Myself included, I quit for 10 years then started again after a stressful split. I had slowly gotten her up to around a pack and a half or so. 6 years of love sweat and tears, moving in together, travelling and building a company together. I find it strange a grown woman suddenly starts smoking. Around the same time, I started smoking cigarettes (have since quit). She will have to want to quit. I did and i finally asked why she started. Some may say one indulgence is one too many - I think if it's just curiosity and a one-time thing, it probably won't hurt to indulge. I feel really sexy smoking and it makes me horny while doing so. No odor. I loved to see her smoke. She was so addicted that she ducked outside to smoke throughout the day, even during Wisconsin's bitter cold winters. But every day he keeps begging me to start up again. Hope You All Enjoy.Please Subscribe. Our dining room was just filled with smoke and we finished the entire pack that night. I would never have started dating her had she been an avid smoker. To get you started, simply download the hypnosis app on your phone or computer. Its okay to keep things hidden but if asked about it, no lying. Plus, I think she only smokes at night after I've heard them "active". Smoking alway been a deal breaker. Do your parents smoke? More often than not, people who have been there would gladly share tips and pieces of advice that could really help you in your journey towards recovery. Welbutrin is used to treat depression but also prescribed to help with smoking cessation. I quit smoking about a month ago and the withdrawals are tough and the addiction keeps trying to bring you back in. I love the smell of cigarette smoke in her hair as I cuddle her. I don't want to stop smoking, especially sense he says I look so sexy doing it. I knew my wife started smoking socially when she's out with her friends on weekends after I found a pack of cigarettes in her purse and asked her about it. To be clear in this, it is my opinion that the point of telling your W your fetish/fantasy should have no bearing on whether she chooses to actually smoke or not. Women who smoke and suffer from HPV are also more at risk of cervical cancer, as it weakens the immune systems ability to fight HPV infections. RT @Ruhrpott_44623: I started smoking at 17 and have had no problems with it. This addictive chemical substance can also get passed on through the milk itself, which could affect their babies in the following ways: Natural menopause takes place when the ovarian follicle pool (which becomes pre-ovulatory follicles and is released when a woman ovulates) falls below the threshold level. Pocket. Do Cigarettes Expire? But he got lead poisoning and his work was in denial about him being near lead. THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, just had my 2nd child with my beautiful wife of 9 years. When both smoked when we started dating. nicoderm extra strength worked, felt like i had the flu for a week and was a raging lunatic for like three months. I would be more worried about the health/ $$$ side of it. She eventually got addicted to itshe smoked with her husband, in front of the kids, at work, and even as she drove. People are free to choose what they want to do and I'm fine with it but the consequences are a completely different story. Even I'm up to 2 packs a day now. This should help you create a plan to minimize or completely avoid the same mistakes youve committed. She could try Wellbutrin they say its used for depression and it curbs the need to smoke. You should certainly be supporting her in her efforts to stay quit smoking, it is an unhealthy and addictive thing to do. So I did exactly when this poster did and kept lighting cigs for my wife whenever I lit up. I asked her if she smokes frequently, and she said no more than 2 cigarettes a week and not every week. She grew curious every time and eventually bought a pack of cigarettes. So, why are women having a hard time quitting? Take a close up video of her puffing away and send it to her phone daily, as if that would work. I get to see her smoke more and she is so much happier as well. I even tried a laser therapy and that made things worse. I looked in her gym bag and found my headphones and a pack of cigarettes. In 2011, after more than 30 years, I bought an EGO-T just out of interest. My 11 year old daughter was smoking in See today's best, hand picked, Amazon deals - Updated daily. I wanted to keep communication open so I knew where she stood with this and didnt hide it from me for some time. He tells me he'd do anything in the world to turn me on, and doesn't understand why I refuse to please him by smoking. I went on a stress spiral, this toppled my already full plate. But she decided to do so anyway. Getting wife to smoke. It's not even a disgusting fetish to me in my opinion. Is it the same as a partner putting on weight? She just lit up while we were driving up north. I don't think you need to regret anything! When I first started smoking cigarettes in my early 20s, it just kind of happened a cigarette here and there, usually at a bar, sometimes on the drive home from work. Ive been smoke free for almost 8 years. I must admit, we are really into it and maybe smoke twice a week. I was busted and confessed that on ocassion I did smoke. If I don't like them then, I can quit. It could also increase her risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, breast cancer, and all-cause mortality. I used that brain washing book by Allen Carr . My wife, smoker, died miserably of lung cancer in 2017. My wife smoked in her teens when I first knew her. The way I quit was that I got really sick one time. I stopped cold turkey after decades. Cathy started smoking cigarettes years ago for her smoker husband named Paul. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. P.S. - Casually and frequently Offering to go grab coffee for both of us and then spending 30+ min (the coffee shop is 2 min drive away). Im disgusted and have no clue what to do, because she said she is never quitting. Your reaction . Two of the most common prescription medications used are Varenicline and Bupropion. My wife of 36 years started smoking at 59. Next: How Much Does Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Cost? As others suggested, Wellbutrin is an anti depressant that also helps with quitting smoking. It was in the 70s & 80s. The hardest part with quitting is getting through the first few days. Bottom line, unless you really want to quit it just isnt going to happen. She cant smoke around the kids or in the house or wear the same clothes if she is to touch the kids she has He probably needs more time before he gets on the same page as you. This may seem like a tedious task, but it will help you tremendously especially during the first few months. Just like Paul, there are more husbands who suffer from smoking fetish. If she decides to indulge you, be sure it is an occasional thing. We talked i made so rules that. It is making a conscious choice that negatively impacts your partner. Although they have both quit smoking 15 years into the marriage, she recalls feeling glad about her decision to smoke back then. Make a list of the minor and major things that would make you reach for a cigarette. I've left someone 3 years into the relationship because he started smoking. It didnt take him much to do it. Maybe ask her if she's able to cut back. It could be every month, every week, or even after overcoming every trigger. Then I asked her if shes been smoking more frequently, and she said no. Smoking can cause blockages in the fallopian tubes. Then call the Quitline and talk to them about how you can help her to quit before years go by and she will find it harder. He should support and motivate you in your journey. We have two kids. Anyway, so once I found out I said I'd quit straight up as I don't want her doing it. In fact, help him to INCREASE his intake! I recently married the most amazing man in the whole world, "Jeremy.". She is suffering frompost-natal depression and she started smoking cigarettes and Im at the end with them. At least it was his own decision to smoke. It so cool that you almost dont want to wake up because you want to see how it ends! It was not the nicotine that hooked her and she certainly did not have an addictive personality - she didn't even care for coffee - it was the pure feeling that smoking gave her. I smoke a pack a day, same brand. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. When I asked her yesterday, I made it clear that I am not mad. It also comes with a tracker so you can check your progress. My wife tried pulling that over me as well. This reddit is a place for redditors to motivate each other to quit smoking. I helped a pregnant lady get in without an appointment when I worked for an acupuncturist. I smoke cigars like cigaretts phille titans there long draw so easy to fill my lungs, Itow love to big cigaas 3 at a once so much smoke and my wife a quad do sexy all that smok e, I 2 love smoking cigars pipes cigs hooka i just love smoking so much. I dont like to go search her stuff but its eating me inside the fact that she might be lying. I tried what this poster did, and through the pandemic I brought him up to smoking one every twenty minutes or so. I told her how I am concerned for her, why the sudden need to turn to these products and she doesnt see an issue and says she will not stop for the sake of the relationship. The patch. If you gave me an option 2 months ago of quitting or losing a relationship I would have chosen smokes. After nine goes of IVF - today I found out I'm pregnant! Your poor children are getting second and third hand smoke. Tell her. i was a closet smoker organic cigs..1 to 2 packs a week for 20 yrs. He always had a smoking fetish as a child and was helplessly addicted to it. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? We were sitting on the patio of the resort we were staying at and she walked in the room and came out with her pack. Sadly, smoking isnt as easy to quit as it is to start. She knows my stance on smoking as this topic came multiple times since her father smokes (we eventually convinced him to quit). If youre a smoker, youve probably wondered at some point: Do cigarettes expire? Yuck, I know, but of all the things I ever did (drinking, blow, etc), smoking was by far the most addictive, difficult thing to quit. She also has an office at her company, but she tends to work from home. Cigarettes will start to taste terrible and after a couple of weeks, you really do lose all desire to smoke. Not post natal. THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, just had my 2nd child with my beautiful wife of 9 years. Otherwise the picture you've painted sounds like she's sponging off you to buy smokes, alcohol and drive her around . But you have to understand that your husband is suffering from the addiction, too. Best of luck, CHANTIX, it worked like magic for me and I swear by it. tell her she smokes, you leave. Or just tell wife that you learned that there is the nursing home has a suspicion of drugs, and will probably have mandatory drug testing. She never smoked before or drank. However, she is concerned that her efforts are not enough after finding out her husband fantasizes about other women who also smoke. RebaRocket 3 yr. ago. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. She says, I did it 28 years ago. The first girl I had a long term sexual affair with was older than I was (18/24) and was a smoker. nicotine reduces the supply of breast milk, may deplete the quantity and reduce the quality of ovarian follicles, How to Pray to Quit Smoking: Breaking Addiction with Prayer And Other Tools. I would just explain to her that you've had this fetish for a long time and you finally feel comfortable sharing it with her as you are more confident about your sexualityetcmake sure you don't sound like you are pressuring her and make her feel as if this will strengthen the bond between you too You should just tell her straight up to start smoking while you're having sex if that's what you're into. Women that smoke is a turn on for me. You must have a plan in place to help you succeed. This question has been closed and is no longer accepting answers. He likes to smoke now too. I pleaded to quit, as she has been lying to me about charges, questioning my whereabouts, very . Ugh its so good! I called her at work to ask where she put the headphones and she didnt pick up. She can also speak to her doctor about quitting and the options availible. It is just straight up discipline just like dieting there are no easy fixes.. I smoke a pack a day, same brand. Would that be OK as a part of your fantasy? You do not have to like her smoking or her smokey breath. I quit smoking by just stopping. My husband cooled and now he loves watching me smoke. I think this was kind of a bonding experience. The road to recovery is different for everybody. my partner started smoking. NNK is one of the strongest carcinogens found in cigarettes also known to cause lung cancer and breast cancer. I dd not make a deal of it until I knew why she would start smoking so late in life. They are afraid their husband will cheat on them. I still hadn't smoked in front of him but I found myself taking more chances (like when we were at parties together and I'd slip away outside). Let her have her enjoyment with controls. My gf got me start. She finally went to the store and bought a pack of VS 120's. Tread carefully with that one. She only smoked once since we got back from travel (2 weeks ago). Chewies and a shower before bed is not a big ask at all, but remember she's not a leper and she won't take too kindly to being treated like one because she is smoking. When the progesterone levels are at their peak, the brain blocks nicotine receptors. Wasnt until i googled lead poisoning and told him he had every freaking symptom of lead poisoning that he went and got tested for it. We were having sex the other night i could smell it on her breath. I know she probably smokes when she's away from home but it's not easy to tell. i used to chain smoke dunhill international and davidoff gold. She needs to quit. I smoked for 4 years. If she is willing to play along and indulge you I think it most certainly WILL become a full-on fetish. 2 days later I was a non-smoker. In other words, you may get to the point where you can't function sexually without the fetish. Many factors come into play such as how long youve been smoking, the environment you live in, the amount of support you get from your family, and your determination and commitment. A woman shares, My husband has a smoking fetish I am a smoker and am completely okay and enjoy smoking for my husband.. I am just trying to understand and help her quit if shes smoking a lot and she confirmed that she rarely smokes. you better not be reading this, but I remember smoking my . I smoked for 15 yrs. Personally, I don't worry about my health. She said all her life she wanted to try smoking and never did. Management will probably test everyone then. After months of no success, he finally relented. My six year old girl My husband and I are both heavy smokers. Just a note. Smoking can have negative effects on a marriage, especially if only one spouse smokes. Also, I am assuming that, since your wife no longer smokes, that this hasn't become a full-on "fetish" for you. I am starting to feel good about myself again. Meet Amanda B. Amanda started smoking in 5th grade, and by the time she was 13 years old, she smoked every day. That was the first week of march and still not one ciggie . I selfishly wanted her to smoke more. I started remembering all the signs I mentioned above and now I am super agitated. Pamela Lea, a woman who successfully kicked the habit after 30 years of smoking, advises smokers to look at their mistakes as learning experiences. Once you start to quit, you will experience withdrawal symptoms that will challenge you physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you find a cigarette of her's break them up. Best of luck to you and your family, especially your wife. It evolved into a pack a . He says, I love to this day seeing Cathy with a cigarette in her hand, and smoke wafting from her mouth as she speaks to me. It felt great! Its preference. she wonders why we can't afford a holiday. Some wives find it hard to tell their husbands they want to quit smoking. Thanks to todays technological advancements, however, this treatment can now be done right at the comfort of your own home. I feel bad for her. She practiced while I was at work. Don't get me wrong, it is really bad that your wife started smoking. After we got married, I thought it would be nice if he could share smokes with me, so I started coaxing him to try it. My boyfriend telling me he was disgusted by it helped me, and the weening method. She asked if I would lite her cigarette for her. FarSide - It most certainly escalate if you keep focusing on it. Keep up the good work! There are more reasons why wives start smoking for their husbands. When she looked in the mirror and saw herself with a cigarette, she felt . and deprive him of a fully satisfying sexual life. It is the most disgusting habit ever, she wakes in the morning and instead of saying good morning to me she runs straight down stairs and smokes a cigarette, its like she needs that to be her first breath of the day. Good luck if you love her get her help! what helped me quit was replacing the habit with something healthier. Now, she puffs away 2 packs a day. Going cold turkey or quitting immediately may sound difficult, but this quick-fix method has actually helped some smokers turn their backs on cigarette smoking like Joanna. Traditionally, CBT is done in a professional setting with the aid of a professional therapist. After 20 years of smoking (started at age 14) I quit using it after nothing else worked. It involves the use of FDA-approved prescription drugs that help interfere with the brains nicotine receptors. "Women teach men life and men teach women death." - Lighters everywhere. Its always been a dealbreaker for both of us. Nikki had smoked fiv e cigarettes in the past five or six hours after smoking one in the previous 15 years of her life and she was hooked. Everyone used to smoke in the 90s. It seemed like such a bad girl thing and it doesnt fit her personality. I never had to worry about things like if I had cigarettes, if I had a lighter, if I would be able to sneak off outside to smoke., She also noticed that her sense of smell and breathing improved, and she no longer smelled like an ashtray full of stale cigarette butts.. Why is it unacceptable to leave someone for that but ok for smoking. My wife grew up in a household where her dad smoked til she was 14. What about E-cigarettes? Come and simply share your passion for smoking. Cookie Notice Offer to help her quit and if she doesn't want to I would be thinking about separating. Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from cervical cancer than women who do not smoke. All he did was smoke right in front of her with pure satisfaction on his face. Not only is it beneficial for both of you, but it will also spare your kids (if you have any) from the effects of second-hand smoking. I wish I could smoke during sex. Hmm there are far more things worse than smoking- think about that for a second, yes, I would leave. Is it a relapse? She is so sexy when she smokes. I really not ok with it. He now smokes about 7 or 8 B&Hs a day, and while he was concerned about his health at first, the more the addiction has taken a hold of him, the less he cares. On the other hand, the same chemical response was released in the dorsal striatum of the female brain, which is linked to habit formation. I also took her car a month ago and plugged my phone and would have noticed the cigarettes if it was there. She immediately beamed a bright smile and asked me if I'd like to try one then. We are high school sweethearts and she is the only woman I have ever had sex with. Eat pure non processed foods, and healthy snacks. And dont say a hypnotist because my buddy Dave tried that twice and it never worked.- nik. But this isn't very easy for her. farside, hookah bar is an awesome idea, atleast if she doesn't think it would lead to temptation, they often use herbs that have no medicinal qualities at all, no nicotine or tobacco. Cathy started smoking cigarettes years ago for her smoker husband named Paul. I work away and she been spending alot of time at a friends place were they smoke plus got a hole different set of problems but anyway. if you are a wife who started smoking for your husband whether recently or years ago, and would like to end this addiction, non-nicotine treatments are the way to go. While in college, newly engagedand still smoking a pack . And you cant do it when you feel down or weak. I have a fiery determination and indefinite patience to remain free from smoking. My mums wofkmate decided in her 50s to start smoking crystal meth. If you're a smoker who's also spiritual, you may wonder if you should pray to quit smoking. The only good thing is that the two of you will perhaps die at about the same time, if you consider that a worthy goal. I think women do this later on because they've given up so much of themselves being mums & wives that they want to rebel. I put back in place and decided not to mention it. I never really liked doing it until after a breakup with a guy a little over a year ago. I was a Hi everyone My name is Renee and I am 12 years old and I smoke I actually See today's best, hand picked, Amazon deals - Updated daily. A study conducted by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in Australia has shown that smoking can definitely affect a marriage if only one spouse smokes, especially if its the wife. I saw my wife completely different after this. She says, We went out on a date and before he picked me up I had a couple of cigarettes, when I kissed him he didnt even notice and it was better for me too I didnt have his bad taste.. And as my husband slowly starts to smoke more and more, he doesn't seem to worry about quitting either. PPD. Pregnant women who smoke greatly affect the baby inside the womb. One dabbled with smoking so that was easy and he loved the fact that there was a "certain time" when my craving for a cigarette was strongest. Cigarette smoking is an addictive habit prevalent in males. Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. We are high school sweethearts and she is the only woman I have ever had sex with. It also doesnt help that a wifes very own enabler is her spouse. But it turned out that my boyfriend had a fetish, not any fetish but a smoking fetish. and co worker/smoker. Mine didnt smoke when i started dating him either. I am excited to get to bond with my son or daughter through cigarettes. I don't get people who smoke and feel guilty all the time. P.S. Martin Buber. To give you an idea, here are common smoking triggers: There are different tried-and-tested smoking cessation methods that you can do. There are certain things that attract us to our partners, not smoking is one of those things. My husband wasn't a smoker when we met. Oct 28, 2012. farside said: My wife and I have been married for seven years and over the course of our relationship I have kept something from her: I have a fetish for women that smoke. She REALLY loves smoking, now, and doubt she would ever quit, so I guess something good came out of all of this. Both are difficult to control and started after marriage? So, how should you tell your husband that you want to quit smoking? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Has anyone else had this sort of experience? Good girl/bad girl. She said she could finish a pack every three days. Of course she knows the health risks but doesn't really care. This is especially true for relationships that live under one roof such as married couples. Smoking has killed some of my relatives, and Jeremy knows it. However, the effects may vary for every person. I have never smoked since that time. patch at target brand is better then the nicotine one..tried both preferred targets and well its less expensivei quit..and i still wear the patch at times if i feel stress coming on a throw a patch on..anything instead of cigs. No, But Heres Why Old Cigarettes Are So Dangerous, physical deformities like cleft lip and cleft palate, poor health such as diabetes and coronary heart disease, changes in brain structure like reduced brain size, changes in behavior such as crying more often. I dont want to be touched or kiss between a smoke and a shower and brushed teeth But the other night she tried to sneak one in when i was asleep and when she come back into the room i asked to have a shower and she spat it. He wants to smell it on . He should brush his teeth and shower immediately upon coming home (if he smoked outside). I smoke four packs a day, and have for a long time. And, Kudos to you, for being cool about it. Maybe do the search on the net for smoker's lung pathology pictures. While the habit of smoking cigarettes causes women numerous health complications and even death, such consequences are actually preventable if only they choose to stop. Although she continues to smoke to this day, she has repeatedly expressed her desire to quit. I'm too in love with cigarettes to quit. I hate the smell of smokers, it makes me sick. 30 Apr 2023 12:09:30 coworker,if she remember where she 'hid her cigarettes and lighter on. About three months ago she talked about smoking and I couldn't imagine her doing that. pray, meditate & the nicotine patch.. 2 1/2 years smoke free after 30 years of smoking. YOur wife is acting extremely selfish, she does not care about your innocent childrens health, your marriage and quite frankly you she is subjecting them to deadly diseases. My next door neighbor, though, is a smoker. One rule except for our bed room, no smoking in the rest of the house. Smoking is a symptom, not a cause. Last night my wife and I went to a family wedding. My fingers, clamped on the little cigarette, looked porcine, oversized, poorly positioned. But as with any situation, the best step to overcoming a problem is to understand it fully. Women kill themselves & some kill their babies because of it. Nov 25th, 2013 - 2:00 PM. What is 120s? This is a good submission. But what I love the most is her utter dependence on cigarettes, her lust for the smoke, and her surrender every day to the forbidden fruit..
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