonnie's death. | Later, at the Boarding House, Bonnie explains to the gang, and Alaric and Dorian who are at the Armory, that when Cade crossed planes with the eleventh ring of the Maxwell bell, other souls like Kai could do so as well. Later on, as Bonnie and Enzo get ready to head on back to Mystic Falls, the Traveler Enzo spoke about finally shows up. Stefan shows up and demands that Sybil "fix" this. But she also tells him that she fell in love with a vampire that makes her feel alive and admits that she would turn for him, but that's not all it means to hear. Also on her neck were ligature marks where Bonnie identifies she was strangled with a guitar string; another clue specifically left by Enzo for Bonnie to find. Stefan/Enzo, and whatever trouble is heading their way, but she doesn't want to talk about that now. Her magic fills the room and begins to shake and rumble chandeliers and other artifacts around her. Bonnie tells him that she has found her 'Hope' and she convinces him to find his. The Vampire Diaries Club Join New Post. Lost in despair, Bonnie had temporarily left Mystic Falls. In I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie is dying and Stefan tries desperately to revive her with chest compression. Before Lucy leaves the party, Bonnie stops her to try and figure out who she is. Bonnie reveals that she will put the veil back up after she brings Jeremy back from the dead. That night she and Enzo are still in the woods by the Founder's Hall. Shane tells Damon that he knows once they find the cure, he will try and kill him, but Bonnie has to keep him alive so that she can stay alive. After listening to Rayna express her grief and loss, her yearning, Bonnie reveals that she has finally gotten her magic back. A while after when he hugs Abby, her vampire instincts take over and she bites him. Enzo is controlling her memories now and they walk and talk about Bonnie's time before vampires were apart of her life. He asks her how much power she will need to kill an Original and Bonnie tells him that she needs all of it. 136 (including 1 voice footage episode) He tells her not to trust him and she loses the connection. Bonnie approaches the common room, a women is signing Christmas carols. Shane looks around the room and Bonnie sees that all the other candles in the room have been lit. In O Come, All Ye Faithful, Bonnie went to the Gilbert Family Lake House with Jeremy and Shane to help Jeremy control his urge to kill vampires and his sister Elena. After he was evicted from her home, she tried inviting him in, though nothing is working and the spell holds. Before her departure, Sheila gives words of encouragement to Bonnie, reminding her of her strength, and how proud she is of how far Bonnie has come. She puts her hands to his chest and soon the lights flicker. When Caroline reaches out to grab the necklace, she gets a shock from the necklace. He eventually told her there was so much he wanted to say to her but nothing seemed right. Touching her arm, Bonnie soon realizes that it is Katherine and not Elena. Virginia relents and explains there was a vault below the Armory that was sealed by a Bennett witch. Finally, she shows up and Bonnie claims they found a way for all of them to come back, including Grams. Alaric appears and asks to speak to Jeremy alone. Caroline questions that sicne Damon killed Vicki, why does he want her around in his subconscious. She informs Damon of this new information, which he proceeds to kill another incarnation of Rayna. As Bonnie comes behind Enzo, she too is pained by the fork and clutches on to the table, Enzo, more worried about Bonnie comes to her aid. Sometime later, She accompanies Caroline to the Bridal Shop, unbeknownst to them that Damon has been commanded by Sybil to hunt down and kill Bonnie. He tells her that they are no longer suffering and that only blood can bring them back. As the clock tower strikes 10 PM, Vickie rings the bell for a final time and hellfire explodes from the bell, shooting outward from the bell tower. Enzo attempts to follow, though he's bound by the threshold spell. After a moment, she angrily shoves the calendar off the table into the fireplace. Bonnie was in a romantic relationship with Lorenzo St. John before his death. Caroline wants to rehearse the bouquet toss, even telling her that she is willing to rig it for her (and Enzo). Klaus tries to desiccate Alaric but fails when Alaric overpowers him. Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline stay at the Vault, waiting and searching, though there is nothing, no indication of where they had left to. She refuses to let him go and rushes back into the cabin and snuffs out the flame. Later, Bonnie confronts Damon at the warehouse district after she learns he is planning on to desiccate himself until Elena wakes from the Sleep Beauty Spell. After she's done, she asks him if the syringe is enough though he doesn't respond. Damon is visibly horrified at this and reveals to the others that he made a suicide pact with Bonnie when they believed it was just the two of them in this world. Enzo concludes that she is not waking up because she is Bonnie, that she would have to kill them if she was to wake. Bonnie comments that she just wanted to be sure and, reconciled, they decide they want to fight for their home back and will not let the Heretics win. In The Murder of One, Klaus threatens Jeremy. As she goes back inside, she comes face to face with Stefan. Bonnie, and Silas (in the form of Shane). She tells them that there is a place outside of Grove Hill, a mansion called The Pond Estate and that is where Sybil's been hiding and like they will likely find the tuning fork. She comforts her by telling her that he wouldn't want her to suffer and that she needs to let he go. Bonnie and Jeremy are situated on a bench kissing, when Jeremy breaks apart, mocking Bonnie's excuse to Elena that she was "registering for classes" to instead come and see him. As she is leaving, Armory agents have entered the dorm's common area, guns at the ready to tranquilize her. I intend to be your last. Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk. Not being able to shake it, she follows her senses and comes across Lucy. However in later seasons, she began to wear a more "unique" style, with floral, flared cardigans, dark jackets and matching accessories such as long necklaces and pendants with small earrings, which Bonnie is regularly seen wearing. Seline tells thems that she not Sybil and wont harm them. They eat together and Bonnie comforts Damon, claiming she misses their friends and family too. Bonnie however is still trying to solve one word in the crossword puzzle she's never managed to solve, much to her annoyance. In the early parts of season five, her appearance and outfit when she died remains unchanged. He shows her into a room where she sees old Grimoire's. Katherine Pierce suddenly arrives (disguised as Elena, who she attacked earlier) and saves Jeremy from Vaughn, who was about to kill him. Bonnie was visibly stricken as she heard that she was going to die again. In Do Not Go Gentle, Bonnie is seen attending the 1920s Decade Dance with Jamie. Bonnie unaware of Ezno's presence remembers and gathers her passport from her night stand. Realizing that she overreacted, Caroline apologized to Bonnie. He tells her to stop and speeds over to her and puts her in a choke-hold, but she magically throws him off before she puts the fire out. Bonnie comes to Shane and tells him that she doesn't see a spell in Jeremy's tattoos, after studying them. Matt cuts her off and tells her that he saw Vicki. She casts a spell but begins to worry as the other witches are angry at her for returning and don't want to help. The two make a deal that she will have dinner with him then they will go their separate ways with Kai letting her take the car. She tells them that to change his mind, they will have to confront him and ask him themselves as to why be believes he's in hell. This is the truth, Stefan. You know I would send you 300 e-mails back if I could. Hearing Bonnie's intake of breath, Caroline and Elena watch as the necklace floats into the air all on its own. Complying with Bonnie's wish, she performs a ritual, a sance. Without Sybil, Bonnie confirms that she was right, that Stefan will always protect Damon and that she has no power to help Enzo. Bonnie looked on in horror as the orderlies took an anger Virginia out of the room. After Seline's conversation doesn't end well, Bonnie spies the list she has been writing, a list of names with Georgie's at the top. There, she sees she is not alone. He tells her that he's going to give her an understanding of what she's become and that like him, she had a powerful traumatic awakening. Shane tries to get Bonnie to light a candle. She proceeds with the spell, though it required the use of dark magic. Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation. He tries to crawl backwards but Bonnie aims the shotgun at him.