The many colors of this stone, especially its blues and greens, show how it brings harmony to multiple chakras, such as the throat and heart chakras. Due to the nature of our witchcraft and personal care products, refunds are only possible if the item is damaged or missing from the order, returns are accepted only if the seal is unbroken and products have not been opened, otherwise the products cannot be resold and they are a total loss. Looking at the long game is what Rhodonite helps to encourage. According to Hesiod's Theogony, Gaia (Earth) gave birth to Pontus (Sea) parthenogenetically. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health, you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. Well Medusa Quartz is a gemstone that could easily be advertised in the same way. We have selected Serpentine as the stone to represent Medusa's energetics. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. With its frosty white and cool blue hues, Apophyllite is a brilliant stone for calming an overactive mind. When left in their natural state, you can connect with them at a deeper level. Similarly, if you have been unwell, the energies of this stone can help you to make a faster recovery. Alongside its wonderful ocean like colors, Abalone Shell is a protective stone, not least since it serves this same literal function in nature. Many have dubbed it the Gamblers Stone, believing that it connects you to good fortune and lucky streaks. Copyright 2006-2023 Crystal Vaults. It also offers some benefits in addition to being unique. This allows you to tune your thoughts and intentions to achieve change in your physical reality. While trapped on Earth, Crystal learned more about the Humans from a local man named . Exploring beyond our physical bodies becomes all the more easy when Celestite is around. It has the appearance of moss like patches within the stone intermingled with turquoise coloured, irregular spot-like inclusions caused by the presence of Gilalite. Love and Light! This crystal promotes a clear mind, as well as openness and honesty in your communication. It was commissioned as a gift for the Grand Duke of Tuscany. These original articles are a starting point and/or additional information for crystal meanings,how to articles, and more, with additional articles on crystal healing, energy work, Reiki, Seichim, gemstone metaphysical lore, crystal formations, and other metaphysical and spiritual topics. Youre only human, after all! It can help to alleviate all kinds of physical pain and injuries, as well as enhance effective circulation of both the bloodstream and your spirit bodys energy centers. If youre finding yourself overcome by pessimism in everything around you, this crystal can reset that perspective to a more balanced one. Gods favored him by providing with five objects to overcome his ordeal a knapsack to hold Medusas head; Hermess winged sandals; Hadess helm of darkness (for invisibility); Zeuss adamantine sword; and a highly reflective bronze shield from Athena. But it also gives you the compassion you need to forgive yourself, and any others who might have wronged you along the way. It can awaken you to higher wisdom and connect you to guidance from beyond the physical world, but its just as effective as a stone for physical healing too. These vary in price according to the size of the piece and the value of the stone and our expertise can often steer you away from investing in forgeries by mistake. Her hair forms long curls that, according to Mattel, foretell the serpents that will become her hair. The list below is an introduction to Goddesses and their crystals, certainly by no means a complete list, but it is a good beginning for anyone interested in understanding how to bring the Divine Feminine power into your life. Murtula, painted in 1596, was named after the poet, Gaspare Murtola who wrote. That means that it has been used since ancient times as a healer against head colds, flu, allergic reactions and sore throats. This makes this stone a popular one in overcoming anxiety, but also in staying true to oneself especially in matters of the heart. Radionics boxes are used to tune and amplify the frequency of intentions and can be used in magical practices and rituals. Green Calcite reminds us all that rest and relaxation are as important as ambition and accomplishment when it comes to progressing in life. We invite you to explore our website and find the crystal that speaks to you. As one of the most well known of the green crystals, Malachite is a stone that is deeply connected to the heart chakra. Our in depth articles can help you to choose crystals that help in any aspect of life and can also awaken your intuition and psychic energies so much that youll soon be an expert all your own! If youve somehow forgotten lifes little joys, or never seem to have fun in anything you do, this crystal can help you let your more cheeky side out to play. This stone seems to many to be a direct line to the heavens themselves, and you can likewise much more simply connect to your higher self under the energies of this stone. If youre looking to get back into harmony with nature, or are trying to find ways to escape the madness of big city life, Green Calcite can prove just the ticket. If it seems daunting, dont worry! Of course, the crystal also helps you have the self discipline to stick with a healthier lifestyle altogether. While many crystals specialize in one or another of your inner energy chakras, Bronzite is one of those comparatively rarer crystals that speaks to all of your chakras. Thats growth of an individual, growth in a relationship, growth in financial abundance anything you turn its powers towards. They use varying combinations of crystals, orgone, copper plates, stick plates, and in some cases they can also use an electrical current. The technique for the preparation and painting was complex. She is astute in the ways of protection and lends her guardianship to those who need her most. has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. If you have been feeling as though your progress in life has been obscured from sight thanks to negative feelings, Smoky Quartz can help to heal that, as well as overcome the pain. She is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. It awakens a braver side of you, but it does so in a way that isnt superficial. Crystals that are rich in culture and folklore dont come much more well known than Jade. The meaning of Medusa is powerful. By the fifth century BCE, that figure from Greek myth began to morph into an. McCallum's and Smartt's poems represent Medusa to reflect their own concerns as women of color from Jamaica and Barbados, respectively. The other crystal is Selenite. Through their ability to focus and amplify our power of concentration, they have found a valuable place in the practices of meditation and ritual. This crystal also helps you to embrace the challenges that come into your life with a sense of humor even the wisest of spiritualists know how powerful such a thing can be in the game of life! But you need the means to understand these stones as they behave in the present day, too. TIP: Compound stone names may be under the type of stone, such as Blue Quartz may be under Q for Quartz. It seems like all the mystical and ethereal colors you could imagine swirl into shapes within a piece of Labradorite. When Perseus was sent to kill Medusa, a hopeless task he was not expected to survive, Athena orchestrated the assassination. Agate works because it connects you to a broader perspective, and it helps you to see the pros and cons of any given situation. If you are so bogged down in the physical realm that your higher and spiritual selves are totally out of balance, this crystal can even the scales somewhat. Sometimes, its good to be a little stubborn! Serpentine for supporting personal transformation. Upon witnessing an uprising caused by Maximus, Crystal refused to bow down to the new King and instead escaped to Earth with Lockjaw in order to find the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family. Life can feel as unknowable as the sea at times, but Ocean Jasper reminds us that we can at least ride lifes currents accordingly. Furthermore, she is a goddess that helps young ladies to overcome a lack of confidence. Medusa represents feminine power. Medusa heads were traditionally carved as coral cameos for an extremely powerful protective amulet. Vibrant in color and also in its energies, Citrine is a crystal that cant help but inspire positivity and determination. It will inspire firm but compassionate words that get your point across, and also help you to see that most people making such requests really arent trying to be unkind to you. Clear Quartz Crystal is one of two basic crystals I believe everyone should start with if you are a beginner in crystals. This crystal is not only symbolic of romance, but also the love of family, of ones career, or even love of life itself. She wears snake jewellery and a chiffon fishtail skirt. Darkly Divine Crystals on Instagram: "Introducing Medusa, the legendary protector. You've been chosen to get a copy for FREE lucky you! If youve been feeling down of late, this influence is very much appreciated! Theres a rich earthy quality to Picture Jasper that helps to promote grounding energies and an overall appreciation for taking things slow when you need to. Discover the beauty and mystery of Crystals today and add to your Collections! Belladonnas Botanicals is not responsible for delays due to customs or products confiscated or destroyed by customs. They are determined through a combination of experimentation, intuition, and sometimes channeling. This link to Amazon might help get you started. Her face is a Gorgons mask, but her body is that of a woman dressed and girded for battle. Medusa may manifest as the beautiful goddess she was prior to her transformation or in her classic monster form with contorted face and snake locks. Youll learn how to tap into these healing energies and grounding powers, and how to use crystals to activate your own latent energies and psychic prowess. Jude Polack, founder and director of bewater, a company that . Perseus beheaded Medusa while she slept, but her severed head retained its power to paralyze and turn viewers to stone. Smoky Quartz helps you to find emotional balance, and it also brings you into greater harmony with those around you ideal if you have been confused by someones behavior of late. The image of her severed head remains a powerful protective amulet. That means it can help you to get over sickness and injury, but also that it gives you greater resilience to illness and fatigue. It connects to your solar plexus chakra, which is where the majority of energy exchange between people actually happens, as well as some intuitive insights or gut feelings, as we often call them. This is a crystal of cleansing, both yourself and your surroundings. The Greeks loved to romanticize their culture in the form of Greek mythology and every character in . Due to a long-time feud between Poseidon and Athena, he wanted to defile the latters temple. It can also help to align you with other people undergoing the same journey. Medusa Quartz is mined in Brazil, in the same location where you find Paraiba Tourmaline. As far as transformation goes in life, its usually either an ambition of ours, or the events of life forcing change upon us sometimes with or without our approval! If you are looking to end bad habits or overcome what is holding you back, Pyrite is definitely your friend. If you are looking for a particular birthstone you can find the birthstones for each month in the list below or more about birthstones here: Getting to the bottom of crystal meanings and understanding how to make those energies work for you is the guiding mission of Buyer accepts responsibility for all customs related issues. Either way, Athena was furious. Find the ones that seem right to you. Discover the beauty and mystery of Crystals today and add to your Collections! Through these discoveries, you will feel emboldened in following your life path with renewed passion. This crystal will help you to find the surface, so to speak, and to remain afloat when it feels like the currents of your circumstances threaten to pull you under. The decapitation of Medusa has a lot of influence in art. 2,143 likes. Evil Eye Amulet Because of Medusa's fearsome looks, her image was used for centuries in ancient Greece to ward off the evil eye. This crystal and its rich earth colors also connects you wonderfully to the natural world. It works by bringing the root causes of certain behaviors and poor life patterns into the light. The high vibrations of Lapis Lazuli make it a crystal that is very appealing to anyone wanting to fast track their spiritual growth. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world cant change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin. It can guide you intuitively when it comes to making investments or planning a career path, and can also help you to choose a long term partner with whom you can go the distance. The sweet cotton candy color of Rhodochrosite is a good indicator of how this crystal is seen as something of a treat. Through their ability to focus and amplify our power of concentration, they have found a valuable place in the practices of meditation and ritual. The minerals of Mother Earth are rich in power and magic. In fact, it could be said that this is one crystal thats ideal for getting to the bottom of some of yours, too. It brings them into alignment, and helps you to find out which aspects of yourself most need healing and attention. Citrine boosts your confidence accordingly too, so if youve been feeling on the back foot lately, turn to this crystal to help you get back on track and ready to speak your piece. A creative stone that empowered by the air element healing, yellow topaz combines the power of throat and third eye chakras. Pyrite also encourages self reflection though, and by spending time with the stone, you will come to learn the traits about yourself that arent serving your higher cause. She may also manifest as a mermaid. But alongside strengthening these parts of ourselves, Citrine also promotes the idea of growth. They have a long history of helping us focus our thoughts and prayers. This is a calming and peaceful crystal, even if one just considers its colors alone. Ambition and a sense of enthusiasm about life all get amplified when the energies of Apatite are let into your life. She helps females to attain their primes and become who they choose to be. Medusa and her sister Crystal were born to the Inhumans Ambur and Quelin in the city of Attilan. As we add to her work, you will see more and more of the Goddess names in the table below become links. Thats because self esteem and a deeper insight into yourself your strengths and your weaknesses is the kind of energy that Tigers Eye offers. This is a beautiful, versatile and highly sought after stone, and its energies and beauty only seem to become greater with age. The summer sunshine feel of Orange Calcite helps to really activate your positivity, as well as giving you the insight you need into good opportunities that come your way. It can also help with chest pains, respiratory issues and even circulation throughout the body. The Gorgon was also a representation of protection and had symbols. While belief in luck differs from one person to the next, a little extra good fortune coming ones way hardly hurts! Shop For More categories Crystals All Crystal Power Please note that stones may vary in size, shape, and finish (rough or tumbled). Another myth suggests that Athena possessed more than Medusas head: she flayed Medusa and wore her skin. Its a stone of faith and of belief in something beyond oneself. He is highly protective of her, as well as her daughter . It is known as the medusa quartz because if you look at the formations of Gilalite, it almost looks like the tentacles of a jellyfish. Its connection to the Aztecs and to Ancient China are well documented, and there has been mythology surrounding this stone for thousands of years. Hermes' Children. This stone works closely with your heart chakra, and helps you to find balance between doing for others and looking after yourself in as effective a way as possible. Moonstone is especially good for healing rifts in romance, and also encouraging new lovers to open their heart to one another. But patience is a virtue, and Dumortierite knows that. Garnet is most popular for being a rich red color, and similarly, this crystal can awaken red hot passion. However, Bronzite is a stone that also has a great deal of protective qualities. Red Jasper and its energies are inherently nurturing, and they encourage you to cut yourself some slack if things are going wrong or if you make lapses in judgment. Each stone has its own energies and attributes to get to grips with, but dont feel overwhelmed. Rhyolite is a crystal that enables you to see existing circumstances through a new perspective. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Coral is allegedly Medusas blood, which spilled into the sea and was petrified. It will give you the power to take a step back and observe lifes course from afar, as well as taking heart in the knowledge that any discomforts in your journey today are only temporary. Unconditional love knows no limits, as Rose Quartz and its energies know all too well. Sweet and speckled, Dalmatian Jasper is a crystal of purely playful energy. Lepidolite helps you in all aspects of transformation, including physical, meaning its a good aid for dieting or cultivating a new look. This crystal is one that give you insight into lifes patterns, and helps you to recognize that sometimes you have to plant seeds well ahead of their harvest to make the most of things. Nabataean Goddess of Fertility and the Sea, Greek Goddess of the Hunt, and Childbirth, Phoenician Goddess of Fertility, Love and War, One of the three Celtic Goddesses of Sovereignty, Egyptian Cat Goddess of the Suns Blessings, Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge, Roman Earth Mother Goddess and Goddess of Spring Break, Roman Goddess of the Moon and Protector of Animals, One of the three Celtic Goddess of Sovereignty, Greenstone (Pounamu), Basalt, and Obsidian, Roman Goddess of Secret and Hidden Things, Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, Music, and the Arts, Arabian Goddess of Waning Moon, Time, Destiny, and Death, Norse/Germanic Earth Goddess of Fertility, African Goddess of Love, Intimacy, Beauty, and Diplomacy, Nabataean Goddess of Crescent Moon and Maidens, Crystals of Violet, Turquoise, and Indigo. But of course, doing so means much in the way of healing and growth so luckily, this stone can help you with that too. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people's lives, they are never a substitute for medical advice. In southern Asia, theres an ancient belief that menstruation indicates possession by snake spirits. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out. In fact, this crystal is an excellent companion for helping you to find your own fortune, and to embrace the ideas you need for that. Please note: It has beautiful drawings and easy to read stories. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses Written by Judika Illes Copyright 2009 by Judika Illes. This isnt just steered towards love, though, but also passion for anything else in life that you love art, work, fitness, or hobbies. While it is invaluable in piercing through illusions, dispelling poor karmic patterns and otherwise breaking apart anything that holds you back, it does this with an energy that is very direct and striking. She's often viewed as a strong figure. However, the information and insight this stone can help you to connect to is far more valuable than any mollycoddling and by keeping the powers of this stone in your mind, youll become someone capable of recognizing lies and deceit long before they have the chance to do any harm. If you feel like people have been walking all over you or exploiting your generosity for too long, Onyx might be able to help you stand firm. It has this magical quality of making life slow just a little just enough to take some valuable you time, sitting on the beach or strolling the garden. Together with us, youll learn how crystals of different origins, colors and vibrations can bring calming and peaceful energies to your life as well as energizing and inspiring you to overcome challenges in your love life, your career, and your personal growth. You may well feel as though the essence of life itself awaits you in this stone, so strong can its healing energies often be. We delve into the science, but also the spiritual meaning of both decorative jewelry gemstones and more traditional healing crystals. flee, for if your eyes are petrified in amazement, she will turn you to stone. Our Online Store and Live Sales gives you access to Crystals, Gemstones and Minerals, including rare unique pieces, ethically sourced from all around the World. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Yet in keeping with the adventurous sounding nature of this crystals name, these energies inspire you to follow your heart with daring! We do this not just with top level research, but also through communication with the crystal lovers community and plenty of our own personal experience. Many people believe that Medusa quartz has many benefits to the wearer. Medusa, in Greek mythology, the most famous of the monster figures known as Gorgons. It can likewise help to prevent any excessively energized bad behaviors, like nervous twitches and tics. Get more use and power from your crystals with the new Modern Witch's Guide to Crystal Power. Crystals represent many things, but what's important is the personal meaning of a tattoo to you! . Please confirm you want to block this member. Quartz with microscopic crystals are called microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline. One of the most popular monsters of Greek Mythology is Medusa. Sometimes, however, she is portrayed as a living woman. However, this is also a crystal that awakens your inner confidence, and can help you to find a healthier balance of humility and self esteem. Poseidon courted her. Many of these crystals have evocative names they have inherited over the ages, like petrified wood or Apache tears, but getting behind the mythology of crystals is simple if you know where to look. One, the question of why Medusa was painted as a shield. As Medusa is the snake goddess, she embodies Kundalini. kmart locations still open in 2021, 1970 oldsmobile cutlass build sheet,
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