Waikato-Tainui's governing parliamentary body is Te Kauhanganui, a governing body of 204 tribal members 3 members from each of the 68 marae. Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. Please read our cookie policy to find out more. He led the war party down the Waikato River, along the east coast of Lake Taup. The College is the critical connection to the education ecosystem (through partnership opportunities with other education partners, marae and tribal member capability building and research.). Maximising our collective strength to achieve our aspirations. Patron for the He Kura Te Tangata Kaumatua Kapahaka festival. The iwi of Ngti Mahuta is associated with 20 marae: The iwi of Ngti Te Wehi is associated with 11 marae: The hap of Ngti Tai, Ngti Kuiaarangi and Ngti Whwhkia are associated with 8 marae: The hap of Tainui is associated with 7 marae: The hap of Ngti Thinga is associated with 6 marae: The hap of Ngti Apakura is associated with 6 marae: The hpu of Ngti Tiipa and Ngti maru are associated with 6 marae: The hpu of Ngti Hau is associated with 5 marae: The hap of Ngti Korok and Ngti Raukawa are associated with 5 marae: The hap of Ngti Mhanga and Ngti Tamainup are associated with 4 marae: The hap of Ngi Tai, Ngti Koheriki, and Ngti Tamaoho are associated with 4 marae: The hap of Ngti Hine, Ngti Naho and Ngti Pou are associated with 4 marae: The hap of Ngti Te Ata and Ngti Paretaua are associated with 4 marae: The hap of Ngti Makirangi has no marae of its own, but is associated with 4 marae: The hap of Ngti Wairere is associated with 2 marae: Ngti Kuiaarangi, Ngti Tai and Ngti Whwhkia, Ngi Tai, Ngti Koheriki, and Ngti Tamaoho, Waikato-Maniapoto Maori Claims Settlement Act 1946, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Waikato_Tainui&oldid=1144905936, Ngti Ngutu, based at Mangatoatoa marae in Te Awamutu and Rkaunui marae near Kawhia, Ngti Paretekawa, based at Mangatoatoa marae in Te Awamutu and Rkaunui marae in Hauturu, Ngti Puhiawe, based at Waipapa marae in Kawhia, Ngti Ruru, based at Prwera marae near Te Awamutu, Ngti Werokoko, based at Prwera marae near Te Awamutu, This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 06:34. Te Whakakitenga o Waikato (formerly known as Te Kauhanganui) is the tribal authority that represents tribal members of the 68 Marae of Te Whakakitenga o Waikato. Te Kaokaoroa-o-Paatetere. [4], During the Ngti TamaNgti Twharetoa War the Ngti Twharetoa ariki, Waikari had attacked and killed the Ngti Raukawa rangatira Pout, who was a cousin of Te Ata-inutai. Tainui Waka carried our voyaging tuupuna whose descendants settled the lands of the Tainui Waka rohe. During the siege, Te Ata-inutai was struck by a spear made of mnuka wood and wounded. Under the tutorship of Turongo Paki and Kahurangi Muru the roopu will soon take, Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui, Te Papa 2011, Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui, Auckland Museum 2011. Ko Mangatoatoa ki waenganui. the Kawhia harbour. there, Te Wharepouri, joined up with the trader
As university students across New Zealand commence their first semester studies this week, we celebrate pirana Turupa Ngata (1874-1950, Ngti Porou) whose many achievements include being the first Mori to complete a degree at a New Zealand university. Explore the range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities currently available to tribal members. Following the 1995 Waikato Raupatu Settlement, a governance model was implemented that incorporates a democratic structure. So our approach for moving forward is one that embraces change and focuses on supporting our marae and tribal members by optimising our resources, leveraging our relationships, and exhibiting efficient practices. Plymouth. It's a fifty-year long development approach to building the capacity of our iwi, hapuu and marae. Te reo Maaori me ngaa tikanga o Waikato are an important part of our identity and sense of belonging. 53, pp 170 -173, and the Ngarimu Souvenir Programme, page 20 for the English version and commentary]. Te Rauangaanga was a chief of the Ngti Mahuta hap of the Waikato tribe and principal war chief of the tribes of the Waikato region of northern New Zealand. Te Rauparaha's Ngati Toa people right out of the
Proverbs - Ng Whakatauk, Ng Whakatauk - Mori Language.net Waikato-Tainui has proudly developed this whare as a long-term home for the hard-working kaimahi (staff) of ACC in a way that benefits ACC, Hamilton, our wider region and Waikato-Tainui itself, she says.
Tainui waiata | Page 1 of 7 - National Library of New Zealand Tomairangi establised Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui in 2008, a roopu of rangatahi who were invited to the New Years festival in Beijing China. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui (WTOT) was formed in 2008 for a roopu of Rangatahi who were asked to attend the annual New years festival in Beijing China, Founded by Tomairangi Paki the roopu had revived waiata from Taniwharau Cultural Group and Waiata from composers such as Pumi Taituha and Harata Tupaea. Waikato-Tainui and Marutuahu agreed Framework in relation to areas of shared customary interests and the Waikato River Deed of Settlement. Share this item. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui strive to teach, and revive waiata whakangahau and waiata moteatea to our kaumatua and rangatahi, . The explanations follow on the title given in Grey's Nga Moteatea (M. 16) which describes the song as "a Lament for a Basket of rotted Kumara seeds.". Calendar Songs. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. It's easy to turn JavaScript on -, Co-management of Waikato and Waipa rivers, find out how to enable JavaScript in your browser, Central Whanganui (Te Korowai o Wainuirua), Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tmaki nui-a-Rua, Rangitne o Wairarapa and Rangitne Tamaki nui--Rua, Whanganui Land Settlement (lower reaches of Whanganui), Deed of Settlement in relation to the Waikato River, Deed of Settlement in relation to the Waikato River Schedule, Agriculture, Forestry and Biosecurity Accord with Director-General, Agriculture, Forestry and Biosecurity Accord with Ministers, Deed of Covenant by Waikato Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc, Waikato-Tainui and Marutuahu agreed Framework in relation to areas of shared customary interests and the Waikato River Deed of Settlement, Agreement in Principle for the Settlement of Historical Claims in relation to the Waikato River, Terms of Negotiation (River, West Coast Harbours, Wairau & Waiuku blocks). Leveraging our collective buying power to create wealth opportunities for tribal members and marae. Today marked the start of construction of a new home for ACC in Hamilton. expressed in Wharetiki's spiritual and intensely
To the place called the long armpit of Paatetere.[1]. Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre, Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre Referral Form. Mehemea he mahi pai moo te tangata, mahia, A high performing organisation making an impact. Know what to expect during the home buying process,with a group of likeminded people. On Saturday Kiingi Tuheitia presided over the karakia and opening, alongside around 130 other guests including ACC Chair Steve Maharey and Chief Executive Megan Main. Learn about the key information you will need to know and ways to get support as a whaanau. Across five key pou, Hapori, Taiao, Kaupapa, Whai Rawa and Mahi Tonu, we group and measure our mahi. It is our responsibility to ensure we are taking full advantage of our strengths and resources to realise our Whakatupuranga 2050 vision. The opportunity we have through combining our collective strengths is to identify and endorse the return on investments that have both an economic and social return for our tribal members and marae. Its captain, Hoturoa, and other leaders were entombed nearby at Muriwhenu, literally the "grieving-place." . of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough. [4] The genealogical links (whakapapa) resulting from the marriage between Waitapu and Te Rangi-ita are recounted in a waiata by Peou, which is included in pirana Ngata and Pei Te Hurinui Jones' collection of waiata Nga Moteatea. We support tribal members' success by providing grants, scholarships and support for personal development opportunities. Keyword Post Date Category Tag Our settlement has enabled the building of a solid financial foundation. In his mind's eye, he was one of those esturine birds. Te Ata-inutai's forces attacked the fort, but its defences were too strong for them, so they settled into a siege.
I also have these Maori songbooks too. This video follows the journey by waka along the Waikato River as described in the well known traditional chant composed by Rangi Harrison called "Waikato te awa" (The Waikato River). In the changing global environment the world our future generations live in will be significantly different to ours. History of the Maori, History
Waikato-Tainui has an insurance programme to ensure our marae have insurance that is affordable and offers peace of mind. Whether its a whare or a new pakihi this is a great way to turn your dreams into a plan.
Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha; The Songs: Scattered To seal the peace, Te Rangi-ita married Waitapu, daughter of Te Ata-inutai and his wife Te Kahu-rere-moa. Te Ata-inutai was a Mori rangatira (chieftain) of the Ngti Raukawa iwi in the Tainui tribal confederation based at Whare-puhunga in the Waikato region of New Zealand.He led an attack against Ngti Twharetoa on the south shore of Lake Taup, as a result of disputes arising from the Ngti Tama-Ngti Twharetoa War and forged a peace treaty with the Twharetoa chieftain Te Rangi-ita . [5] Te Ata-inutai gathered a war party in order to get revenge for this killing. The project supports Marae in maintaining our important traditions, by ensuring they have confident and competent divers who can provide kaimoana to their marae, safely. Maori King Movement in New Zealand, Ancient
Amohia Ake is the culmination of ACCs partnership with Waikato-Tainui, with Tainui Group Holdings developing the new whare which will house around 800 of our people, bringing together two existing Hamilton offices. Ngati Toa stealthily evacuated Te
Waikato is a growing tribe of over 80,000, and just like our tuupuna before us, we are voyagers and pioneers. Tainui Moteatea. [20] Pei Te Hurinui Jones gives a similar account, which he heard from Tuturu Hne Tere of Ngti Twharetoa and Ngti Raukawa descent.[21]. Wharepouri decided to move his Te Ati Awa people
Our focus is on optimising outcomes, increasing efficiencies and facilitating future partnership and procurement opportunities for tribal members.
Ngti Twharetoa - Wikipedia Second Language. More generally the harbour is known as the . We are working on a new approach for tribal-wide social procurement. The four-storey complex is located on the corner of Collingwood and Tristram streets, and only a short walk from major public transport routes and the Hamilton Central Transport hub. We are here to support you in your business through the coordinated utilisation of our expertise, our resources, and our partnerships to help your business to thrive. Te ngoto o tna ngwhI na uma khai I rikarikaA Maungatautari, a Maungakawa,ku puke maunga, ng taonga tuku iho:Hoki ake nei au ki tku awa koioraMe na pikongaHe kura tangihia o te mtmuri.E whakawhiti atu ai I te kp mniaO KirikiriroaMe na mra kai, te ngwh whakatupuAke o te whenua mmona,Hei kawe ki Ngruawhia,Te huinga o te tangata.Ar, te pae haumako, hei okiokinga mTaku upoko,Hei tirohanga atu m raro I ng hhO Taupiri.Kei reira r, kei te oroko hanganga o te tangataWhia te tungaroa o te whare,Te whakaputanga m te Kngi. Its primary goals were to cease the sale of land to Paakehaa, stop inter-tribal warfare, and provide a springboard for the preservation of Maaori culture in the face of Paakehaa colonisation. Build confidence and new habits around money, with our free Financial Literacy course. Whatahoro (1913), The State of Mori RightsMargaret Mutu (2011), Mau Moko: The World of Mori TattooNgahuia Te Awekotuku, Linda Waimarie Nikora, Mohi R. Rua, Rolinda Karapu and Becky Nunes (2007), Te Toi Whakairo: The Art of Mori CarvingSir Hirini Moko Mead (1986), Mori Television: The First Ten YearsJo Smith (2016), Ptea Whakairo: Mori and the Written WordBradford Haami (2004), The Coming of the MaoriPeter H. Buck (1949), Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons - Angus McFarlane, Sonja McFarlane & Melinda Webber (2015), Hkoi: Forty Years of Mori ProtestAroha Harris (2004), Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha; The Songs: Scattered Pieces from Many Canoe AreasApirana Turupa Ngata (19281988), Ko Tahu, Ko Au: Ki Tahu Tribal IdentityHana ORegan (2001), Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou: Struggle Without EndRanginui Walker (1990), A Korao [krero] no New Zealand; or the New Zealanders first book; being an attempt to compose some lessons for the instruction of the natives Thomas Kendall (1815), A Whakapapa of Tradition: One Hundred Years of Ngti Porou Carving, 18301930Ngarino Ellis (2016), Colonising Myths Mori Realities: He Rukuruku WhakaaroAni Mikaere (2011). Listen to the Waiata: click here. The name Amohia Ake takes its significance from a Waikato-Tainui tongikura (saying), Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te whei ao - the wellbeing of the people is paramount.. [16], The earliest published account of Te Ata-inutai's life is included in a 1904 article by Walter Edward Gudgeon, with no indication of the sources on which it is based. Here is how you can buy it. Ng whakamoemiti, whakawhetai, e Ihu eMo au manaakitanga, ki te iwi e tau neiKo koe te piringa, ka puta ki te orangaE te ariki, pai marireE te ariki pai marire. [12], According to Pei Te Hurinui Jones, however, Waitapu's first son was born at Marae-kwhai and, when Te Ata-inutai heard about it, he travelled there in order to perform the tohi baptismal ritual for the newborn, who was called Tama-mutu. [17] A detailed account was given by Hoata Te Hata between 1916 and 1918. Waikato Te Awa. [19] F. L. Phillips gives an account in his 1989 book on Tainui historical geography, which he heard from Kahu Te Kuru of Ngti Manunui. ancestral homelands, they chose death instead, as
Learn about Te Rau Mahi the iwi professionals network. Movement Idea. while his people walked overland (map). Find our press releases and other media here too. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. Working towards the restoration and enhancement of our wai and whenua to the state in Kiingi Taawhiaos maimai aroha.
If you are in NZ, you can hunt for it at your local library or Kohanga Reo. the tide of Kawhia: but
Use the Cross or Check marks in the top toolbar to select your answers in the list boxes. killed at the well-defended Ngamotu Pa, but Te
We support tribal members' success by providing grants, scholarships and support for personal development opportunities. my spirit, In 1821, northern tribes drove
It also encourages active and sustainable transport options with 82 bicycle parks, end of trip facilities and 12 charging stations for electric vehicles. The executive board is Te Arataura, which has 10 representatives elected from Te Kauhanganui and an 11th member appointed by the Mori king.
[1], Te Ata-inutai was the son of Upoko-iti, a descendent of Raukawa and, through him, a direct descendant of Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui canoe. Rauparaha taken by canoe around Honipaka Point,
Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us.