Obviously 8th house family synastry can manifest in various ways; this is just one way that I have seen it manifest. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. Jupiter in your Solar Return chart can show you the area of life in which you may be attracting more luck and abundance over the next year. hypothesis of deities and worship. These contacts are meant to teach you about the area of life that is represented by the planet that is aspecting the north node. Its not to say your entire life will be falling apart! However, the calculator may instead say youre Saturnian. <3 #1. All my long term friends and I have Venus trine/sextile/or conjunct Saturn in synastry. Venus square Neptune is an aspect I dont like seeing when it comes to composite charts. Chiron, Pluto, Mars, or Saturn in the 10th house often manifests as a father wound. A solar return year in which you have your solar return ascendant in the same sign as your natal 7th house, could be a year in which you are focusing on your intimate relationships . This is more of a personal example, but every solar return year in which I have had Saturn or Mars in the 12th house of my solar return chart, have been very difficult mental health years for me! Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations Ive found that people who are mars dominant or have prominent Aries or Scorpio placements in their charts really enjoy fitness or some kind of physical activity/hobby. A Taurus Rising in a composite chart can show a couple who are very physically affectionate with each other, especially in public. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. With that being said, I find it to be particularly difficult in social houses (3rd, 7th, 11th) It creates a wedge and a block between the native and their peers. Nobody knew we were seeing each other, and we had been on and off -on the low for years. I say inconveniences as that is exactly what these transits are, as the tend to impact technology, communication, transport, travels, and relationships. People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. People who have their luminaries, or Venus sign in Libra often prefer sweet over savory. (This can be in a positive or a negative way). It can be deeply intimate if their planets in these houses are making easy aspects. The 8th house IS the house of change, death, and transformation. Overtime the two people may find that theres a disconnect between them. Interestingly, people who have Neptune in the 1st house/conjuncting the Ascendant or aspecting the ascendant, tend to be photogenic. However, there has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 5th house, and winning lottery money. While Trine gives a more of a fun and carefree personality and conjunctions indicates being a down ass bitch. However, lets say mercury retrograde is occurring in the sign of Libra (this is the current case), Individuals who have major Libra placements will be affected for the duration of the retrograde period. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. You can have amazing synastry, but if someone is in a terrible place in their lives, the relationship may not live up to its potential. People who have Leo on their descendent (7H) are prone to attracting romantic partners who are domineering. It could also mean that they are drawn to you, even though you are not their usual type. I personally know someone who has the ruler of their 10th (mars), placed in their 3rd house! If you have Cancer in the 2nd house, Cancer Sun, Moon and dominant can help you with your finances, spending habits and better your relationship with money and vices. Alternatively, you may have a personal planet that is the same as the sign that is on the 5th house of your parents composite chart! Interestingly, Ive found Uranus in the 3rd house to be common in the charts of couples who are in long distance relationships. Thus, Mars transits tend to be more difficult for me. nox's astrology masterlist of nox's astrological hypotheses Your 4th house (IC) can also show how other people perceive your upbringing. These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. Astrology Observations Venus in Pisces makes people devoted to God and spirituality, and may not be interested in love. If its Venus, both people can be healing their values and sense of self-worth. Living on your Chiron line in astrocartography can bring up issues related to your Chiron. Masterlist & Last post. Composite charts let us know how an established relationship is likely to play out, and the key themes of the relationship! Women with Venus-Pluto aspects in their charts (especially the opposition, conjunction & square) often attract envy or hostility from other women. Hope youre doing great and feeling positive. Water mercuries often communicate from a place of emotion, and they often take criticism from others very personally. Even though Taurus and Libra are Venusian siblings and their opposites are Aries and Scorpio, the Martian siblings, each sign fits with others opposite. (Please note that these are just a few examples), Originally posted by you-deserve-the-stars, This post is inspired by @zeldasnotes post about her personal experiences with certain placements etc.. You will experience deep healing or the potential to develop significant (emotional, psychological or physical) wounds in this location. astrology observations! Please do not repost any of my work on any other social media platform , I also want to say that astrology should not be used to scare, or discourage anyone. Secretly Shadowy Moon. Please let me know your opinions and thoughts, share with us your own observations and rants. You may work frequently with large groups of people, or it could be that social media plays a large role in your career. Saturn can be a tough teacher but if you learn the lessons and convert its energy to your advantage youll basically become unstoppable. Originally posted by flippinfins. Interestingly, I have often seen similarities between the angles in parent-child synastry! You also want to look at auspicious transits to the 5th house to find days when youre likely to win a small cash prize! I have found that people who have mars conjunct their North Node often become quite well known after their deaths or for their deaths. Alternatively, their relationships often become public knowledge. Welcome to my 4th installment of Astro Notes and Observations. Anyway, I find when Mars transits my 10th house or 12th house, my life literally falls apart. This can either be in a friendly advice, leading by example, or you falling for a scheme they did but youll ultimately learn nevertheless.). In synastry, Ive noticed that couples who have Hard aspects (squares, oppositions, conjunctions) to each others Venus and Mars, often have very steamy/active sex lives. Please credit me if youre going to use my work, or ask me beforehand. Astrology Observations - Angel Hard aspects made to the natal Sun, can also indicate a difficult relationship with the father. Ruler of Ascendant placed in the 9th house! Im not saying it will be an easy year (though it can be). If you have very little earth in your chart, you might find that you struggle when it comes to perseverance. Its often not a relationship thats meant to be long-term, but its a very significant one nonetheless. You are always aware of what other people are doing in your space. (Whether this is true or not, this is how people perceive your childhood). However, I believe that Astrology should be used in a way that enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves. (This is not a fact, just an observation). Alternatively, they are sometimes the ones who cant let their exes go. Hmm, maybe I have, people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy from others. They're living in their own world with their own ideas and all that stuff, though, so why wouldn't they be? Astrology Observations: Solar Returns #2 Uranus in the 10th house of a solar return chart can indicate a change in your career Saturn in the 2nd of a solar return chart might indicate a financial loss Venus in the 11th house of the solar return chart usually indicates falling in love with a friend (These are just things that I have observed, not necessarily accurate. disclaimer; these are all my own views/opinions that are likely to change and are based on my own interactions, understanding and experiences !! More often than not, other women find these natives to be untrustworthy, or they accuse them of being promiscuous. For example lets say you have your rising sign in Aquarius , one or both of your parents may have their IC, descendent, or midheaven in Aquarius! I never met one and felt that in any way. You also have the potential to be a great teacher. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. Mars in Leo are strong willed and capable but that lion can be tamed with love. Alternatively, it may be a period in which you feel an increased connection with the divine. However, they are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make them out to be. Astrology Astrology Observations: Cancer Moon - Tumblr They also have Venus conjunct Saturn in their Composite chart which favors longevity, dedication, and commitment. In some cases, they may have experienced rejection or harsh criticism from others at an early age. In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! For example, a couple who both have similar mental health problems, or a couple who are both recovering from addiction etc this couple needs to be careful of the potential tendency to enable each others bad habits or delusions. -3rd house Chiron don't necessarily have a too smart/too dumb complex. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Since Blake is a Leo rising, most of Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house. These are just my personal anecdotes. (They sent me a candle and I really liked it) I have linked their store on my linktree! People who have Lilith (black moon) In the 3rd house often fear that people are talking about them, or creating false narratives about them. However, relationships that end during a mercury retrograde often dont stay broken up for long. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the observations. Pisces over the 3rd house cusp of a natal chart can indicate that the person has a talent for poetry or creative writing! Most of them are quite close with their mothers, but theres this underlying sense of competition. Someone asked me about my page chart which I got very confused over. use your persona chart for more than just insight on the planet! Some people like this synastry with their friends but I personally do not. As Ive mentioned before, Venus square Uranus in a composite chart can indicate an on-again-off again relationship. Also, where does it hit the most.(Ex. People who have Chiron conjunct Venus have the potential to become great healers through art, or anything that involves beauty & what we value. Synastry shows how you interact whereas the Composite shows the relationship as a Unit, and as a single entity. Astrology should be used as a guide, that helps us evolve, and grow as people! On the topic of chart readings, I get quite a few DMs asking if I do free chart readings. For example, mercury conjunct north node synastry, is intended to teach us about our communication styles , in relationships and how we may improve that. Having your natal mercury in your 9th house, can suggest that you have frequently traveled abroad. This can also mean meeting significant partners in a professional setting. They are the type to very determined and very invested in their career. Scorpio and Libra, on the other hand, are known for deception and putting up a facade. To be very honest I try shy away from associating astrological placements/aspects with certain illnesses or conditions. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and it is said to be a very beneficial planet for those who want to go into acting/the arts. It helps if you have 11th, 7th, and 5th house transits happening at the same time too! If you own your own business you may see an improvement in sales or clients over this next year. jupiter square sun big ego. You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. 3rd House: Eclipses to your third house, highlight issues surrounding communication, learning, siblings, cousins, neighbors and short distance travels. -not an astro observation but i need a sugar daddy hehe jk; -libra risings are attracted to those with dark hair/skin/humour/eyes; -cancer moons always think about improving their loved ones lifes; -jupiter/moon transits indicates moving out Alternatively, it can mean that you feel as if they have the potential to impact your reputation or your professional success! Scorpio, Pisces). Interestingly, Jupiter of Venus in the 6th house, can indicate someone who likes to over-indulge in food, and in some cases exercise. the link takes you to the permalink page. They may also be drawn to partners who have distinct Aquarian traits. I also know another who is well known for being very spiritual/into astrology, tarot & the occult! Sometimes, their sadness comes from being ignored. These people are often widely known for their beliefs. If you had both parents, your mothers influence and role in the household was the more prominent energy. Its not necessarily about looks (though it can be) but you always seem to go for the same type of guy. I will still be doing paid chart readings for the next 3 weeks before I close them indefinitely link is in my bio , Hey everyone! I'm so sorry to generalize this but I've. It also tells you whats likely to unfold. [ ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS ] : r/astrology Do not repost, plagiarize, reword. (The 12th house also governs faraway lands). When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. Any time I had planets in someones 8th house and they did not have any in my 12th, 7th, or 8th house, I found that they were far more interested in me. This is especially true of Uranus is making a square to your Moon that year! You may start meditating more, practicing tarot, or anything that connects you to the spiritual realm. Chart Readings are Still Open (unfortunately I am not offering free readings at this time for those who have asked), Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform . North node Rahu in the first house makes people really tall. natal Aquarius moons with Cancer moon in their moon pc may act very sweet & thoughtful around those closest to them. You may potentially start a new job or have significant developments in your career when you have a New Moon transiting your 6th or 10th house. Do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations. If you have the ruler of your 2nd house placed in the 3rd, you may earn money through your siblings, writing, learning or short-distance travels! Please do not repost any of my work on other social media platforms. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarizing Air moons / Air Dominants tend to deal with sad experiences with logic more than anything, enough experiences could make these natives feel numb or "detached", at times they can question if anything was even real? That's it. Love + Marriage Synastry Observations. You may experience and increase in sexual activity or a decrease. Exemple : I have Venus in 6th house and my stomach is naturally 8-shaped and flat. If the planet is Venus in the 6th, the individual may have a sweet tooth! Someone with Neptune in the 7th house and Pluto in the 4th house might be subject to being slut shamed based on the illusion that their many relationships and beauty (Neptune in 7th) makes them easy, have family issues or are home wrecker (Pluto in 4th). I havent posted in a while as I do have a full time job. Having said this, Mercury square Neptune in a birth chart is an aspect that I have seen countless times in the charts of people who have opened up with their mental health struggles. This is because the planet person is activating a certain part of your chart. However, once its passed you will become an incredibly strong person, and you will find that you more equipped to deal with lifes challenges moving forward. Peace Beloved, I'd say the answer to your question is: Yes Simple because Lilith is not the same as Eve, or the other Goddess energies This doesnt mean they cant be monogamous, because most of them are, contrary to popular belief. Friends/family members/ romantic partners who have planets falling into your 10 house in synastry, are often very supportive of your career. However, you will likely enter your next solar return year in a completely different financial, physical or even emotional head space. 6th house = stomach. Scorpio and Libra, on the other hand, are known for deception and putting up a facade. hypothesis of marriage. On the more positive side, people with this aspect often have some kind of creative/artistic talent such as being able to sing,draw, act etc individuals with this placement are also likely to advocate for mental health awareness, or the end to the stigmatization of mental illness! However, with 7th house synastry accompanying it, I actually took the people I had 7th and 5th house synastry with quite seriously. I dont think astrology should be used to fearmonger, but these transits are really difficult (especially if they are occurring simultaneously) . #astro observations on Tumblr #astrology observations on Tumblr Alternatively, this can also show a couple who enjoy talking DURING sex! These individuals have been exposed to extreme circumstances, and they likely will go through many cycles of death & Rebirth in their lives! For example, I know one person with this placement who is known for their controversial political beliefs. People who have their Sun in the 9th house, often settle abroad. My baby lives in shades of blue, blue eyes and jazz and attitude. 10th house just seems like so many people are turning against me. As in, they were the ones who seemed to be obsessed with me, and i did not reciprocate that energy. Interestingly, the years where I had many planets in the solar return 5th, 11th, and 1st houses were the best years of my life! Aries Venus people are often attracted to partners who are ambitious and accomplished. When your progressed moon makes a conjunction to any of the angles (1,4,7,10th houses) expect to see major changes in your life. Its not the worst, and if other factors support the idea of a healthy and long-term relationship between two people, it can actually be a good thing. part one: observations using my hypothesis. Our composite Ascendant is in Scorpio, and our composite Venus is in the 12th house! The season of the sign over the house your Moon resides in can be very difficult or a period of many emotional roller coasters. Many friends I have lost and met in February/Aquarius season). The generation that has their Chiron in Scorpio are no strangers to transformation! Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Astrology - Analyzing the Big 4 of the Golden Age of Hollywood - PART 2 Originally posted by wantsneedsandloves This is a long list of asteroids related to beauty, separated into Part 2 and Part 3. Many people with these signs over the 3rd house often feel isolated or misunderstood in middle school/during childhood. However, she was known, and is still known as the peoples princess. Astrology observations: Solar Returns Venus in the 12th house of a solar return chart can indicate a hidden relationship (for example: an affair or a secret crush) or trials in your love life (for example: a current relationship might end, you might experience heartbreak) 1) Pisces men and Leo men are two of the most misogynist people out there. (EX. I have no problem answering a question about your chart for free but an in-depth chart reading will require you to purchase a reading. However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. Uranus in the 3rd is such an underrated intelligence placement. Pay attention to the house in which your chart ruler is placed. However, I ultimately believe the house person will always feel it more. leo placements mirrors. The best years of my life where when my solar return ascendant wears in the same sign as the signs that are over my 5th, 7th, and 11th house cusps. Transits to the composite chart also play a major role in assessing comparability. If its Neptune, you may work in the film industry, beauty (since Neptune is the higher octave of Venus) or the healing professions may appeal to you. Originally posted by heartsnmagic It's very interesting as the asteroid "psyche" is often described as being the "goddess of the soul". SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. #astrology observations on Tumblr Latest neptxn3 Follow Astrology observations I * EarthVenus' (+ degrees)have a traditional way of viewing relationships. They would listen to slow music, very emotional and heart hitting then it is followed by an earth shattering EDM track, having a rave on their own. Their relationships with the Authority figures in their lives (bosses, fathers, mentors) are also very unpredictable and constantly changing. A close conjunction between the Moon and Saturn can cause someone to feel melancholic, as it often manifests as Depression .